Hopefully Madeline soon bears a child, so that her husband's attentions will be gone for nearly a year. I suppose that even if she does not have any children with Louis she'll be a fabulously rich widow. Nice update!
Hopefully Madeline soon bears a child, so that her husband's attentions will be gone for nearly a year. I suppose that even if she does not have any children with Louis she'll be a fabulously rich widow. Nice update!
Madeleine will be without doubt a very rich widow once Louis died, children or not. And she would surely not remarry

Ah, looks like Louis is going to fuck himself into an early grave here just as IOTL…
Likely, but he here has married a woman younger and less stunning than his OTL wife, so has not reached the OTL excesses. We will see if he will listen to the doctors or not…
1515 (January) - An unexpected welcome
Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk had been quite surprised when a letter of his King and friend, in which he was forgiven and invited to reach the English court as soon was possible had reached him in Scotland, just before Christmas. Margaret had been suspicious of her brother’s invitation, but her condition would advise against such journey and offer to Charles a good excuse for a short stay in London, as he was decided to accept Henry‘s offer of reconciliation because the loss of his best friend was the only regret he had in marrying Margaret. Charles was hopeful to settle any divergence with Henry during his stay in London, but was totally shocked when the King welcomed him with the usual warm, like nothing had ever happened, still he had heard reports of Henry‘s rage at the news of his wedding and so this welcome was unexpected. Queen Eleanor was glowing with happiness and Henry was quite attentive to her, and from the constant glances who his friend was sending to his new young wife Charles started to guess the reasons of his King’s good mood…
Later when Eleanor had retired in her rooms for resting and he and Henry remained alone, the King confirmed his suspicions, saying who was still too early for annuncing anything, adding who he was worried because Eleanor was still so young… Catherine had been older than him and so reminding him who Eleanor was already sixteen was quite useless as he was over worried… Congratulations were exchanged, as Margaret’s pregnancy was already know and Henry was definitely too happy to having a child, hopefully his Prince of Wales, and two nephews or nieces on the way for being still angry with Charles for something who, if he was honest with himself, was mostly his fault, specially once Charles confirmed both his suspicions on the fact who Margaret would never accept the match with the old French King and who her pregnancy was the reason for which she and Charles had married so quickly…

