The Post-Apocalyptic Picture Thread

There's as well Auclair's Jason Muller that I never managed to get my hand on, and apparently published before "La ballade de Cheveu Rouge"* but seems to introduce a similar theme.
Did you get an eye on it?

*La ballade de Cheveu Rouge is basically #0 of Simon du Fleuve, but never get to be printed due to an accusation of plagiarism on a Jean Giono's book.

Another good comic with a strong mix of onirism and apocalypsism, but that may be considered outside the topic of this thread, would be, IMO, l'Âge d'Ombre by Caza.

Basically, Earth slowly stops to move on its axis, and an achieved (but largely degenerated) mechanized/robotized civilisation ends under the strikes of nature, fantasmagories, emotions, creatures and its own destiny (it's followed by a serial, Arkadi's worlds, but I somewhat found these weaker).
There's as well Auclair's Jason Muller that I never managed to get my hand on, and apparently published before "La ballade de Cheveu Rouge"* but seems to introduce a similar theme.
Did you get an eye on it?

I have it in my bookshelf

afaik it was publish first in french magazine Pilot around 1968, but printed as Album at Humanos in 1975 and 1980.
Jason muller is prequel to Simon du Fleuve play around 30 year bevor and Jason is the old hateful men that Simon encounter in volume 5 "City N.W n°3"

*La ballade de Cheveu Rouge is basically #0 of Simon du Fleuve, but never get to be printed due to an accusation of plagiarism on a Jean Giono's book.
yes that true
publish in Belgium Magazin Tintin, you can find it in the old bound volume of year 1973
but in 1981, it was released as illegal Album by Édition pirate with only 500 copies.

Another good comic with a strong mix of onirism and apocalypsism, but that may be considered outside the topic of this thread, would be, IMO, l'Âge d'Ombre by Caza.

Basically, Earth slowly stops to move on its axis, and an achieved (but largely degenerated) mechanized/robotized civilisation ends under the strikes of nature, fantasmagories, emotions, creatures and its own destiny (it's followed by a serial, Arkadi's worlds, but I somewhat found these weaker).

Oh yes l'Âge d'Ombre is a cult comic series, in true spirit of Belgium Sci-fi Author J.-H. Rosny aîné
This Animation short give you impression of this apocalyptic Future
in 1988 Caza start to make animation and book covers, because of this, his comic work suffer allot.

back to topic with Interesting Post Apocalypse comic, Valérian and Laureline: 1. The City of Shifting Waters
in story: year 1985 a depot of Hydrogene bombe blow up in Greenland, melting ice and rising the sea level
back to topic with Interesting Post Apocalypse comic, Valérian and Laureline: 1. The City of Shifting Waters
in story: year 1985 a depot of Hydrogene bombe blow up in Greenland, melting ice and rising the sea level

You mean the one planted by God (Father, Son and Holy Ghost) and that was butterflied away by a time-travel based contract between God (mostly because they are cheapstakes and want money to rub in face of their rivals) and a time and space agency that get itself butterflied in the process? :D

Anyway you're right : back to the topic.

Jour J collection made several attempts at apocalypse, especially Apocalypse sur le Texas (Apocalypse on Texas).

Basically, 62 crisis goes hot, USA nows lies in ruins, Cuba is a burned out islands where cannibal dwells, Russia is utterly destroyed (almost glows in the dark, if you get me) up to the ground.
While Franco-British alliance is all what remains of NATO leadership, USA are divided in several groups (Kessinger's USA, Nixon's USA, and neo-confederate fascito-religious Charlton Heston's Amerika), Mexico (backed by China) attempts to conquer back Texas.


There's as well two adaptations of Stefan Wul's novels that deal with post-apocalypse.

Niourk (drawn by Vatine, one of the masters of science-fiction on franco-belgian comics).
Basically, waters withdraw from Earth and what was the Atlantic is only but an immense plain limited at the west by different mountain chains : Jamai, Usa, Cuba, Hait and a radioactive salted lake. Humanity went to the stars and the ones that remained there regressed to prehistoric levels, fighting with nature and against intelligent mutated octopi, while considering the former cities as "homes of the Gods".
The story itself tells the fate of a black child, growing up on this world.




In a quite different style, there's La Peur Géante (The gigantic fear) by Reynes.
One day, water all around the globe acts really strangely. Physic-breaking strange, such as not freezing or boiling anymore

All this growingly uncomfortable events suddenly ends when polar ices melts and by the rise of all waters on Earth, drowning out entiere cities.
Remaining men tries to understand what happened, and what are the strange creatures that appeared in the waters.


ation and book covers, because of this, his comic work suffer allot.

back to topic with Interesting Post Apocalypse comic, Valérian and Laureline: 1. The City of Shifting Waters
in story: year 1985 a depot of Hydrogene bombe blow up in Greenland, melting ice and rising the sea level

Oh, I loved these. They're still sitting somewhere in my parents house... I had all of them up until the one where their future gets unraveled. I need to get more! Thanks for the reminder.
My headcanon for this is what if Marty and Doc went into the farther future first before returning to the changed 1985 in BTTF 2?

Can I submit the entirity of my webcomic "The Hereafter" (it needs updating) basically several centuries after the downfall of civilization in what used to be called the Westcountry of England.
That one about drained oceans is really fascinating, Catina; got any PDFs? I can muddle through the French.

Are there rivers coming down from the mountain ranges? Is most of the water trapped as snow on the continents? And what is that radioactive lake to which you refer?