America's Funniest President: Mo Udall Presidency & Beyond

1992 US Elections
  • 1992 US Elections

    For the first time in a dozen years, the Republican Party stands a notable chance at reclaiming the White House. Having moderated their stances significantly on many issues such as SATMIN rights, abortion access, healthcare and other issues, the Liberal Republican Wing stood at the dominant force of the party with a few other branches giving support. Additionally, a Democrat has been in the White House for 12 years now so they had voter fatigue over on their side as a possibility to aid them. Despite this, it was still a long shot. President Askew still enjoyed favorable numbers and it was still the incumbent after all. Additionally, outside of continuing what his predecessor had set down regarding the planning and construction of various infrastructue, including nuclear power plants and other achievements such as restoring a banking service over to the US Postal Service, he was surprisingly more laidback than Udall. However, many attributed this to long-term plans that he was finalizing and likely implenting should he win in the next term. According to his aides, it was major political reforms, topping what had been done in the past several years, including expanding the House of Representatives and ending gerrymandering. Some of the Republicans did know what it was, but didn't really speak on it out of courtesy.

    And then there was the United Citizens Party.

    The Unizens have been gradually growing over time, focusing on local and regional elections, usually by influencing former GOP voters too left for the Republicans or not trusting their changes, but also aiming for the Democrat voters who want something new. They have even been looking over for some younger candidates to potentially run down the line. While they were the underdog, the success that Anderson had when he would beat the GOP despite being an independent candidate did provide some level of hope for a sign of their success. The goat was trying to fight the donkey and the elephant.

    The debates and questioning were respectable and forward. Perot would gain footing over with his talks on the economy, opting for tax cuts on small and medium businesses and amendments to balance the budget. He thanked for the chance to speak with the others and prove their say along with hoping to expand with new ideas. He also advocated for stronger borders, noting to protect both nations and restrict the illegal drug trade along with maintaining the competitive edge of the US economy, especially among the foreign competition.He would even propose the idea of a value-added tax and some other financial ideas. Askew for the most part relied more on the classic technique of continuing on with what they have been doing before along with the hope of bigger plans that were in the preparation, noting it would be something that everyone would enjoy and support. However, while Mark Andrews would promote the ideals of a new tomorrow and prosperity, some would notice that there was not much in regards to some actual policy, at least enough to differentiate it.

    While there was a comfort in a return to "buisness as usual" ideal, there was a question of what this "buisness as usual" actually was, especially nowadays in a world without the Cold War and for various nations to be undergoing their own transformations, conflicts or revolutions. Each of the party's weaknesses were shown here. The Democrats' are losing their momentum with the loss of the Old Guard (though this could be more the global events overshadowing it along with other issues), the Unizens are a young party who is still trying to formulate their ideology though they have spun this to their advantage, and the Republicans seem to lack a sort of ideology to begin with or rather a lack of direction on what to stand for. The pieces were there, but it seemed like they were not able to put it together.

    Eventually, Election Day arrived. The Unizens expanded their holdings in the House and even got a couple of Senate seats along with other accomplishments. They plan also to go and expand into going for governor soon. Additionally, the recent report regarding the purpose of the Drug War and Nixon would lead to some of the GOP voters to go and swing more for the Unizens or not vote. While this did damage the results of the Republican Party, it was still a net gain for them once more in gaining some seats and progress. Ultimately however, it would be the Democrats who would win the most, as Askew and Chisholm would win reelection. While it was a modest victory given it was a bit close, it was still a victory.

    The election would have major rammifications for each party: The Unizens would further cement their hold as a legitimate third party and begin talking more with politcians from both sides or affiliated with them to grow, now being viewed seriously. The Democrats savored their victory, but realizing it could likely be the last one along with the growing disagreements between the factions, would plan for some even greater changes, even planning going from beyond the party. But it would be the Republicans who would gain the most. While not gaining much of a victory and indeed, they would seem even more lost because of the Nixon hauntings, others saw something valuable. Gaining a realization that they would need to change even more and the realization that they needed to take what they have gained and formulate into a vision of the voter. A brand new vision, even if it had to be free from the past. And they would not need to go far as they would be given the groundwork by one of the old guard, that of the writer, Russel Kirk.

    Having influenced American conservatism, he was invited as a special speaker and perhaps to help give some hope and restoration to conservatives along with a vision of going forward. Kirk saw it as a chance to help the party go away from the trappings of the failures, especially after becoming even more disillusioned with neoconservatism. However, rather than spouting paleoconservatvive points, Kirk would go and reinforce his classical conservatism beliefs, introducing them to a younger generation, noting that he hopes to inspire them: faith & natural law, traditions & customs, hierarhy and natural unity. He would even go further and tout the romantic ideals of agarianism, of classical and high culture and patriotism, even noting the differences between it and nationalism or even jingoism. He noted how the next generation would need to take these ideals and carrying them onto into a new modern world. Indeed, various leaders and their own thoughts would come to influence this new growing bubble.

    While many people knew it, the 1992 US election and the victory of President Askew and Vice President Chisholm would be a turning point as all three parties planned their futures, especially as President Askew would finish and prepare a proposal for what is to come...
    1992 Overview
  • 1992 Overview

    1992 was yet another busy and eventful year. President Askew would win reelection and he and Vice President Chisholm pressed forward with their plans. Chisholm became more assertive with civil rights and other topics important to African-American peoples, especially with the revelations regarding a reason for Nixon's War on Drugs. In the meanwhile, the United Citizens Party continued to grow and stabilize themselves as the third major party. Their ambitions have been growing, especially wth the hopes of also chipping away at some of the "Blue Dogs" or others not as progressive in the neoliberal party. The Republicans meanwhile proved that while there was some hope yet for the conservatives, it may require more sacrifice or a different form of change, but the new leaders and faces would be enough to help. Perhaps nothing more signaled this end of an era than the tragic passing of President Morris King Udall. Having enjoyed favorabiltiy ratings as high as FDR, his reforms and boosts to the health and prosperity to America and her people along with his charismatic personality would become emblematic of the modern American president, matched by what his successor would be doing. With it being the end of the Cold War, it seemed like peaceful times would be ahead, at least for those at home. However, smalls signs were showing that a small group of people were not happy with the changes and serve as a reminder of some of the negative aspects of the US. Even with that in mind, there are plenty of positive things that Americans were taking comfort in. At the same time, the Cold War's ending would finally begin settling down in people's minds... bringing forth a sense of optimism yet also uncertainty about the future. What were they to do now, and where to go from here?

    Meanwhile, outside the US, more nations were undergoing transfomations of their own. Europe would begin its grandest project with the establishment of the European Union, an economic and political union of sorts. NATO would be undergoing further debates on its future while Poland, Hungary and other nations would also be involved in these discussions along with their own potential project in conjunction. Meanwhile, the SUSR would continue its transition through its reforms, though delayed a bit by having to be more thorough and rooting out oligarchs, including those who tried escaping outside of them. This meant trying to cooperate with Ukraine, who was having a bit of political problems in trying to deal with their own oligarchs and so on. Not to mention also to bring peace back to the Caucasus though they were relieved that Iran would be now going in, preparing deals and so on for the various nations there and from what some diplomats heard, Iran was fully prepared to play hardball, having American backing and eager to flex their muscles. While the South Ossetia conflict was on ceasefire, the hopes were that a more permanant arrangement can be figured, while NATO has been sending some financial support over to maintain stability. Ethiopia meanwhile is seeing the transitional government cracking from the rise of the monarchist supporters and the in-fighting within the ruling coalition. The continued troubles of the Yugoslavic Wars have been bringing up concerns over how should matters be handled regarding Bosnia as well as the growing belligerence of Serbia under Milosevic. And back over in the Middle East, the Baathist would rise from their near-annihilation from the fall of Iraq and regroup and reformed in Qatar, likely signifying some new trouble over in the region.

    Pop culture would keep on going with some surprising and delightful revelations. First off, the big hit of the season would be none other than Aladdin, Disney's animated film released this year. It focuses on the titular character, a poverty stricken young man trying to support his mother and being a diamond in the rough, especially after meeting Badri, the disguised headstrong and sharpwitted Princess, daughter of the Sultan. However, he is roped into trying to get a treasure from the Cave of Wonders by the vizier Jafar, a malicious sorcerer wishing for the power and uses Aladdin's concerns of his mom to go in. Aladdin would be saved by the Genie of the Lamp (voiced by Robin and after trying to woo Badri, would be found by Jafar. Aladdin is forced to trade the lamp to save his mother's life before with the help of his friends, including his pet hyrax and Badri's pet Arabian wolf to stop Jafar. The film would be applauded for its writing, characterization, music, and humor with Robin Williams as the Genie and Gilbert Gottfried as Jafar's familiar, a talking bird. Interesingly enough, there was also a fair bit of drama in its development, thanks with Katzenberg butting heads with the creative and forcing Eisner to get involved. Some are wondering whether Katzenberg would quit or if Eisner would fire him first in the next few years. Beyond that, Disney has announced a dub for Miyazaki's next film which came out this year, Porco Rosso. Focusing on air pirates set in post-WW1 Italy, it focused on the mysterious literal pig-headed pilot and a conflict during the time, made political with his famous line noting he'd "rather be a pig than a fascist". The dub will come out next year, with Porco Rosso planning to be voiced by Danny DeVito, who would become lauded for his portrayal of the Penguin in another breakout film in Batman Returns, also seeing Micheal Keaton returns as the Caped Crusader. What also got attention was an animated film being worked on was a Batman animated film. While originally conceived for DTV, the success of animated films like AKIRA presented the possibility of animated films for an older audience being successful if done right. While linked to the Batman: The Animated Series, the film wold be noted to be standalone, with it also getting a larger financial budget and more time to work on. Other stand out hits would be Basic Instinct, A Few Good Men, The Bodyguard, Bram Stroker's Dracula and even Wayne's World, which would further boost the popularity of the Queen song, "Bohemian Rhapsody". Another bit of news was that another one of Spike Lee's "joints" would be delayed once moe, this time that being his Malcolm X film, albeit due to some of the troubles of Hollywood at the time. He was able to secure the assistance needed for the release of the film though.


    Information from here:
    Winter 1993- Dealing with Wacos
  • Winter 1993- Dealing with Wacos


    David Koresh 1987 mugshot

    As President Askew would begin his second term, there would be rising successes going on. One of the first acts President Askew would do in his second term would be signing the second Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty or START II alongside Gorbachev, who's process in reforming his nation continued on, having been delayed due to having to deal with remaining corruption and opportunists as well as some further refinements of how the system would actually be working. Other major developments of the time would include Belgium becoming a federal monarchy rather than a unitary one and further into Europe, "Velvet Divorce" which would see the end of Czechoslovakia as the Zech and Slovakians go their seperate ways, the European Economic Community eliminates trade barriers to go and create a European single market. [1] Meanwhile, upcoming political changes in China that would see the beginnings of elections and the like over in local levels of China, with the various minority parties having a chance to try and make their case known for the people of the various towns and cities. Though speaking of China, relations between them and the Americans have also been improving, especially with the need to help promote clean altenate fuel, with the Chinese preparing to further invest in nuclear infrastructure and other reneweals, much like what was going with India. In fact, the hopes that with discussions over the planned thorium research, that it would lead to the growing usage of thorium reactors across various parts of the world. Back in Ethiopia meanwhile, the coalition of the transitional government has seemingly teetered over into its permanent decline, namely with a certain death. That of Isaias Afwerki, the secretary-general of the Eritrean People's Liberation Front, having passed away from cerebral malaria, having passed away over in a coma. This would creack the EPLF and further damage the ruling coalition, especially because of the split support regarding the new monarchical movement.

    One major issue over was with Yugoslavia, especially with the Bosnian War going on and potential plans. However, one success would be Askew and Gorbachev getting involved in the tensions that were bubbling between the Bosnians and the Bosnian Croats threatening their fragile alliance, they invited the heads over to Saint Petersburg to establish what would be the St. Petersburg Accords between them and creating the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was a long and arduous task, but it did not take long for the leaders to accept the condition needed to maintain it, especially with the remaining issues regarding the Serbs, though further discussions for potential peace could still be brought there. However, the tensions being resolved sooner between the Bosnian Croats and Bosnians would have an effect on the Serb leadership. Unsurprisingly, a UN tribunal would be estasblished to discuss such a tenseful situation though the hope was that by doing this sooner, less lives could be lost, especially with the mounting atrocities being committed with the concerns of "ethnic purging". Some have begun planning a rather unique idea over what to do in regards over to do with the Serbians in Bosnia-Hezegovina along with Serbia in it of itself. Beyond the planning, various nations opened the doors for the fleeing refugees to flee from the violence while the US and SUSR would also debate sending further support to the Croat-Bosnian alliance.

    Of course, there was still some problems over at home too. One of which was the discovery of the Branch Davidian cult and the whole affair started with the arrest of David Koresh, the leader of the Branch Davidians. In early Febuary, the Waco Tribune-Herald began publishing "The Sinful Messiah", a series of articles by Mark England and Darlene McCormick, who reported allegations that Koresh had physically abused children in the compound and had committed statutory rape by taking multiple underage brides. [2] These accusations along with suspicions of stockpiling illegal weapons due to revelations involving a broken package and the concern of the UPS driver is what would get attention. The whole operation would see Koresh himself arrested on his jog while the children would be taken into protective custody with the evidence on hand along with various other operations involved. While no one was killed, there were a couple of tense moments and violent alternations. It was quite a concerning eye-opener and brought to light the importance of ensuring quality of child-services. [3]


    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [3]- Basically, imagine more or less what happened here:
    Last edited:
    1993- Calming the Caucasus
  • 1993- Calming the Caucasus

    Iran's Time to Shine
    It has been over 10 years now since Iran went from its unstable constitutional monarchy to that of a stable parliamentary republic. After the fall of te Shah, Iran began new relations over with the world, including with the west. Despite the turbulence and awkwardness, the past several years have been generous and the relationship having grown stronger and rebuilt. The nation stands as a strong secular force upon the world, free to use its natural resources as they saw fit and used it to invest and rebuild their nation, all while keeping an eye forward on the future. They are a nation with one of the oldest histories stretching back centuries. With the world changing, Iran now seeks to assert itself on the global stage once more. How to do so would be the question though. Even if they made peace with the fact they may not be a superpower like their ally or their neighbor, they still sought to be a great power in their own right. As such, they were awaiting the day when they would be able to flex their muscles and show off their power and influence in the world.

    And that time would come over in the early 1990s.

    With the end of the USSR and its transition into the SUSR, this led to plenty of changes erupting from the background, the events leading up to them stewing in the back. For Iran, this would be with their northern neighbors around the Caucasus. Kartvelia, Armenia Azerbaijan would leave the USSR and the simmering tensions regariding them and their minorities would go over. For the Kartvelians, the problem was with the autonomous regions in place regarding Abkhazia and South Ossetia. When the new nation would come about, their insistence on being a unitary state would cause greater tensions because of the lack of representation of the language and culture. For Armenia & Azerbaijan, it was thesimmering tensions over Nagorno-Karabakh. So much so that it would lead to growing conflict and war would lead to war, especially when Nagorno-Karabakh would fight to unify back with their Armenian kin.

