WI: WW 1 end in 1914

In the spirit of the time, what if the christmas armistice of 1914 was extended ( soldier dont want to fight after fraternizing with the ennemy, the desilusion of a short war, ect.) and end up with a white peace on the western front ?

How will it change the outcome of the war ?
The world ?
It would only work if all troops mutinied and refused to resume combat. There never was another christmas armistice as the General Staffs, on both sides, didn't want the troops to think of their opponents as human!


I think it's too soon for the war to end, there was a lot of pressure on the home front for more bloodletting. It was only in the spring of 1915 that the rush of volunteers in Britain began to ease off, and by then well over one million men had volunteered to go to war. Between Christmas 1914 the first half of 1915 Britain sent 2 Regular, 7 Territorial and 4 New Army divisions to France, these men were not part of the Christmas Truce and had yet to be affected by the camaraderie with their German opposites.

I don't think the Christmas truce could extend into a groundswell for peace from the trenches for this reason.