russian civil war

  1. Independent India in WWII if CP win WWI

    POD is that Labour Party wins a landslide victory in 1918 election because of CP Victory in the Great War. The 1918 Labour Party General Election Manifesto promised "Freedom for Ireland and India". First grants Voting rights to all adults in UK and India. The Whole of Ireland is given...
  2. Russian civil war without Bolsheviks

    Russian civil war was started by the October Revolution by the Bolshevik Party under Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin against the Duma's provisional government . The commander-in-chief of the Russian Army, General Lavr Kornilov attempted a coup d'état against the against the...
  3. What would a successful Russian Republic look like?

    I know this kind of question has probably been done to death, but its something that I've been thinking about for a bit. The idea of a truly democratic Russia and its impact on the world fascinates me and while there are a number of ways this could be achieved, a surviving Russian Republic is...
  4. Could the Bolsheviks remain democratic through the RCW?

    One of the debates that I've seen about the Bolsheviks is about how much of their degeneration into authoritarianism and brutality was a result of their pre-existing ideology, and how much of it was due to the brutalization of the RCW. I've seen some people argue that degeneration was inevitable...
  5. March 1919 Lenin-Bullitt Agreement ends the Russian Civil War and partitions Russia between the Reds and the Whites

    Here were the terms agreed to by Lenin and Bullitt that were rejected by Wilson and Lloyd George: (1) The retention by all *de facto* governments in Russia of control of territories they occupied (see the attached map, scanned from Thompson's book, for the approximate areas of control at the...
  6. PC: Russian civil war so brutal that the caucuses, central Asia and Ukraine/Belarus secure independence

    What is the plausibility that the Russian civil war could drag on for so long that these states could break away permanently from Russia and avoid being reincorporated into the USSR or just Russia again if the whites win? Who would have the best odds of surviving long term independently?
  7. WW2 with independent Ukraine,Belarus,Caucasus

    After WW1 Ukraine and Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia became independent along with Finland and Baltic states but got conquered by the Bolsheviks in the Russian civil war and incorporated into the Soviet Union which invaded by Nazi Germany in WW2 but what if Ukraine and Belarus and...
  8. What if the Socialist Revolutionary Party had won the Russian Civil War?

    What if neither the Bolsheviks nor the Whites but instead, a third faction, the Socialist Revolutionaries had come to power as a result of the Russian Civil War? To see how exactly they could have seized power, let's look at Geoffrey Swain's military analysis of the July 1918 Left SR uprising...
  9. Kornilov Coup Succeeds what next?

    If Kornilov managed to take Petrograd in September 1917, say Kerensky refuses to arm the Bolsheviks, what happens next, does the Provisional Governement side with the Reds or Kornilov? How does this affect the Eastern front? Does an earlier RCW lead to an early B-L? Does a three way civil war...
  10. Military Coup Against Kerensky

    Is there anyway that before or after the Kerensky Offensive, he had been overthrown by the Russian Military to prevent a Russian Revolution?
  11. What if Russia was a Democracy Countries

    OTL Russia was authoritarian, poor, corruption, oligarch, invaded Ukraine. TTL White Army won Civil War White army from authoritarian to transition democracy from 1985-86 Social Democracy Leader Gorbachev. Lenin has killed by Fanny Kaplan, Leon Trotsky Capture and Executed by White Army So...
  12. Plausibility check: Negotiations with Kronstadt Sailors?

    Exactly as it says on the tin. Was there any chance that the Bolsheviks could've negotiated with the Kronstadt Rebels? IDK a lot about Russian Rev. but I know that the crushing of the rebellion really ruined the Bolsheviks reputation globally. Could the Bolsheviks have peacefully ended this...
  13. Plausibility Check: Bolsheviks remain in the war w/ Central Powers?

    Exactly as it says on the tin. Was there any chance of the Bolsheviks remaining in the war with Germany and not signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk? If so, what needed to happen for it to occur? I don't know a lot about the Russian Revolution and Civil War. Could someone with more knowledge...
  14. WI: Smaller Soviet Union that's basically just Russia and Kazakhstan?

    What I mean is let's say that after the Bolsheviks decisively win the Russian Civil War, they content themselves with the borders of modern day Russia and Kazakhstan with the addition of Crimea and the Donestk so that the Sea of Azov becomes a Russian lake and there's a natural land bridge to...
  15. Russia, One and Indivisible: A White Victory Timeline
    Threadmarks: The Death of Lenin

    From “Recollections on the Russian Civil War” by Eric Blair Fanya Kaplan can be considered alongside Gavrilo Princip to be one of two people who unintentionally had the greatest effect on the history of the Twentieth Century, and for the same reason; they assassinated someone important, in...
  16. What if the Republican Russian government remained in power (to this day)?

    I'm working on a story that takes place in an alternate timeline where the Bolsheviks never rose to power. I have a lot of questions regarding what this would alter about the world. What are the consequences of this change? What does Europe look like? Is Ukraine independent? Does World War II...
  17. Friedrich der Große

    White and Central Powers win?

    I’m currently working on a Central Powers Victory scenario in WW1, in which the Central Powers focused on Russia first, defeated Russia in 1916 and after that focusing and defeating France. But my question is: in this scenario, what would have happened to Russia? Would the Russian Revolution...
  18. PC: Democratic White Russia

    If the Whites win the Russian Civil War, was it possible for them to transition to democracy? When it became clear that Russia was going to be ruled by one party, many republicans joined the monarchists to form the White army. Was there any possibility for the republican faction to win out or...
  19. phil03

    Best Case Scenario for Poland during the Polish-Soviet War

    As it said in the title. While the borderlands between the two countries where the immediate reason the war happened both sides did, at one point or another, exhibit wider ambitions and hoped for a decisive victory to allow them to ennact them. The USSR had projects of turning Poland into a...
  20. Marklin

    1905 Russian Revolution escalates to early Russian Civil War

    Exactly what it says above. How would the rest of the world react? How could it get to this point? And what would the likely outcome be?