I hold in my hands an advance copy of.... FINAL IMPACT!

Axis of Time series' final book. Written by John Birmingham, the guy who inspired me to write Clio. Basically about a 2021 Multinational Fleet that gets (accidentally) transported back to 1942, in the midst of Spruance's fleet at Midway.
...slowly the Grimm Reaper crept up on the unsuspecting and hapless Matt, his steely gaze fixed on his goal...​

Grimm doesn't know that he just untangled a Claymore wire-trigger.


Nothing left of the Death-wannabe but bloody bits and pieces of his decaying body.:D
Matt was startled by the explosion, but even more so by utter lack of body parts, blood spatters or any other debris. Seeing no evidence of an effort to trigger the mines from a distance, he suddenly realized who would sneak up on him yet be impervious to physical harm. Hastily Matt triggered the perfect anti-Reaper defense, a staggered series of pictures of Keira Knightly emphasizing her bosom/utter lack thereof.​
Well you damn Aussies, take satisfaction in this: This is the only time Australia well ever be first for anything! Bwhahahahahaha!


Matt was startled by the explosion, but even more so by utter lack of body parts, blood spatters or any other debris. Seeing no evidence of an effort to trigger the mines from a distance, he suddenly realized who would sneak up on him yet be impervious to physical harm. Hastily Matt triggered the perfect anti-Reaper defense, a staggered series of pictures of Keira Knightly emphasizing her bosom/utter lack thereof.​

*MrP, who had been watching from the sidelines quietly, suddenly lost all control and raced in, a manic look in his eyes*
Tis just so sad that MrP lacks my invulnerability to physical attacks and would stampede into a mine field but one must expect errors from those who worship Our Lady of Bones and Tabacky.:p


Tis just so sad that MrP lacks my invulnerability to physical attacks and would stampede into a mine field but one must expect errors from those who worship Our Lady of Bones and Tabacky.:p

*And while Grimm was distracted by MrP's seemingly uncontrolled movement . . . * ;)
I noticed Birmo's tendency to refer to recent events that occurred around the writing of the books, hence the namedrop of Desparate Housewives in book 2. Which is interesting, considering that show isn't as talked about recently.

Did he ever mention if the Nazis ever did anything to a young Joseph Ratzinger? Makes me wonder what they'd do.