Any good CP victory scenarios out there?

As it says on the tin, are there any well fleshed out CP victory scenarios on this board? I've found a few but most of them are incomplete and a lot of other TL's from off website are... Uninformed at best. Any recommendations?
This is probably the most prominent:

I think it loses its shine eventually, especially once we get supernaturally competent Communist commando-gangsters that basically turn America into a police state from the inside. Still, everyone else recommends it.

That said, I can't think of any others that flesh out the postwar world as comprehensively. BlondieBC probably has the best description of the war itself being won:

I'll see if I can remember a few more. I feel like the era in which everyone and their brother wrote actual timelines on the subject is behind us, honestly.
This is probably the most prominent:

I think it loses its shine eventually, especially once we get supernaturally competent Communist commando-gangsters that basically turn America into a police state from the inside. Still, everyone else recommends it.

They're so supernaturally competent they all die before America turns itself into this police state. The thing that destroys America ITTL is its racism not the Cheka. Though they did help...

Anyway Alex, A Shift In Priorities is def the most prominent and recommended CP Victory TL, and for a very good reason. Here is a link to Nerdlinger's fantastic compilation of story posts so you don't have to slug through the main thread for a few months lol... A Shift In Priorities
I'm working on Reconstruction: The Roaring '20s. It's not exactly a conventional Central Powers victory scenario as they didn't win outright in the Great War. Nobody did, except the US over the CS. Hence the title's name. Even the US and UK had a negotiated peace.
Yeah it's the post-war one I'm really interested in reading. I have read Shift and Prince Henry as you said is good for specific victory and the war, just wondering if any extend very far post war aside from Shift in Priorities :)
There was another one I remember seeing a few months ago but for the life of me I can't remember who started it, had the 100 Day Offensive succeeding and the Americans delayed entry.

For every CP Victory anywhere near the length of SIP, there's at least five that only got a couple pages in before dying. I remember an interesting one that would have had an even bigger Caporetto knock Italy out in 1917, but that only had one post before being abandoned.
I enjoyed the Eleventh Hour by Greywolf. It is divided into several threads so you may have to do some digging to find it.
This is probably the most prominent:

I think it loses its shine eventually, especially once we get supernaturally competent Communist commando-gangsters that basically turn America into a police state from the inside. Still, everyone else recommends it.
I remember that timeline had Koreans with nuclear weapons.... while still under Japanese occupation.... Under a Kim dynasty.... In the 1920s....
I remember that timeline had Koreans with nuclear weapons.... while still under Japanese occupation.... Under a Kim dynasty.... In the 1920s....
If Anarchy has a good explanation for that, we're all waiting...

First off the first use of a nuke ITTL was by Russia on China in 1942, Japan does still occupy Korea but it is very different than OTL, the Kims rule the Korean equivalent of the Yakuza not Korea(they're involved with building the sites for the Japanese nuclear project, neither have nuclear weapons), and that post was from the late-1940's not the 20's. :rolleyes:

"Indeed, a nuclear armed Korea could become an independent player… Under the Kim dynasty, of course…" Know this is only Kim Sŏng-ju speculating his own desire. ASIP is known for it's irony, I'd expect the Kim's to be known as mediocre gangsters at best.
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For every CP Victory anywhere near the length of SIP, there's at least five that only got a couple pages in before dying. I remember an interesting one that would have had an even bigger Caporetto knock Italy out in 1917, but that only had one post before being abandoned.

For such a common starting question there is an astonishing lack of such TL's. :eek:


For every CP Victory anywhere near the length of SIP, there's at least five that only got a couple pages in before dying. I remember an interesting one that would have had an even bigger Caporetto knock Italy out in 1917, but that only had one post before being abandoned.

It's a shame how little attention WWI gets around here. WWII is interesting and all, but I find it pretty played out TL and WI wise