New Deal Coalition Retained Pt II: World on Fire


Zhirinovsky on his heritage:

"Why should I reject Russian blood, Russian culture, Russian land, and fall in love with the Jewish people only because of that single drop of blood that my father left in my mother's body?"

So Zhirinovsky at least at one point did not consider himself Jewish (he's gone back and forth on the issue since then). In any case, regardless of his heritage Zhirinovsky is still a massive anti-Semite. In addition to the stuff I listed above Zhirinovsky also proposed that he and American presidential candidate Pat Buchanan work together to deport their countries Jewish populations. He's also said that Jews sell healthy children to the West (which is a form of blood libel), has endorsed the myth of Jewish Bolshevism, and commented that the Jews run the banks and the media.
Yeah he's a fucking kook, we know.

Oh yeah remember when he thought the Chelyabinsk meteor was just an American hologram? Or the wall to keep the Muslims out?.....
The portrayal of Gerhard Frey here is extremely inaccurate. As proof, let's look at some of the people and groups Frey associated with IOTL:

Noted Holocaust deniers David Irving, Gerard Menuhin, and Arthur Butz (one of Frey's newspapers even serialized Butz's book "The Hoax of the 20th Century", while Meuhin had a regular column in the Frey's "Nazional Zeitung" newspaper)

The National Democratic Party of Germany (one of the largest Neo-Nazi parties in Europe)

The Neo-Nazi terrorist group Wehrsportgruppe Hoffmann (who Frey used as bodyguards during some of his events)

The Republicans (another German political party that has in the past been classified as "right-wing extremist" by the German government)

Hilfskorp Arabien, which was formed by right-wing extremists to fight Israelis in the Middle East

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who has demanded that Jews be segregated on reservations and blames them for WWII.

Also there's the stuff Frey's newspapers published, such as this gem from the Nazional Zeitung:

"Anyone who today dares to contradict the thesis of German sole responsibility for the outbreak of the Second World War and points out the respective portion of blame of the victorious powers has to muster great courage. Even 70 years after the outbreak of the horrific struggle between nations, no sovereignty in dealing with the truth is recognizable in the Federal Republic of Germany, but rather what US President Truman already knew continues to be valid: “History is written by the victors."

In short: Gerhard Frey was an actual Nazi. And I have a serious problem with this TL just ignoring his IOTL history and passing him off as an anti-totalitarian patriot. Like with Mandela and apartheid it's both completely out of character for Frey, and also is offensive. You can have a Freyist-style ideology in your TL, but for the love of God don't use Gerhard Frey. I do want to say however that I am not accusing The Congressman of supporting Nazism or any other activity which breaks the rules. I suspect he picked a figure from the German right-wing without really looking at their history.
I picked Frey knowing exactly who he was and what he did. I chose to give him an epiphany and to have him atone for his past beliefs. The neo-Nazi becomes an Anti-Nazi. Not the first case of evil becomes good in any TL, so why is the criticism hefted at me more than anyone else? I chose him to make the contrast even greater, and my portrayal of him here does not mean to be an endorsement of him OTL. It's like criticizing NSS for rehabilitating George Lincoln Rockwell because they made him renounce his beliefs in a sincere manner. Or criticizing Bismarck ISOTed to Titanic because it describes a good version of Adolf Hitler because Hitler is an evil monster OTL. When someone is diverged so radically - and it can happen - you can't use what they are currently to attack the ITTL version.
David Irving


Are you reffering to this creep?
If you'd already decided on leaving the thread before you'd finished your post, why would you have put it up at all? At that point all it is, is unnecessarily inflammatory, and gives the wrong idea to that criticism will scare others away from the work rather than give it a chance to be improved upon.

And besides that, the criticisms other people have with a timeline you enjoy is no reason to leave. The nice thing about threads like this is you don't have to read through other people's complaints, and you don't have to debate with them if you disagree. You can just read whenever @The Congressman posts an update, pose any questions if there is a need, and ignore everything else. The only thing you do by outright abandoning it hurt an author who's work you support.
Hmmmm, you're right. I've decide to watch this thread again.
You know, I’m starting to seriously question whether or not I should just drop this TL all together. Seems rather pointless to read it now if every time there’s an update there’s five or more complaints about the update.

You know what? Screw it I’m out of here, I’m sick and tired of these constant complaints.
There's always the finished TL section which cuts out the complaints though this TL has yet to be finished and frankly I'm getting annoyed at this nonsensical accusations of the author being some Nazi supporter, it's pretty childish and in some cases intellectually harmful but I digress.
Pardon my strong language, but this thread is going to s**t like hell in a hand-grenade.

Perhaps, if @TheCongressman feels it is necessary, that a meta thread be created for criticism of NDCR (both parts)?

I prefer not to see accusations of political radicalism and general toxicity flying around amongst more benign comments, please?
Guys, leave the trolls alone. Don't give them anything and they'll fly away.
I'm entering my exam time so updates will be sparse for a few weeks. Afterwards we can return with a clean slate and watch the end of the war play out.
I'm entering my exam time so updates will be sparse for a few weeks. Afterwards we can return with a clean slate and watch the end of the war play out.

Which reminds me that I need to finish out 1985 in "Superhero Cinema." As for 1986, there will be The Flash (directed by Joe Johnson) and Spider-Man II. Any casting suggestions for Barry Allen? The film entered production before his death in Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 and the decision to make Wally West his successor was last-minute, so he will be the cinematic Flash.