    Unsurprisingly, with everything else going on, the United States was not able to do much, but count on Iran to do what was needed to resolve the issue. With it being so close to their borders, Iran saw it was a chance to go and grow their sphere of influence.

    Kalming Kartvelia
    The first order of business was with Kartvelia as it would be easier to do so as well as there had already be a ceasefire in play by around 1992. Iran's offer came reinforced with medical attention and assistance, allowing them to help push their weight around with the nation for the sake of compromise. Additionally, they were not alone as the SUSR would be present with Gorbachev's men over to help consult with the matters and issues. Ultimately, the South Ossetians wish for recognition of their language and culture, with some even wishing for them to join the Russian Federation, primarily to be under the same nation as their North Ossetian kin. The various sides debated back and forth the pros and cons for various solutions. South Ossetia joining Russia would mean that potentially most of the non-Ossetian population may have to move if they did not wish to be under the Russians. Additionally, there was the question of logistics; South Ossetia would still be seperated from most of their would-be fellow Ossetians by the mountains, making various problems trickier.

    The simpler solution was for the restoration of the autonomous status of South Ossetia along with the inclusion of special permissions such as Ossetian becoming an official language for administrative purposes of the state. [1] Of course, there was also on how to ensure this status, especially with how the former government would add to the problems by ridding of the autonomy, not just in South Ossetia, but also Abkhazia as well as some tensions over in Adjara as a result. It would be here that Iran would give a solution to all of these problems: that Kartvelia should federalize, with the specific regions given special considation regarding their circumstances for historical reasons. Here, the Sovereign Union held additional influence given Kartvelia's interim leader, Eduard Shevardnadze. Having been brought in after the ousting of Zviad Konstantines dze Gamsakhurdia, he played a notable role as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the former Soviet Union, having resigned recently as part of a show of goodwill to the change of the USSR to the SUSR. After various discussions, agreements and pressure, Shevardnadze would capitulate. Kartvelia would federalize with the updating of the constitution, which would include noted special privilages over the nations.

    It was not the optimal solution, but it would still work provided everyone was willing to work for it. For South Ossetia, it was something to a return of the status quo prior to the whole ordeal along with some benefits, similar with Adjara.

    However Abkhazia was a different beast given the atrocities committed by both sides, especially looking back over on the Battle of Gagra. [2] What should be done there with Abkhazia exactly? Further talks and discussions were held as too much bad blood had been spilled there. Iran would propose another solution; the creation of a small Abkhazian state, going over from Gudauta and heading north. It was a radical solution and not a popular one, though given everything that happened, it wasn't hard to see an appeal of it. There were also matters that even if the Kartvelian forces and reinforcements could defeat both the rebel forces and the so-called Confederation of Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus group, it would leave plenty of negative sentiment and damage Kartvelia's reputation, thus jeopardizing the desire to align closer to the west. It would ultimately be agreed upon with the Abkhazian rebels offered the deal. Unsurprisingly, it was turned down out at first before then note was put in place that the alternative would be facing the military might of Kartvelia with reinforcements from Iran and the Sovereign Union. After some tense meetings and some violence over at leadership, the deal would be taken.

    While Abkhazia would become a nation-state, it would be a pyrrhic victory to say the least. They did not get all the land they craved with Sukhumi not even in their grasp. Additionally, they were on rather rocky relations with most of their neighbors and the outside world with the only real relationship they had was being Russia. In fact, some have wondered if Abkhazia would even last as a nation or if they would end up being either reabsorbed by Kartvelia or annexed by Russia. Regardless though, peace had managed to return over Kartvelia, especially since Iran would get western aid to come over into Kartvelia to help rebuild from the incident. This along with Iranian aid and supplies would help steer Kartvelia over into the Iranian sphere of influence. And this would not be their only success.

    Ending the Nagorno-Karabakh War
    Over with Azerbaijan and Armenia, things would be tougher. While their first approach was reasoning with Azerbaijan, this would end up failing, primarily due to Azerbaijan coming under the rule of a pan-Turkist who was also anti-Iran. There was also the Azerbaijani irredentism sentiments that were being expressed over by the leadership though interestingly enough the Iranian Azeri had no interesting over in those irredentist sentiments. On top of that, they would ally over with Turkey, a nation that Iran was having increasingly hostile relations with because of the question of the Kurds, one that would need addressing soon with the increasing violence and tensions, especially at the borders of Kurdistan.

    By the end of 1992, relations between the governments have fully soured, especially when Iran began supplying food, electricity and medical aid to Armenia, albeit as part of the conditions that Armenia quit their attacks over on the autonomous region of Nakhchivan, a moved that was supported by the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the area, Heydar Aliyev. Armenia meanwhile, despite the blockade because of Turkey, kept pushing more and more against Azerbaijani forces, intent on claiming Nagorno-Karabakh along with some of the surrounding land. Armenia's continued push despite their disadvantage made it seem like it was plausible. As such. Iran tried to push for some more on Azerbaijan by presenting an ultimatum to them: to cut off their ties over with Turkey and come over to make a peaceful settlement with the Armenians or else. The leadership in Baku refused to fold, after all, what was the worst that could happen to them?

    Unfortunately, Azerbaijan would overplay their hand. Iran began preparing for potential military confrontation when luck would smile upon them. The remaining USSR now SUSR troops stationed there would end up going over to Georgia as potential reinforcements during the Abkhazian problems, having left months sooner that they expected and thus provided a unique opportunity for various groups in mind. With them gone, President Abulfaz Elchibey initiated a military operation called Tufan aimed at arresting Colonel Surat Davud oghlu Huseynov and disarming his detachments. Sending thousands of troops over in the city of Ganja, he did this because The Popular Front of Azerbaijan blamed Huseynov for treason and for intentionally ceding the villages around Mardakert to Armenians. The Azerbaijani forces would be led by the Minister of Defence Dadash Rzayev, Commander of Internal Forces Fahmin Hajiyev and Attorney General Ikhtiyar Shirinov to Ganja. A few day, the forces of Azerbaijan met with that against other, however not only did the Presidential Guard fail to disarm Huseynov, but the latter quickly defeated it. The number of casualties on both sides, as well as among civilians, was 69. Attorney General Ikhtiyar Shirinov among others was taken hostage, while Dadash Rzayev and Fahmin Hajiyev fled Ganja. In response to this, Huseynov demanded that Ikhtiyar Shirinov signed a warrant for President Elchibey's arrest on grounds of conspiracy, murder, and abuse of power, which was exercised immediately.

    With his control quickly growing, Huseynov began his march over to Baku. With Azerbaijan in the middle of a war and now a potential civil war, things were not looking good for them. Upon Huseynov began approaching the city, Elchibey secretly fled the capital to his native village of Kalaki in Nakhchivan. Unfortunately for him, Iranian spies had been in the Nakhchivan area and began trailing him. Heydar Aliyev who had just returned to Baku from Nakhchivan City, would quickly be voted in to become the president of Azerbaijan. [3] On this news, Iran would cut a deal with Aliyev to deliver Elchibey over to face his charges in doing so. Wanting to ensure peace and still feeling slighted by the Azerbaijani, the deal offered would have Armenia be able to annex Nagorno-Karabakh as well as the Armenian-populated land they were occupying, with the Azeri people there being invited to settle over in Iran. It was a shocking deal to say the least, but Iran pointed out that Huseynov was still marching over to Baku. With the deal, Iran could reinforce Aliyev's forces over from Colonel Huseynov if so desired. Without many options and into a corner, Aliyev would agree to do this. Armenia would cheer as their stuggle would be rewarded with reuniting more of their people and a brand-new alliance with Iran of all nations. Azerbaijan meanwhile would find itself humbled and Aliyev would manage to come up with a peaceful resolution with Huseynov, gaining a prominent position over in Azerbaijan in exchange for stopping his march.

    The New Caucasus
    When the smoke cleared, things have finally quieted down. Kartvelia has made peace with South Ossetia and rid their hands of Abkhazia while Armenia have won their war and gained back ancestral land. And both of these nations owe these successes and safety over to Iran, once an ancestral enemy several centuries ago. How time flies and situations change. With Kartvelia and Armenia making alliances, they have fallen into the Iranian sphere and joining Kurdistan in there along with Iraq and even Kuwait, who was becoming more and more influenced by their neighbor. However, this was not the only surprise.

    Being viewed as the rightful king returning, Aliyev would see the poor condition of his nation and looking over to Russia, made a bold proposal: for Azerbaijan to join the State Union of Sovereign Republics. The hope was that they would maintain all the benefits of being well, a state, yet also gaining much needed strength, security and funds to help rebuild the nation after their defeat. With the population turning against Elchibey, who would face life in prison for his crimes, along with the Azerbaijani Popular Front losing their support, they were desperate for stability. The SUSR, perhaps relishing the opportunity to have one of their former members come crawling back to them for safety and security, would do so, as they were in the last months of their transitional period and thus would be easier to do so now than if they waited. However, there was one snag: the Nakhchivan area.

    They were the first to actually leave the USSR, beating out Lithuania, prior to having fallen to the influence of Heydar Aliyev's clan. And they would especially be keen over on wanting to maintain their autonomy here. In fact, some went over and a few of the members were clammering to secede from the nation and possibly join Iran, a matter that Iran said would need to be discussed over with the SUSR, the Azerbaijani leadership and several others, but were not against such a notion. While this would lead to some further talks with the SUSR over on if the matter was possibly along with Heydar Aliyev's hesitations on the matter given it was his birth area after all, it would still be quite a stunning development as it would be the first former USSR nation who left the SUSR to come back to it, a decision that would have rammifications down the line.

    One of which was with Turkey, who found everything all for naught and their relations over with Iran at a nadir and further seeing tensions between potentially escalate. Iran would stand over in the spotlight in this time, but this would not be the only time that they would go and do so...

    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:–Ossetian_conflict
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:–1993)
    [3]- Information and phrasing from here:
    Spring 1993- Flooded With Developments

  • As Iran would help restore some sense of peace and stability over in the Caucasus region, many were surprised to see it happen, especially with the result of Kartvelia and Armenia having an alliance over with Iran and growing their sphere. The United States was rather impressed by this development, especially given various talks with Iran about other factors going on in the area as well as greater international plans and their effects, which included the future of NATO along with various other plans. This was not the only thing that apparently were getting people talking about what the Americans were up to, as President Askew would unveil his massive project over in the summer of this year. At the same time, he would be occupied with dealing with various weather phenomenon over in the United States. The so-called Storm of the Century would come in over in March. The Great Blizzard of 1993 as it would also be known strikes the eastern U.S., bringing record snowfall and other severe weather all the way from Cuba to Quebec, necessitating emergancy services coming in to help out. If that wasn't enough, April would bring the Great Flood of 1993, a large surge of water which sees the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers flood large portions of the American Midwest. [1] The flooding for some of these places would last over 100 days or even 200 days, necessitating relocation efforts along with further developments to urban planning, especially with the comparions with Kansas City and the improvements with their levees like in Kansas City. As the Askew Administration worked with the Missouri and Mississippi governors on distrubuting aid and assistance, it continued to serve as positive attributes for the government along with the people helping out one another. Though as all this was going, Americans kept going forward and helping one another. One last bit of interesting news there would be Micheal Jackson taking a temporary leave for "undisclosed health reasons" as he would put it.

    Meanwhile other events were going on in the world. The People's Republic of China would finish a project it has been working on for the past few years: purging the CCP of the various hardliners that were opposed to the reforms by Deng Xiaoping & Zhao Ziyang. Besides the ousting of those like Li Peng, even those that were opposed to the political reforms such as Yang Shangkun, with new members coming in to replace them such as Hu Qili as the new premier. Zhao meanwhile was gradually becoming more and more the paramount leader, namely because of Deng getting on in age. In fact, this became cemented with Zhao Ziyang would be given the title of 'President', signifying his official role as head of state and head of government, since he was also the General Secretary of the ruling party. All the while the leaders of the movement back in the Tianamen Square incident rising up in prominence in their own right such as Liu Xiaobo, both abroad and in China itself alongside the Beijing Students' Autonomous Federation and Beijing Workers' Autonomous Federation helping in the formation of similar organizations in the various major cities of China. This would be followed up with some important talks over with North Korea, primarily to deescalate tensions over along with other concerns over in the area, in the eventual possibility of reunification at some point over in the near future.

    However, that did not exclude the troubles of what would be happening over in the world. Several bombs explode in Bombay, India, killing over 250 people and injuring hundreds more. Down the line, it would be reported that the attacks were coordinated by Dawood Ibrahim, the leader of the Mumbai-based international organised crime syndicate D-Company. Ibrahim was believed to have ordered and helped organize the bombings through his subordinates Tiger Memon and Yakub Memon. Hundreds of people would be arrested and investigated as they began looking for the truth of what had happened. [2] This would not be the only bit of violence in the region as a Tamil Tigers suicide bomber would assassinate President Ranasinghe Premadasa of Sri Lanka leading to Dingiri Banda Wijetunga becoming the third executive president. Meanwhile, the Bosnian War raged on as NATO and the SUSR would work together to further out a plan to try and bring an end to the conflict, especially since they began ramping up combatting the media in the region with some of their own, trying to each out to the people to dissuade them from more fighting and violence along with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia is created in The Hague.[1]


    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
    New Country Profile: Sovereign Union
  • New Country Profile: State Union of Sovereign Republics
    Государственный Союз Суверенной Республики
    Gosudarstvennyy Soyuz Suverennoy Respubliki

    Sovereign Union Blue 8 Version.png

    Flag of the State Union of Sovereign Republics

    Motto: "Solidarity of the sovereign nations"
    Anthem: "Long Live Our Union"
    Capital: Triúmfgrad
    Largest City: Moscow
    Official Language: Russian (de facto)
    Regional Languages: Belarusian, Kazakh, Uzbek, Krygyz, Tajik, Turkmen, Azerbaijani
    Ethnic Groups: Russian, Turkic, Belarusian, Finnic, Tajik, Others
    Religion: Secular
    Demonym: Usually referred by constituent country demonym, Susrian
    Constituent Countries: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan
    Government: Confederated parliamentary republic
    Legislature: The National Sovereign Veche
    Currency: The Union Ruble

