Axis Victory/Three Way Cold War Nazi Architecture


(Just a disclaimer, I am in no ways whatsoever a Nazi sympathizer, and I hope that no one else that comments here is one either. This thread is for discussion about what could have possibly been built in a scenario where the Third Reich survives past 1945, and for reference for people that wish to go into further detail with said scenarios. And yes, I know I made a thread about what Berlin could have looked like in my alternate fan-history, but I feel that there should have been a thread for Nazi architecture in alternate histories in general.)

So the topic of discussion is, what sort of things would the Third Reich have built if it had won the Second World War or entered a Cold War with the Western Allies and/or United States and the Soviet Union?

As many of us know, the Nazis had big plans for building big things. For one, there's Welthauptstadt Germania, which would have been a total reconstruction of the city of Berlin, as well as similar projects in Munich, Nuremburg, Hamburg, and Linz, along with an additional 27 cities. Then there were the Nordstern and Prora projects, which we don't really know much about, and should probably cover as well. Another thing that should be covered here is what other sort of things the Nazis could have built in other cities.

So, let's begin discussing and providing reference material for those who write alternate history fiction involving a Third Reich surviving past 1945.
The biggest problem for these plans is that Berlin is built on a very marshy soil and it's more than 100 feet to bedrock. Then there's the fact that the Volkshölle is so big inside that unless everyone wore Fremen stillsuits and sandsnorks (from Frank Herbert's Dune), the vapor from everyone's breath would condense around the ceiling and fall as rain or snow in a most unsanitary manner. And to top it all off, Neo-Classical architecture of the style shown there is so un-German it could very easily start to become an eyesore to most non-Party affiliated Germans, which is very odd because some architectural styles favored by the Nazis (like the overgrown cottage style used in some vacation resorts and rural administration buildings) might make it more distinctively German.


The biggest problem for these plans is that Berlin is built on a very marshy soil and it's more than 100 feet to bedrock. Then there's the fact that the Volkshölle is so big inside that unless everyone wore Fremen stillsuits and sandsnorks (from Frank Herbert's Dune), the vapor from everyone's breath would condense around the ceiling and fall as rain or snow in a most unsanitary manner. And to top it all off, Neo-Classical architecture of the style shown there is so un-German it could very easily start to become an eyesore to most non-Party affiliated Germans, which is very odd because some architectural styles favored by the Nazis (like the overgrown cottage style used in some vacation resorts and rural administration buildings) might make it more distinctively German.

Yeah, Berlin's marshy soil would definitely be a problem. It would cause many of the heavier structures to sink into the soil, so maybe the Nazis would have had to build a lot of stuff underground as well, to at least partially help with the soil issue. Stuff like an underground metro and stuff like that. Would make for a good battle scene or post-apocalyptic scenario set in Germania.

As with that whole thing with clouds building up in the Volkshalle, I can't really say for sure whether it would be fact or not, since it was never built. However, I'm not saying that it wouldn't be possible either, so we could have an interesting scenario on our hands if someone decides to write what it would have been like inside the Volkshalle during a big rally.

And yeah, I'm not so sure about the Neo-Classical architecture being initially welcomed and accepted by the people of Berlin, so it would make for some interesting dialogue as well.


So, what about the other big things that Hitler had planned for Berlin, like the Führer Palace for example? Can anyone go into detail with that? Just wondering, since while I know about Welthauptstadt Germania and the other Führerstadt projects, I need to know more about their details, like interior plans and designs, for example. I'm still curious about what was planned for Wewelsburg, Prora and the Nordstern as well.