AHC/WI: Realistic Punk/retro future timeline

So first off how possible would be to see a timeline where technology progressed faster in general then OTL? Let's assume that the a good chunk of the 19th century would be what we'd describe as "steampunk". Only with technology advancing beyond that point as time moves on.
  • 19th century: steampunk
  • Early twentieth century: dieselpunk
  • Mid twentieth century: atompunk
  • Late twenties century: cyberpunk

Now the second part would be what kind of butterflies could we realistically expect with such technologies being introduced on a large scale ahead of OTL. (Let's assume for a moment that it still follows history in VERY broad strokes... Example: Two massive globe spanning industrial conflicts, a decaying power falls radical revolution, reactionary ideologies emerge and the rise of conflict similar to the OTL cold war.)
For starters I'm guessing for a "steampunk" 19th century Charles Babbage successfully building his analytical engine could be the main point of divergence.

Actually the French inventor Nicolas Joseph Cugnot did technically invent the first steampowered car back during the late 18th century and the technology has a surprising amount of potential considering the Stanley Motor Carriage Company.