In God we trust. An American Junta.

OOC: Hey guys, I am going to give this my best shot considering I have lost interest in my communist North Japan TL. I am more interested in what would happen if the United States experienced a coup and a Junta was set up, turning the U.S into a military dictatorship in the name of fighting communism. Here we go. Is this too ASB? A military junta/coup in the United States let me know please. BTW Pulaski is a fictional character. And you can call me out if you find this too brief especially on Pulaski because in all honesty I really don't care about his childhood or his past life. This is more about life under the Junta.

"I will never forget the day we experienced what it was like to live like our right wing "allies" fighting "communism." How could this happen? Why am I in jail? I didn't do anything wrong, I'm not a god damn communist, I'm a fucking American, I don't wanna die!"
- Unknown prisoner, weeping as he writes in his journal before being executed by the United States Military.

Part I.

1980 was not a great year for the United States, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in December 1979, the U.S boycotted the Summer Olympics being held in Moscow much to the Soviets outrage. The Iran hostage crisis continued into its 1st year with no sign of the Iranians intending to release any of the Americans, and a economy that has fallen into recession, and a unpopular U.S president, Jimmy Carter. It would seem that a Republican would take hold of office and replace the democrat party president with someone else who isn't a democrat. However 1980 would be an interesting year to say the least for the U.S.

In brief North America in late 1979 and 1980 had experienced a radical change in Geo-political views. First the Institutional Revolutionary Party began sweeping economic reforms that were at odd with the United States, they begin to kick out right wing factions of the party and began to slide more to the left, not necessary communism but to socialism, and more to the Soviet Union.

The United States began to put sanctions on Mexico in the beginning of 1980, but to the Armed forces it wasn't enough. The Pentagon wanted
more pressure to be put on Mexico and because the U.S public no longer desired another long war like the Vietnam War, the Pentagon had no real power to influence the public or even the government except for Thomas Pulaski.

General Thomas Pulaski in a 1984 portrait of him
OOC: That Robert Kingston in RL.

Thomas Pulaski had enough backing by the Generals of the U.S Armed Forces that they could pull of a coup in Washington. Pulaski on October 25th 1980, a few weeks before election day with at least 120,000 soldiers supporting him began overthrew the President in a bloodless coup without a single shot fired. Not even Carter's Secret Service fought back.

He announced to television much to the shock of the American public that "Freedom and liberty are being guarding by our men in arms." Pulaski was declared on October 26 to be acting president of the United States and with decree from the Pentagon that all elections suspended until further notice. The Pentagon was ordered by the acting president to seize all communications and media assets, and place it under control of the military. He also ordered that congress be completely dissolved and left wing groups and individuals be purged from society.

U.S soldiers under the orders of Pulaski, round up students, teachers, professors and other academic types because of their alleged communist actions. A M-48 Patton tank can be seen nearby.

On October 28th 1980, Pulaski gave the title of Vice President to Marine Corp General Paul X Kelley. On the same day Pulaski formed the Committee for the Suppression of Socialism and Atheism. It was clear that under this police state that no one dares to profess left wing views or even views considered immoral by Christians.

OOC: Well that's the starting point for now. If this falls apart like tomorrow or it sucks which it might suck, its been awhile since I've done this, I will probably stop then :p Anyway its late so I am going to stop for tonight. I hope this is good.
.... This is ridiculous. Way too ASB. You can't have a military coup d'etat with little fanfare, just a year after the PoD. This would be civil war - general strikes, civil resistance, etc.

If you want to see a plausible/believable scenario in which a military coup d'etat junta-type government becomes possible or actually happens, two great timelines feature some level of possible/actual junta: Rumsfeldia (military seriously considering a coup d'etat) and The Falcon Cannot Hear (President and Veep killed, MacArthur declares himself dictator and starts a junta, followed by another military coup d'etat attempt.)
Thanks for the feeback. Yeah it sucks case close. I get it, I accept that its ridiculous. I'm an idiot, I understand, I can't write, its stupid. No worries I understand.

Kou Gakei

Thanks for the feeback. Yeah it sucks case close. I get it, I accept that its ridiculous. I'm an idiot, I understand, I can't write, its stupid. No worries I understand.

At least you know the problem. And no, I'm not being sarcastic or ironic here.

In all seriousness, the government of the United States of America was designed to prevent something like this from happening. You can get a coup done if the nation was in an abyss-level crisis, most of the existing government was destroyed by disasters, or there was a long period of conspiracy buildup. The fact you ignored this means you have no idea what you're writing about, and I highly suggest you do actual research into government structures.
Thanks and yeah I wrote this an hour ago and I was pretty tired then, and I'm tired now so I guess it was flop. I'm sorry. At least you were honest with me.
The only way a Dictatorship could plausibly work past 1900 is if the Great Depression takes a turn to even worse, and the authoritarian regime rule in the guise of Democracy, i.e. keep the democratic institutions around as a front, while all elections are seriously flawed. And even that is a stretch.
.... This is ridiculous. Way too ASB. You can't have a military coup d'etat with little fanfare, just a year after the PoD. This would be civil war - general strikes, civil resistance, etc.

Not to mention that said extremely implausible coup was launched by a person who prior to the POD did not exist, just appeared out of thin air.

Take some time EH to think about what story you want to tell, do some background reading and research how could actually come to pass. Make it your goal for the story to be so real that your readers could see themselves in it or envision seeing the events your describing actually playing out on TV and in general conversation. Good luck.