The thread for TL ideas you might do some day

So this is a thread where you can present rough sketches of TLs you have in your head, and you might or might not make proper TLs of one day. I usually have many ideas in my head, but I seldom find time to do the proper research or to actually write the down.

Here are some of my ideas:
A Ras Tafari less world: I actually started this one long ago, but I never came past writing more than the first updates. It's basically about Iyasu V assassinating Ras Tafari, and while Iyasu still falls as OTL, and Zauditu become empress, her husband Ras Gugsa instead becomes Regent. This means we get a very reactionary Ethiopia not willing to have any relations with the West, not caring for the West's condemnation of slavery and pretty much does nothing about the Ethiopian raids in the neighboring colonies. This in turn lead to a Western intervention suggested by Italy where Ethiopia is split into 3 League mandates: A British, a Italian and a French Mandate. And this in turn butterflies away the Abyssinian war in the 30s, and pretty much change European history.

The crumbling Republic:
A serious look at a White victory Russia. The main problem is I have no idea how to get the Whites to win, since they were REALLY bad. The TL would focus on Russia being a very unstable Republic, that has lost a lot of territory. Basically several generals have their own private armies, more or less, and while they nominally accept the government in Petorgrad, they pretty much do their own thing. Meanwhile in the Duma the left and the right basically can't agree on anything. This would be a big TL, since I would also focus on how no USSR change the history of other countries. (Mussolini's takeover will be different than OTL, and Hitler is butterflied away). And of course the most interesting part would be when Russia slowly start to get her shit together in the late 30s.
White Russia is easy. Post-WW I Germany refuses to allow Lenin to travel through by train and he is stuck in Switzerland. Without the unifying figure of Lenin inside Russia, the Communists fall into infighting. Kerensky becomes President but the various generals de facto control their areas of control as personal fiefs.
A 'Tragedy' in Tikrit: Saddam Hussein is assassinated in August 1976 by a young Kurdish student while at a rally. This leads to anti-Kurdish riots, a military crackdown in Kurdistan, which erupts into open rebellion. A brutal campaign of post-rebellion ethnic cleansing drives hundreds of thousands of Kurds into Iran, where they set up refugee camps under the new KLO (Kurdish Liberation Organization), just in time for an alt-Iranian Revolution and civil war....
The Shape of Things to Come: Germany pursues an atomic weapons program instead of the V2. They don't succeed, and their single atomic pile is knocked out by an American bombing raid, but this has interesting consequences for the future of technology: rockets are delayed 5-10 years, the development path of American reactors is very different, the public is aware of radiation from the beginning, serious work on decontamination techniques beyond "dig it up and dump it in the desert" begins in 1946. I'm hoping to turn it into a realistic atom-wank, with atomic-powered aircraft roaming the skies, MSRs providing electricity for 4 cts per kWh, and Brien "Mr. Atom" McMahon as president in 1960.

My aim is a realistic version of the 50s vision of the future, if that makes any sense. So chrome everything and lots of atomic energy, but no flying cars or intelligent robots. No Vietnam War, either - instead, nuclear proliferation. However, I have a lot of research to do before I can even begin.
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Observe the Sons of Ulster - A timeline which focuses on the violence in Ireland that would break out had WWI been averted. This always gets mentioned as a consequence of British neutrality or a later outbreak of the Great War, but I've not seen a TL based around it.

A TL which would still likely have a continental war in Europe, Canadian gun smugglers and social unrest in a horrified Great Britain observing violence across the Irish Sea that would make the War of Independence in OTL seem tame.
They Fought on the Beaches: Yes you've guessed it. If I get round to it it will be a history from the disastrous invasion attempt of September 1940 up until the present day.

(I've read the evidence and arguments, which show convincingly that it would have failed, but I haven't found any Timelines here going past the immediate aftermath of the battle).
Never Again: A 20th century that means what it says in that regard

Mahan Vindicated: A decisive class of Dreadnoughts modeled on Tsushima

Untitled Timeline: Longer Cold War, aggressive war is still seen as viable, the arms race lasts an extra generation
A Great Third Party Attempt 2: A politician unknown to modern day is elevated to Cabinet during the First World War and the post-war world is warped as a result.
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The Second Roman Republic

POD is murder of emperor Caligula and his family. Claudius be killed too. Then senators found Roman Republic again. But this arrive empire chaos and perhaps earlier fall of Roman Empire.

