"Power Without Knowledge...": President Haig and the Era of Bad Feelings

Just for fun: What's a better name for the Gestaltgeist iteration of the Cosmintern?

  • Cosmicist Interstellar (Cosminstel)

  • Cosmicist Intersidereal (Cosminside)

  • Keep it the same! They're still nations even if they're on another planet!

Results are only viewable after voting.
Moving Forward
My new years resolution (aside from finding a halfway decent job) is to put in the serious work of writing my novel*, and since half of it takes place in the society governed by my theoretical constitution that's what I've settled on finishing first, so I'll post it here when I'm done and in the meantime questions or discussion are welcome! As I work on the writing I'll try and bang out a few updates for this TL along the way.

*For which Power Without Knowledge serves as a worldbuilding exercise
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Media Matters: "The Best Place"
Founded in the wake of the start to the Second Levant War and perhaps emblematic of the ideologically charged and historiographically challenging nature of the times, MortonsFork.us is the premier source for uchronia discussion and fiction output in the world of Power Without Knowledge. With a robust membership, vibrant board culture and well-maintained atmosphere of civility MF.us takes its name from a pun inspired by Aristopia and the otherwise unrelated concept of "Morton's fork" where superficially different choices produce indistinguishable end results*.

Written in 1895 and one of the first works written explicitly as an alternate history, the novel's POD revolves around an early Virginia settler, the fictional Ralph Morton, discovering a large deposit of gold and using it to craft his own utopian planned society, the eponymous Aristopia. Under the leadership of Morton and his successors the colony prospers, with its wealth and enlightened form of government allowing it to grow and thrive. Eventually supporting the American Revolution, the superiority of Aristopian society makes it the gradually more dominant partner until an alternate 1890s where the utopia enjoys defacto or dejure control of the entire continent north of Mexico.

Originally founded as a loose amateur writing community, the high level of detail and the robust amounts of historical research done by the members has produced many well regarded timelines, causing the gradual shift in the business model of the site. Originally free to join MF.us has in recent years adopted a paid membership model, with much of the site's material free to read but actual membership predicated on a modest payment of a few dollars a month. Even with the shift the membership has grown in the intervening years, with 2012 marking the founding of Space Bat Press, an in-house digital publisher managed by the site's steering committee specializing in popularizing the work of the broader membership through the Buendia online marketplace.

*The name of the site is an ironic one, since attitudes toward scenarios with ridiculously high levels of parallelism are the exact same as they are here.
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With recent events in the aftermath of the Year or Calamity and the rise of Reform, many Europeans would consider themselves trapped in the worst of all worlds: not only were the Soviets on the surge (again!) but it was happening right as a new American administration was moving away from foreign meddling. Although much of the Continental intelligentsia had critiqued the Haig Doctrine, President Perot's marked aversion from foreign involvement, even in the short term, was the pendulum swinging too far in the other direction to many.

To the major powers of Europe, particularly UN Security Council members France and the UK, a more involved arrangement would be needed to stabilize and secure European affairs in the face of the red menace. This did come with one major problem: the question of what to do with Germany. Although France and Germany had certainly grown closer in the postwar world, there was no question that the annexation of Austria and the reclamation of Königsburg (no matter what diplomatic fictions were maintained) alarmed many of the same people up in arms against the Iron Curtain.

It was clear than any European united front would have to include Germany, both to maintain stability and to prevent an independent Germany from growing too strong to be contained. The end result of these deliberations would be the Treaty of Maastricht, signed in January of 1993 and ushering in the creation of the Paneuropean Community.

Building on several preexisting treaties between the three distinct European Communities, the Maastricht Treaty would weave together the various member nations into a tightly woven political and economic alliance, eliminating barriers to trade and movement within the alliance while creating (most alarmingly) a shared European military aimed at defending against what many at the time considered an almost inevitable invasion from the Eastern Bloc. While matters of funding and national troop quotas would be a source of debate for decades to come, the utility of the European Defense Forces and the institution's avowed avoidance of national favoritism and partisan politics would make it one of the most robust organs of the PEC.

