
  1. Alternate names for unconquered Nations in America (+ Alternate colonies names)

    So every once in a while we discuss about what would happen if the main indigenous nations of America managed to fend off the European settlers and conquerors, from the least (Aztecs) to the most (Incas/Tahuantinsuyus) plausible. 1.Something that I keep wondering, more specifically in...
  2. GameBawesome

    Mayan, Aztec, Inca on the world stage

    If the Cortes and Pizarro expeditions failed, and the Aztec and Incan Empire somehow survives, a new Mayan Confederacy Forms, and no European power try to conquer them, and they survive the plagues, what would their roles be in the world? Would they try to learn from the Europeans? Would they...
  3. Best PODs for a massive wankfest involving Wales and the Inca Empire?

    Okay, so I'm working on a RPG setting for a FATE/GURPS/SEWASFR (Something Else With A Similarly Flexible Ruleset) Campaign, and I need to know how to make it realistic enough to be semi-beleiveable. The timeline will have several different PODs from all over the world instead of a single one...
  4. WI : Economic-Political-Cultural consequences of unconquered Aztec-Maya-Inca

    Inspired by the thread on Meiji Inca and the Europeans butterflies proceeding from it. If we go from the postulate that Cortes and Pisarro are not as lucky as they were in OTL and stretch it a bit further so that...
  5. ETGalaxy

    Could the Inca Empire become the "Rome" of South America?

    The Inca Empire was the largest in the New World (in fact, I think it was half the size of the Roman Empire at its greatest extent) so assuming that Europe never arrives in the Americas for a few centuries or so for whatever reason (that's not important, it isn't the focus of this scenario)...
  6. Incanian

    In the glory of Inti we shall survive!

    So as known, the Spanish conquest of the Inca empire, was a swift one for the Conquistadors. The Plague, along with the Incan civil war allowed the Spanish to come quickly, and destroy the empire on the rise. However, due to the high altitude of the Andes, some of the Incas fell back, and...
  7. Incanian

    The Scepters Spread Across the Sea (A Colonial Inca empire timeline)

    So since my name is Incanian, I thought it would be good to do a thread on my second favorite empire. Now the Inca empire timelines are always the same. So I decided to do a different timeline. What if the Inca empire was a colonial one? Spreading across the Pacific ocean. Let's say the Nazcas...
  8. kasumigenx

    The discovery of the Aztecs and Incas are delayed to the 16th and early 17th century

    I am butterflying Columbus and the colonization of Americas and delaying the contact with the Aztecs and Incas, there might be some discovery but it would be the discovery of the OTL Quebec, Brazil and Newfoundland and it would take to late 16th to early 17th century for them to be discovered...
  9. AHC: Save Tawantinsuyu

    What would allow for a stronger Inca state that could resist Spanish conquest at least for a while? I'm thinking one starting point would be to prevent the succession war between Atahualpa and Huáscar.
  10. Aztec and Inca mercantilism

    Aztec and Inca empires were very rich in precious metals. Have they survived European contact, could they have adopted a mercantilistic economy to become two of the most powerful states in the world, if not the most? Thank you.
  11. Ottoman expansion in the Mediterranean Sea

    Hello and thank you for accepting me into this site. Could Spain have held off Ottoman advance in the Mediterranean, had they not have conquered Mexico and Peru? Thank you.
  12. Huascar, Atahualpa and Pizarro's Conquest

    I could have this all wrong, and possibly I do, since wikipedia isn't much help and what I know of pre-European American history is iffy at best, so I'm hoping that you learned scholars can help. I've just finished reading Clive Cussler's book, Inca Gold. In this book, which, for a work of...
  13. King of the Uzbeks

    The Sons of Inti Shall Not Perish
    Threadmarks: Table of Contents - The Heart of the Andes

    The Sons of Inti Shall Not Perish An Alternate History of the Tawantinsuyu *** Book 1: The Heart of the Andes *** The Call of Peru Trust Exercises Gold and Gore A Long and Winding Road Decisions Further Occurences Rather Rambunctious Reactionary Rebels Make the Tawantinsuyu EVEN GREATER...