WI moon landing faked

Let's say the U.S. had faked the Apollo 11 and subsequent landings. How many people would have been involved, and how long could it have been kept a secret? How do Americans react when the truth comes out?

Could the Russians have been fooled, and for how long? How do they react when they discover the truth?
The Russians could not be fooled for any amount of time and would trumpet this to the world to embarrass the US

US government ends up with major egg on their faces
A pleasant movie called "The Dish" (2000) was about an Australian radio telescope which received and relayed some of the signals from Tranquility Base.

A lot of people were part of all of this.


The Russians reveal all rather quickly. Not to mention any video from 'the Moon' would be laughably bad. We'd hardly need the USSR.
What ever President who allowed this to happen would be be impeached and disgraced in a way that made Nixon's sins look like nothing.
In best Alex Jones paranoid voice

It was faked... they did it to get gold foil for the babies... see it in the internets...

(hey someone had to go there LOL)
The Russians could not be fooled for any amount of time and would trumpet this to the world to embarrass the US

US government ends up with major egg on their faces

This pretty much. Moon-landing-was-faked proponents conveniently forget that Soviets would have to be in on it as well. Plus just about every developed country and they'd have to play along for 44 years.
This pretty much. Moon-landing-was-faked proponents conveniently forget that Soviets would have to be in on it as well. Plus just about every developed country and they'd have to play along for 44 years.

And still the idiots make their claims. Besides the Russians blabbing to the world, other countries would have known instantly as well. Jordell Bank tracked every space mission since the early 60's, including the Russians multiple attempts to put a lunar lander there.

If you deny the initial landing, what about the subsequent missions?

But, they do believe in Roswell flying saucers in 1947 despite the same mountains of facts against it. And claim that thousands of military guys, hundreds of politicians and zillions of various kinds of reporters have all kept the secret for 66 years. As if any politician could keep a secret longer than 24 hours. And military guys blab almost as badly.

This is perhaps the worst WI I've ever run across. Oh, wait, that one on Saturday Night Live that asked the question "What if Sparticus had a Piper Cub" forces a two way tie.

To have faked it would have been as difficult as landing on the Moon. They can detect things in space. They can see it, so if there's an object not out there, everyone will know it isn't out there. If signals aren't coming from something out there, everyone will know they aren't. If you're going to send something out there to make it look like all that, why not just land on the Moon? And the Russians sure as hell will not sit still for a cover up.

And the problem is too, filming, you can't just slow down the frame or have astronauts walk with wire suspension. In the former case, it'd be very obvious that it's slowed down film and not gravity effects of the moon. In the latter, you would never be able to have objects like dust fall at a proper pace, making it obvious that it's falling at normal gravity.

You also have the fact that natural lighting from the sun is infinite lighting. What that means is, you cannot replicate shadows as they would appear lit by the sun via artificial lighting. This is why on a movie, if a scene isn't shot in actual daylight but the scene is supposed to be, you can tell if you look at the shadows.

And the undercutter of all conspiracies: how do you keep tens of thousands of engineers, scientists, workers, astronauts, and all the other people involved with this project from talking? Not a one person blows the cover? BS. The thing about people is they can't keep a secret. As Ben Franklin said, the only way three people can keep a secret is if two are dead. And no conspiracy is every so vast which at the same time you can uncover with a basic google search.

All the reasons why the moon landing conspiracies have been debunked is the reason why there couldn't be a faked moon landing.
It's been a while since I read the relevant book, but I'm pretty sure that the "Moon Landings Were Faked" conspiracy theory comes to us courtesy of the Flat Earth Society, as a way to rebut the idea that pictures of the Earth taken from there prove that the planet is round. Sounds like as good a reason as any for this particular figment of stupidity.
The other question is

If you're going to fake putting men on the Moon, why would you do it six times? Wouldn't just once be risky enough?

To my mind, if I were a NASA Director trying to fake it, I'd fake Apollo 11, and then announce that higher than expected radiation levels (or make up some other danger) turned out to be riskier than expected, so we won't be doing any more landings for the time being.

Instead, NASA went there six times, nine if you count the circumlunar/lunar orbit missions (Apollo 8, 10, 13). Each time multiplying the risk of discovery.

It makes no sense.