These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England


Gone Fishin'
An independent Sapmi? Do tell!
Fuck, this Italy makes OTL's look as progressive as Iceland.

Italy... is not in a great place. We'll learn more about them once Asian content slows down and we pivot over to Europe/Americans more information will trickle out. This is the first look anyone's gotten into Italy thus far...

An independent Sapmi? Do tell!
Congratulations, Sápmi!
Also, great to learn that the new LP is a Lady..!

Yes, Sápmi joins the ranks of independent nations! This will be reflected on the upcoming world map. I plan on a little more in-depth look into the country next year. I am likely to do a narrative piece from Arc News to discuss its independence movement and early days.
Since I believe it was confirmed on the discord that the eldest daughter of Edward X was granted the title of "Princess of Wales", does that mean that other woman in the royal family (such as the daughters of her brother or her daughter Charlotte) are eligible to receive peerage titles such as Dukedoms as opposed to only sons receiving them? Also, are Dukedoms and or other titles now able to be inherited by a woman via absolute primogeniture or if the holder has no male heir? If so when did this become the case?
This may have been explained before, but what happened to the Dutch Colonial possessions in Indonesia and Suriname. Looks like Suriname was absorbed by British Guyana and the Dutch East Indies may have never existed? The map is beautiful by the phenomenal work as always!!
This may have been explained before, but what happened to the Dutch Colonial possessions in Indonesia and Suriname. Looks like Suriname was absorbed by British Guyana and the Dutch East Indies may have never existed?
I believe the answer to both of those questions is Napoleon...though I think the Dutch had OTL British Guiana rather than the other way around.
This may have been explained before, but what happened to the Dutch Colonial possessions in Indonesia and Suriname. Looks like Suriname was absorbed by British Guyana and the Dutch East Indies may have never existed? The map is beautiful by the phenomenal work as always!!
As in our timeline, the UK annexed the Dutch East Indies during the Napoleonic Wars, and in this one they were never returned since the Netherlands remained a French puppet state. They ended up as a patchwork of dominions, protectorates, and independent countries.
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What's with all the "non-countries" in Central Africa, Borneo, New Guinea, and Australia?

These are areas which, generally, do not have diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom. Not all the countries on the map are strong states like... France or Russia. It's just subjective and the non-Westphalian state is dominate across the world, blurring the lines of what is and isn't a country.

Is there a flag for Dinetah on the map?

There is not. In the spring, we will be transitioning to more North/South American content instead of Asian content, so we'll see it there :)

Where does the name Imatong originate?

It was named for the mountain range that is located inside the country.

Gorgeous work as usual!

Thank you!

Since I believe it was confirmed on the discord that the eldest daughter of Edward X was granted the title of "Princess of Wales", does that mean that other woman in the royal family (such as the daughters of her brother or her daughter Charlotte) are eligible to receive peerage titles such as Dukedoms as opposed to only sons receiving them? Also, are Dukedoms and or other titles now able to be inherited by a woman via absolute primogeniture or if the holder has no male heir? If so when did this become the case?

I must step aside and bring in my co-author @Turquoise Blue for this question. I am afraid I don't have much t say in this regard. She has done tremendous work with the United Kingdom and it mostly rests with her.

This may have been explained before, but what happened to the Dutch Colonial possessions in Indonesia and Suriname. Looks like Suriname was absorbed by British Guyana and the Dutch East Indies may have never existed? The map is beautiful by the phenomenal work as always!!

Thank you!

In the Caribbean, the Dutch actually took hold of British Guyana, which it held until the GCW. The country declared independence at this time. In the East Indies, the British occupied Java. They simply never left. The VoC was eventually dissolved, and Napoleanic Netherlands was never able to recapture the Dutch East Indies from the British. The British have held on to Nusantara since the early 1800s.

A Civil War in Spain???

Things are increasingly looking that way...


Sorry for the long delay in responses! This time of year is hectic. Trust me, the Discord hasn't had anything else either. My work has picked up and I've accidentally rediscovered my love of reading, so I've had no spare time! I'm going to try and do better this year.