The Hanza By The Hyldreth: An Alternate Black Death Timeline

Heya folks! I'm completely new to this website, but I'm not new to Alternate History. I've been making small scenarios for some years now with some friends of mine. I made an account here because I wanted to post a little something I thought about a few weeks ago, so let's get to it. This first post is going to be a little preview. I'll immediately start working on the first real post if people are interested in the scenario. :)

"A few years after the plague, a couple of dark men, bathed in gold, arrived in familiar yet strangely foreign longboats. Their ships reminded us of Danish and Norwegian ones that transported the Great Heathen Army all of those years ago. We had no idea who were these people, and we never knew the impact they were going to have on our history."

-Excerpt from The History of Kɛnɛsan, written in 1361, by a Cornish scribe simply known as "The White Rider".


Malian ships led by explorer Sajo Saidykhan arriving near the coasts of the Island of Great Britain, now known as Kɛnɛsan, in 1359.
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Since this is my first ever post on this website, I'm always open to suggestions and help, since I'm bound to make mistakes due to me being a complete noob :p
POST-MORTEM: Europe After The Black Death
POST-MORTEM: Europe After The Black Death
The light of the continent of Europe had been snuffed out for some years by now. When the Plague began its rampage in 1346, Europe and the Middle East's destiny had been sealed. People were dropping dead like flies, no matter how hard they prayed to God, Allah, or some other deity. One by one, Kingdoms forged in fire and faith that had lasted for hundreds of years were, along with their people, dying. The streets of major European cities were like scenes out of Hell itself, bodies piled up everywhere, completely empty city quarters, lifeless markets that were once bustling with activity, and borderline psychopathic survivors who were trying to avoid contact with each other. It seemed like this was Europe's equivalent of God's 10 Egyptian Plagues, but instead of it being many plagues, it was just one brutal sickness. When the pandemic ended in 1353, approximately 99% of the continent had died. Most settlements were slowly but surely rotting away, preparing themselves to be forgotten by the annals of history. The surviving cities, towns, and most importantly, people, were suffering. Why? Why didn't they die? Why did they have to endure God's unleashing of Luzbel's realm on Earth? Did this mean that there was a purpose for living? The survivors wanted to die and join their family and friends in Heaven or Hell, but no, they had to be alone in this vast land, a land that was once known as the world's desire, a land once known for housing great battles, leaders, and realms, a land once known as Mighty Europa. History had taken its biggest blow yet with the loss of Europe and the Middle East, but no land is ever truly dead. If people of a land die or disappear, sooner or later, they will be replaced by other people. So as the ashes of the European continent and its people settled, it was time for new people to grab them and rebuild them. These ashes obviously weren't going to be grabbed by the Native Europeans themselves, no, they simply had no chance. Most Europeans had returned to pre-historic levels of technology, with most becoming nomads and hunter-gatherers, exploring the wastelands of the realms they once called home and looking for food and other basic resources. Sometimes, these peoples, if they had common interests, banded with each other to form Tribes, but just like in the good old days of Europe, if they didn't agree with each other, they would fight. In European tribal battles, whole remnants of old ethnic groups peoples were completely slaughtered, such as the remaining Bretons or Basques. Europeans were stubborn and perfidious, and no matter how much their situation had changed for the worse, they weren't willing to change the things that had brought them suffering in the first place.

Picking Up The Pieces
Picking Up The Pieces
So if the Europeans themselves weren't going to rebuild their own lands, then who was going to take the scraps and make something great out of them? It wasn't going to be the Muslim Arabs, they had suffered the same fate as their European adversaries. It wasn't going to be the Easterners, they were simply too far away. To rebuild a whole continent, a great Empire was needed. An empire that was rich and had previous glories, but was relatively untouched by the brutal plague. When Mansa Sulayman of Mandé learned of the Great European Tragedy, he knew there was only one answer to this question everybody was asking, it was going to be him and his empire who were going to take the spoils of Europe. Mali was in desperate need of more wealth and power if it was to stay a glorious Empire. If there were any chances of getting richer and more powerful, then Sulayman was going to take them. The die was cast, and Mali was going to become a naval and colonial power. Ideas began to figment in Sulayman's head. He was going to surpass the legacy of his predecessor, Mansa Musa, and by a lot. He was going to bring prosperity to his people and he was going to become Tamer of the Mighty European Lion. But as he fantasized, he finally snapped back to reality and knew that if he and his Empire were going to become the new Roman Empire, they had to start small and humble. On the coasts of Senegal, and with the massive wealth that he had, Sulayman decided to build a fleet, the greatest the world would ever see. He had known that Mansa Musa's predecessor had disappeared because he attempted an ambitious voyage, but Sulayman was determined and was confident that he wasn't going to meet the same fate. As laborers worked in the port cities of the Malian Empire each day, Sulayman began to plot in his court. He had a crude map of Europe Mansa Musa had obtained from the Egyptians in one of his many trips to spread Malian wealth and glory. As he and his advisors were determining where the Malian Expedition should go to. It could be Iberia, the land of the Andalusi Muslims that were fighting to the last men so they could spread the truest words of Allah. It could be the Italian Peninsula, the birthplace of the Roman Empire. Or maybe it could be something...a bit more unorthodox. When Suleyman and his advisors started discussing the possibility of choosing the Isle of Great Britain as a landing spot, they realized there was potential. The old land of Camelot and Beowulf was known for being one of Western Europe's greatest powers. The old Kingdom of England used to span two lands, the British Isles themselves, and Continental Europe, more specifically, the Land of the Franks. Sulayman realized that if he was able to tame the Four Beastly English Lions, then he was going to inherit one of Old Europa's greatest legacies. Like Merrie Olde England, Mali was to become a realm of two lands. Now that the landing spot was decided, it was now time for Sulayman to play the waiting game, and wait for his mighty flotilla forged in gold, blood, sweat, and tears to be finished.

