Map Thread XXI

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Here is my attempt at Pax Britannica (A HOI4 mod I like). View attachment 830051
Edit: I think that when I changed the color of Japan to show it's Jacobin/basically Communist, I neglected to make sure Korea didn't look similar. Also I forgot Morocco and an artificial sea next to it (because the way the map is set up, it's barely visible)
Seems like the Russians went one step further than IOTL when it came to diverting water.


Basically Communist Gundam
Sprawl. Gibson's Spawn trilogy is from an alternate universe where Todd McFarlane's comic was a much bigger hit, leading to multiple movies, two live action TV series, and a number of novels, of which Gibson's are the most critically acclaimed.
Y'know, I'd like to live in that world, or at least see a munroist map of it
very pretty map !! its always awesome to see new space maps =D a few questions if you dont mind:
does the name Outerearth imply theyve terraformed Mercury or Rockefeller?
what do the contested zones look like? constant battles and pirates? i would think the moon is pretty developed at this point
usse is communist, outerearth are libertarians, but im curious wut the federation is like

(Previous map here)

By 1700, the Poles have finally consolidated their rule over the Roman Empire. Unlike the Bulgar conquest centuries ago, when marching hordes into Constantinople was enough, this time remnants were able to hold out in the western regions for decades. The new Polish ruling class has taken steps to ensure its hard-won dominion remains unchallenged, including reforming the governance of the Empire into ethnically-defined military units (legions), and moving the capital to Stetinum. In Britannia, the imposition of an isolationist policy (though somewhat less strict than Rome and Gaul) has coincided with a booming economy and growing population. After a chaotic period of unchecked Eastern influence, contact has been restricted to Wuyue through the tightly regulated port of Penntorr. In Ireland, the situation has grown less stable, inviting Britannian feudal lords to begin expanding their control.

In an area straddling the Tropic of Cancer across the entire Old World, myriad empires have consolidated great power over the past century. The Neo-Ghana Empire has converted much of West Africa to Christianity, Aegyptus-Palaestina has enveloped the Red Sea, Persia has regained much of its ancestral territory, Sasaram India has held on to its regional dominance, and Ayutthaya now stretches across Laos and Malaya.

All around the world, the pace of colonization is accelerating. Min and Lingnan have greatly expanded their New World holdings, Wuyue and Majapahit have established footholds in South Africa and Madagascar respectively, Jin has conquered Siberia and marched westward all the way across the weakened north of Eurasia in a stunningly short time, Japan has integrated the Ainu and ramped up the settlement of the Northwest, joined by Korea just to their south, and Song has emerged as the newest colonizer and global economic powerhouse, quickly establishing settlements along the coast of southern Brazil.
View attachment 830270
(Previous map here)

By 1700, the Poles have finally consolidated their rule over the Roman Empire. Unlike the Bulgar conquest centuries ago, when marching hordes into Constantinople was enough, this time remnants were able to hold out in the western regions for decades. The new Polish ruling class has taken steps to ensure its hard-won dominion remains unchallenged, including reforming the governance of the Empire into ethnically-defined military units (legions), and moving the capital to Stetinum. In Britannia, the imposition of an isolationist policy (though somewhat less strict than Rome and Gaul) has coincided with a booming economy and growing population. After a chaotic period of unchecked Eastern influence, contact has been restricted to Wuyue through the tightly regulated port of Penntorr. In Ireland, the situation has grown less stable, inviting Britannian feudal lords to begin expanding their control.

In an area straddling the Tropic of Cancer across the entire Old World, myriad empires have consolidated great power over the past century. The Neo-Ghana Empire has converted much of West Africa to Christianity, Aegyptus-Palaestina has enveloped the Red Sea, Persia has regained much of its ancestral territory, Sasaram India has held on to its regional dominance, and Ayutthaya now stretches across Laos and Malaya.