Even at the time, many German nationalists (and what a world where they could call themselves that again!) knew their resurging nation was only being asked to the table to keep them from going out on their own. This lingering sense of discontent would surge and recede over the years, eventually driving the nation from the PEC following an especially fraught vote early in the new century. Attempts to force a second referendum are currently ongoing.

(Late to the timeline but... :) )
Sorry but that should be the "PanEuropean Combine" and they have this idea about automated tanks to challenge the Soviet hordes...
Some might call them "Ogres" :)

(Late to the timeline but... :) )
Sorry but that should be the "PanEuropean Combine" and they have this idea about automated tanks to challenge the Soviet hordes...
Some might call them "Ogres" :)

😂 It would be hilarious but it's a different evolution of the real life European Communities so...

On another tack how are you liking the TL?
Media Matters: Space Bat Press logo
Some Notes on Flags
Given the pretty wide divergences we've seen on the international stage I figured I'd go through and lay out what's going on with flags. Anyone I don't mention retains whatever flag they currently use. While the Union of Soviet States retains the USSR flag and Yugoslavia is obviously still around, the South Africa situation is obviously vastly different, with the Kaap retaining the Republic of South Africa flag and the Union of Azania using a variant of the current South Africa flag, except the top and bottom stripes are both red. The Second Republic of China meanwhile adopted an unutilized proposed flag for the original ROC* in order to avoid any bad blood associated with the Chinese Civil War, though independent Tibet has returned to its original flag. I created a flag for the Paneuropean Community from scratch and changed it slightly from the way I originally described it in the relevant post.



*In the new interpretation of the flag the three red stripes represent Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau with the blue used to represent the Five Races (sans the Tibetans) since they have a lot more autonomy within the new Chinese state.
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Some Notes on Cover Art
I had a flash of inspiration today so I mocked up a couple of rough book cover concepts to represent Sutter's novel and my own! Demimonde would be in-universe fiction revolving around an urban fantasy setting derived from my King in Yellow timeline and Oubliette is the novel I'm working on (divided into a present story revolving around Sutter and the 2020 election and a future history one set in the ARC). I also modified the Cosmicist Manifesto cover to include the SBP logo I made and I've updated the relevant post.

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A Horse of a Different Color: The 2020 Field
I'm going to fill out the interim time sooner or later but I wanted to put out the list of candidates I came up with for my 2020 election scenario since I haven't decided whether I'll cut it off before or after the primaries when the time comes. From left to right the Establishment party candidates are:
  • Citizens Party- The Senator, Mike Gravel
  • Equal Rights Party- The Prosecutor, Letitia James
  • New Federalist Party- The Reformer, Thomas Friedman
  • Freedom Party- The CEO*, Elizabeth Holmes
  • America First Party- The President, Pat Buchanan
For their part Manifest Destiny! doesn't contest the presidency and the Subversive Party just writes in St. Toad and uses the Max Stirner doodle.

*of Macondo Technologies
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Mountains of Madness: Zoranism and the Tsalal

-An illustration of a Thevetat by William Dyer (Credit to Eran G)

The heavier industrial pollution TTL, born out of a combination of the USS overhauling its manufacturing sector in a bid to compete in the wake of the Soviet Restoration and an American policy of deregulation under Haig, would have a profoundly accelerating effect on global climate change going into the new century, and the first and most obvious sign of this would be severe Antarctic ozone depletion. Steps would be taken worldwide to address the issue starting in the nineties, but the larger size of the hole would leave decades of work ahead and the global Regressive movement would fixate on the depletion as an intentional plot by the Soviets or other actors to drive their rivals to extinction through environmental degradation.

It would be this conspiracy theory that would prompt an American Regressive cell to head off for the continent with the stated goal of climbing Mount Kirkpatrick, the tallest peak of the Transantarctic mountains, as a demonstration of resolve, a ploy for international attention and, it must be said, an excuse to leave the country before President Powell's domestic crackdown on Regressive activists and thought leaders. As with all best laid plans, the small group began encountering unforeseen difficulties almost immediately, from inadequate provisions to the hazards of inclement weather and deadly crevasses. The group was feared deceased, and the United States would dispatch a rescue mission in the wake of international pressure. There would be only one confirmed survivor.

