Zhirinovsky's Russian Empire

Would Paltusovo become more mixed with Russians and Japanese though? Can the Japanese government use Kunashiri as a dumping ground for the Koreans living in Japan plus the burakumin? (Burakumin are basically people who are considered untouchable by Japanese society)
been reading this the whole time, but never commented. Well, let me fix that... this is interesting and very well written. This last chapter had a very nice human touch in the 'accidental capitalist'; nice to see what some ordinary guy is doing in the face of all the world shaking things going on around him...
Would Paltusovo become more mixed with Russians and Japanese though? Can the Japanese government use Kunashiri as a dumping ground for the Koreans living in Japan plus the burakumin? (Burakumin are basically people who are considered untouchable by Japanese society)

It will be more mixed, but not because of a forsed influx of Koreans or burakumin. That would be a HUGE PR disaster for Japan (the UIS is given a longer leash because by Zhirinovsky standards this seems tame, and since nobody really feels that much sympathy for the Communist). For Japan to start sending Koreans to Kunashir would be a huge diplomatic disaster that would almost certainly bring down the government and would probably be domestically unpopular as well because of the international and diplomatic implications such a move would have. Even Koreans found guilty of aiding North Korea probably would be safe from that fate.
Besides, that would run contrary to Japan’s undeniable goal: to reclaim the island. Japan has not given up reclaiming Kunashiri and flooding it with angry Koreans with no love for Japan makes that much more difficult. They are quietly seeking to regain the island, but not through belligerent and militaristic means like Zhirinovsky. Rather, we would see economic and diplomatic pressure, a slow steady stream that doesn't push the UIS too hard, but is never ending, with a long term goal in mind.
Right now Kunashir is sort of a winter version of Grand Bahama Island. A poor island that had drastically improved its living standards by catering to rich tourist just a boat ride away. Now it is hardly as appealing as Freeport is in the summer, but it does become a popular mid-level destination. Much of my research on Kunashir sort of indicates this is what is happening IOTL. When the USSR and Russia were keen on keeping Kunashir isolated from Japan, recent steps to open the island up to tourism (by easing the visa restrictions and by building an airport on the Island) have led to an economic revival. But it also has something else going for it: it is unapologetically capitalistic and by Japanese standards it is dirt cheap. Look for developing property on Kunashir to emerge, and to be gobbled up by wealthy Japanese looking for a "summer cabin" or an inexpensive retirement home. Kunashir is looking to expand its income base, and a growing industry catering to Japanese retirees may soon emerge, if it hasn't already. In the short term this doesn't change the dynamic of the Island, but in 100 years who knows? Maybe the Island is so tied into the Japanese economy (and still so distant from Moscow and the rest of Russia) that they would be open to a union with Japan. Japan is more likely going to bank on this strategy than on saber rattling. And keep in mind, all the while there will be economic pressure on Moscow to give the islands back (which may be why Tokyo eased up on sanctions).

Oh, but I almost forgot, poor infrastructure and rapid construction devastates the island again in November of 2006 when an 8.3 earthquake hits the Kuril Islands. Numerous buildings collapse due to poor constructions standards, and another earthquake in 2007, this time 8.1, also devastates the island.
So what is the UIS looking like these days (ATL present day)? I take it that Georgia and the baltics are out, but what of the other republics, you wouldn't happen to have a map?

From the prelude we know about UIS 2011 UIS interventon in Georgia. However, I think it wasn't mentioned that Georgia is still UIS Republic or it was only border clash about Osetia or Abkhazia.

About other republics, it seems that UIS in 2012 is composed by Russia, Bellarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Serbian Kraina and Kazakhstan. All have Russian/Slavic majority.

We know Azerbaijan was kicked out by Lebed in 2004 and Armenia leave UIS in 2005.Also Russians retreats from Tajikistan after fall of Zhirinovsky.

The question is, what about rest of Central Asian republics, However we can see Lebed is willing to leave trublemaking non Russian, or non Slavic republics. So it is possible they will follow suit and being abadoned by Moscow after many years of costfull pacifications in name of turn UIS into country composed mostly by Slavs with solid Russian majority. However it wasnt yet mentioned.

BTW, we yet far from it, but I think that see this TL continuing after 2003 will be nice :).