Captain? Captain!
Captain? Captain!
When the fleet was finished in 1358, it was indeed a mighty one. The continent of Africa hadn't seen such a fleet ever since the time of the Phoenicians, and the mightiest of the ships in the fleet was named after Sulayman himself. Now, a mighty fleet needed an equally mighty captain. This man needed to be destined to rule the waves and make sure Mali's name is to be remembered for centuries to come. The answer for Mali came in the form of a great man, Sajo Saidykhan. Saidykhan was a naval captain known for being a relatively famous local figure in the Wolof parts of the empire. He was valiant, daring, curious, smart, and most importantly, he was willing to do anything if you gave him a good amount of Gold. When Sulayman announced that he was searching for a great captain for his newly-constructed fleet, Saidykhan was immediately attracted by the prospect of becoming rich, famous, and powerful. He made a long journey to Sulayman's court in the mighty town of Niani, and when he finally arrived at the capital of the Empire, he presented himself to the Mansa himself. Saidykhan expected to be completely rejected by Sulayman since he expected that someone else was way more capable and had more to offer than him, but he was about to be surprised. At the time, the Mansa had received no requests of becoming captain of the fleet and was considering becoming the captain himself, against the wishes of his court, who constantly reminded him of the fate of Mansa Musa's predecessor. To put it simply, most potential captains were simply too scared to voyage in the perilous seas of the West African coast, due to the fear that they would suffer the same fate as the old Mansa. But, Saidykhan didn't care for any of that. He didn't believe in curses, he didn't believe in urban legends, and he just wanted some money and glory. The Musa, surprised that anyone even dared to show up to volunteer as a captain, immediately accepted Saidykhan's offer. Sulayman's court objected to the actions of the Mansa, but well, if no one was going to lead the mighty fleet, then it was just simply going to be a waste of resources and manpower, so it was just better to accept the offer from someone that at least had some experience in ship navigation and was willing to risk his life in the name of Mali. Now that Saidykhan was officially captain, he could almost taste the power and the glory. Overnight, Saidykhan became a celebrity across the realm, due to his bravery and his attitude. Malians were witnessing the birth of a great hero, a hero that would bring Mali wealth and new discoveries. On November 21st, 1358, with the blessings of an Imam and the Mansa himself, Saidykhan set sail for the lands of the Four Lions, and Malian and European history was about to be completely changed, quite possibly, forever.
A Mild Inconvenience
A Mild Inconvenience

Before Saidykhan went on his voyage, Sulayman ordered him to bring along settlers, soldiers, and resources to build a small fort, so as to establish a permanent foothold on the old continent of Europe. As Saidykhan sailed through the West African coastline, he was surprised at how smooth the journey was going. Apart from the usual sicknesses and the fear of running out of resources, which really, are just common aspects of long voyages like these, there hadn't been any major issues. Approximately 20 days after Saidykhan's flotilla had set sail, they encountered a group of islands (OTL's Canary Islands), which they decided to name "Balimamusow", The Sisters. 35 days into the voyage, Saidykhan's crew had finally encountered mainland Europe. The flotilla went near the Cape of Saint Vincent (located near the Portuguese town of Sagres) and decided to give the land that was once known to the Europeans as "Iberia" a new name, "Farakurunyɔrɔ", Rocky Point. A few hours later, the flotilla came across the old city of Lisboa, one of the greatest cities in mainland Western Europe. From a distance, Saidykhan and his men thought that the city was completely abandoned, but once they came close to the city, Saidykhan decided to give a dangerous order, they were going to explore and pillage the remnants of the city for resources. Saidykhan's men thought this was an extremely dangerous idea because there was a good chance someone could get infected with the Plague, but even with these fears, Saidykhan decided to ignore the complaints of his men and decided to carry on with the plan. As the pride of the fleet, the Sulayman, came ever nearer to the worn-down port of Lisboa, suddenly, a group of people came out of nowhere and started screaming at the ship in a language Saidykhan and his men didn't understand. They were screaming in Portuguese, and they were asking for help, but these people were infected with the Plague, and when Saidykhan saw that a lot of the people screaming at him had black blotches in their skin, he immediately ordered his men to abort the mission and turn away from the port of Lisboa. Some of the Portuguese people tried to board the ship by jumping out of the bay and trying to climb the ship's hull but were quickly brought down by soldiers aboard the ships with their spears. After successfully managing to run away from the port, Saidykhan apologized to his crew, and they continued on with their voyage to the Land of the Four Lions, the Isle of Great Britain. After this somewhat disturbing experience, Saidykhan began to question his decision of becoming captain. What if a similar experience to the one they just had in the old lands that were Portugal would happen when they landed in Britain? That thought kept circulating in his mind. But, he had heard from the Mansa that Great Britain was one of the areas hardest hit by the Plague and that it was basically completely empty, so there was no need to worry about an encounter with Europeans infected with the plague. After remembering this tidbit of information, Saidykhan calmed down a bit and was able to carry on with the voyage without him being nervous.