Two Finlands

In Civil War rebellous Reds have better army and weapons. Finland divide into two states. South is socialist republic who is allied with USSR and Northern Finland which is authocratic republic and good ties with western powers. This effect much to Second World War.

Nazi-Occupied Sweden

Germany invades Sweden on 1940.

La Nostra Storia:
Una Racconto Abbreviata
di Grande Italiae il Mondo

This tentative timeline would begin with the Austrian Nationalist Socialists launching an initially successful coup of the Austrian government after the assassination of Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss, leading to an early annexation of Austria by Germany which leads into a joint Franco-Italian military intervention which leads to an early fall of the Nazi German government.

I wish I weren't Here: A TL in which the Russian Monarchs win the Russian Civil war and go fascist after the economic turmoil of the 1920's and 30's. The end result is not pretty.

Armageddon 1923: not exactly new, I've tried it before, but I'd like to redo it much better.
A Bayonet Made of Milk - Benito Mussolini is not born - a different sperm fertilises the same egg and 'Benny' Mussolini lives a progressively diverging life, ending up an anti-war activist in Britain.

Captain Crunch's World - AT&T retains its monopoly and the government does not move against the phreakers, with the result that hacking culture becomes much more influential.

Carry Me East - Pyrrhus of Epirus is poisoned (the plot failed OTL) and does not fight the Battle of Asculum. Rome is strangled in the cradle and a Celticised Middle East becomes the centre of the civilised world.

Colossus - Different developments in the history of the internal combustion engine lead to a four-stroke motor by 1800 and the subsequent near-destruction of civilisation in a motorised world war in the early 19th century.

Holding On Too Tightly - A Different Kuomintang - Based on a HOI2 game. The Republic of China absolutely refuses a ceasefire with the Communists and rejects a Second United Front.

'I've Come To Fight' - How We Made It To Nineteen Eighty-Four - Eric Blair (AKA George Orwell) is not injured in Spain while serving in the International Brigades and returns home a revolutionary.

Mad Eyes: Khlysty Russia in the Second Great War - Rasputin survives Yusupov's assassination attempt, ultimately leading to a scary theocratic White government taking power and aligning itself more closely with the West.

That Insidious Beast - TV comes about 50 years earlier and is used for very different purposes.

They Never Caught Kid Charlemagne - Owsley Stanley does not market STP and subsequently evades arrest, leaving to a radically different and more successful counterculture.
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Jewfoundland: Technically Labrador, but that doesn't sound as snappy. The UK makes Labrador into a Jewish homeland in the 1920s

Commie War 2: Successful Communist revolutions in Germany and France in the Depression following WWI do not make a large continental war any less likely. Spain is torn between French and German backed socialist factions, while Fascist Italy is trying to expand its colonial empire and Britain is turning increasingly authoritarian. Across the pond, the US has its own problems...

The Nine Crosses: More successful Christianization in Kyushu leads to a Dutch-backed Protestant republic next to Japan in the 16th Century.
The Second Terror: Charles de Gaulle dies in May 1958. Quasi-fascist military dictatorship in the midst of Western Europe...
Untitled scenario I am developing for the novel I'm writing (whose main character is my username). The MI5 stages a coup against Harold Wilson in 1974. Probably doesn't meet's high expectations of non-ASB-ishness (now, that's a word!), but I think it makes for an interesting story.
TL's that I have only posted a tiny bit of but will someday pickup (although god knows when, my promotion has given me much less time for TL work... post 1900 stuff only)

Letters from home: Mac and I's starting of a proxy civil war in finland in 1939

The sword unsheathed: A wmd's in WW2 timeline

Wilson's fall and the rise of the right: America turns facist and joins the axis following a domino effect from a more dubious WW1

The Von Mudra Line: Bruno Von Mudra achieves a decisive victory at Verdun and the Somme and ends up taking over the army instead of H-L

Adopted Sons - Erich Von Manstein's father becames the military attache to the United States and following his death, Erich decides to remain in America and become a citizen rising rapidly in her military

Badass Clark - Following on the heals of The Red and I's "Stalingrad West" Marc Clark following a total mental break destroys the German Army

Tl's I still consider open with updates in the nearish future (post 1900 stuff only)

Manstein in Africa book 4

The desert God

Monica's baby

Ideas for future time lines or stuff I have half outlined or whatever (post 1900 stuff only)

Take the gloves off son - Jimmy Carter opts for direct confrontation with Iran during the hostage crises

