AHC: Maintain the Tories big lead into 2010

For most of 2008 and 2009, the Tories had a huge lead over Labour, even polling near 50% on several occasions.

How would they be able to maintain that lead going into 2010, like Blair did into 1997?
Leaders Debates are somehow cancelled, perhaps Brown doesn't agree.
Have the Economy contract somehow before the election.
Ireland votes no to the Lisbon Treaty.
Cameron is able to keep certain cabinet ministers in line as time goes on.
Likewise from Labour more gaffes in general or moves to split the party.

The list goes on.


I don't think you could preserve the 20+ leads no matter what.

The Tories did gaffe by their policy releases and getting focus onto them rather than the Government. The debates - well, I saw it pointed out that the last pre-debate poll was very close to the final score in any case.

Maybe getting rid of the expenses thing might help - but at the end of the day, every Opposition falls back from whatever (and whenever) their best position was. There's no iron rule of "swingback" from a given time, but there's always a focussing on the actuality which pulls back a number of defectors from Government support back into line.

So you need something really major right before the election. Like the Prime Minister being found to be a KGB spy, or something ...