Gentlemen, We Have Arrived
Gentlemen, We Have Arrived
New Year's came and went, and Saidykhan and his crew had not yet reached Great Britain. While he and his men were completely exhausted, they knew they were close to the land, and that it was just a matter of putting more effort into the voyage and not completely losing their minds before they could finally reach land and catch some needed rest. On the 46th day of the great trek, their wishes would finally be answered. Saidykhan was discussing and eating with a fellow sailor of his when he noticed a small black speck becoming bigger and bigger as they sailed through the sea. Had they done it? Had they finally reached the famed isles of Great Britain? Saidykhan ordered the fleet to sail toward the black speck and investigate what it was. As they got closer, they noticed that a flock of seagulls went past them, meaning that indeed, they were close to land. A few hours later, they had finally reached the black speck. It wasn't a speck however, it was the far east of what the old inhabitants of the British Isles used to call "Cornwall". When Saidykhan's longships finally reached disembarked on Cornwall, he decided that he was going to be the first Malian who was going to step foot on the lands that would make his homeland wealthy and powerful, a small step for man, a giant leap for Malians. When Saidykhan stepped out of the Sulayman and put his foot on the sandy beaches of Great Britain, he felt glorious. He and his men had done it, they had successfully embarked on a voyage without getting lost, breaking the curse of Mansa Musa's predecessor. As Saidykhan appreciated Britain's fresh air, he put down a mat he had in one of his pockets, kneeled down, and started praying to Allah, thanking him for everything he had done so he and his men could've reached their destiny without any major hiccups. When he finished praying, Saidykhan ordered his men to also step out of their longboats and immediately start working on the small fort the Musa had ordered them to build. The second man that stepped out of the longboats was a man by the name of "Alaji Sonko", the fleet's co-captain. Saidykhan ordered Sonko to map out the local area and search for any nearby settlements so they could pillage them for resources. Now that the crew had reached Great Britain, Saidykhan knew that this land needed a new name, a more Malian name that would proudly be remembered for generations to come. As he thought and thought, he realized that this island was going to be like heaven for Malians on earth, a heaven located far away from their homelands, a heaven for all people that wanted to achieve true freedom. So, Saidykhan finally decided on a name, "Kɛnɛsan", Outer Heaven (yes, this is a Metal Gear reference :p). The Malian Vulture had finally tamed the Four English Lions, and it was now time to create a new legacy for Mali, Africa, Europe, and its people.

Now, Where Do We Go From Here?
Now, Where Do We Go From Here?
Alaji Sonko began exploring the depths of Southwestern England along with a couple of fellow explorers and soldiers, becoming the first of the many Malian "setigiw" (conquistadors) that would explore the lands of Old Europa. They were doing all of this in the name of Allah, Glory, Mali, and Wealth, and they were sure to make everybody know that, especially any surviving Europeans. This land was no longer going to be owned by the Native Europeans that remained, no, it was going to be territory just as Malian as Niani or Timbuktu, just on a different continent. Any Native European that even dared to challenge their rule would face the full brunt of their force, but if they actually bowed down to Malian rule, they would be spared, but they'd have to pay a hefty tribute that would please the Mansa. While these brutal ideas of conquests began formulating in Sonko's head, he remembered that this would probably not happen, due to the island probably being completely empty. Even then, it was fun for Sonko to imagine himself as a great conqueror and ruler of a vast realm in a foreign continent that would serve the interests of the mighty Mansa and Allah himself. As Sonko and his men began to explore deeper and deeper into the old lands of Cornwall, they finally came across an abandoned settlement, the old port city of Truru. Truru was a bustling Cornish port city that was in the midst of an economic miracle before the Plague. When the Plague struck Truru, it was completely destroyed by it, due to it being one of the more important ports in Southwestern England. The population quickly dropped to almost 0, and the last survivor of the city, a woman by the name of Anne Sothdyji, died at the ripe old age of 79 in 1357, two years before Sonko and his men discovered the abandoned city. Who knows what horrible things Sonko and his men would've done to Anne if they had found her? That really didn't matter, as that was not the case and Anne was now long gone. What mattered right now was what Sonko and his men would do to the old city. Are they going to burn it down? Pillage it? Or just...leave it be? As Sonko and his men were exploring the once glorious port city, they finally came to a decision. They decided that instead of completely destroying it, they would use the basis of the old port city already built by the old Natives of the British Isles and use them to build a new and prosperous Malian colonial city. It was for the best since it meant that fewer resources would be needed to build the city and perhaps the old ruins could be used so future Malian generations can appreciate them and for the scientists and other intellectuals back home to study and examine them. Along with determining all of this, Sonko and his men determined that this new Malian city would be perfect as a capital city for the new colony, due to its strategic position that could be used as a trade hub and its position as the closest settlement on the British Isles to Mali. With their ambitions set, Sonko and his men decided to return to the base, and report their findings to Captain Saidykhan.