    National Facts:
    • The National Sovereign Veche is determined through each one of the constinuent nations using Party-list proportional representation; the voters of each country vote for the parties to represent them in the NSV and then the national parties form "superparties", politcal blocs formed from matching parties and based on their representation. The head of the National Sovereign Veche and thus the head of state for the SUSR is titled Chief Director. Elections for the NSV are held every five years and number of representives is determined through population of each republic, though the focus is more on the "superparties".
    • The National Sovereign Veche's purpose is for legislating and updating new rules and regulations as standards for the constituent nations to be followed. Though it focuses on handling foreign matters and situations involving them interacting with one another or with the outside world. While Republic law has the choice of being able to override Union law, it's usually seen as a measure not to be taken lightly since it would mean further problems in getting proper work done.
    • Despite having a technically unicameral legislature, the SUSR's legislative branch functions more like China's. Besides the Veche, they also have a formal advisory body that functions like an "upper house". This is known as the Sovereign Republics' Consulting Council, which functions similarly to China's CPPCC. It is where a broad range of relevant actors such as party heads, intelligence officers, diplomats, military officials, union representatives, academics, high level scientists, businesspeople and other figures of prominence come together. The people sent into the Council is chosen by the head of government/state (all of them Presidents here) of each constinuent country.
    • Triúmfgrad (formerly known as Volgograd and Stalingrad) was chosen as the new capital because of its location and to further differentiate the SUSR from Russia as a whole. It was also chosen because of its significance as a "hero city", referring to the Battle of Stalingrad, seen as a turning point in WW2. The city was renamed to reflect the triumph over in that location.
    • While being a confederated state on paper, many have compared the Sovereign Union's system to the United Kingdom's in practice. While being a union of supposedly equal members, each one has a predominant and noticeable leader, England for the UK and Russia for the Sovereign Union.
    • The flag was chosen out of various designs, with the red stars resembling the 8 constituent countries plus the union as a whole in a white circle representing peace and a blank slate with the light blue representing the endless sky and an optimistic tomorrow and the red stars their past.
    • Being a confederation, each constituent country has the option of leaving, but the process has various specifics and rules, including requiring a referendum along with other stipulations to ensure fairness in the voting.
    • The constitutional court is known as the Sovereign Union Supreme Court, with representatives coming from each constituent country and requirements of not being affiliated with any of the major parties of their homeland.
    • Joining also has its fair share of requirements and issues, with some special rules set aside for those formerly part of the defunct USSR.
    • The Sovereign Union have biannual meetings where the heads of state/government meet up and discuss matters between the constituent countries.
    • The Union Ruble is considered a potential third major global currency alongside the American dollar and the euro.
    • The Sovereign Union's computer software are predominantly UNIX-inspired thanks to collaboration with Project GNU over back in the mid-1980s, with even their homegrown software being based off of as such. Despite this, Microsoft is still fairly popular there.
    • The Sovereign Union maintains a predominant list of various oligarchs and their suspected associates, despite having purged many of them in the transitional period. Accurate information or so on about them get land a pretty penny. Other targets included hostile agents or the like.
    • Much of their economy is still influenced by the state to varying degrees and have codified much of the NEP 2.0 in how they function, with the technicalities focused on foreign buisnesses and the like.
    • The constituent countries each send their own individual teams to the Olympics.
    • Have lifted much regarding censorship and so on though certain things like private news outlets remain restricted, noting that for-profit news outlets would be a danger to stability and even cited the issues prior to the Soviet Union on how sensationalism led to problems during the Tsardom.
    • All the heads of state of each of the constituent nation happen to be President, being done through a "premier-presidential system."
    • Foreign policy is usually dictated as a whole with the Sovereign Union though each constituent country have their own diplomats to interact with countries on their own, barring enemies of the Sovereign Union. Usually done with special relations such as Belarus with Ukraine.
    • Currently working on their sphere of influence with nations such as Afghanistan, Zaire and to a lesser extent, Cuba.
    • While still keen to go their own way, they have been trying to mimic certain traits of the Americans to practice soft power, including franchising.
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    1993- Return of a King
  • 1993- Return of a King

    Coalition Cracked Apart
    Ethiopia has reached a breaking point... within its transitional government. The attempts at trying to establish a vote for Eritrea to leave have failed with the death of its leader along with the in-fighting in the group having snowballed into factionalism and even violence. The Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front was on the verge of breaking apart. Their method of trying to maintain power by allowing only ethnic-based parties was called out and without support from the world, was deprived of major legitimacy. Additionally, they underestimated the popularity of the late king when he came to visit over to his homeland. Trying to promote peace and unity, he would provide plenty of support over for Moa Anbessa, a political movement that called for restoring the monarchy, albeit as a consitutional monarchy. It rejected the plans of dividing up the state by ethnic lines and preached on unity, past history and glory along with the promise of a better future. While the EPRDF would block the Moa Anbessa front/party from participating, it would not stop its growth. When the king was killed and his son, Zera Yacob Amha Selassie, would ascend to the crown, he would lead on ahead with the party, his assassinated father now a martyr. While details on the would-be assassin remained unknown, most of the blame would still fall on the EPRDF for their negligance, which just charged all the previous complaints had against them with a renewed fervor.

    As the EPRDF began cracking under the strain, a new coalition was standing against them, that of the Moa Anbessa and their growing allies. They would be pressuring more and more of the EPRDF to let in non-ethnic based parties or scrapping the whole system planned on federalizing the nation under ethnic lines. Without much outside support, the EPRDF began hemorrhaging key members and supporters who were prioritizing their own political careers or livelihoods over the coalition's and began defecting or just plain exiting it, causing a growing eruption of in-fighting, both within the constitutent parties of the coalition and the coalition itself. One brutal moment was the death of the EPLF leader from cerebral malaria and that caused them to finally begin cracking. Unable to rule effectively and such, this would soon snowball into growing problems.

    Widescale protests and marches were being held in the major cities, calling for a change in government. For the transitional government to step down and for a new one to come and take place.

    Rebuilding a Nation
    Eventually, the coalition could not hold and as more people joined over the Moa Anbessa movement, they would finally collapse. The EPRDF, who fought for so long to try and free Ethiopia, would itself break from its own problems, that of support of ethnic federalism. And now, with this, the Moa Anbessa held the reins of the table as discussions were held now over the formation of Ethiopia's new government.

    One of the big names that were involved was Meles Zenawi. Despite the interim president's view over regarding ethnic federalism and leading the EPRDF, many of his other ideas for helping Ethiopia was found to be valuable by Moa Anbessa and respected him enough to have him be included in much of the discussions. Zenawi would help put into place many of the reforms such as freedom of religion and the press, along with plans to expand schools, land and agriculture reform to ensure that droughts would not plague the nation once more. During these discussions, one foreign consultant compared some of the ethnic issues of Ethiopia over with Yugoslavia and noted that they needed to avoid what happened there. At the same time, the greater study of Yugoslavia revealed many potential ideas over on how they successfully handled a market socialist economy and what could be learned from there. It provided good alternatives to just privatizing everything over there and help try and avoid exploitation.

    However, it would still see the end of ethnic federalism as the country would be divided up in different ways, more focused on natural geography, population numbers and other factors to ensure a balance. The only exception of sorts was Eritrea, due to already being an entity. The question over whether Eritrea should be independent or not could not really be ignored forever though trying to figure that in the leadership vacuum in the moment would be impractical. Ultimately, Eritrea would get a referendum over in 1994 to decide their fate on whether to remain with Ethiopia or secede. 1994 was insisted on by the remains of the EPLF, believing that if they delayed it longer than it needed, it would kill the momentum for the movement. Despite this plan though, they still assisted in drawing out plans like everyone else, including on what if the people of Eritrea voted to remain and thus draw out the new federal boundaries to avoid the ethnic federalism.

    Return of the Lion
    In the middle of May, specifcially between the Ethiopian holidays of Freedom Day and what would be known as Derg Downfall Day would be a new holiday. Crowning Day, referring to the coronation of Zera Yacob Amha Selassie, officially declaring the nation as a constitutional monarchy. Unsurprisingly, many heads of state or their representatives would becoming to witness the coronation, especially those from Africa. For many people, it would be like a long and complicated nightmare would finally be over.

    And televised for people in the nation and the world to see the return of the Ethiopian monarch. His Imperial Majesty Emperor Zera Yacob Amha Selassie, Elect of God, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah and King of Kings of Ethiopia had now taken his mantle and returned to become the ruler of Ethiopia. He maintained the title of emperor and thus he was the one of two heads of state to have the title of Emperor, the only other one being the Emperor of Japan. He would be there alongside interim president Meles Zenawi, who would be stepping down by the end of the year as the title of president would be dissolved.

    Moa Anbessa would remain around, transforming into a center-right party and would become one of the modern parties of the Ethiopian Parliament. In a display of magnanimity, Emperor Zera Selassie would pardon the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Party (informally known as Ihapa) and permitting them to function as an offical party, though they have now renamed themselves as the Ethiopian Freedom Party, becoming a center-left party. The All-Ethiopia Socialist Movement would not be as lucky though by now, most of the party members have exited politics or switched parties, effectively rendering it dead for the time being. As for the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front itself though, most of the parties that made up the coalition have collapsed and the remnants have come together to form the Ethiopian Peoples' Party and would be permitted to serve and continue as an official party for the left-wing. Meles Zenawi wold become the head of the new Ethiopian Democratic Party. This along with some new parties being formed from inspiraton of other nations, such as the Ethiopian Green Party.

    While more work had to be done regarding helping Ethiopia, the international support along with some investment and funds coming in to help out with the nation, thus providing a new dawn over for Ethiopia.
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    Summer 1993- Crushed Counter-Coup
  • Summer 1993- Crushed Counter-Coup

    New Qatar Flag.png

    Flag of the Republic of Qatar

    Summer would be heating up. While the Askew Administration would prepare to unveil what they said would be their project from the past several years, other nations would begin experiencing their own turmoil in the summer heat. One that got the big attention was none other than Qatar. After the coup in which the prince would force his father out of power with the help of the Jadid Baathists and transform the nation from a monarchy into a republic under Jadid-Baathism (or Neo-Baathism) ideology, the clock was ticking on a potential counter-coup against him. Unsurprisingly, an attempt would be made over for the former king to try and regain his power and more unsurprisingly, the Qatari government foresaw this and proceeded to crush the counter-coup attempt. Thanks to the experience and preparations done, many were captued and the counter-coup attempt quickly crushed. However, they were also expecting that the coup would be backed by foreign powers, likely their neighbors and they began looking in, squeezing the information out of the would-be counter-coup planners. The backers were Bahrain, the UAE and Saudi Arabia as the foreign backers of the counter-coup attempt. [1] For many of the Baathists, they saw this as a golden opportunity, at least when they would confirm the information through greater use of espionage and so on. The opportunity to take down their enemies and continute to spread their influence relatively unopposed by the greater powers of the world, since they can claim they are acting defensively to protect themselves and retaliate against such severe inteference. With the chance of violence becoming more likely over in the region, oil prices, already dealing with the global intiative to use no more than necessary, would likely spike in the near future, with the various nations preparing for further increases in oil prices and the socio-economical rammifications that would come from such.

    Meanwhile, the Yugoslavic Wars kept going on; with a peace reached between the Bosnians and Croatians, they focused back on the conflict over against the forces backed by Yugoslavia. And the troubles were showing over at their home as well. Large protests would erupt, protesting against Slobodan Milošević's regime in Belgrade and it would be follwoed by the arrest of the opposition leader Vuk Drašković and his wife Danica. [2] All this in the background of conflict though a ceasefire would be held over to try and find a negotiation. NATO along with the SUSR was having a rather unorthodox idea on how to handle the situation and it was one that they've discussed with Bosnian leader, who was understandably not too happy with the idea. However, it would buy them alot of time and the compromise could be enough over to force Milošević into a corner since regardless of what he chooses, it would likely backfire on him. In fact, one reason for the unorthodox comproise was that it could disrupt the side. It would be proposed over in the following months.

    History keeps moving forward as Venezuela would get a ne wpresident while Mongolia would hold its first direct presidential elections. Andrew Wiles would win worldwide fame after presenting his proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, a problem that had been unsolved for more than three centuries. Support would come over for the affected nations due to Typhoon Koryn causing massive damage to the Philippines, China and Macau. During helping with reconstruction efforts, the Askew Administration would have talks with China regarding North Korea regarding what happens to it in the future, hoping to establish positive relations along with helping talks between it and South Korea. The G7 Summit over in Tokyo, Japan would be discussing various topics, with the Middle East conflict and the likely oncoming increase of petroleum prices. This also tied in with the various environmental efforts that each nation was making, regarding the progress made and what else needed to be done along with new developments, such as the Gen III Nuclear reactors about to come into operation a few years early ahead of the original schedule over in Japan while the completion of the Americans' integral fast reactor would be getting closer to completion. Overall, it would be quite a productive summer, especially with massive changes coming. [2]

    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:'état_attempt
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
    1993- Askew Administration's Proposed Amendments
  • 1993- Askew Administration's Proposed Amendments

    Askew's Plan
    Many have wondered what was President Askew been working on for the past several years. Ever since he took office in his first term in 1989, he worked on a project in the background for the past 4 years, consulting various current politicians, such as Birch Bayh, an Indiana Senator who was on his final year in office, and former politicians such as John B. Anderson. It was a project that he began tackling as part of a broader plan to tackle political and electoral corruption and inadequacies over in the federal government, with Askew maintaining his open stance and solid reputation from back as a governor.

    Various laws were put into place by him and former President Udall such as eliminating gerrymandering back in 1987 and continuing on with reforms that limited campaign spending and usage on various grounds, with the purpose of trying to level the playing field when it came to voting. Even establishing a rule on equal television time on public channels for the various candidates to speak and propose what they want. Most of these were managed through with the power of the support of the people and the remaining old guard leading the charge along with the youngblood supporting it to make them more appealing to the voter base and build up their reputation. It also limited more and more the influence of outside sources, such as corporations and political think-tanks, some even caught in the crossfire of it. However, in the summer of 1993, President Reubin Askew would propose what would be his boldest and grandest attempts at reform yet.

    Two Amendments to the US Constitution.

    Proposal for the 29th Amendment
    The first one was a rewritten version of the Bayh-Cellar amendment proposal from a couple decades prior, where many politicians, including President Nixon, began pushing for changing how US federal voting was done out of concern regarding the Electoral College. It would only fail due to the concerns of various conservaties and politicians who feared it would lessen the influence their state had. The original amendment would've replaced the "first-past-the-post" voting system that the US inherited from the British and transititioned into a two-round system that the French Republic is using. However, that was 15 years ago. While much has changed, alot also remained the same. From the downfall of Goldwater-Reaganian conservatism leading to the decline of the Republican party to the rise of the United Citiens Party and the dominace of the Democrats, it was shown a new system was needed. Indeed, John B. Anderson, who was a big archeitect in reforming the amendment alongside Bayh proposed what the Americans knew as ranked choice voting, otherwise known as instant runoff voting in most parts of the world.

    On how it works, voters in IRV-styled elections would rank the candidates in order of preference. Ballots are initially counted for each voter's top choice. If a candidate has more than half of the vote based on first-choices, then that candidate wins. If not, then the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated. The voters who selected the defeated candidate as a first choice then have their votes added to the totals of their next choice. This process continues until a candidate has more than half of the votes. When the field is reduced to two, it has become an "instant runoff" that allows a comparison of the top two candidates head-to-head. [1] The idea here being that it would give people a real choice in deciding who they wanted and not wasting votes. It would also better represent what the people were wanting regarding satisfication and it would free the US from being locked into the two-party system. It was noted that inspiration came from the Irish system and how Khalistan would adopt it too.