All around the world, the pace of colonization is accelerating. Min and Lingnan have greatly expanded their New World holdings, Wuyue and Majapahit have established footholds in South Africa and Madagascar respectively, Jin has conquered Siberia and marched westward all the way across the weakened north of Eurasia in a stunningly short time, Japan has integrated the Ainu and ramped up the settlement of the Northwest, joined by Korea just to their south, and Song has emerged as the newest colonizer and global economic powerhouse, quickly establishing settlements along the coast of southern Brazil.
If I may ask, is this an analogue to East being the West?
Cross-posting my MoTF entry:
Novgorod aligns itself with Poland-Lithuania in order to stave off the Muscovite danger. It remains a Republic and preserves a large degree of internal autonomy, but the King of Poland-Lithuania becomes Novgorod's liege and protector. Muscovy is eventually crushed in a series of devastating wars, and Commonwealth becomes the sole hegemon of the vast Eastern European plain. From this point on, a slow but steady push East is effectuated. In the South, Cossacks create numerous settlements in the Don basin; in the North, Novgorodian merchants and fishermen explore the frozen shores and penetrate deep into Siberia. Relations with the Central Asian khanates are kept on friendly terms, but tensions begin to appear.

I am looking for suggestions for a map I am planning. I am trying to recolor the entire Dutch East Indies because in this scenario of mine the Netherlands sided with Central Powers and their colonies got partitioned by the Entente side. I was wondering if anyone knew a quick way to recolor it all at once the DEI with the same color of British Malaya because doing step by step with paint has been a pain in the butt and I always miss a spot.
I have a technique to offer you on Paint:

-In the first step you need to copy/paste the entire card (or just a part of it) that you want to recolor (if you skip this step, the following steps won't work).

-In the second step you will place the color you want to replace on the left click and the replacement color on the right click (respectively color 1 and color 2). You can use the eyedropper to do this. Here we are going to replace the light green of the virgin land with pink.

-Finally, you will use the eraser with the right click of your mouse. And normally your eraser will only erase color 1 and replace it by color 2, without affecting the other colors (the black delimiting the islands or the blue of the ocean).

I use Paint in French, but normally the interface should be the same for you.

Hopefully this will help you and others.
I have a technique to offer you on Paint:

-In the first step you need to copy/paste the entire card (or just a part of it) that you want to recolor (if you skip this step, the following steps won't work).

-In the second step you will place the color you want to replace on the left click and the replacement color on the right click (respectively color 1 and color 2). You can use the eyedropper to do this. Here we are going to replace the light green of the virgin land with pink.
View attachment 830333

-Finally, you will use the eraser with the right click of your mouse. And normally your eraser will only erase color 1 and replace it by color 2, without affecting the other colors (the black delimiting the islands or the blue of the ocean).
View attachment 830334

I use Paint in French, but normally the interface should be the same for you.

Hopefully this will help you and others.

Huh, I knew the eraser colour could be changed from white to whatever is chosen as the second colour but didn't know you could get paint to only erase over a single colour. Neat.
Huh, I knew the eraser colour could be changed from white to whatever is chosen as the second colour but didn't know you could get paint to only erase over a single colour. Neat.
When I discovered this by chance a few years ago, I was the happiest man in the world.
I think a thread should be made about the little-known techniques of Paint.
I have a technique to offer you on Paint:

-In the first step you need to copy/paste the entire card (or just a part of it) that you want to recolor (if you skip this step, the following steps won't work).

-In the second step you will place the color you want to replace on the left click and the replacement color on the right click (respectively color 1 and color 2). You can use the eyedropper to do this. Here we are going to replace the light green of the virgin land with pink.
View attachment 830333

-Finally, you will use the eraser with the right click of your mouse. And normally your eraser will only erase color 1 and replace it by color 2, without affecting the other colors (the black delimiting the islands or the blue of the ocean).
View attachment 830334

I use Paint in French, but normally the interface should be the same for you.

