john f kennedy

  1. Born to Run:A Robert F Kennedy 1964 timeline

    Coming very soon! What if LBJ stepped aside for Bobby Kennedy to follow in his brothers footsteps in 1964?
  2. Historyman 14

    John F. Kennedy assassinated...during his second term?

    More of a thought experiment, but what if JFK is never gunned down in Dallas, lives and wins the 1964 United States presidential election, only to be instead kill in say 1967 in a manner that mirrors his OTL death. So...what next? Would LBJ be President, or would Lyndon B. Johnson been...
  3. HistoryGunsFreedom1776

    Plausibility Check: Could A Slightly More Successful Bay of Pigs Resulted in a Operation: Powerpack style of intervention? Or Would It Be Impractical

    Everyone who is reading this should have a general understanding about the Bay of Pigs Invasion, about how a force of anti-Communist Cuban exiles were trained by the Central Intelligence Agency and were sent to topple the regime under Fidel Castro only for it to become a fiasco and the aftermath...
  4. Hulkster'01

    Did JFK need LBJ to win 1960?

    Did Kennedy need to make LBJ his running mate to win in the 1960 election? Could he have picked some other southerner and still beat Nixon? And if he could what happens when/if he is assassinated? What does that running mate do as President?
  5. Aisha Clan-Clan

    What if: Kennedy resignation for health reasons instead of assasination in 1963?

    So, let's say that JFK's addison's disease proceeds a bit faster, he's rather ill so on 11/22/1963 instead of being in Dallas, he's in Washington DC to announce his resignation from the Presidency in favor of elevating Johnson after publicly admitting to his health problems, even apologizing for...
  6. Strong Voting Rights Act passed in 1961

    Let's say a strong voting rights act is passed by Kennedy or LBJ (because of early Kennedy killing) in 1961. How much of the political landscape does that change particularly in the south? Would the dixiecrats be able to use the threat of going third party or party switching since the black vote...
  7. JFK killed in 1960 instead of 1964

    Jeff Greenfield wrote a great book about some potential alternate histories and one was about if in 1960 a few weeks after winning the presidency Richard Pavlick who in real life almost killed president-elect Kennedy in a suicide bombing actually decided to go through with it and succeed. But...
  8. DCPritt

    A Second Act for the New Frontier

    Sequel to: Chapter One The President had only begun to drift off to a quick nap at his desk in his private office after a shot of morphine earlier when the phone on his desk roused him from...
  9. When Dick won the White House

    Part 1 : Victory It was November 8, 1960. Richard Milhous "Dick" Nixon is somewhere in Mexico with a pal of his getting drinks. This was the most unusual of reactions, but he was the most unusual of men. He built his career on hunting commies - and unlike the nut McCarthy, he actually did. He...
  10. Bomster

    WI: JFK picks Walter Reuther to be his running mate

    IOTL, Democratic candidate John F. Kennedy went against his brother's advice and picked a southerner, Lyndon B. Johnson, to be his running mate. However, Bobby Kennedy wanted his brother to pick a labor-friendly liberal, namely Walter Reuther. What if Kennedy listened to his brother's advice and...
  11. It's Raining in Camelot: An Alternate 1964 Wikibox TL
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    It's Raining in Camelot: An Alternate 1964 Wikibox TL By Hydrons "Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names." - John F. Kennedy It was December 1963, and president John F. Kennedy was seemingly on the fast track to an easy re-election. He had garnered a great deal of sympathy after...
  12. How should LBJ have approached Vietnam?

    Obviously Vietnam is a huge stain on LBJ’s legacy and casts a dark shadow on what imo is a pretty good domestic policy record at least based on what my politics are. How should LBJ have approached Vietnam so it wouldn’t become the disaster and presidency ender it was for LBJ
  13. Who did president Kennedy fire or discipline?

    I have been looking for this information on google for some time now but i dont find it, i am sure i read somewhere a couple of years ago that Kennedy did fire or discipline one of the military officials behind operation northwoods?, is this correct?. Also, president Kennedy was against some...
  14. How does a Nixon win in 1960 shape the political parties going forward?

    So lets say Nixon beats Kennedy in 1960? What kind of the Party does the Republican Party shape out to be after a Nixon Presidency from 1961-65 or 69? What kind of Democratic Party would emerge as a result?
  15. DBWI: No RFK Presidency

    As any history buff knows, Robert F. Kennedy was one of only two U.S. Presidents to have been the brother of another President. His older brother John F. Kennedy was elected in 1960, while RFK was elected in 1976. What POD would it take to prevent Bobby Kennedy from becoming President? And what...
  16. Anarcho-Occultist

    DBWI: Connally lives, Kennedy dies

    In 1963, President John F. Kennedy was visiting Texas Governor John Connally in Dallas. While there, an ex-Marine named Lee Harvey Oswald shot at a van taking Connally and Kennedy through Dealey Plaza. Kennedy survived the incident with only minor injuries while Connally was not so fortunate...
  17. Had JFK Lost in 1960, Could He Have Made a Comeback in '64 or '68?

    The 1960 election could easily have gone the other way had Nixon run a better campaign. If Nixon had narrowly won in 1960, would Kennedy be in a position to redeem himself in 1964 or 1968?
  18. DCPritt

    CHALLENGES, CHANGES, & CHOICES - A Sequel to New Frontier with New Challenges

    After completing my first timeline, I had many members ask me to keep it going, so here's the second installment of a fictional 2nd Administration with President John F. Kennedy, starting in February 1965.
  19. Chapman

    AHC: Kennedy/Wallace or Wallace/Kennedy

    For sh*ts and giggles, your challenge is to position Alabama Governor and noted segregationist George Wallace, and one of the Kennedy boys (Whether John, Robert, or Ted) together on a Presidential ticket. Either one can be at the top, I leave that decision to you, as well as the chosen election...
  20. Mr_Fanboy

    No Nixon in 1960 - who gets the Republican nomination?

    As opposed to JFK, Richard Nixon had a fairly solid lock on the GOP presidential nomination for the 1960 election well before primary season. His commanding lead had scared off high profile contenders like Nelson Rockefeller. So... assuming that Nixon dies in a freak accident at some point...