AHC -"Protestant" Bosnia - Neither Catholic,Orthodox or Muslim

Even today, Bosnia stands out for having a Muslim European population. While Albania also has a Muslim population, it is not Slavic, making Bosnia more unique IMO. Of course, other Balkan nations had (and still have) significant Muslim minorities (e.g., Bulgaria, Greece), but most were either forced to convert or expelled to Turkey later on.

Despite being considerably more distant from Istanbul and the core of the Ottoman Empire, and being surrounded by Christian nations, Bosnia has maintained a majority Muslim population, even after all the wars and post-Yugoslavia conflicts. Some could argue that being encircled by Christian nations—but the "wrong ones," depending on who you ask—was a crucial factor in Bosnia adopting Islam, especially since it was situated between areas where Catholicism and Orthodoxy were in competition.

This religious split predates the introduction of Islam in the region, as Bosnia already "had its own religious institution", the Bosnian Church—a schismatic branch considered heretical by both Catholics and Orthodox Christians. However, the Bosnian Church was already in decline before the adoption of Islam. Some might also mention the mysterious "Bogomils," an even older heretical branch of Gnostic Christianity. However, little is known about them, including their true beliefs and influence. Until recently, it was heavily implied that the Bosnian Church was related to Bogomilism, but this idea is now rejected by most scholars.

Therefore, it's evident that the region which would become Bosnia had fertile ground that was neither Catholic nor Orthodox. This, along with the classical joke that 'Croats and Serbs are literally the same people but with a different alphabet and Christianity,' led me wondering if, instead of adopting Islam, Bosnia could have embraced some form of early Protestantism. I apologize for not being able to specify which branch or form of Protestantism would be more 'suitable,' since I don't have a profound knowledge of denominations or the Reformation, but I imagine it wouldn't be too far-fetched to have a South Slav Protestant nation there.

We could consider either a stronger/reformed Bosnian Church or a more 'mainstream' Protestant branch (Hussites offshoot?). I believe this wouldn't significantly change Balkans's history, as it would likely still fall under Austro-Hungarian influence, and Serbia would still attempt to annex these lands, etc. Perhaps later it would be called the 'State of Slovenes, Croats, and Bosnians'? I don't know, but I think it would be interesting to see how this could play out. I can also see some Muslims still exiting, but not as many as IOTL

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Also, if someone is feeling extra whimsical today, we could have a Bosnia^2...with Catholics, Orthodox, Protestant, Surviving Gnostic Christians AND Muslims all ""coexisting""(extra quotes) there. I imagine the Catholics would side with the Croats and the Orthodox with Serbs, but the rest?
and a related question but someone knows why Bosniaks concentrated in this specific regions(talking about this little tip near Croatia)?
This feels eminently plausible in a TL where the Ottomans (or equivalent) do not rise and conquer much of the Balkans.

Are you asking a question? Is this the start of a TL? I'm confused.
Are you asking a question? Is this the start of a TL? I'm confused.
Sorry forgot the AHC.
AHC but also just discussing the idea. its not a TL
This feels eminently plausible in a TL where the Ottomans (or equivalent) do not rise and conquer much of the Balkans.
Yeah but I don't think just erasing the Ottomans altogether would be a good start. it would butterfly Alway half of Europe history 15th century onwards. Also, all* Balkan countries were under Ottoman rule and managed to not convert en masse(*Albania and Bosnia). I think that maybe "The ottomans hold Bosnia as a Vassal state" would be better, but I'm afraid the Kingdom of Bosnia was not strong enough to avoid being conquered. Bosnia wank early on?
First we need to figure out how to screw Islam in Bosnia
Perhaps see the Ottomans pushed a bit further South by Austria could be a starting point. Just enough that Bosnia is established as a kingdom or Austrian or Venetian vassal. From there it might be possible to have a Protestant ruler be chosen as a buffer or perhaps a Catholic who is driven to convert by personal experiences.
Just an idea which occurred to me--Venetian and Austrian forces push the Ottomans back and establish a condominium in Bosnia and select a North German Prince to rule it. But then he'd probably have to convert while there


Gone Fishin'
You do not even need to stop Ottoman conquest, or make the Protestantism a weird, pre-conventionally Lutheran, Calvinist, or Baptist type. Calvinist, Baptist, Unitarian varies of Christianity all existed under Ottoman rules Hungary and Ottoman vassals in Transylvania. They could spread to Bosnia. And conversion to Islam, at scale, wasn't instantaneous upon conquest.
I feel like you’re better off tweaking events with Bosnia remaining under Ottoman rule to have a Protestant Bosnia than getting a significant Protestant Bosnia with it being under rule of Catholic powers.

Hungary experienced a p significant growth of protestantism under Ottoman rule for example which was then reversed under Hapsburg rule. Any Bosnia under Hapsburg influence will not become Protestant.

Perhaps simply have the Hapsburg enforcing the counter reformation onto Hungary in a manner involving expulsions or more of an exodus which causes Protestants to flee to the Ottomans could work. If these populations are settled in Bosnia as a border territory and become the core of an indigenous Bosnian Protestant tradition. The Ottomans did get Protestant refugees but often settled in regions where they wouldn’t form a functional community.

Alternatively if Bosnia ends up ruled by an independent Protestant Hungary, that likely gets you a Protestant Bosnia. If it’s conquered by the Ottomans at a later date after protestanism takes hold then Bosnian identity will survive any Magyarisation but it’d be unlikely Islam would take hold.
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Gone Fishin'
I feel like you’re better off tweaking events with Bosnia remaining under Ottoman rule to have a Protestant Bosnia than getting a significant Protestant Bosnia with it being under rule of Catholic powers.

Hungary experienced a p significant growth of protestantism under Ottoman rule for example which was then reversed under Hapsburg rule. Any Bosnia under Hapsburg influence will not become Protestant.

Perhaps simply have the Hapsburg enforcing the counter reformation onto Hungary in a manner involving expulsions or more of an exodus which causes Protestants to flee to the Ottomans could work. If these populations are settled in Bosnia as a border territory and become the core of an indigenous Bosnian Protestant tradition. The Ottomans did get Protestant refugees but often settled in regions where they wouldn’t form a functional community.

Alternatively if Bosnia ends up ruled by an independent Protestant Hungary, that likely gets you a Protestant Bosnia. If it’s conquered by the Ottomans at a later date after protestanism takes hold then Bosnian identity will survive any Magyarisation but it’d be unlikely Islam would take hold.
Bingo, agreed.
You do not even need to stop Ottoman conquest, or make the Protestantism a weird, pre-conventionally Lutheran, Calvinist, or Baptist type. Calvinist, Baptist, Unitarian varies of Christianity all existed under Ottoman rules Hungary and Ottoman vassals in Transylvania. They could spread to Bosnia. And conversion to Islam, at scale, wasn't instantaneous upon conquest.
Difference is unlike Hungary Catholics in Bosnia were a minority. Protestantism wasn’t going to be very appealing to the Muslim or Orthodox population.
Difference is unlike Hungary Catholics in Bosnia were a minority. Protestantism wasn’t going to be very appealing to the Muslim or Orthodox population.
I imagine the POD here way before Islam even reach Bosnia(and it took like 300 years). The idea is since Bosnia was a ""no-man's (religious) land"", Protestantism could fill this void(instead of Islam)