The wolves - A decisive LW victory in the BoB with underpinnings going back to 1936

Go New York Go! - Kobe Bryant is drafted by the New York Knicks creating a basketball dynasty

Meet me for Christmas - Operation Torch is delayed by 8 weeks leaving more German reserve formations on hand to break the encirclement at Stalingrad

Blue was always my favorite color - A decisive German victory in case blue

The knockout with a broken hand - Albert Kesselring drives operation Avalanche into the sea

10 rings - Decisive victory at Kursk

Scarborough Country - George W Bush dies on 9/11, and Dick Cheney doesn't seek an elected term opening the way to a Joe Scarborough run for the white house

I have a bunch of other ones popping in and out of my head

Big TL mega projects for the future

Manstein changes the world 2.0- 1936-1953

Failure before Moscow 2.0
My ideas:
Im Orerc: The Zatanna movie suggested in 2004 is made, starring a young actress named Selena Gomez. This leads to DC taking a far different approach in comics, several changes in pop culture from Doctor Who on ABC (the US one) to several new movie projects. In addition, Obama is VP, Hillary Clinton is only a Senator, a different 2008 Democrat is President, Palin is mostly an unknown till her impeachment, and SC has a different Republican female Governor.

Posse: George W. Bush takes a drastically different tack in the war on terror. The law enforcement approach is emphasized, and an old method is brought back for the 21st century. There's political controversy, both on the libertarian right (and the civil-liberty-backing left) as well as the Cheney-supporting right (Bush may need a new VP). Oh, and Tommy Lee Jones plays two minor roles.

Plow: Henry Agard Wallace does not seek the White House in 1948, and does not edit the New Republic. While he's not done making political statements, he's focusing on agriculture...with a lot of changes resulting. Expect a famous headline, a drunk politician, a major change in the LDS, and a change for the future of Disney World.

The Godly Communists: Imagines Religious communitarianism surviving for longer than OTL and affecting society. Includes more Shakers, the LDS United Order, More Catholic communities, and Charles Guiteau.

On The Line (title picked because I can't find a better one): Bill Clinton has just launched Operation Desert Fox in the middle of impeachment proceedings. An aide to Bob Barr notices an old interview and tells his boss to stop the current investigation and begin a new one... Expect lots of changes.

A Hollywood Love Story (title picked because I can't think of another better one): A young soldier and aspiring filmmaker is injured in a major battle. He meets a young girl in the town he liberated who tends his wounds. They fall for each other and marry. They both begin a film career, often together, with several changes to OTL films and film history resulting. (And Iraq as well...)

Timeline I started long ago and abandoned for now:
Firewall: George W. Bush was counting on a South Carolina victory. He needed it to counter the rise of John McCain. He recorded a hard-hitting response commercial...but less than 24 hours later, his campaign would face a tragedy and the commercial would never air. How would 2000 look with an early Bush defeat? How would President John McCain handle America and the world?
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I'd like to do timeline based on Allies capture of Sevastopol after battle on Alma. I feel it could be interesting AH.
Couple of ideas I've been bouncing around with:

Labour victory in 1992 by a whisker, 1997 sees a Lab-Lib pact and the Tories sweep back in 2001 or 2002.

The DNC is brokered in 2008 between Obama, Edwards and Clinton.


Assuming I have the discipline to do the research beyond the first flush of interest, which I don`t, I`d do a mild Australia-wank. With a PoD of WW2 Greece/Crete/Malaya and other WW2 events where Australia got shafted by powerful allies postwar foreign policy becomes more focused and moves toward region independence. There will not be major wanks, we will not buy F4s instead of Mirages or operate a supercarrier, more along the lines of being an early adopter and focussing on the conflicts which will give us the most benefit.
Created Equal: Jefferson wins in '96, Adams comes back in 1800 (mostly to keep Hamilton from winning). Expect a Spanish-American War within a dozen years of the POD, Aaron Burr starring as Huey Long and building a dynasty in the state of Louisiana, which becomes very egalitarian, and Denmark on the Coalition side leading to British rescue of it to get to Hanover, and Napoleonic France getting very mixed up after Le Emperor's untimely death.

Target date - winter (Northern Hemisphere, that is). I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year, I have a comedy idea I think I can get 50K words out of in a month.

Then, if work doesn't take too much time away, I'll start it (I don't like to start before I know I can get through a fair number of parts.

Might have a baseball one or two beforehand.