AHC: Make these political parties the two dominant ones in the UK

The challenge is to make the Co-Operative Party and the National Liberal Party the two major political parties in the United Kingdom with others like the Conservatives and Labour relegated to the position of the Liberal Democrats or their like.

The only rule is that they must be true to their heritage and not just Labour or the Tories with the names changed.
Hmm, tricky. What did the National Liberal party stand for other than political liberty, unfree trade, and anti-socialism? A mere 15 years as independents before they had to seek closer ties with the Conservatives. Frankly trying to engineer the collapse of the Tories in favour of this lot would require our flying extra-terrestrial friends.

The Co-op party may be superficially easier. A bigger split in the Liberals, maybe damage Lloyd George some more, and you could get enough entryists to keep the party from entering an agreement with Labour and form an independent path.