This is a pretty good summary of what we know thus far. The big question marks are Georgia, Turkestan, Uzbekistan and and Kyrgyzstan.

and Thanks Belle Epocque! I have not rulled out a Lebed's Russian Empire TL yet, although I may need to recharge the batteries before I start on that. But to be honest, that might be a bit of a letdown. Lebed is reserved and not nearly as entertaining as Zhirinovsky. We would not have nearly as many colorful Zhirinovsky blunders in that TL.
been reading this the whole time, but never commented. Well, let me fix that... this is interesting and very well written. This last chapter had a very nice human touch in the 'accidental capitalist'; nice to see what some ordinary guy is doing in the face of all the world shaking things going on around him...

Thanks Dave! Appreciate the support and feedback! :D
What about the fates of the other islands like Shikotan, Habomai and Etorofu?

Very similar to Kunashir, just with less tourist. Huge influence from Japan, and rich by Eastern Russian standards. But not as well off as Kunashiri.

However, with Etorofu it may have more problems than the others. Kunashir is closest to Japan and with the most tourist infastructure and more interesting "tourist sights" than the other islands. Etorofu is the opposite. Little tourist infastructure, and not much to see. Plus it is the farthest disputed island from Japan. But the 2007 earthquake that badly shakes things up in Kunashir may devestate Etorofu. Kunashir has dozens of buildings collapse due to shoddy construction and perhaps several dozen are killed (doubtful that it would be more than 200 at most). Etorofu is very close to the earhtquake itself and was hit with strong/very strong shaking as a result:


It may be badly, badly damaged by the 2007 earthquake, so much so that the island economy is absolutly devestated. Also, the casulaties would be much higher than in Kunashiri.
"About other republics, it seems that UIS in 2012 is composed by Russia, Bellarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Serbian Kraina and Kazakhstan. All have Russian/Slavic majority"

This is a pretty good summary of what we know thus far. The big question marks are Georgia, Turkestan, Uzbekistan and and Kyrgyzstan.


Moldova OTL is majority Romanian: are we talking massive ethnic cleansing?

Moldova OTL is majority Romanian: are we talking massive ethnic cleansing?


Good eye Bruce, I missed that one phrase in my reply. Although Moldova is part of the UIS in early 2012, I did allude to the fact in earlier posts that the "Palestine Plan" didn't work nearly as well in Moldova as it did in Kazakhstan. But the Romanian population suffers serious disenfranchisement and what is looking likely is for an "inter-entity border" to emerge soon, much like what we see in Estonia in TTL (and Bosnia in OTL). Still, it is hard to see it being a Slavic majority state in 2012.
You know I have not really thought much about the new UIS national anthem or coat of arms. I need to look into that...

You could always go for a modified version of "Bozhe, tsarya khrani!" (aka God Save the Tsar) as the UIS anthem. That'll be enough to make people squirm. (Or even keep the USSR anthem but with heavily modified lyrics.)
Moldova OTL is majority Romanian: are we talking massive ethnic cleansing?

Pelegrino mentoned in chapter sixteen "Free Market Facism" that acording the 1999 census three UIS republics have Russian majority. Its obviously Russia, we know Kazakhstan also have Russian majority following the "Palestine Plan". Third republic seems to be Moldova.

Last Soviet census from 1989 shows Russians and Ukrainians composed 27 % of Moldovian population compared to 64 % Moldavian (Romanian).

UIS need more than million settlers to create there at least 50 % of Slavs. Indeed hard task. However Zhirinovsky can send than forcefully potentialy troubelmakers like comunists, liberals or everyone who dare oppose him.
Also consider that relation between Romania and Russia are very coooold due to UIS involvement in Romanian Civil War, so I think it is possible that Moscow start there expulsion of Romanians to Romania, or relocation to Kazakhstan or elsvere. Maybe Zhirinovsky will find opportunity to week separatists in Central Asia in sending there million Moldavas? :eek: If no one Russian is willing move there and they are more need to colonisate Kazakhstan?

Even if Slavs in 2012 are still minority, maybe they number rise to circa 40%?

You could always go for a modified version of "Bozhe, tsarya khrani!" (aka God Save the Tsar) as the UIS anthem. That'll be enough to make people squirm. (Or even keep the USSR anthem but with heavily modified lyrics.)

Patrioticheskaya Pesnya became Russian anthem in 1990, before PoD (however without lyrics), so I doubt it could emerge as anthem of UIS. In my opinion aftr formation of UDR there will be still Soviet Anthem, however use only in instrumental version (just like OTL in USSR between 1956-1977). Through 90's there will be seeking for new words for both UIS and Russian anthems.
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I like the updates that are a little more upbeat. Adds a bit of light in a very dark time. Just out of curiosity are the Kuril Islands on a fault line or something because from what you have said, they seem to get hit hard a lot?