AHC/WI: Inca Electricity and Radio

What if the Inca in South America successfully developed and used electricity and radio for rudimentary communication by the time the Conquistadors arrived in the 16th century?

For example, a paddle-wheel in a stream, rotating two magnetic lodestones around a crystalline material which is a good conductor and is provided by the local Shaman as a "sacred crystal" which sometimes sparks, is connected to an apparatus in which a golden wire touched close to the crystal and connected to a higher-reaching silver artifact (coincidentally resembling an antenna) causes a spark to strike seemingly instantaneously in a similar object miles away.

Years later, this device is somewhat simplified and copied by other villages, and it becomes possible to send messages through some Incan-analogue of Morse Code between these devices. Touching the golden wire to the conducting surface is eventually simplified to the pushing of a wooden button.

By the time the Spanish arrive, the Inca essentially have wireless telegraphy through their empire.

How would this effect History?
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You would need ASBs to provide the initial radio. Without a scientific theory of electeomagnetism, you simply can't develop and improve radios, any more than people without a nuclear program could acquire nuclear energy by dropping rocks on each other.
Interesting idea but for sone reason Civilization comes to mind as I read the OP.
Ok, Ancient Alien Bats show up and instruct the Inca on how to build spark-gap transmitters and crystal skull receivers. They already have a network of message runners, these will just make it faster.
This is really ASB. You would need firstly some theories over electricity and other stuff and some other technology making electricity and radio possible. Gunpowder would be much more plausible thing.
Life isn't a tech tree. In a world with a pod that early electrics based civilization could be butterflied entirely.