    It was this last one that really got people's attention. Naturally, the Unizens hopped on board with this idea because they saw it as the best opportunity to be able to really grow as a proper power and even those on the fence became excited on the possibility of such of being able to do so. Suprisingly enough, the Republicans were also up for this. While a large part of it was pragmatism to show that they were up for helping the nation and to help votes, a couple of the younger ones noted that this was because the Republican Party itself needed to change beyond the past. And that the only way to try and do would be with this new system, though what that meant only they knew. The Democrats themselves were split though many of them from the various factions supported this. The past few days have been regaining the support of the various govenors for this and it looked like that it would have a large chance of succeeding. A proposed amendment must be passed by two-thirds of both houses of Congress, then ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the states and it looked like the support for there across the parties for various reasons. While it still needed to go through the processes, it did seem like it garnered the most attention and to discuss the various merits on it along with what to add or remove.

    One big question was whether how much this would apply; would it just be for federal elections or also mandate it for state elections for governor as well? What about things for like House Rep and Senators? All of these and more would be debated over the next several months.

    Proposal for the 30th Amendment
    The second one was not as radical, but many still viewed it as such and it was perhaps more controversial among Congress than the previous one. While not as complicated and some wondered if it would need to even become an amendment in the first place as opposed to just a congressional act, some parts of it still had larger depths to it. The 30 Amendment was a combination of various reforms that all of them focused on reforming various parts of the government.

    One of the main aspects of the amendment was the intrdouction of term limits. Namely that the Amendment would establish term limits on the legislative and judicial branches with it being the following:
    • House Represenatives, having terms of two years, would be able to serve up to five terms
    • Senators, having terms of six years, would only be able to serve up to two terms.
    • Federal or circuit judges would only serve for a maximum of ten years and then needing to retirement.
    • Supreme Court judges would also serve for a maximum of ten years and then retirement.
    However, these were not the only stipulations added to this reform. To balance how Senators have longer terms compared to House Reps and to hold them accountable, the inclusion for recall Senators would be added. The basic idea being that it would be done through a referendum over in the state and could only occur after they were in office for at least a year and if the recall election failed, have to wait a minimum of 18 months before trying again for a referendum. But other details on the matter remained nebuolous.

    Other parts were part of the reformatory package, but were rather basic in its design and function that it was unsure if they would remain in the final draft. One was just a simple redrawing of the various federal districts and circuits, primarily on the western half, likely resulting in one or two more circuits. Others included possibilities of electing judges in some form and one even expanding the Supreme Court, if mainly to conincide with the number of judicial circuits.

    The nation began buzzing about and clamoring about this as many of the politicians would begin working to look over these and make their decisions on it while talking with their contituents while the parties saw this as a big change. The 30th Amendment was more divisive given the term limits, but the idea was quite popular. The old guard was willing to consider it and a large portion of the younger saw it as a means to go and help push the old guard out of the way while others saw it intervening with their goals. Regardless, the next several months would be quite interesting indeed.


    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:–Celler_amendment_(1969)
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    1993- Compromises and Cataclysms
  • 1993- Compromises and Cataclysms

    War in Bosnia
    As weeks and months went by, the Bosnian War was in a period of revolving conflicts and ceasefires. Soldiers of both sides licking their wounds or engaging in urban warfare or battling over territory. All while the increased UN forces try to help with survivors or intervene in attempts of "ethnic purging" from the various occupied areas. Overall, the Bosnian War and the greater Yugoslavic Wars was seeing more and more international attention and the search for a reasonable solution, especially as the bodies keep piling up. Meanwhile, there was also the consideration in how to deal with the leadership, especially with the growing protests against Milosevic. However, given the situation regarding the population of Serbs outside of Serbia itself, an unorthodox solution may be needed here.

    Additionally, the sooner a solution would be found, the more bloodshed could be avoided right here. While the ceasefires have helped, various discussions and plans between various world leaders, UN reps and so on, including the ruler of Bosnia, trying to come up that would be a good compromise was rather difficult to say the least, especially given the nature of war thinking that a bit more time could cause the other side to cave in. However, NATO's growing influence over with Bosnia was enough to be able to get some concessions out of them and form a plan. The SUSR was present and while officially formed, was also a bit at a loss here. However, over time, a somewhat unusual plan was beginning to form. It would continue with the trend of federalization of Bosnia-Herzegonia, but also take into account what had happened in Ethiopia and begin steering away from ethnic federalization. The more daring aspect though came in from some of the more interesting possibilities the plan would provide, especially when it would come over to realpolitik.

    The plan was to deal with the Republika Srpska, a proto-state consisting of the Serbian dominant areas of Bosnia-Herzegonia. And itwas here that much of the attempts of "ethnic purging" was happening and the main focus of peacekeeping forces countering such attempts. Despite this and the numerous lives saves, the pictue was still being shaped of two large Bosnian Serb-populated regions sandwiching the lands of the Bosnian Croats and Bosnian along with some other aspects of distribution such as the Bosnians found in the northernmost part. However, the plan here was to take this sandwiching effect and turn it against them. It took alot of arm twisting, planning and consideration for the plan to be considered, but it would be delivered: The Second Dayton Plan,

    The Second Dayton Plan
    The Second Dayton Plan was a rather unorthodox one yet also ambitious one. The idea was to deal with the Republika Srpska was by trying to reduce their size. The details of the proposal were still being figured out, but the plan was that the sanctions against Yugoslavia would be lifted if in return they would cease any and all aid toward the attempted and breakway republics over from the area. However, to sweeten the deal and also make matters more interesting was the offer for Yugoslavia to be able to annex the southern part of the Republika Srpska, that which was predominantly Serbian. This was perhaps the big problem point over for trying to get Bosnia-Herzegonia on board with this, but it would also turn out to be quite a clever ploy. By accepting this, it would deprive the remaining Republika Srpska of their capital of Pale, going over into becoming a city over in Yugoslavia.

    This did leave questions over leadership though the contract did stipulate that if the leaders of Republika Srpska would end up over in the potential new Yugoslavic region, that the Yugoslavian authorities would need to capture and turn them into NATO due to suspicions of war crimes such as instruction for the destruction of cultural and religious institutions along with leading "ethnic purges" and other accusations. Though many suspected that the Republika Srpska would flee either northward to continue the war and thus make it likely for them to be captured. Leaving the nation would be difficult given they would be searched and staying in hiding in Yugoslavia would be too risky for the Milosevic government to accept.

    However, the deal was with Yugoslavia, not with the Republika Srpska itself, due to not being recognized as a party. As such, the southern region's decision to join Yugoslavia would be done by referendum and over seen by Serbia itself. Given the statement of Republika Srpska' Radovan Karadžić over on how he wanted the region to be incorporated into Serbia proper, many believed if the deal was taken, it would lead to that, albeit after a ceasefire and time for transfer of population. The details were still being hammered as to who gets what. However, would be decided that East Herzegovina would remain over in with Bosnia-Herzegovina while the rest of the southern regions would be annexed by Yugoslavia, more specifcally into Serbia itself.

    For the Milosevic government, they thought it would be worth it. With the tensions and protests even higher now because of the intense sanctions against them, they were in need of a quick solution. Plus, they would be getting some land out of this and growing Serbia. Of course, this left the question of the northern half. The implications would be that with Yugoslavia backing out, it would leave Republika Srpska, the remains of it, by itself in the war against Croatia and Bosnia, losing its capital and most of its leadership. It would all but offiically be abandoned and left to its own devices. After a bit of time... the Milosevic administration accepted...

    Yugoslavic Fallout
    Unsurprisingly, the announcement sent a shockwave across Yugoslavia. The Bosnians knew this would be come and many have begun preparing to move away either closer within the mainland or some immigrating to other nations, including the US. Armed guards and reinfocements would watch over the migrations and the passing of the many people traveling to ensure a lack of violence. It was a rather cold compromise it seemed... but it succeeded. In fact, it did far more than people imagined...

    The northern half of the Republika Srpska was utterly devastated. Their only ally, the Republic of Serbian Krajina would likely become in trouble too as with Yugoslavia gone from the pictue, the attention would be turned over onto then. Additionally, the decapitation of leadership would occur just as some suspected. Various leaders, including Radovan Karadžić, would attempt to flee over the new territories of Serbia. The Milosevic government no longer supported them and in fact, would begin hunting them down as letting them stay or even supporting them would violate the terms of the contract and likely shatter whatever small chance of growing peace they had. Naturally though, the various forces suspected of what would happened and would be there to intercept them. Individuals like Radovan Karadžić and Ratko Mladić would be tracked, hunted down and caught over the next several weeks.

    As the Republika Srpska would scramble to try and find some new leadership, the atmosphere among the people changed. It became one of sadness, disappointment and rage. They were abandoned by Yugoslavia and having lost some of their land too, left to fend for themselves. For many people, the sinking feeling changed and warped into resentment, frustration and outrage. But... the ceasefire still happened and war was not in the air. When the Republika Srpska would finally get a working leadership, at least from those who haven't begun fleeing or going into hiding, they were faced with a choice: continue a losing war or surrender and hope for mercy. There was no real choice. The surrender would come quickly over to the government of Bosnia-Herzegovina and new accords were being drawn up. The war seemed to finally be over... but the scars remained and the pain did... yet in ways people not expected. The Serbs now annexed from the former southern half of the Republika Srpska, they were relieved that the war was over and with the sanctions gone, they could begin rebuilding slowly but surely, creating connections with their countrymen. For those of the former Republika Srpska in Bosnia though, it was the contrary. For many a Bosnian Serb, the anger and resentment from the war would have them turn not against their neighbors, but against Yugoslavia... aganst Milosevic and Serbian nationalism. They blamed for giving them false hopes and promises before betraying them. Others would go even further and would blame them for inciting the conflict against their neighbors. A rift would begin growing between the Bosnian Serbs and those over in Serbia proper.

    Meanwhule, Serbian Krajina found itself in trouble as the Croatian and Bosnian forces would now turn on them. Potential chances of Krajina uniting with the Republika Srpska would fail because of Krajina's leader in Goran Hadžić's refusal. While the conflict would rage on, it would seem that things were settling down for now... but despite this, the issues of the Milosevic administration remained deeply and it seemed like a spark could cause it to light up once more. Bosnia-Herzogovina meanwhile would go into talks regarding with federalization attempts along with getting some rebuilding efforts.

    One wondered if the dust really has settled...
    Autumn 1993- Eternal September

  • The Second Dayton Accord seemed to have brought a compromise that was needed to calm down most of the troubles over during the Bosnian War. Serbia celeberated annexing some more land and getting some relief from the sanctions for the time being. Meanwhile, the remains of the Republika Srpska has surrendered over to Bosnia-Herzegovina with plans being made to reincorporate them into it along with a rift growing between Bosnian Serbs and Yugoslavia. While Serbian Krajina would continue being hammered for the next several months, the people slowly began moving on, wondering how long this would last. However, this would not be the only compromise that the Askew Administration would play a large part. Since the report regarding the failures of the Nixon Administration' War on Drugs had come out and recontextualize even more the problems, questions were raised on how to deal with that. A growing number of people were wanting to push back against it and while the war was shifted to treating the users, some wanted to push for decriminalizing the usage of drugs, mainly marijuana. While the Askew Administration was not sure on their stance there, they would do two major things, heavily encouraged by Vice President Chisholm. The first would be further pardons of those convicted of marijuana charges, with some possibly speculating some form of reimbursment. The second would garner more attention and it was a bill that would appear in Congress: the re-legalization of hemp. Hemp was quite a versatile plant and had many supporters for its myraid of properties. In fact, some veterans would expose the existence of an old US military video promoting the growth of hemp to farmers for rope and other goods. Additionally, a growing number of buisnesses were gaining more interest in hemp as the advocates began promoting more of its properties, drawing on historical precedent along with environmental friendliness: hemp fibers used in a multitude of products, hemp as a sustainable building mateial, including the recent invention of "hempcrete", hemp paper, the potential of hemp oil and so on. Unsurprisingly, with all of this push, Congress would pass the Hemp Renewal Act, legalizing industrial hemp in being grown and utilized in such matters. While the question of cannabis as a drug was left to the states, it did bring renewed hope, especially with the potential of research. Meanwhile, more and more companies were looking more into hemp and what it could do.

    This was not the only good news to come out of the United States though. One fascinating obervaton would be the rise of "Usenet", resulting in the so-called "September that never ended". [1] From the 1980s up until the early 1990s, Usenet and the internet in general was dominated primarily by dedicated computer professionals and hobbyists;. New users would traditionally join slowly and in small numbers, ultimately learning the social conventions established already and not disrupt experienced users. However, in the September of every year, there would be a large boom of newcomers due to new first-year students entering college and causing a disruption. The "Eternal September" wuld refer to September of 1993 with the annoucement of internet service providers such as AOL planning on providing more services, meaning that the floodgates would soon be unable to close. [2] With the oncoming growth, many of these veterans were having to face the oncoming boom and on how to deal with it. This was part of growing questions of the internet, especially as some of the more tech-savvy politicians and advocates such as the Atari Democrats would be granting their support in these new areas of prosperity and opportunity.

    As it seemed much of the troubles were dying down, there was some more news around the world. The International Olympic Committee would decide on Beijing, China, hosting the 2000 Summer Olympics, having won most of the rounds and entering a tight contest last minute with Sydney. And in the fall, the Maastricht Treaty takes effect, formally establishing the European Union. In a status referendum, Puerto Rico residents vote with a slim margin to maintain Commonwealth status, [2] despite the growing advocacy for statehood over in Puerto Rico, though this would also bring forth attention to the statehood movement over for Washington DC itself. Speaking of, other acts were introduced and passed, one being a handgun regulation act which included a fie-day waiting period. Other news including how the IRS would refuse once more on giving Scientology any tax exemption status while NASA launches the Space Shuttle Endeavour on a mission to repair an optical flaw in the Hubble Space Telescope. [3] However, some negative news was still present sch as the spark of civil war in Burundi. A tropical storm would be present over in Mexico and Central America. Despite some of these issues and various others, such as the plan of Qatar to retaliate against its neighbors upon securing sufficient evidence regarding supporting the attempted counter-coup, it was truly looking that things would be quieting down.

