@CountofDooku following up to the idea shared by other comrade earlier I would like also to propose to create a closed city maybe in the Ural region which would serve as new Soviet secret research centre. As for now this city would serve as center of development and production of biological and chemical weapons. I also propose to name it City-17 (Сити-17) for no reason :)
While I get that reference I was thinking if we have a branch within the city that focus on thing like space exploration or something similar so we can beat the US in the eventual space race.
@CountofDooku following up to the idea shared by other comrade earlier I would like also to propose to create a closed city maybe in the Ural region which would serve as new Soviet secret research centre. As for now this city would serve as center of development and production of biological and chemical weapons. I also propose to name it City-17 (Сити-17) for no reason :)
Not sure if such a project would not be to ambitious for the Soviet Union, at least at the moment, but I overall like the idea.
I do have an idea for our interest in Germany: Once the Great Depression happens, we could support them by sending our economic advisors, having them recreate their economic model either by socialist standards or similar to ours. That way we counter the NSDAP and other far-right parties.
I do have an idea for our interest in Germany: Once the Great Depression happens, we could support them by sending our economic advisors, having them recreate their economic model either by socialist standards or similar to ours. That way we counter the NSDAP and other far-right parties.
If their new model then works out that is ;D
If their new model then works out that is ;D
True but since Germany is still dealing with the war reparations towards Belgium, France, and the UK which would fuel anti-French, British and maybe American since they force an unpayable reparation while also shutting down most of their factories and occupying & de-militarized the Rhine, which has almost all of their factories, both civilian and military.
Can we get this guy into charge of USSR
I hope after Rykov it's someone who's both good at diplomacy while being aggressive but not too much during the alt. Cold War as well hiring competent politicians...
Was also thinking about one thing, but we only know about it now - in year 1925/26 it would probably made no sense, but right now we know so much more. What I mean - division of Arctic between countries who have territorial claims in the region - USSR/Britain/USA/Denmark/Norway. In 1925 people thought that in the Arctic there was only ice and freezing temperatures so nobody really cared about that region, but right now we know whats hidden under the ice - oil, natural gas, diamonds, copper, nikel and iron ore. So my thought was why not divide it right now and when the technology allows it - use the riches of the Arctic? But what do you guys this - is it too much ASB at this point?
Was also thinking about one thing, but we only know about it now - in year 1925/26 it would probably made no sense, but right now we know so much more. What I mean - division of Arctic between countries who have territorial claims in the region - USSR/Britain/USA/Denmark/Norway. In 1925 people thought that in the Arctic there was only ice and freezing temperatures so nobody really cared about that region, but right now we know whats hidden under the ice - oil, natural gas, diamonds, copper, nikel and iron ore. So my thought was why not divide it right now and when the technology allows it - use the riches of the Arctic? But what do you guys this - is it too much ASB at this point?
I move that we secure control over Fridtjof Nansen Land (Franz Josef Land) - which the Soviet Union did in 1926 IOTL. However, Svalbard will be/have been annexed by Norway in 1925.

However, given that the people of the 1920s would have no way to know about the resources, I don't think that it would be reasonable to grab what, to them, would be totally useless land.
I move that we secure control over Fridtjof Nansen Land (Franz Josef Land) - which the Soviet Union did in 1926 IOTL. However, Svalbard will be/have been annexed by Norway in 1925.

However, given that the people of the 1920s would have no way to know about the resources, I don't think that it would be reasonable to grab what, to them, would be totally useless land.
Artic areas and islands to claim without fighting larger wars about it is always a good power move back in the day. Especialy as both are not truely claimed (even if I might have alrleady colored them in red on the map maybe, have to check that.
That I am very much aware off, I meant more of like a whole underground city and industrial complex below hills and mountains for more secrecy and security.
If/when we do build an underground city, we should barred any of our scientists and politicians from interfering both each other and politics since that would help us advance much faster against the West.
Sorry for double post but after re-reading the previous comments, we should form an Eurasian Union with China since Wang wants our territories and we want to keep them and our influence in Asia.
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Sorry for double post but after re-reading the previous comments, we should form an Eurasian Union with China since Wang wants our territories and we want to keep them and our influence in Asia.
Wouldn't such a union automatically Chinese dominated in a short time given the population difference (wich only will increase over time)?