Norway Holds -> Effect on the War

Not sure of the How, But assume the Brit/French/Norwegians manage to hold in the North and start pushing South, retaking Norway, by the end of May.

No German control of Coastal Norway to attack the [Russian] Conveys, so less Ships loosed, and more Supplies delivered.

?But what else?
You need a pre-war POD in which Britain's armed forces, especially the RAF and the FAA are more powerful so that it has a much greater expeditionary capability. This TL below has such a scenario but sadly it dies halfway through the War.

If Norway turns into a stalemate then there's less German units available for other theatres. It also makes it easier for the Kriegsmarine surface units to be bottled up in Germany, a consequence of this might have been that Hitler decides not to bother with completing Bismarck and Tirpitz which would free up those resources for more U-Boats.
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The Murmansk run just became much safer and sending supplies to the USSR much easier once Hitler invades the USSR.

Unfortunately you'll need to present a dramatic change of attitude on the part of the British so that they don't send a brigade here and a battalion or two there while the Germans deploy divisions.
A couple reasonable PODs would have helped:

1) The Norwegian government believes earlier UK warnings and fully mobilize their armed forces starting April 1st. As a result a) All fortresses are fully manned and on 24-7 alert. b) all airfields near Oslo are heavily guarded and on 24-7 alert. c) regiment sized units of the army are ready for local counter attacks near major poplulation centers.

2) The RN gets better intel (or processes what it gets better) from their submarines in the Skagerrak and Kattegat. The Home Fleet leaves Scapa Flow in the morning of April 7th, not in the evening as IOTL. The Home Fleet catches the three German taskforces bound for Narvik, Trondheim, and Bergen about 50 miles east/northeast of Egersund.