The Union Forever: A TL

Im not rushing Perfection, Im rushing MacGregor!

(Im Kidding 100%, He could take all Summer and I wouldn't care, I just wanna bring attention to this again)
Very Nice.

South Africa's borders seemed to shift a little, was that intentional?

Its interesting Libya was given sea acess by Italy, but i guess that implies the two are allies.

Balkanized India looks awesome :cool:

Is that, like, an epilogue?
And seriously, no world war II analogue in the ATL.

Yes, it is an epilogue. There will be one more update about the USA, so if anyone has any requests now is the time. And yes, there was no WWII analogue in this TL, its called butterflies.
Yes, it is an epilogue. There will be one more update about the USA, so if anyone has any requests now is the time. And yes, there was no WWII analogue in this TL, its called butterflies.

That also means no holocaust. You have done the seemingly impossible. Congrats. Just one thing... I'm a bit of a gaming and cartoon geek. If you could say something about how they developed ATL, I'd be happy.