A Fort At The End Of The World
A Fort At The End Of The World
First Post With Dialogue!

When Alaji Sonko and his men returned to base after a few days of exploring the nearby areas, progress on the fort had been going well. People were starting to build their first homes, and soldiers were finally starting to enter into their positions, ready to guard and defend with all their blood that small piece of land in the name of Mali and the Mansa. Sonko, being the proud Malian he was, shed a tear while he saw his fellow men work hard to survive and build a new life in these strange lands. While it was good to shed a tear in the name of Mali, he knew that there were more important matters to deal with right now, like reporting his findings to Captain Saidykhan. As Sonko walked through the sandy beaches of Kɛnɛsan and saw his fellow men work, he finally found Saidykhan. He was talking with one of the sailors of the fleet.

"Sajo! We've come back with some news!".

"Excuse me Birom, we can talk later, alright?".
"Ah! Alaji! It's good to have you back! Thank Allah you're actually safe and well! I and the crew were starting to get worried about the well-being of you and the rest of your folks".

"Nah, we're alright! Don't worry too much. Now, let's discuss some important matters, alright? As you ordered me to do so, I have explored and mapped out the local area and have come across some things you might find very interesting".

"Ah, is that so? Well, I'm all ears! You know I'm a curious cat!".

"Ok so, so where do I start? From the beginning I suppose. So, me and my men came across a very interesting little city. It was mostly intact, although there were some decaying buildings here and there. Now, decaying buildings in an abandoned city is not what might pique your interest. What might pique your interest is the strategic value of this little city and what we can do with it".

"Tell me Alaji, what great ideas do you have for this little abandoned European city? I bet it's a good one since you're a really smart and clever man!".

"Ah, thanks for the kind words Sajo! Anyways, what I had in mind is to completely rebuild this small city and make it the capital of our colonial venture. First of all, I think it would be convenient to reconstruct this city and make it the capital because it would mean we would need fewer resources since we're already using a pre-existing base. Second of all, since this city is...somewhat close to Mali? Although not really, ha! It can be used as the main port city that will transfer resources to future colonial settlements that are deeper inland".

"Hmm, you raise some good points Alaji! I think you've convinced me, although, you will need to be patient. We have somewhat limited resources at the moment since we just planned to build a fort and that's it, so building a full-blown capital city is completely out of the question, but, it's always nice to do plans beforehand. I will of course notify your findings to the Mansa, and tell him that we need more resources and manpower so we can establish the first true settlements in Kɛnɛsan".
"Now, for that to happen, I need to do a voyage to return to Mali. I will have to take some of the men that are currently working on the fort right now, so they can accompany me on my journey. So, since I trust in you, and we've become great friends during this journey, you will be provisional governor of this fort...which now that I think about it, doesn't really have a name! Ha! I think a good name could be...Diɲɛlaban! (World's End) It is the westernmost point of these isles and Mali's most distant settlement after all, so the name kind of fits".

"I'm glad you could see my points Sajo! And I'm completely honored that you trust in me to handle colonial affairs! I will make sure to not disappoint you, and, under my supervision, the construction of Diɲɛlaban will continue as smoothly as possible!".

"You have determination and ambition Alaji, I like that! Let's see if your actions actually match that".