    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [3]- Information and phrasing from here:
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    1993 Overview
  • 1993 Overview

    1993 would prove to be another busy year, especially with various external forces acting on th daily lives of people. The blizzard in the winter moving to the great flooding over in the spring tested the US's capabilities to handle disasters and rebuild from them. The Askew Administration remained on top of things and the crisises made people appreciate more of what they had, especially the reforms put in by Askew and Udall, such as the National Bureau of Healthcare helping to work overtime for the medical attention for the people affected. In the meanwhile, despite the destruction, the opportunity was taken to rebuild better than before, including the buildings' environmental impact. From the growing sights of green roofs to the growing preference of heat pumps, solar chimneys and so on to other searches into environmentally-optimal housing, it was showing a greater mindfulness for planners and designers. However, an even greater example of legislation and planning was through the release of two Constitutional amendments to be reviewed. Nicknamed the "Electoral Reform Amendment" and the "Anti-Corruption Amendment", they were created from the years-long campaign by the Askew Administration to address various problems in the political system and hope to make it more fair. The former focused on major reforms on election such as removing the electoral college, mandating instant runoff voting across the nation and other aspects such as electoral finance and campaigning while the latter was a broader sweep on making more checks and balances on the various offices such as term limits, recall elections for Senators and even making it easier to hold judges accountable should they be found violating conduct and removing them along other factors. While some of the finer details remain, such as mandating IRV on the state level for each state, and thus was having to be discusseed, the process is also surprisingly smooth, with many noting this was likely why Askew took years prior to ensure the optimal chances.

    The world meanwhile continued to experience highs and lows regarding conflicts. While some new hot spots would be confirmed, especially some following up on cool downs, it did look like there was still the direction of peace overall. The Caucasus would finally be calmed down thanks to the efforts of Iran, which would see it expand its sphere of influence tremendously, but would also put it in even greater opposition with Turkey regarding the Kurds. The question of the transitional government in Ethiopia would be answered as the ethnofederal ambitons of the ruling coalition would fall apart with the martyrdom of the assassinated king and the subsequent rise of the monarchist party, resulting in the restoration of the crown in Ethiopia. And just a year ago, where Qatar would see its monarch fall as the crown prince, having been in growing conflict with his father, would be supported by the Neo-Baathists, and turning Qatar into a republic, the new government would successfully fend off a counter-coup attempt, beginning their investigation on foreign backers and the excitement of retaliation plans amongst them. This along with the growing hostilities going on in Saudi Arabia with discontent growing toward the ruling House of Saud has created economic anxiety, especially in the oil markets. Some expect that this will further accelerate the adoption of more ecologically-minded infrastructure, habits and policy to handle this. At the same time, the Yugoslavic Wars were seeming to finally reaching their end, as the Bosnian War ended with an unorthodox solution that would break the rebelling Serb-back forces and while landing Serbia some more land, it seemed that the peace would not entirely arrive yet. The bigger successes meanwhile was over the formal creation of the European Union which many hoped would lead to further peace in the continent. Though it also came with the question of the extent of US involvement in the continent, especially the fate over the prospects of NATO and the like. Canada meanwhile would go and vote in once more. A new coalition would be over in Canada... but this time, led by Broadbent's NDP. The successes of the Americans' various reforms would lead for the NDP to try and push for similar things. This along with the hopes of investment into geothermal over in the West was what led to the NDP's rise to the shock of all. However, questions and issues would still remain, especially with Quebec though the quasi-nationalist sentiments were dying down due to the focus on bigger concerns.

    Pop culture would keep evolving, especially during these times. In cinema, the big expected film was Malcolm X, Spike Lee's "joint", that of an epic bioographical drama about the man himself. Despite plenty of concerns surrounding the controversial American figure, the passion and work behind the film would drive people to see it. After its delay in release, it would open up in Febuary to resounding success and would end up winning Best Film of the Year (though some note a contributing factor was Spielberg delaying Schindler's List for a 1994 release) with Denzel winning Best Actor. Despite the questions of the length, it would still do quite good, with alot of support having been granting to them. Other amazing hits would be the standout Jurassic Park, showing how far CGI had come along with working together with practical effects. Other films like Mrs. Doubtfire and The Fugitive would be big hits while The Sandlot would touch hearts and cult classics like Army of Darkness and Last Action Hero would be released. River Phoenix would have a close call with drugs, but survive and take a leave from acting to go into rehab. Disney would make a bit of surprising news with the announcements of them purchasing Harvey Comics, giving them the rights over to the various characters such as the Harvey Girls, Casper the Friendly Ghost, Wendy the Good Little Witch and even some of the superheroes, though they would remain a subsidary of Disney rather than consumed whole. It's unknown what the plans for this are, but it may signal the company changing, especially with the ousting of Jeffrey Katzenberg from Disney following finally pushing too much of Eisner's buttons, making him and Jim Henson mad. Another bit of Disney news involving comics was them discussing potential plans over with Archie Comics on certain matters, which remain unknown, though some wonder if Disney will be entering comic books, which wouldn't be surprising given the renaissance within the medium. Video games kept growing in popularity and in capability, leaving many to wonder what lies in the future there. One note was how the attempts of a Super Mario Bros movie would fall flat due to various diffeences and ultimately noting that it would be better to wait and some wondering if animation would be preferable over for the film.​
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    Culture Reflection: 1990 - 1993
  • Culture Reflection: 1990 - 1993

    The Cold War was over. With the coming of a new decade would end the long standoff between the two superpowers that kept the world on the edge of their seats for half a century. However, it ended not in hellfire, but in peace. Both powers were not the same as they were decades prior. The United States enacted more and more reforms, as they would lean further away from such a strong adherence to capitalist sensabilities. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union's internal problems and foreign policy issues would nearly doom it, only to pull itself out of the pit by reforming into a different nation entirely, that of the Sovereign Union, while now taking some time away from global politics to focus on the internal issues, such as corruption, worn out systems and so on, which were treated with a good amount of force. And it was here that the new global paradigm had been born. One that took the elements of capitalism tht functioned along with socialism and begin trying to meld them together in certain degrees to get something optimal from it, learning from the lessons of others. Another shift of the paradigm, albeit one that was taking longer to be noticed, was the decreasing dominance of industry and the service economy and related sectors, such as finance, rising into prominence. And the influence of this shift was being being felt as it would spread across the world. The early 1990s would be considered the start of a new generation. The Brightbangers, born between the early 1960s to the mid 1970s were coming more of age, many reaching voting age during the Udall and early Askew adminstration, influencing their politics and championing an appreciation of the reforms. They have also begun to compete with the Baby Boomers on influencing the youngest generation, those born in the late 1970s and through the 1980s and would begin coming of age in the 1990s, that of the Freeborn Generation. A portmanteau of "free" and "born" or "reborn", the name came from a Brightbanger publisher, noting that the hopes of the youth born in the late 1970s and 1980s would be born free of the troubles and issues of the past. The name would get a second meaning as they would be the first generation coming into adult and seeing the end of the Cold War and approaching the new Millenium.

    General Trends
    With the end of the Cold War and the ongoing deescalation of the conflict, a rather fascinating phenomenon began occurring over the United States along with parts of Europe and other nations involved in the greater NATOsphere. The question that appeared on many people's minds was "What now?". After all the anxiety and concern over the future because of nuclear weaponry and the Cold War, the whole thing ended not with a bang, but with a peaceful resolution. While relief came on everyone's minds and there was the hope for a new tomorrow... what would that tomorrow bring? While the regional wars such as the Yugoslavic Wars, the Armenian-Azerbaijani War and other conflicts in the Middle East did show the world was not entirely at peace, it was still a general sense. Additionally, for the baby boomers, now having their own families and enjoying a higher standard of living thanks to the reforms put in by the Udall and Askew Administration, many were approaching an impasse in their lives. The older ones were approaching their middle age while others are realizing they may need to change careers. How would they deal with the change and find a new sense of meaning now that the background of the Cold War was gone? Various outlets did become open more and more to them. Many of them, especially the younger ones, put the focus over on with their kids. One notable side effect eas thanks to the gradual but growing acceptance and understanding of SATMIN+ folk, especially with the spead of ASIMTAFE centers across the US and other support groups, a growing number of children and teenagers were beginning to realize their sexual orientation sooner and the presence of the groups would help play a part for them and their guardians in understanding. Other older folk would begin trying to navigate the growing world of computers and the rise of the service industry while some more would begin embracing hobbies as a way to deal with the oncoming changes. After all, with the environmental and ecologic focused mindset gradually becoming more and more ingrained in the collective consciousness of the "first world", people were adapting more to the new status quo, such as taking into urban gardening. Many even found a new romantic sense of purpose in "returning to the land" and the sense of freedom and community that came from people coming together to produce for themselves and the rise of locally-produced foodstuff such as plants, meats and dairy cuts. While still in its infancy, the influence of this growing movement would have rammifications for the nation, economy and even politics, with this sort of neoagrarian romanticism.

    Meanwhile, things keep gradually settling down as preestablished trends begin taking greater hold in the mainstream. More and more are the police having to be taught some deescalation tactics and applied since the War on Drugs ended and the successful coordination in dealing with the Waco compound reinfforced that. Another was ending the War on Drugs to further addressing the needs of addiction and pushing more and more for people to get the help that they need. This was definitely seen in Hollywood as more and more actors or other prominent people would be taking leaves for their mental health, which also showed a rise in taking mental health seriously, especially thanks to its coverage under healthcare. While children would not see psychologists annually like a physician, more and more parents would take their children to be evaluated and leading to the growng understanding of mental health and how to best help them in growing up. Another noticeable aspect in pop culture would be push that third wave feminism has done in holding men of power accountable and addressing the toxic work environment there. In fact, this led to a fascinating opportunity as other states and cities realized they could capitalize on Hollywood's weakness and work to break the near-monopolistic hold that Hollywood had on media production. This coincided with another longer-trend, that of trying to grow the computer industry. While places like California remained popular, more states were noting the change in the economy and would begin creating incentives for companies to either move to said state or intiatives to help their homegrown talent. With the decline of the coal industry now inevitable, West Virginia and similar states have begun investing more and more into growing their technological sector and they have begun attracting people who were interested, especially as they would also connect with tech-invested politicians like Tennesse also making a push thanks to the presence of "Atari Democrat" Al Gore. Michigan and other places would begin doing the same while also taking advantage of the growth of public transportation as seen with the growing need for trolleybuses and growth of rail lines and the like as part of the ongoing eletrificiation process of the rail lines, which was signalling the beginning of a massive shift in public perception of public transportation.

    Greater trends were also being implemented over time. With the greater scrutiny on oil companies came a domino effect that would lead to ripples in many different areas. Plastics, having been wanting to avoid the grip of regulation, have found themselves squeezed more than other. While some got away due to their durability, thsoe that were of single-use or meant for consumption and thrown away was unaccecptable. Attempts at trying to convince for recycling would largely fail mainly due to internal research revealing the difficulty and impracticality of recycling most single-use plastics. The only solution that did stand out was disinfecting and reusing plastic containers and the like such as cutlery and even then, the effects that came from degradation of plastics such into small fragments. This in turn would lead to having to address recycling as a whole for the nations. Some were obviously easy such as metal cans, cardboard boxes and most paper, which meant that planning regulation on federal and state levels for recycling services was relatively simple and easy. Plans such as having recycling bins in housing and in public while expanding job opportunities for its processing. Other more esoteric ideas would become included, especially when certain interest groups pushed for it. One major example was recycling vegetable oil and cooking grease, with it being for usage in biodiesal purposes. More and more of this sort of legislation was finding itself passed and for most folks, despite initial concerns, just required being more careful in where to put items in each bin while just the large decrease in certain plastic containers in grocery stores and the like. More and more these behaviors of careful disposal and choice would become second nature, especially with the younger generation who would grow up with it.

    Hollywood continued its transitional phase of dealing with powerful figures, usually men, because of their abusive actions. This became more and more prominent as abuse cases and other horrid revelations came about, such as what happened with the two Coreys. This would unsurprisingly be having a somewht detrimental effect regarding the films produced as well as a slowdown of it. Meanwhile, people like Ted Turner would be taking advantage of Hollywood's decline to try and grow the media industries in their home states such as Turner Broadcasting making their plans over in Atlanta and other nations considering the same. However, somewhat balancing this out would be the rise of new talent in acting, writing, producing, directing and in business. They were willing to take chances and push the boundaries. This became especially prominent at this time due to it being the middle of what would be the era of "queersploitation" films. B-films that would hev prominent support from the SATMIN+ community would come out, usually being rehashes of previous films. It would be around this point that some of the problems of the "genre" were being seen, especially among the younger adults who were not as close to the "old-school" aspects of American SATMIN+ culture of the older days of Hollywood. At the same time, some of them were rather good, and did take liberties with the source material to expand such as Romeo and Julian and similar films. The question was now on how films would handle this in the future, especially with the beginnings of various discussions and talks with the big studios over content and the like.

    However, there were still plenty of big name films. Total Recall, Back to the Future III, Dances with Wolves, Silence of the Lambs and Jurassic Park would be remembered as entertaining and large blockbusters of the time. Spike Lee would end up also putting his name also in Hollywood with the success of his Do The Right Thing and Malcolm X "joints", which would help push the boundaries of what could be done and what people demand to see, especially in regarrds to people of color. Batman Returns would seem to continue to show that films with superheroes still had some promise though it would also become rivaled with the rise of animated films. Disney's partnership with Miyazaki would continue to bear fruit as many people were enchanted with Kiki's Delivery Service and Porco Rosso, which further showed what Japanese animation could do and began leading to further consideration of dubbing down the line, though one potential project there was in hot debate over at Disney, namely with how much of a gamechanger it could be and if they were the right ones. Meanwhile, with Disney itself, they were now back on their feet, releasing grand hits like Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin and even the magical cult classic known as The Nightmare Before Christmas. It was showing that Eisner's handling of the company was quite successful so far though many wonder what the future would hold now that Katzenberg has more or less been forced to leave Disney and having his own plans. It seemed that the film industry would be approaching an additional period of transition.

    Television would continue seeing the rise and the domination of sitcoms and domcoms, presenting idyllic family life going through a series of light-hearted adventures though sometimes they would go and push the envelope, going into more serious fares. With the increased presence of such shows on television such as Full House, other shows would attempt to diversify by appealing to specific demographics or gaining various niches. From Family Matters (a successful spinoff of Perfect Strangers) focusing on for a middle class faily of color to Roseanne aiming more toward blue collar workers (who have actually gotten an increased presence in media and focus in aiming content at them). While some of the shows were ending, most famously Huxtables’ House, an exceptionally popular sitcom that worked to break the stereotypes associated with African-Americans. However, as some were ending or winding down, such as Full House approaching its final season, others were coming in. One notable one was Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, focusing on urbanite Will moving with his well-off aunt and uncle and away from the city, exploring the differences. Another would be Boy Meets World, which would see the protagonists growing up and dealing with the troubles of life. Also notable would be the rise of same-sex couples appearing in some of these. While usually as guest appearances with sproadic shots, it was still quite a surprise in television trying, if gingerly, to show and write them. Beyond that, there were plenty of shows focusing on crime, drama and many more subjects to enjoy. Twin Peaks would become quite ground-breaking for its dreamy atmosphere and strange nature, with it becoming a large inspiration to an unexpected franchise.

