Galois Lives

Exactly what it says - Evariste Galois survives his duel of May 30, 1832 (or if that's ASB, doesn't have it in the first place) and lives for another 50 or so years. What happens to mathematics and the world in general?
Exactly what it says - Evariste Galois survives his duel of May 30, 1832 (or if that's ASB, doesn't have it in the first place) and lives for another 50 or so years. What happens to mathematics and the world in general?

1. Algebra and algebraic mathematicians are even stranger than IOTL.
2. Most famous mathematicians did their most significant contribution in their early years. Given that, Galois' further work might be "minor" in comparison.
3. Besides cryptography, there arent't that many applications of real algebra, right?
4. Algebra and algebraic mathematicians are even stranger than IOTL.

Nevertheless, I'd like to read a timeline where mathematicians and algebraic everyday applications change the world to an extant that not only we mathematicians and some physicists or economists know about... it...
Perhaps Niels Abel (1802-1829) could also have had better health and enough money to eat better. He and Galois sometimes reached the same result independently.
Perhaps Niels Abel (1802-1829) could also have had better health and enough money to eat better. He and Galois sometimes reached the same result independently.

A good idea. I wonder, if Abel didn't die in 1829 (and presumably lived till 1870s or so), would it change anything about Galois by 1832? Because both surviving will be interesting (are they going to meet?), but it seems too much like a double POD...