A few days later after this conversation, Sajo and some of his men said their goodbyes to the settlers and soldiers that were going to stay, and they sailed all the way to Mali to report the crew's findings to the Mansa and his royal court, and most importantly, the people of Mali.
Back Home And With Good News
Back Home And With Good News
As Sajo Saidykhan made the round trip to Mali to tell the Mansa of the absolutely amazing news and findings his crew had discovered, he encountered some familiar things. Now that he knew not to get close to major European port cities, he stayed from Lisboa as far away as possible. He encountered The Sisters again, Balimamusow, and gave them his personal blessing, for he knew The Sister would find a father, and that father would be the Malian Empire. As he made it down the African West Coast, Saidykhan was getting quite excited. He couldn't wait to give the Mansa the news and become rich and powerful. This was his dream, it was the reason he even volunteered for this thing in the first place, and now, he was going to prove his worth to the whole of Mali. After another 46 days, Saidykhan was back in the Coastal Wolof areas of Mali again, and when people saw his ship, the Sulayman, get near the coast, they almost couldn't believe it. How could a random nobody break the curse of Mansa Musa's predecessor? For them, it meant one thing and one thing only, it meant that this man, Sajo Saidykhan, was blessed by none other than Allah himself. When Saidykhan disembarked and step foot on Mali again, the people gave him a hero's welcome. In the small town he disembarked on, the townspeople organized a grandiose feast for him, and the local Imam gave him his blessing. When the feast and partying ended, Saidykhan immediately notified the townspeople that even though he would've loved to stay for more time, he was on an important mission, and he had to notify the Mansa of his colonial findings. So as he said his goodbyes, the townspeople began throwing flowers at him and cheering his name. A few days later, Saidykhan made it to Niani and the Mansa's Royal Court. As he entered the Mansa's grandiose palace, the Mansa saw him and couldn't believe it, he had actually made it out alive, he had done what his predecessors couldn't, and had made a successful voyage in the name of Mali. When Saidykhan saw the shocked face of the Mansa, he immediately kneeled before him, but the Mansa told him to not do that, for he had proven his worth and demonstrated he could just be as valiant and renowned as a Malian Mansa.

"Sajo! Like I said earlier...I just can't believe you are actually here! You really did it! You broke the curse! Now, my child, I bet that you have a lot to tell me, but take it slow, we have all day to discuss your little adventures in the sea and land!".

"Ah, Mansa Sulayman, I'm completely honored by your words! I guess I did indeed break the curse. Now, putting that aside, you are indeed right, I do indeed have a lot to say. Me and my co-captain, Alaji Sonko, made it to the lands you wish for us Malians to go on a pilgrimage, and we've claimed all of England, the Land of the Four Lions, in the name of Mali and Allah!".
"The findings of me and Alaji are sure to interest you, my Mansa. On the way to England, which we have now named the land of Kɛnɛsan, we encountered a group of previously-undiscovered islands, which we have dubbed Balimamusow. If we are on the same page, my Mansa, we think that Mali can send an expedition to these islands and claim them for our glorious Empire, so our people can settle them so it can become as much of a core part of the Empire as Niani itself. When we arrived at Kɛnɛsan, me and my men, following your orders, made sure to start the creation of a fort at our disembarkment spot, which we have dubbed Diɲɛlaban. Co-captain Alaji Sonko decided to be even braver than me, and decided to venture and explore the mysterious lands of Kɛnɛsan, and found a previously-glorious and wealthy port city. Me and Sonko discussed what to do with the ruins of this city, and we've come to the conclusion that it's in the best interests of the Malian Empire to rebuild the city and give it a Malian touch, as to spend fewer resources making a new settlement. We also discussed the idea of making this city the capital of our new colonial holdings, due to its apparently important strategic position".

"Ho ho! Sajo! Now, this is the news I wanted to hear! Those are some amazing discoveries Alaji and you have made! In fact, you've impressed me so much that there is indeed no doubt about it, you will be allowed to organize a second expedition to the Lands of the Four Lions and The Sisters! You will be provided with all of the resources and settlers to create this new settlement you and Alaji want to make in that abandoned city, and we will send more military personnel to guard a future fort in The Sisters and Kɛnɛsan itself. Indeed, I bet the two will become just as Malian as the capital in no time!".

"My Mansa, I am highly appreciative of your kind words. Let's hope that our deal stays that way and that, with our cooperation, Mali can take advantage of these new lands and reach power levels never before seen!".

"Ha! You are ambitious as me Sajo! I like that!".

