Map Thread XXII


More stuff from my TL
Map I made of the Thrial system from Iain M. Banks' "Against A Dark Background". Set in a planetary system a million lightyears from the nearest galaxy...

The Mauretanian Wars have ended with a coalition victory, as the Mauretanian Empire's last fortress in Gadir has fallen, with the Panagoulias Family of Hemeroskopeion reaping most of the rewards, even managing to secure the throne of Emporion after the King's death in the Fourth Mauretanian War. With the official disbanding of the coalition due to Mauretania refocusing on Africa, Iberia looks ready for a fight. The Year is 1436.

- The Hellenes -
On the Eastern Coast, the united thrones of Hemeroskopeion and Emporion are set to be a deadly force. Having came from the small colonies founded during the First Hellenic Colonial Period, They resisted both Punicization and Romanization, and emerged out of the collapsing Visigothic Authority following the Mauretanian-Visigoth War. The Hellenic Kingdoms led the numerous coalitions against the encroaching Mauretanian Empire, and after the death of Poncos Armennkol III during the Fourth Mauretanian War, King Gouliélmos Panagoulias assumed both thrones in a Personal Union that remains even after the Fall of Gadir. Needless to say, the Panagoulias Family is poised to dominate the Peninsula in the following centuries.

- The Romans -
In the Heart of Iberia, the Roman Iberians - Known as the Hispanians - Have emerged as independent states following the Mauretanian Wars and the fall of the Visigoths. These are the Kingdoms of Leon, of Castilla, and the Duchy of Galicia. The Three Realms are in grave danger however, as all sides are looking to them for almost free land. Most terrifying is the aggressiveness of the Hellenic Kingdoms as Hispania being the first step for Iberian domination. Aside from these realms however, a fellow Hispanic State is flourishing - That being the Republic of Lusitania on the Western Coast, who has been flourishing from the expansion of the Indian Spice Trade. The Republic is following Armed Neutrality in an effort to maximize profit and minimizing devastation.

- The Celts -
Though the Celtiberians have been driven out of the Interior by the Hispanians, the Celts have held on in the Northwestern Corner of the Peninsula, and have managed peace with the Lusitanian Republic, securing their survival for the time being. While the High Kingdom is struggling for now, its possible that future 'discoveries' might just save Gailís from destruction.

- The Native Iberians -
In the Southwest and Northern Areas, the Iberia's Native People of the Tartessians and the Basques hold on against the odds. Though the Basque people are theoretically under the Visigoths and the Hellenes, the states have given them high autonomy as it has proven too hard to control to force. In the case of Tartessos, Four Rulers have Risen, those of Oretan, Durte, Cunet, and most especially Turtulia. Though Lusitania has stayed away from conquering them, the Rich lands and the strong fortresses attract the desires of the Hispanians and the Hellenes, and the Rulers must settle their differences to weather the coming storm.

- The Visigoths -
The German Visigoths migrated from the area after taking advantage of Roman weakness to settle in Western Gaul, who then used their position to invade Iberia during the Fall of Rome. Though they were forced out of Gaul by Soisson and Italian ambitions, they consolidated and ruled Iberia, defeating the rival Suebi Empire and ruling the entirety of the Peninsula. This was the case until the ambitious Senadus Hammadus II of Mauretania took advantage of civil strifes in the Visigoths and crossed the strait of Gibraltar, hoping to establish a great Empire to counter the growing African Empire in Carthage. The Visigoths were caught off-guard and they were forced to abandon the outh Coast. After this, the Realm collapsed slowly, with the Hellenes, Hispanians, and even Celtiberians rebelled from the Realm, leaving them with only the territory north of the Cantabrian Range, where none of the realms south of the range have dedicated serious effort to destroying the Visigoths, though the timer on Iberia's former ruler is slowly ticking...

Though Iberia is currently unimportant to those outside of it, future discoveries across the seas will turn this peninsula into one of the most prosperous and contested areas of Europe in the following centuries.

CNSV Iberia 1480.png

A map of the world of The Dragon Prince.​

So, I made this map on a whim (and for the new Succession Game in Shared Worlds). This took me about an hour and four minutes, give or take a few. But hey, there's that.

If you want the map I created this one based off of, here it is:

The map I made is comparable in scale to Australia on most Worlda maps.


And now, the Political map.​
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“There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature -- the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”

The United States of America (USA or U.S.A.), commonly known as the United States or America, is a country located in North America, situated between Canada and Mexico. It is composed of nine constituent regions and 13 wilderness preserves, spread between 50 ceremonial states from which the country derives its name. The country has a natural population of 325 million, with an additional 3 million registered unpeople as citizens. America is considerably polycentric: the nation’s political capital is Washington, its most populous city is Houston, its largest financial hub is New York, and it hosts the world’s second largest vicar in Las Vegas.

