A Richard for All Seasons - Richard III wins the Battle of Bosworth Field

*drops face into hands* what the heck was he doing???

I see if I can make something of this mess.

He owes me big time for this.

And we had such grand plans for this TL.
Spoken to the moderators and I don't think there is anything I can do. I haven't been able to contact him yet, so I can't tell if this hiatus is gonna be permanent or not.
That is a VERY great shame, Blueflowwer. I have enjoyed this timeline very much. I hope you and Phillipe will find a way to collaborate and continue.

Best wishes.
At best we can continue with writing toghether in our shared document and I taking over the postings, but Philippe and I need to get ahold of each other before that.

It makes me so very happy to know that so many of you have enjoyed this TL so far!