Found halfway up the mountain, severely frostbitten and delirious from exposure, William Dyer would be arrested upon his return to the United States on suspicion of terrorist activities, but would eventually be released on time served owing to lingering health complications from his ordeal. Dyer would spend the rest of his life telling anyone who would listen what he had seen on the ice. Claiming to have been shown a vision by a long vanished prehuman race, Dyer began promulgating a new theology with his book Meditations Under the Southern Cross. A strange mix of Buddhism, Theosophy and science fiction, Meditations offered a metaphorical reinterpretation of the Theosophical doctrine of "root races", arguing that the dragon Thevetat which had supposedly corrupted the Atlantean root race had actually been a dissident faction of the Polarian race intending to help rather than hinder the later races of men. Rather than viewing the gradual transition from an ethereal to a material existence as one of corruption, Dyer maintained that the the Thevetat had directly instantiated into material bodies, creating a vast and sophisticated civilization in Antarctica before being wiped out in a cataclysm that saw their civilization annihilated and the continent covered in ice.

Regarded as little more than a New Age fringe belief during Dyer's lifetime the text would become quite popular in the Antarctic Economic Territories, becoming the holy text of a new religious movement called Zoranism that synthesized the text with Cosmicist thought and would prove instrumental in creating a unified sense of purpose on the continent, seeing it as their holy duty to combat the Three Poisons (delusion, greed and hate) through providing education, economic support and medical treatment to those in need in the Territories. Following the Revolution, the Zoranist movement would continue to expand even as the Commonwealth governments took over much of the work in these areas, and by some measures Zoranism makes up a plurality of religious adherents on the continent. Zoranism makes no definitive statements on life after death but puts great stock in the ritual use of entheogens to foster inner growth and has produced a body of work that forms a distinct strain of Cosmicist thought occasionally called Esoteric Cosmicism to differentiate it from the temporal body of the Movement itself.

Most of the organization is made up of lay members, though Gyrovagues (priests-errant) are stationed at lodges throughout Antarctica, moving somewhat regularly to help with the sharing of perspectives and the growth of empathy between the Commonwealths. When not traveling, a member of the priesthood dwells in one of the monasteries scattered throughout the now renamed Dyer Mountains in a life that combines a focus on religious and technical education to make the Gyrovagues valued members of any community they settle in. The largest monastery and seat of the faith is actually located in the highlands of Leng, according to legend the seat of the Thevetat's greatest city, and is staffed with the highest levels of the mixed-gender priesthood, overseen by the Nameless Priest, who ceremonially sheds their old life and public identity in order to serve the Church with impartiality. The symbol of the Church is Zoran's Equation, a symbol representing "perfect knowledge" and taken from the French novel The Ice People, one of the clear influences on Mediations (along with At the Mountains of Madness).

Given the focus on personal inner revelations the Zoranist Movement has a fairly high tolerance for deviations from the pure faith, with the most outlandish or radical tendencies eroded as a natural result of the nature of priesthood within the faith. The exception that proves the rule, however, is a splinter faction calling itself the Tsalal. Interpreting the Meditations through the lens of Regression rather than Cosmicism, the Tsalal oppose the Antarctic Revolutionary Commonwealths on principle as a force that is occupying and despoiling what they perceive to be their holy land. Regarded as a terrorist group and suppressed by the government, the extremely harsh lifestyle of the Tsalal has ensured that their order remains a small one limited largely to the wild interior of Leng. Departing from traditional Regressive symbolism the Tsalal use black rather than green, symbolizing the polar night, and use a stylized representation of a vajra to represent their strength and the harshness of their environment.


*Reminder- Ridley Scott directed a long and incredibly popular series of Dune movies in the eighties and as a knock on consequence we never get Prometheus*
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Given my many fits and starts March was practically a deluge 😂 Does anyone have any questions going forward while I continue to work on my Basic Law? It's still got quite a bit of work left and it's already at like 20 pages 😅