Remnants of Rome

A bit of a bump, but I just wanted to say that I joined this forum specifically so that I could comment on this awesome TL. Took a few weeks but I finally got around to finishing it and it's been an excellent read! :)
A bit of a bump, but I just wanted to say that I joined this forum specifically so that I could comment on this awesome TL. Took a few weeks but I finally got around to finishing it and it's been an excellent read! :)

I did the same thing with a different TL, I forgot which. In any case, Xwarq, I'd just like to say that I just reread this timeline. It's truly excellent in every possible way, and I'd like to express my fondest wish that you post it in the Finished Timelines and Scenarios Forum. Soon, I may get so desperate that I'll pay you actual money to do so. :p
This timeline, which is my favorite of all time on this forum, is now posted in the Finished Timelines and Scenarios Forum. I would recommend you go take a look.

Sorry for the bump but I am just curious about the states in the Western Hemisphere. Can you elaborate about them a bit more and on the nature of the alliances?
Sorry for the bump but I am just curious about the states in the Western Hemisphere. Can you elaborate about them a bit more and on the nature of the alliances?
Unfortunately I can't remember. However all the ones that end in 'ia' are former Roman colonies. Apu is a mostly-native state.

With the absence of Roman power in Gaul and Britannia, came a plethora of ‘new’ states. A Roman general, named Nepotianus, led several thousand Roman troops and salvaged what remained of Lugdenensis and northern Aquitania. He founded the Kingdom of Aremorica. Meanwhile, barbarians flooded into Gaul. Clodio, a Frankish chief, invaded most of Belgica and Germania Inferior and became the first king of the Franks. Gundahar, a Burgundian chief, conquered the rest of Belgica and Germania Superior. Priarius II formed the Kingdom of the Alemanni consisting of parts of Lugdunensis, eastern Aquitania, and eastern Narbonensis.

Though Aremorica was founded by a Roman, the peninsula of Aremorica itself was settled by a significant amount of Brythons. Of course, the rest of Aremorica was nearly homogenously ‘Roman’. And vice versa, The Kingdom of the Franks, the Kingdom of Burgundia, and the Kingdom of the Alemanni had predominantly Roman populations, and Franks, Burgundians, and Alemanes were simply the ruling class.

The Suevi, Vandalic Kingdom, and Visigothic Empire also had predominantly Roman populations. The Romans were treated well, and actually preferred being under ‘barbarian’ rule because of lower taxes.

Maximus Tiranus and Nepotianus would have liked to call themselves rulers of Aquitania and southern Gaul, but in reality they had no control of the territory. Aquitania and Narbonensis’s main cities, Burdigala, Elusa, and Tolosa, were mainly self reliant, though, and had been for many years.

In Britannia, various Romans and Brythons created many tiny kingdoms and chiefdoms. Some of these kings claimed to be the rightful Roman Emperors.

In 413, Maximus Tiranus (called Flavius Maximus Tiranus after his ascension to the status of Emperor) established several legions and appointed generals for them. He stationed 3 of them of them in forts in the Pyrenees, 4 of them in forts in Septimania and 2 of them in forts near the Suevi. In 414, he founded the city of Tiranamaxima northwest of Toledo, and made it the new capital. Throughout the next few years he also commisioned the construction of new aqueducts and roads, mainly near the new capital, and the repair of existing ones that were damaged by the Vandals as they travelled to Mauretania.

In 416, Ataulf, Emperor of the Visigoths, died. He converted to Catholicism on his deathbed. Sigeric succeeded to the throne. Sigeric appointed many Arians, pagans, and Jews to important positions. However, it would have been wise for him to convert to and propagate Catholicism. In the east, Catholic Theodosius II eyed Italy and Africa, planning to regain them as part of his Eastern Roman Empire, using religious reasons as a cause for war.

But to the east, Sassanid Persia was scarier than ever...

View attachment 109374

That might come late,but there are no Catholics in the church or Orthodox for that matter,there was only one Christian church!
It was stable up until this point. The Eastern Roman Empire has just been really unlucky, and the Zoharists have been really lucky, as the Zoharists are supposed to be an analogue to the Muslims.

The Eastern Romans will manage to push them out of Anatolia but in other areas they will not be so lucky.

Well they subjugated it at least. If you look back at the maps prior to the Huns' breakup, you can see that the Huns don't have a border, except where they are adjacent to states that actually have borders. So it's not officially recognized as Hun.

Unless you meant that they never actually conquered land?

However when the Huns broke apart, the remaining area in Yugoslavia became a proper empire. Though more decentralized and barbarian than the two Roman Empires.

Don't you think that battles should be more convincing? by word W.Romans can defeat Vandals how?... mystery;Justinian's army might have lost the battle at Tricamarum at point Ad Decimum,but the offensive return of the byzantine catafracts destroyed the Vandals.How are the western Romans going to defeat the Vandals? with their outdated legions and outdated Roman army? the Barbarians were armies of heavy cavalry by and large.I suppose logistics don't play a part here,when speaking about Romans on foot in Northern Africa under such weather conditions...

Ditto for these fanatics (whatever you call them) who replaced Islam;they have to cross the entire middle east to invade Egypt with...120000 men and Egypt whereas any army at that time would lose 3/4 of its manpower from hunger,thurst from the heat the desert and the impossibility to carry food for such numbers.

What I see is an ASB Thread when everything happens by the power of word of mouth.The idea is excellent and the plot goes well, but you can't land six legions in North Africa along with their animals and supplies by word of need years of preparation and the construction of an enormous fleet and the resources or the WRE confined to Spain cannot be stretched that far.If you want to make this thread at all possible there is a lot more you have to study and apply and make the story look plausible.
I apologise for the lateness of the remarks,but I discovered the thread lately and...there you are...and I am really sorry if the timeline is dead....
I know it is ASB. That's why I tried to be more realistic with Relics of Rome (but that same realism makes it difficult to update :p.)