    Meanwhile, animation over on television has been seeing a strong growth. The launch of Cartoon Network meant that childrens were spoiled for choice in watching all sorts of new animated shows, with many of them having plenty of references or subtle jokes for adults who were watcing them. Disney would continue the domination wth various shows based off of their films along with additional ones such as Darkwing Duck or The Little Mermaid: The Animated Series and many more. Shows like Animaniacs or Rocko's Modern Life pushed the envelope over what adults-aimed jokes could be done, an expression knowin as "flying under the radar." Additionally, action-oriented shows would also become quite a stand out hit and capturing the imagination of kids such as SWAT Cats: The Radical Squadron, X-Men, and especially Batman: The Animated Series would show that appealing to sense of action would work well, but also that children could handle more serious content, which was getting the idea of various individuals down the line for future shows. Batman: the Animated Series in particular would become a subject of plenty of interest because of the upcoming animated film associated with it and would seem to show what would be better for superheroes. Meanwhile, there were shows like Aeon Flux and Beavis & Butthead that showed that there was some animation opportunities aimed for teenages and young adults. This would gather some interest over some various individuals on what to adapt and use over time.

    The decade began with the end of 1980s-styled pop music, all thanks to the infamous Filli Vanilli scandal. This left a large void over in the music scene that was looking to be fulfilled by many things. Electro music began its rise in prominence, having been developing since the 1980s and now coming into its own right. However, right now it was overshadowed by the explosion of rap and hip-hop into the mainstream, especially influenced by the successes of Spike Lee's works, with related genres also brought along with the ride. Rap and hip-hop began taking many shapes and forms, influenced by the going-ons of the world at the time. From the cries of social justice and demand for peace to the more down-to-erth and soulful religious fervor toward nature and agarian elements to even more existential themes and elements. However, the concern was coming over the growing rivalry between the East Coast and West Coast had been a bit of concern over for the music.

    Another music genre that was growing among the same lines of rap and hip-hop was alternate rock. Taking in the classic rock and roll elements to the next levels, groups like Nirvana would grow and become more popular among the youth. Meanwhile, the riot grrl movement would experience a second wave of popularity and fresh charge, riding off the anger from the actions of powerful males in Hollywood along with expanding the various genres. At the same time, they were wrestling with dealing with the mainstream along with the branch offs mixing in with other music and leading to some new develops, such as grrl-rap, a fusion of riot grrl and rap that would start growing popular among African-American women predominantly among others. This conflict over with the mainstream along with the issues of dealing with the business aspect of music would become a trouble that many of these growing genres would have to face and figure out. Some would even show said frustration in thei way such as Prince's change of his name to a symbol, done to show his frustration with his record label. Other genres sincluded the blues by Mariah Carey with her self-titled album, which helped cement her fame. Other figures such as Micheal Jackson would take a leave of absence, some for health reasons or others because of the stress. There was an existenial sort of anxiety going on in the music world and people were trying to find solutions to it along with navigating the increasingly complicated nature here.

    Video games began proving themselves as becoming mainstays over in the multimedia landscape. The release of the Super Famicon or known outside of Japan as the Super Nintendo, would usher in the next generation of consoles, jumping from 8-bit to 16-bit graphics and showing off more of what video games can do. With titles like Super Mario World, The Legend of Hyrule: Link to the Past and so many others, the SNES was becoming quite popular and containing man games that would become classics down the line. However, SEGA would enter the games industry to and begin the so-called "Console Wars" as they would unleash on he Sega Genesis their own mascot to rival Mario, the rebellious hero with an attitude, Sonic the Hedgehog. With quick gameplay and a different pace than the others, many kids and teenagers would become enamored over with the increasing selection of games. One aspect that helped out alot would be how large video rental stores such as Blockbuster and small local stores would adopt renting out video games as well as films and the like, diversifying their content. Computer gaming would also begin rising in popularity gradually with the growing strength of computers and various companies were taking interest, including Microsoft, who was revealed to have bought a controlling interest in Atari.

    The Brass Age of Comics was now fully in swing now with Marvel having done a grand reboot of many of their franchises, doing it to try and ground many of their things in the upcoming new age while also to better handle and deal with things in the past. While many of the works were promising, there was more to the growing comic book industry than even the renewed interest and limit pushing by DC and Marvel. Image Comics would be found by many high profile illustrators and even a few writers over to try and push for more independent comics. Namely that writers and illustrators could publish their own creations and maintain copyright over their creations unlike what was the case over with the Big 2. This was not the only major development. Another was the founding of Valiant Comics over in 1992 by Jim Shooter and various other financial backers. Many believe that this was done due to some of the growing conflicts Shooter was having not just with some of the folk over in Marvel, but also with Paramount Communications, the parent company that helped acquire Marvel. Ultimately, Shooter would sell his stake for a large bit of money and Voyager Communications would gone on to find Valiant Comics. Interestingly enough, their first move would be a merger with none other than Malibu Comics. While initially interested over into going with video games, concerns over viability led to shelve it for the time being and Malibu Comics being bought out, resulting in a reboot, with the launching over of the Ultraverse now under Shooter over with Valiant Comics. Other releases would be none other than Milestone Comics, a company focusing on comics that would address the underrepresentation of minorities in comic books. Partnering up with DC for publishing, Milestone would begin with the release of major hits like an African-American Superman-like hero known as Icon, who possessed Superman-like powers though with powers focused more on gravity and Static, a teenage African-American superhero inspired by Spider-Man who got his name from his ability to make things "static" or stop though strange energy, all centered in a Dakotaverse. While it would be unknown how long this would last, it would still be viewed with intrigue by many.
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    Winter 1994- Uprisings of Dignity
  • Winter 1994- Uprisings of Dignity

    1994 Bosnian War Ending.png

    Map of Balkans by Second Dayton Accords; bottom half of Republic Srpska being divided between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia

    The beginning of 1994 was rather peaceful for most parts of the world, something that seemed to be reinforced over by US President Reuben Askew and Chief Director of the Sovereign Union, Mikhail Gorbachev signing the Kremlin Accords. [1] With further peace now brought forward, both men would move forward with their plans. President Askew would continue overseeing the finalization of the drafting of the two amendments he and his coalition have formed, with voting over them soon to come. While remaining largely the same, some fine-tuning and further adjustments have been made to both, to encompass the overall ideals he set out for them and it looked to be right. Meanwhile, Gorbchev would announce he would not be running for reelection as SUSR Chief Director though was considering running for presidency of the Russian Federation. It is unknown who will succeed Gorbachev as the SUSR Chief Director, though he will still be running under the New Russian Workers' Party. Despite the growing sense of peace however, it did come also with continuing conflicts. After the Second Dayton Accords, this left the Republic of Serbian Krajina as the lone combatant in the war and after some more intense battles, they would finally surrender, arranging for various talks to be had. However, rather than talks of autonomus, most of them would rather just leave. Some of them would go over to the expanded Serbia itself. Others who became disillusioned with the nationalist sentiments would join their cormades over in Bosnia-Herzegovina, who was taking some lessons that Ethiopia learned from them and working on averting tensions born from ethnofederalism. This would be somewhat helped over by the disappointment, frustration and resentment the remaining Bosnian Serbs felt toward Serbia, laying the groundwork for the diverging cultural differences between them. And naturally, some of them just left the region altogether, going over to Europe or even the US or SUSR. However, it seemed that the conflict would finally die down. Despite this, not everyone was convinced. Milosevic was still in power and tensions were building up in other parts of Yugoslavia, with a few foreign policy advsors noting it would only be a matter of time before another conflict would break out. Where it would be, people were unsure though speculate it may be further south due to growing tensions over in Kosovo. Bosnia-Herzegovina itself dealt with the process of trying to move forward along with various concerning situations, such whether relocate the capital due to the concerns of Sarajavo's proximity over to Serbia though these troubles were balanced by financial aid sent over by Europe, including the SUSR along with the United States in reconstruction.

    Meanwhile, the predicted retaliation of Qatar against its neighbors would begin commencing as they would have required sufficient evidence to decide which foreign powers back the counter-coup against their government to reinstall the monarchy. As such, they began making preparations to retaliatie against the hostile powers. The first one on the list would be Bahrain, the island nation over in the Persian Gulf. Fortunately for them, Bahrain was in difficult straits as was. Tensions were running high in there because of the growing contempt toward the monarchy. Back in 1992, a petition signed by 280 society leaders, including some of the dissolved parliament members called for the restoration of the national assembly. Initially, the government set up a thirty-member appointed "Shura council" assigned with "commenting" on government proposed legislation. Another petition the following month concluded that the newly formed council "does not replace the national assembly as a constitutional and legislative authority". A delegation of six members, half Sunnis and half Shias representing petition organizers met with the Amir who told them Shura council it was all they cold expect. [2] Naturally, the Qatar government seized on this opportunity. Having publically pointing out the accusations of political interference on them, Qatar would demand the government of Bahrain to step down, noting the violation of various rights, including the Shia majority. Naturalyl, Bahrain refused and before long, the island would be invaded. One major aspect was the secret deal that Qatar made with none other than Iran. Iran had historic claim on the island until 1970 when the deceased Shah surrendered said claim over in secret negotiations with the British. Despite this, they still wanted to try and reinforce influence over on the nation and so Qatar made the deal with them. After days of fighting with Qatar forces backing up the liberal and leftist protestors with their militia allies against the government, Bahrain would fall, with the royal family attempting to flee, only to be intercepted by Iran. However, rather than establish a neo-Baathist government, Qatar would soon withdraw after Iran would volunteer on overseeing the establishment of democracy and republicanism over to the island nation along with reforms, resulting in Bahrain in the Iranian sphere and the new Qatar government improving their relationship with Iran considerably. This concerned the UAE, who suspected they would soon be next and it seemed like the next stage of confrontation would be there. Unsuprisingly, oil prices would go through a shock increase as a result of the new conflict brewing in the Middle East along with the preexisting tensions. The oil price increase would cause an unsurprising discomfort on the world market, such as gas prices in the United States, but it also served to prove the importance of the governments' efforts to move away from fossil fuel usage and indeed, the higher prices was use to justify current and upcoming legislation and changes, especially when many noted that the changes and work already done made the shocks not as unpleasant as it was back in the late 1970s.

    This would not be the only hotspot though. The stagnant economy over in Saudi Arabia combined with the rise of unemployment would led to further discontent over to the House of Saud. This along with the concerns going on with Qatar was leading to the government going further to trying crack down on the dissent and imposing harsher laws down, causing a growing haze of authoritarianism over on the nation. However the big hotspot was over up north. The discussions of NATO have spread over to the general status of it. Even with an outline of some plans, work remained on what should happen to NATO. While there was a conscensus for change, there was not much of an idea on how to actually move forward with that change. That being said, there were some changes starting to come about and one of them was over managing the behavior over the members of NATO. After months of talks and discussions, NATO would go about and do something unprecedented before in the history of the organization: suspending the membership of a member. And that member was none other than Turkey. From the human rights scandals caused to the Kurds to the growing concerns over political corruption and the like. Despite repeated attempts in getting Turkey to work with the Kurds, success has not been met and ultimately Turkey would have its membership suspending and losing some of the privilages and protections. With this, matters have grown increasingly tense over on what would Turkey's next action would be and what now. With them ramping up even worse issues in the Kurdish regions and skirmishes happening, it would not be long before open conflict would break out...


    [1]- Informaton and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Informaton and phrasing from here:
    Spring 1994- The Rwandan Intervention
  • Spring 1994- The Rwandan Intervention


    New Flag of South Africa (1994-present)

    NATO's future continued to look rather uncertain in its path. While the Cold War was over, there was a lot of hesitation in just dismantling NATO outright. That said, the move made in suspending Turkey from the organization did renew talks on how to move the organization forward and address the future of Central and Eastern Europe. While the European Union, the new project that was beginning to move forward, looked promising, it was unknown on their capabilities for military operations. For the more pragmatic, it was also just recoginizing the need for the US to project its influence as a superpower, especially since the Yugoslavic Wars have proven that intervention for larger events are needed. Meanwhile, the SUSR did address their concerns on Central and Eastern Europe joining NATO while said new nations expressed said interest to protect themselves. However, a third option was being proposed: that Central and Eastern Europe forming their version of NATO. The idea being that it would follow a similar structure and order like NATO though without American backing. Or rather direct American backing as a member of the organization. The plan being that this new organization could work hand in hand with NATO and be able to request NATO's assistance and thus affording them practically the same level of protection. This proposal began gathering more interest over for the various nations, especially Poland. However, questions remained on the phenomenon, including on if this would actually barr these nations from joining NATO in the first place.

    Over in international news, there was news both good to celeberate and bad to prepare for. The people of Finland hold their referendum and vote to join the European Union, showing the growing popularity of the organization. Another referendum meanwhile would have the people of Moldova turn down the opportunity to reunite with Romania, at least for the time being. [1] A third referendum in Europe meanwhile would gather a bit more attention: Ukraine voting for federalization. With the first parliamentary elections in the independent Ukraine, constitutional questions regarding the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts would be proposed: On whether Russian should be declared an official language of Ukraine, whether Ukraine should federalise, and whether Ukraine should have closer ties over with the SUSR. Close to 90% of the people would vote in favor of these policies, but despite this, the Ukrainian government initially rejected following through on some of these policies, leading to general strikes in the region. [2] The SUSR condemned the Ukrainian government for ignoring the will of the people and the US would follow up on it, both for differing reasons. Ultimately, it would be through a combination of deals, political strongarming and the growing discontent in Ukraine in general that the government would cave on these policies. Ukraine would federalize as a nation and the Ukrainian government used this to deal with other questions. The status of Russian as an additional official language would be kicked down over to the oblast level. This process was made a bit easier by modifying what had been done with the Autonomous Oblast of Qirim and applying it across the nation. As for closer ties with the SUSR, deals were being arranged though in exchange, the Ukrainian government also planned additional talks with the United States along with some of their other neighbors, especially for investment opportunites.

    However, while this would have a peaceful resolution, troubling news came over from Africa. Growing tensions between the Hutus and Tutsis of Rwanda would begin reaching an all-time high and attempts at reigning the peace have not been successful so far. The situation exploded when the airplane carrying Rwandan President Juvénal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira, the Hutu president of Burundi would explode. An ongoing onslaught of violence would begin over against the Tutsis, with the scenes of shock and horror to the world. The question of intervention was raised and it seemed like none of Rwanda's neighbors would get involved, at least directly. However, this didn't mean other nations wouldn't get involved. The Ethiopian Empire and South Africa would push for further involvement along with President Askew. Ethiopia was a big help in this regard, especially in regards to their lending assistance to the Americans in handling the Somali Civil War. As such, with funding from Ethiopia and other parts of Africa and some assistance from the SUSR, the private military group Executive Outcomes would be hired and sent to assist in UN peacekeeping missions to stop the attempts of slaughter by the various forces, predominantly the the Impuzamugambi and the Interahamwe. [3] At the same time, concerns were being listed that leader of the RPF, Paul Kagame, was the one behind the assassination attempts, prompting further emergancy discussions on further involvement, especially France, given how it was a French crew that died in the crash. In the meanwhile, Executive Outcomes cooperating with UN forces and others got in and began their work in protecting people and preventing the attempts of genocide.