Now that he was able to convince the Mansa himself, Sajo had done it, he had gained not only the respect of his own people but the respect of the most prestigious figure in all of Mali, the Mansa himself. With the blessings of the two main pillars of Malian society, for Sajo, the sky was now, truly, just the limit.
Trouble In Paradise?
Trouble In Paradise?
Now that he was provisional governor of the fort of Diɲɛlaban, at least for the time being, Alaji Sonko simply needed to do two things: Wait for Saidykhan's second expedition and make sure the fort gets completely built. Of course, both were no easy tasks. If Saidykhan hadn't been able to convince the Mansa to outfit a second expedition, then it meant that he and his men would be stuck on Kɛnɛsan for quite a long time, at least until a rescue mission would come, meaning that they would probably need to do rations of resources, something obviously no one desired. Building the fort, while a somewhat easier mission, still came with its hardships. The harsh weather of Kɛnɛsan, which was completely different from the humid jungles of Mali and more oceanic, was difficult for the soldiers and their families, who were the ones building the fort and small houses for them to live on, to easily get accustomed to. Some were starting to get sick due to the cold climate of the island, and they had to rest while they recovered, meaning that the construction of the fort would have less manpower and would take even more time. Sonko, while being an ambitious and sometimes, quite a brutish man, surprisingly understood all of these issues, and was compassionate with his fellow men. Instead of just sitting around doing nothing in the small office he had built, he was helping his men build the fort and their houses, and would often outfit small expeditions with his soldiers to see if they could find a small, abandoned town or city they could pillage resources from. Oftentimes, they came back with their hands empty, but sometimes, they would be able to find an abandoned farm or market that would have some food and even some building materials. The people of Diɲɛlaban would cheer for Sonko whenever he brought some resources, and even if he didn't manage to get something, Sonko would still get the respect of the people, due to his bravery and determination to help his people no matter what. As time went by, more and more stolen resources were stockpiled, and the issue of running out of food or other essential resources was now completely out of the question. The fort was now actually looking like a complete fort, and people were starting to live normal lives here. People worked, spent time with their families, and rested in the houses they built with their own blood, sweat, and tears. This spirit was what made the Malian people proud of themselves, the spirit of willpower and hardiness. As he had promised to Saidykhan, Sonko was overlooking a successful and smooth building of the fort of Diɲɛlaban, maybe this meant that he could even become a real colonial governor in the far future, although Sonko brushed those thoughts aside, and knew that if he ever wanted to have any sort of power here, he needed to be loyal to Saidykhan, and, most importantly, the Mansa himself. Still, it was something nice to think about while he was bored. As weeks and even months went by, Sonko could sense Saidykhan's return. He had prayed to Allah each they as to wish Sajo a successful second voyage, but, he was starting to lose some hope. Approximately four months had passed since Saidykhan set sail to Mali, and Sonko was starting to get quite impatient. He felt as if his prayers hadn't worked, and maybe this meant that something bad had happened. Maybe the Mansa didn't allow Sajo to outfit a second expedition. Or maybe...just maybe...the Mansa did allow Saidykhan, but he wasn't able to break the curse of Mansa Musa's predecessor for a second time and got lost in the vastness of the ocean. As Sonko began fearing the worse, suddenly, a miracle would come. Exactly 100 days after Saidykhan had set sail to Mali to notify the Mansa of the crew's findings, Sonko, while he was talking with one of his soldiers about his worries, saw that there were various specks dotting the view of the ocean that were coming closer and closer to them. Finally! Saidykhan was here! Sonko decided to notify the fort of the news, and everyone was now euphoric. Immediately, the people started to work on a proper hero's welcome for Saidykhan, and a massive banquet was planned. A few hours after the sighting of these specks, Saidykhan had indeed returned to Diɲɛlaban, this time, with a fleet so massive even the old European powers would've been jealous of it. As Saidykhan began disembarking from his ship, the people began to cheer him on, and they started to pile around him, thanking him for truly coming back and not betraying them. Saidykhan responded to all of this by being completely flattered and thanking the people, especially Sonko, for being patient.

"Proud Malians of Diɲɛlaban...I have some incredible news! As you can see, not only has the Mansa approved of me embarking on a second voyage, but he has also decided to permanently give me funds to establish as many expeditions as I want in the future! This means that all of you no longer need to return to Mali and that all of you can live free lives in the glorious Outer Heaven we've built! We also established a similar fort to the one here in The Sisters, and we expect those islands to become important pit stops for future ships that may wish to travel to Kɛnɛsan!".

The people began cheering for him even more. For most, Saidykhan was no longer just a captain and colonial governor, he was a living deity, someone sent by Allah himself so the people of Mali could be as euphoric as possible and live wealthy and prosperous lives. He was no longer just Captain Saidykhan...he was Lord Saidykhan. Sonko was as happy as the people, and in a small ritual, he delegated all of his powers to Saidykhan once again. Saidykhan, like a father with his son, was proud of Sonko. Not only had he overseen the construction of the fort while he was not here, but he had also done it well, possibly better than he could have ever done if he was in Sonko's place.

After the feast celebrating Saidykhan's return ended, the people immediately got back to work, and, with the resources he needed, Sonko outfitted another expedition to Truru, this time, to establish a city so grandiose that even Niani itself would look puny compared to it, a city all Malians, dead, alive, or not even born yet, could be absolutely proud of.