The area now consisting of the United States was first settled by Paleo-Indians 12,000 years ago. English colonization of the East Coast began in Virginia in 1607. By 1776, the American colonies declared independence from the British crown over disputes on taxation and representation. After the War of Independence, the nascent U.S. began expansion in the west, admitting new states. In 1861, disputes over slavery sparked the secession of the Confederate States, which was subdued by 1865 and led to the abolition of slavery. America industrialized heavily in the late 19th century, soon becoming a great power. The U.S.’s victory in the Second World War led to a Cold War between it and the Soviet Union over ideology and global dominance. After the Soviet Union’s collapse, America emerged as the world’s dominant superpower until the onset of the American Agitation, which saw political fragmentation and near-social collapse. To resolve this, new Constitutional amendments were adopted in the Second Convention. Following the Demographic Crisis, the country embarked on a large-scale endeavor to heavily urbanize larger cities, while rewilding areas experiencing population decline, which continues to this day.

The United States is a hybrid-order presidential constitutional republic with a bicameral legislature composed of the House of Representatives (elected by popular vote) and the Senate (elected by interest groups). Day-to-day administration is carried out by the PARAGON intelligence hyperconstruct, while long-term planning and national goals are decided by popular election of a President. American political culture emphasizes environmental stewardship, civil liberties, and free association. Despite this, the country is one of the most anthropically exclusive in the world.

As a post-developed economy, the United States ranks relatively low on productivity, innovation, and industry, but highly in terms of consumer sentiment, corporate cohesion, and unemployment satisfaction. The United States maintains the world’s 9th largest nominal GDP, is the largest regional power in the Americas, and participates heavily in international affairs. The United States is a founding member of the United Nations, the Council for Responsible Human Development, the Earth-Luna Dialogue, and the Communist International.

In the modern day, the Senate acts as the assentive chamber of Congress. Its main duties, as dictated by the 34th amendment, are to confirm or reject presidential nominations for positions within the administrative and judicial branches, as well as to approve or deny legislation passed by the House of Representatives.

Crucially, the Senate cannot introduce legislation of its own. The New Framers decided that, because the Senate was inherently much less representative and democratic than the House, it should not be allowed to introduce sweeping changes to laws that could majorly impact the country. They modeled this new system somewhat after the House of Lords in the United Kingdom and the Senate in Canada, both of which mostly functioned to scrutinize legislation passed by the lower chamber.

Instead, the Senate can only approve or deny legislation already passed by the House. If the Senate approves the legislation, it goes onto the executive branch to be signed or vetoed by the President, and if signed, to be administered and implemented by PARAGON. If the Senate denies the legislation, the House can override a Senate rejection with a ⅗ majority. However, the House is more likely to amend the legislation until it meets Senate approval.

While the Senate’s powers appear limited, it enjoys a wide breadth of informal power due to the historical prestigious nature of the chamber. The Senate can also append statements of intent to House bills it rejects, which are essentially line-by-line edits of legislation the Senate wants the House to make before it can approve of the bill, and the House usually complies.

Before the 34th amendment, the Senate was composed of 102 Senators, 2 from each state. Following the Second Convention, this system was completely reformed, and the number of Senators was changed to 103, with three non-voting Senators acting in an advisory capacity. As of 2121, the Senate is composed according to the following table, where an asterisk indicates that those Senators have a lifetime or infinite term length. Otherwise, all Senators serve six-year terms.

Constituency or Interest RepresentedNumber of Senators
Atlantica Region3
Heartland Region3
Cascadia Region3
Eureka Region3
Brazos Region3
Piedmont Region3
Sunkiss Region3
Caldera Region3
Alaska and Pacifica Special Region (Extremities)2
Vice President[1]1
Presidential Appointees*5
National Lottery System9
United States Chamber of Commerce[2]5
American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Relations3
2MIL: BASIC Recipients’ Union1
Parents for an American Future3
Foundation for Arcadia5
REWILD Accelerator Construct*[3]1
Ecumene Project2
Human Heritage and Traditional Values (The Guardians)[4]3
Coalition for the Advancement of Anthropic Minorities[5]3
Transhuman Third Way1
Surrealists, Virtualities, and Unpeople, Consolidated3
Brutian Voluntarists5
Intercollegiate Consortium of Academics[6]25
Disinterested Construct Incubator* (advisory role only)3
Aside from Senators representing Regions, the federal government, or academics, the list of constituencies is often in flux and subject to change. For example, the American Civil Liberties Union, a civil liberties advocacy group, was a mainstay of the Senate constituency list starting from the implementation of the 34th amendment. However, it was delisted in 2103 due to significant financial troubles that rendered it ineffective to operate in its members’ interests.

