4th Plane Hits the White House

The 4th plane on 9/11 crashes into the White House. It's evacuated so no deaths, maybe some injuries. The White House collapses and burns to the ground. How will the loss of the most, arguably, important political symbol have on America in addition to the loss of the WTC and the damage to the Pentagon?
There would be attemps to Redesign the White House {modernize} but in the end it would be rebuilt as is, except with New Basements and Tunnels ect. Of Couse the TEMPORARY fence put up in 1942 to protect the White House, during WW2, would be removed, during construstion. [a new bigger one would replace it]
fortyseven said:
Interesting Dunash. Do you know where would the President hold office in the mean time?

I believe there is an executive office in the Capitol Building. However, Camp David is a more likely spot.
While the White House was undergoing major renovation 1948-1952, Truman lived in the Blair House. IIRC, there are vice president offices there now.
Aside from staff, nobody of any significance. Once the news of the strikes became clear (somewhat paradoxically) the place filled up with second and third tier staff coming into to 'man the bridge' as it were.

Now the Pentagon was a different matter....the place emptied out.

Taking out the Capital disrupts America more than taking out the White House. For one thing, they knew that Bush was not in the White house because his movements are public knowledge. The White House will tell you where he will be, because the news media need to be able to report it and set up on location.
I s'pose with the White House being taken out by the 4th plane, the admin would have to just design a new building, etc. Wouldn't the effect of the terrorist attack striking the heart of American politics in this manner just be a relatively cosmetic change like after the redcoats burned the presidential mansion during the War of 1812, which necessitated the building being repainted white ?
I hadn't thought of it hitting the Capitol, but that would disrupt the governement more. I said the White House for it's symbolic value though. That's something I was thinking about Melvin.
Vice-President Dick Cheney was in the white House the morning of Sept 11. He told the story of how the Secret Service came into his conference room and grabbed his shoulders and husteled him down to the underground bunker. He said he didn't think his toes touched the floor. Also, the First Lady, Laura Bush was in the white House also, she told how she was still in her bathrobe when the Secret Service came and got her. I don't think hitting the white House would have changed the Government's ultimate response in the long run, though in the short run, if the First Lady had been killed or injured, the President would have reacted earlier and the country would have suported him the same, if not even more so.
Related to this thread, about 7.30 am on 11 March 2004 (= today) there were 10 explosions in Madrid (Spain) railway stations, killing 192 and injuring 1421. As I write there are suspicions that it was Al Qaeda and not ETA. If so, there may be a backlash against Muslims in Spain.