Hopefully this will help you and others.
(I am not op / eretzyegern, but)
I found/find this extremely helpful/useful/enlightening to know. If I can just say thank you very much! :)
very pretty map !! its always awesome to see new space maps =D a few questions if you dont mind:
does the name Outerearth imply theyve terraformed Mercury or Rockefeller?
what do the contested zones look like? constant battles and pirates? i would think the moon is pretty developed at this point
usse is communist, outerearth are libertarians, but im curious wut the federation is like
Outerearth is simply a "Government in Exile" that claims basically the entire Earth, it's a de-jure Representative Republic, but De-facto a One-Party state. Mercury isn't terraformed, just simply loyal to OR, also Rockefeller is a Orbital Colony that is also loyal to the OR.
Contested zones are active warzones between the USSE and OR where fighting is the heaviest. The moon is a stalled frond while Venus is more active, so imagine WW1 levels of not moving and involve mechs.
If I may ask, is this an analogue to East being the West?
That’s the basic premise, yeah. I’ve seen people make comparisons between Rome and China, (and maybe I’m just bad at searching) but I’ve never seen anyone make a timeline out of directly swapping them. So I did!

This is the next part of my 'longest-lasting version of each country' series. Previous countries are still on this map, but have been whited out.
  • The Empire of Brazil (67 yrs) is the longest lasting permutation of Brazil in history. (The, colonial, State of Brazil lasted 194 years but was not independent).
  • Sultanate of Brunei (520 yrs) is the longest lasting permutation of Brunei in history.
  • Volga Bulgaria (aprx. 595 yrs)
  • Burkina Faso (38 yrs)
  • Sri Ksetra Kingdom (aprx. 725 yrs) [Burma/Myanmar]
  • 1st Kingdom of Burundi (210 yrs)
  • Khmer Empire (629 yrs)
  • Kingdom of Bamum (490 yrs) [Cameroon]
  • Canada (155 yrs / 91 yrs) [determining at what point Canada was objectively independent, was something I found difficult :( ]
  • Republic of Cape Verde / Republic of Cabo Verde (47 yrs)
  • 2nd Central African Republic (43 yrs)
  • Republic of Chad (62 yrs)
  • 4th Republic of Chile (48 yrs)
  • Federal Islamic Republic of Comoros (23 yrs)
  • First Republic of Costa Rica (100 yrs)
  • Kingdom of Croatia, and Dalmatia (424 yrs)

Note: China and Colombia are depicted on the map, but not in the bullet-points. This is because I lost some data when my computer crashed / restarted abruptly. I also do not seem to be able to find the previous map in this series.
I have a technique to offer you on Paint:

-In the first step you need to copy/paste the entire card (or just a part of it) that you want to recolor (if you skip this step, the following steps won't work).

-In the second step you will place the color you want to replace on the left click and the replacement color on the right click (respectively color 1 and color 2). You can use the eyedropper to do this. Here we are going to replace the light green of the virgin land with pink.
View attachment 830333

-Finally, you will use the eraser with the right click of your mouse. And normally your eraser will only erase color 1 and replace it by color 2, without affecting the other colors (the black delimiting the islands or the blue of the ocean).
View attachment 830334

I use Paint in French, but normally the interface should be the same for you.

Hopefully this will help you and others.
I have been using this tool for years for recoloring maps, however, they do not work on saved maps, I have to copy and paste the map onto a new paint tab for it to work, is this normal?
(I am not op / eretzyegern, but)
I found/find this extremely helpful/useful/enlightening to know. If I can just say thank you very much! :)
With pleasure! Good for that I share it here.
It makes the coloring/recoloring job much easier.
I know that on it's even easier, but I don't know this software.

I have been using this tool for years for recoloring maps, however, they do not work on saved maps, I have to copy and paste the map onto a new paint tab for it to work, is this normal?
Yes, you have to copy and paste the map, either in the same tab or in another tab, to use the eraser in this way.
I don't know why we can't do it directly though.
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I use a program called GraphicsGale to make my maps. It’s a freeware pixel art editor that looks and functions very similarly to MS Paint, but has way more useful features, including: a dedicated colour replacement tool, a pallette system, windowed tabs, and layers. I’d recommend it to anyone that’s used to Paint, it didn’t take me long to figure out how it works, but I’d be glad to offer pointers if anyone needs them.
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