
  1. AHC/WI: more neoclassicalism/Greco-Roman architecture among communists

    The early Soviet Union admired neoclassicalism, as one can see in architectural projects such as the Palace of the Soviets, the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, the Red Army Theatre, and others. How can neoclassicism last in the Soviet Union as the style of large state-funded buildings? As a...
  2. The Professor

    AHC: three Chinas

    Most TLs tend to produce 2 Chinas - usually nationalist versus communist republics. Are 3 Chinas possible? What regimes would they be?
  3. KuboCaskett

    PC: Argentina allies with the Warsaw Pact

    I just had this thought last night after reading this: However the "POD" of that unfortunately unfinished scenario involves a random attack on Peron that honestly sounds ASB to me so I went with the idea of...
  4. Whiteshore

    DBWI: Communist Russia?

    With the 100 year anniversary of the Russian Republic coming up, one might forget that during the early days of the Russian Republic, it almost fell to communism in a failed Communist revolution/coup in 1918 but was thwarted by loyalist troops in Petrograd. So, how could Russia have gone...
  5. KuboCaskett

    Prevent the rise of the Khmer Rogue regime

    As I'm doing research into the Sino-Vietnamese War, I found that it was highly related to the Khmer Rogue, that horrid regime that started all of that mess (well indirectly to be fair, as they were overthrown by the time the war happened). So I figured there must be a way to prevent the rise of...
  6. AHC : Earliest Communist/Socialist/Syndicalist/Far-Left Revolution

    With a POD of 1500, what is the earliest possible far-left revolution there can be ? Kudos for those whom can push it back to the 18th century. I know there were early forms of socialism called utopia, but it wasn't really revolutionary-esque. Would an 18th century far-left revolution happen ?
  7. Laos and Cambodia as Vietnamese SSRs?

    So if I'm not mistaken, just as 1979 wrapped up, Vietnam had military control over Laos (as a consequence of the Vietnam War) as well as Cambodia (as a consequence of the war against Pol Pot). That being said, what are your thoughts on Vietnam deciding to incorporate the new nations as annexed...
  8. AudieonAHCom

    The Minangnese Candidate-A Timeline By TheTimeRanger

    Candi Prambanan, pictured before the conference. 25th December 1925 Prambanan, Central Java-Dutch East Indies It was a questionable, yet logical move, on why the Indonesian Communist Party decided to held a conference in a Candi complex, where its eerie vibe, and element of unexpectedness may...
  9. (TL) Rosa’s Reich (Re-Write in Progress)
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Rosa’s Reich (Democratic Communism in 1919) By GlobalHumanism Welcome to the official Redux of the Turtledove Nominated TL “The 4th International”! Questions: • "Communism is Evil!" Why are you writing this? I'm not an apologist. Certain nations that have practiced communism have done...