Most defensible Hong Kong New Territories border

Now, suppose that because reasons, after WW2 the lease is extended into perpetuity and Anglo-Chinese negotiations result in a border adjustment to ensure a defensible border.

Even by a quick glance at the map I can see three priorities for the British,

1) A defensive line that can be held with relatively small forces

2) a ready water supply

3) the Island itself being out of easy attack range.

One of the possible borders that would fit the bill is running from the sea to the peak of Wutong Mountain, along the ridge towards the lake, from the lake north of Shenzen city up the hills, once more through the hills and then once more to the sea.

Any other ideas?
What do you mean by "easy attack range". Is that for aircraft, or artillery? Does the border have a water sources and if it does how does it compare to Hong Kong's what usage?
I meant Artillery. Aircraft would mean annexing most of China. As for water, the border I proposed does border on a lake.