'A Choice in Time' or Help me decide which TL idea to pursue.

I've been lurking around the board here for quite some time and have recently made a comment or two but have yet to actually add something myself. I have quite a few ideas for TLs but there are three I am interested in working on.

However, I'd rather write something that people would be interested in having a look at and helping a new boy with via comments, pointing out flaws and throwing me in the direction of things I don't know yet.

That being said, these are the ideas which I am currently tossing around, which would be most welcome or do the old hands think has the most potential.

'The Man from Mayerling' or The era of Rudolph I of Austria

The POD here being the death of Franz Joseph in the winter of 1882 and the subsequent accession of a Liberal emperor.

'Under the Lion's Wings' or The wars and government of Angelo Emo

Angelo Emo succeeds in capturing Tunis, grows to dominate Venetian politics and eventually becomes Doge of Venice.

'The Will of God and Lawrence' or The reign of Faisal, King of Syria

Slight differences in the conduct of the Great War in the Near East leading to the maintenance, in a manner, of the Kingdom of Syria.
i vote for the Austro-Hungary one.. and that year is vital.. was the year than the Triple Alliance(with an useless and backstabber Italy was 'forced' how they say to the unnatural nemesis of Austro-Hungary) and yas before the Berlin Congress that means the end of the Trei Kaiser Bund(Three Emperor's league)

for that I support idea #1

Nivek von Beldo
i vote for the Austro-Hungary one.. and that year is vital.. was the year than the Triple Alliance(with an useless and backstabber Italy was 'forced' how they say to the unnatural nemesis of Austro-Hungary) and yas before the Berlin Congress that means the end of the Trei Kaiser Bund(Three Emperor's league)

for that I support idea #1

Nivek von Beldo

I agree, my personal favourite is 'The Man from Mayerling' TL.

Any would be interesting but tempted by the idea of the of a liberal Austrian empire. Just wikied Angelo Emo and that sounds interesting as well although wouldn't it be too late for real reform by that stage?

Nivek said:
i vote for the Austro-Hungary one.. and that year is vital.. was the year than the Triple Alliance(with an useless and backstabber Italy was 'forced' how they say to the unnatural nemesis of Austro-Hungary) and yas before the Berlin Congress that means the end of the Trei Kaiser Bund(Three Emperor's league)

I chose the time carefully, I think its a crucial moment for Austria politically being a moment when the balance of Austro-Hungarian friendship could have tipped in several directions and also for Rudolph personally in his marriage and familial relationships.

037771 said:
I'd vote for the Angelo Emo one; it's probably the least original of the three, but then again I think it'd be the most interesting.

stevep said:
<snip> Just wikied Angelo Emo and that sounds interesting as well although wouldn't it be too late for real reform by that stage?

It is late, far too late in my opinion, to truly save Venice but not too late to twist her fate from managed decline into a last burst of glory which could have lasting repercussions.

Torn but Flying said:
I'd agree about the Syria TL - seems like an original idea.

DuQuense said:
Would love to see the Syria TL <snip>

I'm growing fonder of the Syrian idea, of course it would be in the post-1900 forum (I wonder what they'd feel about it there) and the first part would barely the principals which strikes me as being narratively inelegant but the situation in the non-turkish areas of the Near East late in the War is delightfully fluid.
I'm growing fonder of the Syrian idea, of course it would be in the post-1900 forum (I wonder what they'd feel about it there)
How about posting a - WI the 1920 Kingdom of Syria lasted - thread there and find out.

Grey Wolf

Rudolph's an interesting character, IIRC he looked to the Balkans and Constantinople as the future for Austria

Best Regards
Grey Wolf
All of them are interesting ideas - if you have time, I earnestly hope you develop all three. That said, I'd probably enjoy Emperor Rudolph the most.