    Despite all the chaos going on in Africa, good news remained in discussion. South Africa would adopt a new flag to replace the one used during the time of apartheid. After two years of development, the Linux kernel version 1.0.0 would be released. It would end up booming in popularity over in Finland, primarily due to their software scene influenced by the GNU presence in Russia as well as how its creator, Linus Torvalds was Finnish-American. Though speaking of computers, the People's Republic of China would begin establishing their first major connections to the Internet. At the same time, China was also in growing talks over with Kim Il-Sung over Korean reunification plans, especially with concerns of his health and he was being pressured not just by the Chinese, but also by the SUSR to go and begin discussions on the matter, while pursuing renewable energy opportunities with the Askew administration. Kurt Cobain of Nirvana would be found in critical condition from what was a suicide attempt, apparently from an attempt via shotgun, but unable to do so. He would be taken over to the hospital and the music scene watched with a growing concern over his health along with that of Courtney Love, his wife and a prominent musician of the second riot grrl scene. Meanwhile, the Flavr Savr, a genetically modified tomato, is deemed safe for consumption by the FDA, becoming the first commercially grown genetically engineered food to be granted a license for human consumption.[1]

    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:–2014)
    [3]- Information and phrasing from here:

    Would also like to thank this thread for a bit of help:

    But yeah, no "Black Hawk Down" mess because butterfly effect and help from Ethiopia.
    1994- The 29th and 30th Amendments
  • 1994- The 29th and 30th Amendments

    Voting It In
    After weeks of discussion, working on deals and pay offs, the time had come for voting. The creation of constitutional amendments were quite a massive deal over for the USA and here, it was not just one, but two. The Askew Administration and their coalition had been working on this for years in the background and it was now time for all of that hard work to go and pay off here. During the Spring of 1994, it would be the finalization of the drafts of the two amendments that have been worked on and then being voted upon.

    The 29th Amendment and the 30th Amendment.

    The former was based off the Bayh–Celler amendment plan to eliminate the Electoral College. Said amendment was created to address the issues that nearly came up over back when Nixon was elected in 1968 though was disrupted by the presence of George Wallace, due to how the system worked. As such, alot of momentum was behind the new amendment, only falling short due to enough support in key states. While it would become dormant, the ambitions behind the amendment would start returning to relevancy over time, especially under the push by John B. Anderson, former House Minority Leader. The amendment would become supported for similar reasons as stated though now combined to address the issue of third parties and even among the pragmatic, done because it was the growing trend. However, it would grow beyond just getting rid of the Electoral College and changing the voting ground. It would become a more general amendment that would reform the electoral process, with more ambitious ideas being added and a growing coalition of voters supporting it.

    The latter meanwhile was a more general amendment, one that was based off the growing momentum off of the idea of term limits being placed. Growing with bipartisan support and later tripartisan support, it would help force to bring about new ideas. At the same time, it also had to fend off major concerns over having a lack of inexperienced politicians writing bills and moreover, the fact that it could lead to the party organizers having more power indirectly as a result. As such, it tooka while to decide how many terms it should be. However, going beyond Congress, it would also expand over to the Supreme Court as well, due to the concerns many have in lifetime appointments over on the Court. Much like the other amendment though, as time went by, it would gather a clearer identity, this time as a bill aimed at handling corruption within the government by addressing additional issues regarding the political system.

    However, it would come time to finally put them in. There were concerns of course. From states' rights' concerns to trying to get various politicians to budge and move on the option with often their constinuents making their views quite known in protests and gatherings. However, the support was still quite strong within the two major parties and the Unizens. Every party had their reasons to support each one, from ideals to pragamtism to trying to remain relevancy.

    And after long hours... it would be done.

    The 29th and 30th Amendments would be added to the United States Constitution.

    The 29th Amendment
    The 29th Amendment at its core is about electoral reform. It starts off by removing the Electoral College and replacing the United States' voting system with the instant runoff voting method, to be implemented starting in 1996. This would allow for the two-party system to be broken as other parties could now compete within the system. Whenever people vote, they can now rank their choice of candidates by preference. The specific form of IRV that would be decided on would be semi-optional preferential voting; this requires that voters ranking more than one candidate, but do not have to rank all of them. Whether a maximum limit would be implemented was discussed heavily, including just the top 3, though it would be left blank for now, instead the amendment noting that Congress would be able to install a maximum limit at a later date through legislation if they so desired, just as long as it was higher than 2.

    Additionally, after much debates and concerns on sticking points, it would be mandated that the IRV voting system become uniform across not just federal elections, but also on state and local elections for single-seat elections. The main concern here was unsurprisingly on whether pushing over on states' rights and the like. However, the main counterpoints were on the maintanance of a uniform voting system for the sake of optimization, but also to ensure some level of equality, lest the concern of the problems of first past the post be continued to maintained over for elections such as for governors and the like. Most of the pressure and arm-twisting came for this as there was a bit of unease, but surprisingly enough, there were few diehards on it and even, it was a matter of principle more than anything else. It was not enough to deter the passing of the bill however.

    Lastly were some more miscellaneous requirements and bits of information. Namely on finetuning requirements for political parties to be part of the IRV and also various rules for campaigning. One major inclusion was that it would allow for the federal government along with the states to enact public campaign financing systems. the ideas was to further restrict the influence of corporate and private wealth in campaigns and additionally, other aspects to try and ensure the most equal level of run time for all of the candidates running. Askew pushed for this since he noted that it would grant the people more power to decide their leaders and be fair in the process. While this did gather some concern, the people overall supported this heavily and the previous legislations and executive orders put by Askew was sufficient enough to restrict special interests from influencing the politicians enough to try and strike this aspect down.

    Ultimately despite those, this bill passed relatively smoothly, with the changes to be fully applied by 1996, in time for the next presidential elections.

    The 30th Amendment
    The 30th Amendment started out on term limits and would come to grow to be a list of various reforms across the board though all focused with the major intent of balancing the political system and creating a sense of fairness. First and foremost would be the creation of term limits for many of the federal politicians, as attempts to try and also influence the state to do so would likely be too much of a detriment to the bill. As the finalized version would note:

    One of the main aspects of the amendment was the introduction of term limits within Congress and the federal court system, including the Supreme Court. The details of the Amendment would establish the following term limits:
    • House Represenatives, having terms of two years, would be able to serve up to nine terms, for a total of eighteen years.
    • Senators, having terms of six years, would be able to serve up to three terms, for a total of eighteen years, matching Reps.
    • Federal/circuit judges would only serve for a maximum of twelve years.
    • Supreme Court judges would also serve for a maximum of twelve years.
    Meanwhile, to balance the role of Senator compared to a Hosue Rep, the constitution made it so states could hold recall elections for their senators. The idea being that the party that the senator belongs to could hold a referendum by their constituents and if the majority found them failing up to their job, a recall election would be held to fill the place between the various candidates. If it was an independent senator, the referendum would be general. Additionally, a referendum can only be done once every 18 months barring exenuating circumstances, which would be decided by the state and or federal courts

    . Additionally, rules were added on regarding on how the new Senator would have to fare in how many terms they run. For example, say an indvidual completed three full senatorial terms and chooses not to run for a 4th one. If said indvidual is chosen to become an interim Senator due to the sudden passing of a Senator in office and if their interim tenure lasts less than 36 months, they are still qualified to run for a full 4th term.

    A later addition and one that would be of some slight embarassment due to not being added until now would be for the Supreme Court to follow a Code of Ethics. All other federal judges already must followed the published official "Code of Conduct for United States Judges." Said Code of Conduct applies to all employees of the Judicial Branch’s Administrative Office of the United States Courts. The code includes plenty of specific rules on various matters and aspects. However, until now, the Supreme Court was not bound by this and thus, it would be considered a necessary inclusion. The official published "Supreme Court Code of Conduct" was heavily based on the code for federal judges, albeit a fair bit stricter and to subbect the highest court to a level of scrutiny to ensure they maintain their integrity and dignity. Other aspects were just reforms toward how the judges would be processed and chosen, such as done through a nonpolitical board of sorts for their qualifications. This along with various others would be included.

    Unsurprisingly, an amendment involving term limtis required much more arm-twisting and with the Senators especially. However, Askew was quite public on this and it would not be long before public pressure would crack over on many of these politicians. The new blood certainly was willing to abide by it since they saw much of the old guard being around too long in formal positions. At the same time, compromises had to be made on the matter for some of them, though it would be done. After some close calls, this would be passed to. The consequences would be massively enormous given the giant political shift and would open the political playing field to various new players, including those outside the two party system.

    In fact, many would say that these amendments would not only end the two party system... but would serve as the beginning of the end for both the Republican and Democratic parties.
    Last edited:
    Summer 1994- Tensions and Technology
  • Summer 1994- Tensions and Technology


    The IBM Simon Personal Communicator and charging base

    Many of America's allies and the US itself was quite surprised by the passing of the 29th and 30th Amendments through Congress and the governors. The massive changes that were coming over to the American poitical landscape would have intense rammificiations. The legal infatrsucture that maintained the major two-party system was now torn apart, giving real opportunity for the smaller parties to grow and become major parties with representation on the highest levels. It would provide more opportunity for people to express and explore their true political opinions. The excitement was flooding the voters and the smaller nascent parties were beginning to rise. Some were coming together to merge to become bigger parties to stand stronger and modernize themsleves. Meanwhile, the new rules on term limits, campaigning and so on would make it easier for people to be able to run and not be constrained by their financial situation or not constrained by the old guard. However, most of all, would be that with this new system, many began seeing the Democratic and Republican parties as being antiquated, either because of their sermi-big tent tendencies or because with all of these changes, there was a desire for a new paradigm that better fit the new American political sphere. In fact, many would say that neither party would really exist by the year 2000, which would further fan the flames. Of course, with this, many would expect the Askew administration to perhaps start slowing down and not approach any other major legislation. However, time moved on and the voters were speaking to this. This would not be the only buzz of fascinating news. Two of them involved over the Supreme Court. One was that Udall's first Supreme Court pick, Shirley Ann Mount Hufstedler, choosing to retire now rather than wait for her grace period to finish in 1996, prompting Askew to look for a replacement. However, Hufstedler would stick around for one last case, namely over a case on whether prostitution would count over as pornography. Though unlike the case from a few years back in California, this would make its way to the Supreme Court though one mark of it was that rather than the usual, it was well, porn of a same-sex couple. All while this was happening while Askew would be looking for Hufstedler's replacement.

    Technology would also see some developments over during this time period. One news would be coming over from Microsoft as they would announce they will no longer sell or support the MS-DOS operating system separately from Microsoft Windows. Many are wondering more will come given the growing influence of computers and other technologies are growing. In fact, this would be having a prominent influence on various states as they would invest heavily to build up technology sectors. Another release would be the IBM Simon. Initially described as a PDA, they would also have telephone like capabilities; this would have the device be retroactively considered the first ever commercially available smartphone. [1] Another trend that would be noted on technology would be handling the older electronics; as part some of the lingering recycling talks, one was on recycling old technology. Brought when discussing metal, some have wondered if it would be possible to harvest the metal of old tech and used that, hoping it could help limit the need to mine for new metals for this creation. Even manufacturing would begin listening to this as it would affect the future of the design and the procedures for such a matter. A third major note of interest was the creation of an online bookstore that was garnering interest... Akashica. Originally called "Cadabra", the creator Jeff Bezos would choose this partially because of the alphabetized nature of search engines of the time, but also related to the term "akashic records", referring to the mystic compendium of all knowledge of all time, which he liked the sound. While starting as an online bookstore, he wanted it to be the biggest online bookstore ever and as he was looking for investors, he was looking for ways to expand. The modern regulations meant he probably wouldn't be able to expand into other products easily though the growing consumption of media and experiences was suiting well and he began looking into various trends and underlooked bits of literature that he could use to go rise above the other stores of literature. While centered in New York City for the time being, he has considered moving Akashica's headquarters to somewhere in the east coast, especially thanks to the investment by the states and the subsidies. Such was the case over for NeXT Software Inc, Steve Jobs' new company. Having switched to software, the company would end up offered the chance to relocate, with the hopes of helping to bring new life to that part, not to mention taking advantage of the lower prices.

    In the meanwhile, international politics would continue to develop. While the Rwandan Intervention would begin wrapping up with the halting of what some would call the "Rwandan Genocide attempt", the fighting would still continue with the growing conflicts between the peacekeeping forces and the RPF, especially their leader, Paul Kagame. Various intelligence networks and so on would begin looking into sufficient evidence regarding whether Kagame did order the assassination. Some suspect that the conflict may see South Africa consider further involvement. This is partly the result out of South African talks with the British, namely with the Republic of South Africa rejoining the Commonwealth of Nations, it having departed the then-British Commonwealth back in 1961. [1] Meanwhile, after a tense political standoff regarding elections in Yemen, things would be settled down over regarding the GPC and the YSP, with the latter winning a minority government though questions remained over in the future regarding the future of Yemen. It was part of the growing tensions over in the Middle East regarding the future political climate, mainly with the gradual increasing instability of oil as a strong export along with the growing frustrations with the various monarchies. With Bahrain down, Qatar have been preparing plans over dealing with the UAE for their involvement in the countercoup attempt though the UAE's leadership in Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan would begin making moves to deescalate the tensions in the area, which, if nothing else, Qatar seems to be somewhat responsive to. Meanwhile, tensions are gradually growing worse in Saudi Arabia with discontent against the House of Saud and there was growing rumors over regarding the leadership issues over in Syria, especially with the declining health of Hafez al-Assad. This would not be the only trouble though. Japan would see a larger tragedy as the members of the Aum Shinrikyo cult execute the first sarin gas attack at Matsumoto, resulting in several deaths and hundreds of injuries. In some positive news though, the Provisional Irish Republican Army announces a "complete cessation of military operations". [1] More and more it seemed tension was everywhere and for some places, it would finally burst.


    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:




    1994: The Iranian-Turkish War Pt 1
  • 1994: The Iranian-Turkish War Pt 1

    The Build-Up Of Enemies
    Turkey and Iran have never really been on positive terms. Even stretching back to the olden days of the Ottoman Empire and Qajar Persia, it would continue on over the decades, even as the monarchies would fall at one point or another. Even with republics now in the place of the crown ruling these historic regions, they remained in a stand off with one another for their own reasons and vying for the grandest amount of influence over in the region. However, the tensions now have risen more and more past rivalry to full-blown antagonism. The modern situation of Turkey and Iran's antagonism being sparked could all go back to one nation or group in particular:

    The Kurds.