Faabadugu, The New City Of The World's Desire
Faabadugu, The New City Of The World's Desire
The new expedition to Truru, the abandoned English port city that all of Mali already knew by now, was now bigger and better and was going to be Sonko's second time in the ruins. He hoped that the city was still there and mostly intact and not just a weird hallucination his mind had made up, and, lo and behold, when Sonko and his men arrived at the spot where the city was by using a crude map Sonko had made of the local area, Truru was still there, still abandoned, and still slowly but surely rotting away. Sonko saw himself as a savior of sorts. He was going to rebuild this little European port city and was going to turn it into a personal utopia of sorts. He wanted to be a benevolent governor and wanted to cleanse Erɔpu of its legacy of tyrannical rulers who only wished for bloodshed against even their own people. If the Europeans didn't know how to properly rule these fertile, prosperous, and wealthy lands, then the Malians were going to do it and build a strong legacy that could potentially last for millennia, maybe even forever. Sonko and his comrade, Captain Saidykhan, were going to be the light that would start the ever-burning flame of the Malian Empire, a flame that would keep its people warm and comfortable, even in the harshest of times. While his daydreaming was indeed nice, Sonko knew that he needed to snap out of it immediately, and start working with his men to start rebuilding Truru. As he and his expedition started to explore the city, Sonko gave an order to his men. His co-setigi, Lalo Diawara, was going to explore the western part of the town, while Sonko was going to explore the east. This way, the exploration of the town would take less and both crews could take their time to map out the area as long as they were relatively close to each other. On his small trek, Sonko found many things, such as an abandoned market, a small Catholic church, and a workshop with many neat artifacts and goodies. Sonko took all of the things he could find so he could examine them himself and write notes about them in a small book he always had in one of his many bags. Diawara on the other hand, found something quite interesting, a small stream. To see where this stream came from, Diawara put a Hanza plant he had brought all the way from Mali and put it on the stream. As the plant rushed through the stream, Diawara followed its path, and as he followed, the stream got wider and wider. At one point, the stream got so wide it started to become a river, and Diawara could no longer see the Hanza plant embark on its voyage across the mighty waterway. With the help of a Hanza, Diawara had just found the Hyldreth, an old river that used to supply the old inhabitants of Truru with water. Diawara was proud of his discovery and immediately ordered his men to search for Sonko, as to notify him of his discovery. When Diawara's men found Sonko, he was still tinkering around with the small machines he had found in that workshop.

"Captain Alaji! Diawara found something you might find interesting!" Said one of the soldiers.

"Oh, really, what is it? I hope it's something worth my time, as you can see, I'm quite busy trying to figure out these strange European inventions and machines".

"I think it's indeed something worth your time. Diawara, with the help of a Hanza, managed to find a stream that lead him to a river!".

"Ah, indeed, this does seem like something worth my time! I can already envision this great river supplying our future colonial city with vital water!".
"Also, hmm. Thinking about it, I really haven't come up with a good name for our future city...uhh...let's call it something nice and simple...Faabadugu, yeah, that sounds nice!".
"Alright soldiers, you may return to your positions with Captain Diawara. I will have a meeting with him after we finish our expeditions and discuss our findings".

"Yes sir!".

The soldiers returned to where Diawara was and notified him that Sonko was now aware of the existence of the river. A few hours later, after completely mapping out their areas, Sonko and Diawara notified their men that they could have some well-needed rest. The soldiers and the other people that were in the expedition claimed any existing house in Faabadugu that they could find and made them their own. Slowly but surely, this once-abandoned port city was coming back to life, with the help of Mali and its hardy people.
The Start Of Something Great
The Start Of Something Great
As Diawara and Sonko's people were starting to get comfortable in their new homes, they were bringing a new breath of fresh air to Faabadugu. The old markets were transformed into new ones that sold all sorts of goods from the two continents, the old workshops were renovated and kept churning out little devices like toys kids could play with, the roads and old houses were renovated and redesigned in a more Malian style that didn't completely erase the old European style and actually somewhat embraced it, and the old Catholic churches were turned into beautiful mosques in which the settlers could do their daily religious needs. Slowly but surely, Faabadugu was becoming as Malian as the homeland, while also developing a unique culture of its own that incorporated old remaining European elements. This was the beauty of Malian exploration and determination, and the people, especially Sonko and Diawara, were absolutely loving it. They hadn't felt this free in a long while, they felt like they could do whatever they wanted now that they were far away from home and needed to survive using their own skills and clever ideas. The people of Faabadugu quickly became an adventurous bunch, with even kids aiding their parents hunt down the local animals such as rabbits, badgers, hares, bats, foxes, wild horses and ponies, and even deer. These new animals also introduced something to Malian and Kɛnɛsanian culture, new animals to make food with. As the people of Faabadugu hunted these unknown wild beasts, they also figured out how to cook them and make new dishes that incorporated elements from Malian and Old European cuisine. This fusing of cultures made the people of Kɛnɛsan and Faabadugu even more daring and free. While they quickly developed an identity separate from the one from their homeland, they knew they weren't completely independent. Autonomy from the Mansa was indeed a nice thing, but even then, they still pledged loyalty, due to him being the reason they were here in the first place. As long as the Mansa or any of his successors didn't intervene in Kɛnɛsanian affairs and let the peoples of his colonial holdings be relatively free, they were happy with his rule and would gladly be loyal subjects to him. As Faabadugu grew, so did the people's knowledge of the local area. People were starting to know each other in these colonial holdings, and families were even getting made. The first generation of Malians born outside the mainland was about to be brought into existence, a sign of a stable and prosperous colony. Some of these families decided to venture outside their city and began founding small settlements of their own, with their own rules and unique culture. These small towns began trading with Faabadugu, increasing the economic output of the two. Some families didn't want to make new settlements, and instead, they simply decided to settle in already existing farms that were made by the Old European Natives and started growing plants, vegetables, and other things that were essential to living and being self-sustainable.

