Look to the West Volume VIII: The Bear and the Basilisk


Gone Fishin'
Was wondering when someone would get this up! Some small comments/notes:
- Russian claims in the Caribbean should be American, presumably
- I believe China is now in control of Liaoning, and perhaps Formosa, following their deal with Russia
- Scottish and Scandinavian claims should border English "Conisbourgh" (still sad about no Kingsbury)
-Czechosilesia should be back under German control
Fixed the changes for you. I wonder why Danubia has not been officially referred to as Societist Danubia yet even with a Societist leading party?
Also, is the Romulan ascendancy really a revolution? They don't seem to be intent on creating a one-party Nuovo Stato yet?
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Here is an unofficial map to track the changes mentioned over the course of the volume:
I really must say, it's fascinating to realize just how similar in territorial extent the ENA is to the USA, if one exchanges 1) Carolina for eastern Canada, 2) Texas for Sonora, 3) California for southern British Columbia, 4), Alaska and Hawaii for western Australia and the Lesser Antilles for the extraterritorial integrated lands and 5) knowing in the future that Superia will become independent and possibly all of *North Carolina returned to the ENA post-Combine collapse.


Gone Fishin'
Given that the height of missionary activity in Africa was from 1880s-1920s, is Christianity (and Shia/Ibadi Islam in Swahililand) spreading at the same rate as OTL?
Also with Diversitarianism will there be more use of the vernacular in place of liturgical languages?
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What's most remarkable for me is that while it's hard to say anyone really won the Black twenties, the French pretty much unequivocally lost. Sure, they got the Belgian problem sorted out, but that's all, and while everyone else had mixed bags to one extent or another, France basically saw their entire geostrategic position collapse.


Gone Fishin'
What's most remarkable for me is that while it's hard to say anyone really won the Black twenties, the French pretty much unequivocally lost. Sure, they got the Belgian problem sorted out, but that's all, and while everyone else had mixed bags to one extent or another, France basically saw their entire geostrategic position collapse.
Also decolonization movements in all their significant colonies - they could hold onto Arguim and some islands but their overall empire will be challenged such as movements in French and French-influenced India in 1935+


Gone Fishin'
Longer-lived republican *Fascist Italy, anyone? I guess this is why we haven't heard much about modern Italy given the *Fascist interregnum and playing hooky/not-hooky with the ASN would complicate things
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Gone Fishin'
I wonder how Crimean Israel becomes independent at all since it is wedged between the antisemitic Russian Empire and the Ottomans/Eternal State, neither of which are friendly to the idea of a Jewish state -- even with the Sunrise war I can't see an independent *Ukraine necessarily tolerating it
Free Humanity pretty clearly won the black 20s, tbf.
I think it would be wrong to say the Societists won the Black twenties. At least in an unambiguous sense - the invasion of Carolina was nowhere near as successful as they were quite hoping, in the end, and they failed to dislodge the Americans from their Canal. Really, what does getting Carolina get them? It's a remote territory out on a limb, lacks good secure borders and exposes them to an open sore.

Now, their victories in Spain will be more meaningful, granted, but I still don't know if we can say they won the Black Twenties - not in the same way we can say the Allies won the first or second world war, etc.

@Beatriz I could see it emerging in the same way the Khazars did for the Byzantines and the Muslims - playing both sides off against each other. Sure, neither side likes jews, but the Ottomans and the Russians hate the other more.


Gone Fishin'
Despite the Combine's emphasis on homogenization you can still find pockets of diversity that fall into a legal limbo - clearly not linguistic or otherwise 'national' - but the survival of Islam in Indonesia (spottily) or the use of Muslim Ottoman Societist administrators for the Darfur, or the use of Spanish (fadingly) in Platinea
Between the Combine destroying the rainforests and everybody trying to kill off every species of rodent that can harbor plague fleas (ground squirrels, prairie dogs, etc.) this world must be a worse ecological disaster area than ours.
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Longer-lived republican *Fascist Italy, anyone? I guess this is why we haven't heard much about modern Italy given the *Fascist interregnum and playing hooky/not-hooky with the ASN would complicate things
We do know that Italy is a major military player in the Last War of Supremacy, more so than England and more or less an equal to France, IIRC. We also know that these three are close allies in 1990, to the point that they share elements of their nuclear strategy.


Gone Fishin'
We do know that Italy is a major military player in the Last War of Supremacy, more so than England and more or less an equal to France, IIRC. We also know that these three are close allies in 1990, to the point that they share elements of their nuclear strategy.
That doesn't preclude a Nationalist authoritarian period though that sticks with ASN to preserve Italian Culture(s)*
*with the mention of no Standard Italian.

With a less racist world, there could also be genuine Diversitarian-authoritarian attempts to justify colonization as a means of preserving local traditions vs. Societist encroachment
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That doesn't preclude a Nationalist authoritarian period though that sticks with ASN to preserve Italian Culture(s)*
*with the mention of no Standard Italian.

With a less racist world, there could also be genuine Diversitarian-authoritarian attempts to justify colonization as a means of preserving local traditions vs. Societist encroachment
True. We'll see what happens.
That doesn't preclude a Nationalist authoritarian period though that sticks with ASN to preserve Italian Culture(s)*
*with the mention of no Standard Italian.

With a less racist world, there could also be genuine Diversitarian-authoritarian attempts to justify colonization as a means of preserving local traditions vs. Societist encroachment

Man, Look to the West can produce some truly cursed outcomes sometimes. "Ah yes, the radical Italian nationalists out to forcibly dismantle Italianita because if there is any conception of a unified Italy instead of a recognition of the historical diversity of Italian cultures, then Pablo Sanchez wins."
Man, Look to the West can produce some truly cursed outcomes sometimes. "Ah yes, the radical Italian nationalists out to forcibly dismantle Italianita because if there is any conception of a unified Italy instead of a recognition of the historical diversity of Italian cultures, then Pablo Sanchez wins."
"Hey man, we can be Italian and Tuscan/Lombard/Piedmontese/Umbrian/Neapolitan/whatever as well." - a random Italian nationalist diversitarian, probably.
So there's another thing I was thinking about a bit, which is that we've already seen that TLL has some pretty hefty taboos against rocketry and I think we've just seen why. The Alkahest wasn't used against Fredericksburg, but it could have been, and I can totally see that leading in a direction of strong international condemnation of research that would lead in the direction of, for example, ICBMs