Some of you looking at the title of this thread may reflexively be hissing “That is a Pre-1900 Point of Divergence!” while others, less patient and open minded, may be screaming “NO MORE SOUTHERN VICTORY! Feed that author to the Sealions! I blame Winston Churchill!”

I say “What if there were a Blaxploitation movie in which the protagonist gets caught in a tug of war between the United States of America and the Confederate States?”
I’m not sure what the plot of this movie ought to be, but this notion originally came to mind whilst contemplating the best way to make a beloved old chestnut of Alternate History entertaining so I suspect the reader will understand why my original notion was ‘Blaxploitation CASABLANCA with Southern-fried Nazis’ (Though ‘Blaxploitation IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT’ also occurred to me).

My suspicion is that this could very well have been a roundabout way of discussing how far the United States had come by the 1970s and how far it still had to go (One can easily image Our Hero being posed the unpalatable choice between President Richard Nixon and President George Wallace, only to make the immediate reply that when your only choices were ‘Bad’ or ‘Worse’ you always chose to be BAD), with the added bonus of potentially cocking a snook at the Vietnam War (Another conflict between North & South in which black men often found themselves stuck in the middle).

At the moment, though, I would specifically like to ask for advice on who might have been involved in this sort of production: one would also appreciate suggestions on a specific plot (and, in all truth, one would REALLY love to know if this idea sounds genuinely entertaining).

Thank You for your consideration and please feel free to share your thoughts!