A couple of days later, Eleanor, comfortably lying down on a pile of cushions, under the watchful look of Henry, was congratulating with herself for having pushed Henry to reconnect with Suffolk, once they were informed of Margaret‘s pregnancy, as her husband mood had improved still more and Suffolk’s presence was distracting Henry enough for reducing his level of attentions to her, and that was a plus as Henry had becomed quite ossessive in his worrying for her health since she had told him who she was expecting…
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Yay, Henry and Charles are reconciled!!! Also hurray for Eleanor carrying an unborn child, and the adoration that her husband bears her!
Well in OTL they reconciled faster over his wedding to Mary (who was a worst betrayal) so was quite logical they would not be estranged for long.
Eleanor and Henry are doing pretty good right now, still full honeymoon phase…
1515 (January) - Choices and negotiations
Germaine, Queen of Aragon was worried, like every other time in which her husband, King Ferdinand, was dealing with envoys or nobles from Castile… She knew well who her husband was not much popular with them since their wedding, ten years earlier, as Castile had been ruled by Isabella, Ferdinand‘s first beloved wife, and his choice to remarry had put in danger the Union between Castile and Aragon, who would be definitely broken if she had been able to give a male heir to her husband, but sadly their little Juan had not lived long and they had no other child…
Well, at least in Aragon she was respected and Fernando was not a bad husband (well excluding his habits to remark about how much he liked to have an obedient, devoted and respectful wife, as the late Isabella of Castile had been neither) and while they had no children, she had a surrogate son in the young Ferdinand of Austria, her husband‘s grandson and ward, meaning who she fully approved her husband‘s plan to make his namesake grandson his heir instead of his older Burgundian brother. Charles had definitely lost any chance to getting his grandfather’s approval when he had married the English princess to which he was engaged, instead of accepting the engagement to Renee of France who Ferdinand had planned for him, but she doubted who the young Duke regretted it as their Ambassador had reported who English girl was stunning, likely the most beautiful princess of Europe, and she and Charles were in love and expecting their first child…
Now little Fernando was already the recognized heir of Aragon and Castile would soon follow as its Cortes would likely choose to follow her husband’s plan instead of breaking forever the union with Aragon…
Duke Charles and his other grandfather, the Emperor Maximilian, had protested over Charles‘ being passed over in favor of his brother but the Imperial Ambassador had made clear who his master would be willing to co-operate if Duke Charles was to receive an adequate compensation for the loss of both Crowns (and that was another argument of the discussion between her husband and the Castillean envoys)…
If she was to trust Alfonso, her husband‘s beloved illegitimate son and Archbishop of Zaragoza, the wedding of Charles of Burgundy and Mary of England had persuaded many, in both Castile and Aragon, who Ferdinand, born in Castile and raised in Aragon would be a better choice as King that the fully foreign Charles, and so securing the succession of Ferdinand would be dependent only by the price to pay, who hopefully would not be too high…
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Germaine seems like she'll be well placed in the future, at the very least her stepgrandson will respect her and provide for her well.
Yes, she know who Fernando had secured her a comfortable future as Queen Dowager in any case but she is young Ferdinand‘s mother figure and the boy is close to her so if Ferdinand will follow his grandfather in Aragon (and Castile) she will also keep influence in the court…
You will see when will be the moment. In any case Eleanor is 16 years old meaning who she has like 25 years of time for giving to Henry his heir…
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Deleted member 147978

You will see when will be the moment. In any case Eleanor is 16 years old meaning who she has like 25 years of time for giving to Henry his heir…
It'll be painful if she gets pregnant at sixteen years of age especially during the early modern period.
1515 (February) - sometimes waiting is not an easy thing
Isabella, Duchess of Milan was reading the last letter from her elder sister, merrily laughing to the parts in which Eleanor made clear who she was barely tolerating the excessive attentions who Henry was showering her since she told him of her pregnancy. The fact who both her sister and brother would soon become parents brought contrasting emotions in Isabella, who knew who in another couple of months she would restart her journey to Milan and her still unknown husband… She had already answered to Maximilian’s last letter (and she was glad who the Duke wrote to her quite often as she felt to know him at least a little now) telling him, among the other things, who she was to act as her grandfather’s hostess at the meeting who he had arranged in Vienna with the Kings of Hungary and Poland and who she was quite curious to meet the children of the King of Hungary as the 8 years old Louis was engaged to her 9 years old sister Mary, while his 11 years old sister Anne was to marry Emperor Maximilian at the planned end of the Congress… Isabella knew who she was lucky to marry someone close enough to her own age as princesses had not always that luxury: counting only her relatives one of her grandfathers had a much younger wife while the other would remarry in few months to a girl barely 12 years old… Then her thoughts shifted to the actual conflict between her grandfathers, centered on which of her brothers was to inherit the Spanish Kingdoms: they had just received the news who the Cortes of Castile had followed the ones of Aragon, naming her younger (and unknown) brother Fernando as heir to the Crown and her grandfather had spent hours with the envoys of Castile, Aragon and Burgundy, trying to get at least a good compensation for Charles (and she hoped who that would be enough to keep her brother from fuming and she do not envy at all her poor sister-in-law, who was forced to deal with her husband‘s outbursts of range and tantrums, while pregnant). She had written offer to Charles, and knew who Eleanor also had done the same, praying him to not doing anything who would break any chance of a future relationship with the siblings who they had never meet, but Charles was implacable when he felt to have been wronged… Well the only thing who she and Eleanor were able to do was hoping who their grandfather would be able to get a compensation sufficient to placate Charles’ resentments…
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