While things looked promising in Kɛnɛsan, things weren't looking so good on the mainland. Mansa Sulayman was in poor health, and the risk of a civil war breaking out due to disagreements among the nobles as to who would succeed the Mansa was threatening the integrity of the Empire. Some Malians, fearing for their lives, have started to plan to move to Kɛnɛsan, and escape the potential bloodshed that may ensue. These people were no longer going to be full-on subjects of the Mansa, they were going to join Saidykhan, Sonko, Diawara, and the rest of his adventurous comrades. Only time will truly tell if the mainland can stabilize itself and manage to keep its people and holdings in Old Europa.
In The Court Of The Crimson Mansa
In The Court Of The Crimson Mansa
By the end of 1360, the people of the Malian Empire knew that their beloved Mansa would not be able to see the New Year's. The once glorious Mansa, the man that brought colonial glory and wealth to Mali, was now small, feeble, and weak, on the verge of death. The Malian noble class didn't know how to react to this information and began squabbling with each other. While all of them supported the ascension of Camba Keita, Sulayman's son, to the Malian throne, some sensed that someone or something was plotting to overthrow the new Mansa and impose his rule, making the country collapse into a bloody, brutal, and pointless civil war. The Mansa's Personal Guard, learning of the noble's suspicions, swore to defend Camba Keita's new throne with all of their blood and swore to destroy all traitors and ambitious pretenders that even dared to challenge the rule of the new Mansa. On November 29th, 1360, Mansa Sulayman gave the last breaths of his life, and so, the man deemed so great that even Mansa Musa himself would be proud of him, was no more. As preparations for his funeral started, the people of Mali, from Kɛnɛsan to Timbuktu, learned of the news and mourned the death of perhaps one of, if not, the greatest ruler in Malian history. His son, Camba Keita, who now had a legacy to complete, was declared the new Mansa of the glorious Malian Empire in a lavish coronation that would make the richest of Rulers of Old Europa bow before him. The funeral started exactly one month after the death of Sulayman, and people from all over the Malian Empire attended it to give their respects to the Mansa that brought them newfound prosperity and lands. When Saidykhan learned of the Mansa's death, he was absolutely destroyed. The Mansa, even though he was the most prestigious member of Malian society, felt like an old friend of his. The mentor that trusted in him and made him one of the most powerful in Mali was now gone. For Saidykhan, it was like losing his own father, and he absolutely made sure to attend the funeral. Ruling Diɲɛlaban, while important, meant nothing to Saidykhan right now, and he temporarily delegated his powers to Sonko again, who was still busy lavishly redesigning his personal fiefdom, and really didn't care for the affairs of the old homeland. Saidykhan felt disgusted at the fact that Sonko didn't feel a speck of sympathy towards him or Sulayman, but he still viewed him as a friend, maybe he could later implement some discipline on him. Saidykhan knew Sonko was a young and foolish man, but like all of the people of his kind, he was going to mature and grow up, and take wiser and smarter decisions.

On the day of the funeral, Malians from all sectors of the Empire met in Niani and paid their respects to the old Mansa. They prayed for their soul and wished for the new Mansa to be just as compassionate and benevolent as him. The tomb of the old Mansa was as glorious as his old soul. It was made out of pure gold and had jewels that came from the farthest areas of the Empire. As the tomb was carried by the old Mansa's guards, the people began throwing flowers and other precious goods at the tomb of the Mansa. The attendees were sobbing and sobbing like there was no tomorrow, but they knew that instead of thinking about tragic feelings, they had to look up to the future and remain hardy and determined, for that was the Malian spirit. Sure, a glorious era had ended, but it was not the end, and a new one had to rise. This new era, the era of Mansa Camba, was going to be surely blessed by Allah himself, just like the eras of his father and the old Mansa Musa.

I'd like to ask more about non-European casualties here. How bad was the plague in the mideast? Sounds like North Africa has been thoroughly depopulated, but how bad was Mesopotamia hit? I also imagine that there would be a desire by Muslim states in the region to secure Mecca and Medina. Not trying to move the focus there, just curious.
I'd like to ask more about non-European casualties here. How bad was the plague in the mideast? Sounds like North Africa has been thoroughly depopulated, but how bad was Mesopotamia hit? I also imagine that there would be a desire by Muslim states in the region to secure Mecca and Medina. Not trying to move the focus there, just curious.
You'd be right, North Africa is basically empty. As for Mesopotamia, there are still people there, but approximately 50-75% of the people in the region have perished. There is indeed a desire for the Muslim states that have survived to secure the Holy Cities, and Mansa Camba will go on a Hajj at one point, and that post will give more details about the status of the Middle East. Hope this answer helps!