    With Iran's victory over Iraq in their war and the decapitation of their government, this let Iran build up Iraq into their own image though beyond just ensuring fair treatment for the Shia majority and the closeness within their sphere, not that much was done... except with the creation of Kurdistan spun off from the Kurd-dominant parts of Iraq. This would make the situation in Turkey even more volatile, given the growing clash of the Turkish Kurds and the government. Rather than it supposedly calming down to the creation of Kurdistan, it just reinvigorated the people there with the desire to break off and join their brethren.

    Border skirmishes were becoming increasingly common between Kurdistan and Turkey, but this would not the only trouble here that would cause it to escalate.

    With the last days of the Soviet Union, pan-Turkic movements rose up in the hopes of capitalizing on the situation, with the first target being none other than Azerbaijan, who chose to leave in the last days. The Azerbaijani government of the time had pan-Turkic sentiments as well as skepticism over toward Iran. As such, Iranian hopes of being able to increasing positive relations with their northern neighbors would be dashed. Even more so when the Iranians wold assist Armenia with the providence of medicla supplies, food and energy during their war over with Azerbaijan. Eventually, Iran attempted an ultimatum with Azerbaijan regarding who they should align with.

    Ultimately, Azerbaijan's leaning to Turkey would be part of its downfall as it would push for further Iranian involvement before circumstances would screw over Azerbaijan with a civil war for them and a victory for Armenia. Humbled and cracked, Azerbaijan could only embrace new leadership to avoid the civil war before crawling back over to Gorbachev and joining the new State Union of Sovereign Republics. As such, the hopes of Turkey were dashed and more frustration would now forced onto Iran.

    By then, conflict seemed inevitable.

    Preparation of War
    Despite Turkish belligerence and troubles with their Kurdish citizens, it was Iran who would be better-prepared for this. Ever since the creation of Kurdistan, the idea of war with Turkey was always a possibility and they would begin building up their forces, modernizing their equipment and training for an outcome they saw as a matter of when rather than if. Of course, beyond just preparing and training their own forces, the nascent Kurdish state would as well, including making connections with some militias while restructuring and reorganizing the remains of Iraq's army, now that the nation was in their sphere of influence. Turkey meanwhile wasn't as worried. They knew that Iran would not attack as long as Turkey remained in NATO though the Turkish government was also smart enough to know that making the first shot would mean they would lack the support so they tried their best to avoid any direction confrontation.

    It was not enough to deter the aforementioned border skirmishes. Meanwhile, the increasing human rights violations over toward the Turkish Kurds in the area would be straining the relationships Turkey had over with their fellow NATO members, especially the United States. Not helping matters was the US and Iran increasing their own bonds with one another, moving past cordial and becoming friendly once more.

    Turkey would not seriously consider conflict until Azerbaijan's loss against Armenia in their war and with Iranian involvement there, matters began being taken more seriously there. However, the shifting economic changes with the end of the Cold War complicated matters there and making them more nervous was the increased meetings Iran was having with the United States on certain matters. Many suspect that it was about Turkey itself and such concerns would seem to be validated as a meeting would be held over on Turkey and its relationship over with NATO.

    After long meetings and discussions, Turkey would have its membership suspended. And now for Turkey, they realized they would need to prepare for eventual war as well.

    WIth increasing borde skirmishes and the call for ceasefires going, the call was issued for Turkey to cease the matters with the Kurdish population. However, political matters broke down, and refusals to compromise grew and before long, the Kurdish government would decide that they would need to go and vote for war. Before long, the government of Kurdistan would declare war on Turkey, soon followed over by Iran and its ally in Iraq.

    The war had begun.

    Iran vs Turkey
    Despite the origins with Kurdistan beginning the war, it was prett evident that it was Iran leading the charge and backing up Kurdistan and calling up Iraq over for the conflict. The armed forces would begin making their way over across the borders to prepare to engage over with the Turks. All in the meanwhile, the Kurds over in the region of Turkish Kurdistan would rise up, leading up in mass revolts and protests and before long, the first wave of soldiers would go in to back up the Turkish Kurds against the government.

    The reinforced areas placed in by the Turks would start meeting their match not only by the enraged citizens, but backed up by the guns and war machines of the Iranian army backed by those of Kurdistan and Iraq, The officials of the Kurdish government would meet with those heading the rebelling forces over in Turkish Kurdistan, giving grand speeches of being one people and that this would be the start of a great and united Kurdistan. More and more would the people begin revolting over in the region. Iran's goals would be to liberate as much as Turkish Kurdistan as possible and when consolidated under Kurdistan proper, begin pushing back further against the Turkish army until they would be able to dictate the terms of surrender.

    All while the world watched as another war would commence. Due to the issues regarding Turkey's suspension of NATO, no nations from there would be willing to give much if any aid over to them, out of concern of complications. The United States itself noted their neutrality though it was becoming gradually clear that its passive support would lay over with the Kurds and thus with Iran as well. The SUSR for its part would also proclaim neutrality on the subject matter though would begin working with Ukraine to reinforce and protect their borders over in the Black Sea in case anything would be breaking out over there. Other nations would be giving varying levels of support over to Iran and their sphere if for one reason or another or remaining neutral over on the matter.

    So far in the early months, the fighting was concentrated on in Turkish Kurdistan there with Iran and their allies' growing push against Turkish forces over in the area. Some were wondering if Kurdistan annexing a majority of Turkish Kurdistan would be the goal here or if there was more going on. All the while, Iran would ensure strong ties of diplomacy with many of its allies and ensuring cooperation. However, they would also begin focusing on two nations in particular...
    Autumn 1994- Judicial Additions
  • Autumn 1994- Judicial Additions


    Janie Ludlow Shores, new Supreme Court Justice

    The Iranian-Turkish War would catch the world's attention as NATO debates on how this would affect Turkey in the long-term, with some debating the potential for expulsion while others wondered what would be Iran's endgoal beyond the annexation of Kurdish region of Turkey. Despite the ongoing war, the lives of people outside of the conflict have not been disrupted though the various neighboring powers were making decisions on how to handle the upcoming strife. Iran in particular would be communicating with certain other nations for potential cooperation. However, despite the ongoing war, movements of peace were being made. The Sovereign Union and China would formally agree to de-target their nuclear weapons against each other. [1] Both nations have been undergoing additional changes with the end of the Cold War and on the direction of their growth from here on out. For the time being, the Sovereign Union has decided to assist India in their economic revitalization program alongside the US, with various conditions and working out numerous treatings, especially regarding the Indus River. China meanwhile is continuing its economic gowth and modernizaton under Zhao Ziyang along with the rise of local political movements, namely the rise of elections on the local level with the hopes of an eventual transition over into the federal level. Meanwhile, Ziyang has also been talking with the US and SUSR over about North Korea. With Kim Il-sung's likely death in the next few weeks, the question laid over the fate of North Korea and the push for unification attempts with South Korea. However, concerns were mainly on Il-sung's successor and son, Jong-il, who was cementing more rule on himself along with potential plans for a "military first" policy and the hopes were toward influencing him in some form or fashion though Ziyang has also been in some contact with the military higher-ups. This has been causing some to speculate that China may take a more direct involvement in North Korea at some point. In more positive news, after delays and international oversight, Mexico would have their new president: none other than Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas. After what happened last time, he would become more well-known throughout the time period and getting more support. This would see the PRI finally toppled in Mexico with Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas becoming President and the PRD rising into mainstream prominence.

    In the meanwhile, despite the massive milestone accomplishments of the Askew administration with passing two amendments, work still needed to be done. After weeks of talk, Janie Ludlow Shores, the first woman on the Supreme Court of Alabama, would replace the departing Hufstedler by the beginning of next year. This would make her the newest Supreme Court member after Byron White would retire last year and be replaced by Richard Riley over on the Supreme Court. Many would note that this would not be the only Supreme Court Justice that Askew would have to make as Associate Justice Harry Blackmun and William Rehnquist would retire early next year, with questions wondering on who would replace them there under the Jordan Court. Another one would be the introduction of the Firearms Moderation Reform Act, which was done to further address gun violence. While it has been going down over the years, some of the concerns were still around, especially with many close calls. As such, the act would be made to moderate the selling of fire arms. However, what would make this bill of fascinating interest is much of the regulations were that of cars, such as title and tagging at each sale point, gun training, tests, health requirements and so on. Some were showing concern over encroachment on rights along with other issues, they were also brought with counters over at holding various places liable and hoping that it would ensure firearm stores and sellers in being mindful on who they sell. While the bill would be a bit laxer than at first regarding regulations, the various core components such as psychological testing, licensing, and the prohibition of civilian usage of assault weapons would remain in place. However, the details would be managed by the state along some federal guidelines.

    Technology would also continue its leaps and bounds in development, influencing more the world of business. While California remains a hotpot for technology, more and more companies were spreading across the United States to make a city or urban area their field of interest. Starting with Seattle with Microsoft, the trend continued with how NeXT would relocate over to North Carolina because of friendly state laws and investments in tech, especially over with the Research Triangle as it would be called. Jeff Bezos' new online bookstore in Akashica meanwhile would end up being established in Austin, Texas, thanks to the strong memories he had over in the state while also to take advantage of the state's location. More and more companies were finding personal turfs to settle in or expand upon, such as Ted Turner rumored to be having plans to expand more Turner Broadcastng. Meanwhile, regarding the internet, the World Wide Web Consortium is founded by Tim Berners-Lee, becoming the main international standards organization for the World Wide Web. [1] Gathering people all over the world, the first meeting would have some special guests from across the spectrum. One of which was the Free Software Organization and some associates, invited thanks to their contribution in helping set up software standards across the world and some of their associates would bring the need for ethics and integrity when fleshing out the standards of the Web, going beyond just the technical details and considering the wide-scale societal rammifications along with the economical. Another aspect over with internet news was with WXYC, the student radio station of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, providing the world's first internet radio broadcast. [1]


    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
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    1994 Overview
  • 1994 Overview

    1994 would become a massive pivotal year over for the United States. After 5 long years of work and negotiation, the Askew administration would succeed in passing the 29th and 30th Amendments, radically changing the electoral process and various aspects of the federal government. President Askew himself would note that when he entered the White House, he wasn't aiming for such ambitious goals, but he noted how alot of them aligned with his beliefs in a transparent and honest government. He also noted how his time with former President Udall changed him, letting him set up grander goals to help people along with getting to understand disadvantaged Americans better. While these changes wouldn't begin kicking in untol 1996 for the most part, it would also be ready shaking up the political establishment and some even questioning the future of the two major political parties. After all, many would soon begin to resign and with such massive shakeups, it would open the door for more opportunities. Speaking of opportunities, the latest spike in oil prices caused by Qatar's war with Bahrain and later tensions with the UAE provided a fresh boost in the momentum to transition away from fossil fuels, which would see alot of promise as many of the new nuclear reactors were coming on, allowing to shift away from coal while the first of the major electrified rails of Amtrak and so on have been growing, causing a growing usage of public transportaton. Such boosts were likely not to end anytime soon, especially as people were getting used to this new status quo and looking to see what else can be done. This would also set off a buttefly effect as Canada, seeing the Americans' successes, would begin pushing for the same sort of reform and capabilities, which would be a large boon for the NDP, who began accepting more and more of these ideas.

    On the international level, it would seem that more conflicts would keep bubbling up, the result of years of stewing tensions and grievances finally coming out to decide the fate of these nations. While Qatar's conflict with the UAE seemed to have been calming down primary thanks to the efforts of Sheikh Zayed, this would just focus Qatar's ire to other nations such as Saudi Arabia, which some experts are claiming may become the next big hotspot of conflict if the House of Saud does not place in reforms. Syria was also looking into some concern because of the health of their leader and his support of Saudi Arabia's choice in getting involved with Qatar. However, the big conflict capturing everyone's attention would be Iran's war with Turkey. With Iran having brought their allies in against Turkey and with more preparation, matters were in favor over for Iran to win. This was especially the case asTurkey lacked any major allies willing to get involved into their conflict, mainly because of Turkey having neglected multiple chances for a peaceful resolution and NATO beginning to undergo plans for the future and seeing what can be done. However, there was still the signs of peace; from South Africa's growth and transistion beyond apartheid, including rejoining the Commonwealth and getting help to ensure the various reforms to help the nation. North Korea, the hermit kingdom even would begin pushing more for talks as Kim Il-Sung would fall into grave health, with the Americans and Chinese leading talks on how to best deal with the situation, the chance of reunifying Korea potentially there and further closing the book on the Cold War. While it did look like most places were finally calming down, the various conflicts were a reminder that work was still needing to be done.

    Pop culture would become somewhat noteworth. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm would be released after being delayed to improve the quality and would be a surprisingly good animated film, showing off a depth of the Caped Crusade few expected and provide the possibility of superhero films being done animated rather than live-action. Especially considering how it was still a relatively modestly budgeted film that made back what it made and then some. However, grander films would still be released such as Spielberg delaying Schindler's List becoming viewed as a total masterpiece for the year and blowing it out amazingly. The film that came close to matching it would be none other than Disney's Lion King, loosely based off of Hamlet and with plenty of surprising and capable talent with everyone involved. However, the bigger news would be on their following up with a planned animated adaptaton of Aiba, an Italian opera set over in Africa, which definitely caught alot of interest, and wondered if Disney could do well with adopting an opera though the surprise of Elton John helping to work on lyrics. Meanwhile, films like Forrest Gump and The Mask would generate plenty of laughs through the time period. Meanwhile, other big news would be on what would happen to Jeffrey Katzenberg after his departure from Disney: co-founding DreamWorks SKG. The other twist would be the animator he brought on board, someone else looking to match Disney: Don Bluth. During a slump in creativity and finance, Don Bluth would meet Katzenberg would meet by chance and the two men would build a rapport, Katzenberg seeing a chance to help build up something different and bringing Bluth in. With a backlog of potential projects needing money, Bluth was more than happy to dive in and prepare in, making a deal over with Katzenberg, with Bluth and his team helping Katzenberg on his idea of a "Ten Commandments" adaptation in exchange for Katzenberg giving Bluth the forefront over on future films, with one of the first being an adaptation of the Norweigian fairy tale "East of the Sun and West of the Moon". Overall, it was looking to be a promising partnership between the two men and their new ventures. Disney itself was planning various new ideas, especially having acquired Harvey Comics and a deal with Archie Comics. While it was likely some of the Harvey characters would make it to television, the bigger speculation was on Disney reworkng their comic book line-up, especially since during a trip to Japan on talks with Miyazaki, the structure of Japanese comics or manga there would begin causing the gears turning in the heads of Jim Henson and later Eisner, discussing a unique buisness opportunity for them along with other ideas, one was dubbing a film that Ghibli worked on, but unlike anything else and left a profound impression in them. Video games would also see large growth, unimpeded by the concerns over an age rating system that would be implemented in early 1992, caused by some concerns over certain aspects in games though would be resolved rather easily by implementing a ratings system based on age not unlike films though there came some delays due to technicalities and attempts at global standards, but would still function all right.
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