What are some realistic but minor PoDs that could happen from 300BC up to the 1600 AD

The Norse hold onto Vinland just long enough to bring horses to America, which has massive effects on Native American history from then on

EDIT: oh, and European diseases too!

A Roman discovers the usefulness of stirrups and the Roman cavalry becomes more than scouts and victims.

Hail Britannia
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Jean-Baptiste Drouet can't find his assignat and as such doesn't recognise the king at Sainte-Menehould. This (with some luck) means the French royal family successfully escape Paris.

D'oh that's well after 1600. But it's something.
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Ernst Röhn has one to many beers the night before and Hitler isn't able to talk him out of shooting Joesph Goobles.
Without the media manipulation skills of Goobles the Nazi's rise to power could be prevented.
Oops wrong time frame.
Maybe just have one Hitler's ancestors get killed by a falling keg of beer while unloading a cart.
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Julius Caesar dies of a heart attack whilst putting on his shoes, like his dad.

Given how pivotal his role in Roman and European history was after his first consulate, this happening at any point in time after that would have major ramifications.
Having Caligula die of food poisoning (really common) early in his reign before he went totally nuts. His 14 year old heir would take over but not being of age that would lead to a more powerful Senate.
What are some realistic but minor PoDs that could happen from 300BC up to the 1600 AD?

I can find these type of extremely-realistic PoDs after 1900 like the the officer leaving Titanic gave his key that led to binoculars in a storage which would have saved it from sinking. However, I have great difficulty finding close call PoDs like this in the period spanning from 300BC to 1600AD.

I plan to use these early PoDs that could make ASBs like Sea Lion into a plausible one by way of butterfly effects. Preferrably those early close call PoDs which won't make many difference at all if it is "isolated" alone, like for example, someone who lived longer a day or a week than OTL.
The mysterious Sea Peoples didn't occur. No Justinic Plague.
1066 plays out differently in England just by a few small army movements. Take your pick, so many long-term possibilities!
1100: In his rush to Westminster, Prince Henry has a bad enough fall so that Robert's supporters can proclaim him king.