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  1. Yugoslav Breakup Inevitable?

    I never heard of him until now to be honest, though after reading the summary I will definitely try to get his book. Thanks for the tip! :)
  2. Yugoslav Breakup Inevitable?

    Maybe I'm blinded by hindsight but imagine ASB would cause the post-Tito leadership to pull their heads out of their asses and recognize how unsustainable the economic model is in the long run while addressing some social grievances instead of sweeping them under the carpet while as an added...
  3. Yugoslav Breakup Inevitable?

    Nah. If after Tito's death an economic system would have been implemented that didn't artificially extend it's lifespan by committing autocannibalism and if the right people had been put in place to solve long standing issues, dissolution - or at least a war - doesn't seem that inevitable anymore.
  4. Plausibility Check : " Remove Kebab " War after fall of Ottoman Empire?

    I guess that some things in the early 1990s had still some 80s feel in terms of popcultre but according to the calender the wars took place from 1991 - 2001. ;) Didn't the Greeks attempt to grab some bits of Anatolia IOTL which backfired? Would that count? :confused: Serbia, back then part...
  5. The world of "Zhirinovsky's Russian Empire"

    My apologies if I'm being dense since you may have already adressed this, but is there any difference between the version of your timeline here and the one you sell on Amazon? It would be for the maybe, but mostly for the wrong reasons. ;) Think of it as a zombie apocalypse with Serbs...
  6. Most plausible Soviet Tech Wank

    *bump* Anyone?
  7. WI: Kosovo granted republic status?

    The nationalist victim-centered conspiracy nuttery and crankery is a bit too remniscient of NSPM. Interesting. I can't remember of claiming that it was a conspiracy by either side, only that it would be wise to wait how the investigations turn out before drawing conclusions. Maybe you would...
  8. WI: Kosovo granted republic status?

    Holy shit! The first one especially is pretty much the Muslim counterpart of Nova Srpska Politička Misao. :eek: So the situation was already there, as I said. I actually did watch some news on that. ;) And I think you should maybe avoid sites like Diwan in the future. :/
  9. WI: Kosovo granted republic status?

    Of course the tensions were created but in an earlier time before the concept of Yugoslavia was made a physical reality. While Sloba's exploitation of the local Serbs' resentment did pour oil into the fire, he would have had absolutely no chance to create an anti-Albanian hysteria out of...
  10. WI: Kosovo granted republic status?

    Oh the flashbacks I'm having of Chapter 2. :D There were some initial doubts if he could have done it to himself and the JNA later claimed how it most likely was Martinović's own doing. Even after that there was still some controversy which wasn't helped by the fact that neither Serbia nor the...
  11. WI: Kosovo granted republic status?

    Giving Kosovo republic status is possible but unlikely as abc123 (seriously whenever I read your username my mental jukebox plays this Jackson 5 song :D) was kind enough to point out. But for argument's sake let's say Tito somehow did it after the Serb elite had a collective stroke. First of...
  12. Most plausible Soviet Tech Wank

    If I understood things correctly one of the main problems the Soviet Union of OTL had was that in terms of science and economy it favoured loyalty to the communist dogma rather than efficiency that was deemed as "bourgeois pseudoscience". My question would be what if after Stalin the scientists...
  13. WI Balkan 90's wars not stopped?

    Armed insurgency and incidents started somewhere in the later half of the 1990s until the death of Adem Jashari and his family escalated it into a full-scale civil war. The creation of the Republika Srpska gave them an additional motivational push à la "if Serbs can have two states so can we"...
  14. WI Balkan 90's wars not stopped?

    A large influx of Serb refugees could destabilize the situation in Serbia to the point of radicalizing the climate and giving boost to the nationalist opposition. Sloba got a lot of shit IOTL for signing the Dayton Agreement so the fall of the Republika Srpska may have been his death sentence...
  15. WI Balkan 90's wars not stopped?

    An intervention from the VJ was always a looming possibilty. Sloba would be rather damned than letting a tide of hundreds of thousands of Serb refugees pour into Serbia and endanger his position. Unlike the fall of the Republika Srpska Krajina, a hypothetical fall of the Republika Srpska would...
  16. The world of "Zhirinovsky's Russian Empire"

    Yes. :D Though in-universe you can see this as Satō's "meta-criticism" or some pretentious bullshit like that. I'm actually contemplating of posting an entire episode. :D One fact of life: There is no aftermath. The struggle between the "heroes" and the "undertakers" is eternal. It's like a...
  17. AHC/WI: Yugoslavian Nuclear Program

    As long as you have unscrupulous opportunists in power who don't want to see their respective fiefdoms and criminal enterprises turned into a nuclear wasteland, things should be fine. :)
  18. AHC/WI: Yugoslavian Nuclear Program

    Here's an interesting read of Yugoslavia's nuclear program and her other WMDs. Thanks to MAD Yugoslavia would have, if at all, probably broken up with a lot less drama. Probably nothing.
  19. The world of "Zhirinovsky's Russian Empire"

    Here's another piece of alternate in-universe fiction. Daisuke Satō basically decided to turn the in-universe anti-Russian sentiment in (Western) pop-culture to an absurd extreme while using Serbs as "surrogate Russians". The result is an even more absurd version of an already absurd zombie...
  20. The world of "Zhirinovsky's Russian Empire"

    Would you mind if I contribute to the in-universe alternate fiction? :D