Ideology vs. Interests
There are often major disagreements between the major interest groups regarding a piece of legislation, which can lead to deadlock. To solve this, the 105th amendment was passed in 2094, which stipulated that legislation could pass the Senate without a majority of Senators in concurrence, providing that:

  1. At least ⅔ of Senators representing Regions and the National Lottery System had voted in favor;
  2. At least ⅖ of academics had voted in favor;
  3. At least ⅔ of the Disinterested Constructs had returned a grade of MINOR MISAPPLICATION or better.
Neo-Federalists campaigned heavily for this amendment, due to the fact that it returned more power to subnational polities and to “the people” in general, as opposed to encouraging a transactional form of government dependent on pleasing a majority of powerful interest groups. Technocrats also supported the amendment, since it returned influence to academics, which had previously seen their number of Senators dwindle from 50 when the 34th amendment was passed to 25 today.

We will explore more about the differences between ideologies and interests in Chapter 5: Views on Government.

[1] Also acts as President of the Senate, the presiding officer.
[2] Per a power-sharing agreement, three of the seats are delegated to a selected publicly-owned American corporation, which rotate on an annual basis, and one seat is delegated to a representative of the Marxian-Accelerationist Combine.
[3] Currently abstentionist unless the vote is with regards to the status of the state of New Hampshire.
[4] Per a power-sharing agreement, one of the seats is delegated to a representative of the Queer Empowerment Alliance.
[5] Per a power-sharing agreement, one of the seats is delegated to a representative of the Species Uplift Project.
[6] Per a 2099 statute, at least 10 Senators from this category must have a doctorate in history, government, law, public policy, or philosophy.
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Gone Fishin'
Never got around to posting this separately - wikipedia style map for a Panama Canal Zone Statehood scenario I made wikiboxes for some years ago, found here and here


Gone Fishin'
hmm... what's the OTL current population of that area?

When I made the wikiboxes, I set the population at 500,000 to fit the general minimum for statehood, mostly so I could make a Senatorial election featuring John McCain (who was born there IOTL).

However that'd produce a pretty insane population density for what is essentially a stretch of water and jungle with some urban fringes, so I can't say it's overly realistic
this is SO BEAUTIFUL. what's the difference between Free and Legacy cities?
Free City - Little government intervention or oversight, aside from light pollution requirements and very strict limitations on urban sprawl. Mostly inhabited by libertarians and corporate workers.
Legacy City - Effectively acts as living museums. These cities maintain a skeleton population and are not allowed to build new buildings. Common vacation destinations to get away from the busy urban life of America's megacities.
@ItsMyKetchup - are people permitted to reside in the various preserves?
Yes, but only within Free or Legacy Cities. Outside of these places, most other evidence of human habitation (save for sites of historical significance) has been demolished and left for nature to reclaim.
When I made the wikiboxes, I set the population at 500,000 to fit the general minimum for statehood, mostly so I could make a Senatorial election featuring John McCain (who was born there IOTL).

However that'd produce a pretty insane population density for what is essentially a stretch of water and jungle with some urban fringes, so I can't say it's overly realistic
that's somewhat the point. A Panama Canal Zone is independent in my project, and for political reasons, I want basically everyone living in it to be a canal worker of some sort.
Free City - Little government intervention or oversight, aside from light pollution requirements and very strict limitations on urban sprawl. Mostly inhabited by libertarians and corporate workers.
Legacy City - Effectively acts as living museums. These cities maintain a skeleton population and are not allowed to build new buildings. Common vacation destinations to get away from the busy urban life of America's megacities.
and are the non-preserve regions very urban?
Yes, but only within Free or Legacy Cities. Outside of these places, most other evidence of human habitation (save for sites of historical significance) has been demolished and left for nature to reclaim.


Gone Fishin'
that's somewhat the point. A Panama Canal Zone is independent in my project, and for political reasons, I want basically everyone living in it to be a canal worker of some sort.

I don't think an independent canal zone would be viable unless internationalized in some manner, or morphed into some kind of sovereign corporation. The latter probably makes more sense just in terms of canal employment not necessarily being very stable grounds for citizenship.

“There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature -- the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”

The United States of America (USA or U.S.A.), commonly known as the United States or America, is a country located in North America, situated between Canada and Mexico. It is composed of nine constituent regions and 13 wilderness preserves, spread between 50 ceremonial states from which the country derives its name. The country has a natural population of 325 million, with an additional 3 million registered unpeople as citizens. America is considerably polycentric: the nation’s political capital is Washington, its most populous city is Houston, its largest financial hub is New York, and it hosts the world’s second largest vicar in Las Vegas.

The area now consisting of the United States was first settled by Paleo-Indians 12,000 years ago. English colonization of the East Coast began in Virginia in 1607. By 1776, the American colonies declared independence from the British crown over disputes on taxation and representation. After the War of Independence, the nascent U.S. began expansion in the west, admitting new states. In 1861, disputes over slavery sparked the secession of the Confederate States, which was subdued by 1865 and led to the abolition of slavery. America industrialized heavily in the late 19th century, soon becoming a great power. The U.S.’s victory in the Second World War led to a Cold War between it and the Soviet Union over ideology and global dominance. After the Soviet Union’s collapse, America emerged as the world’s dominant superpower until the onset of the American Agitation, which saw political fragmentation and near-social collapse. To resolve this, new Constitutional amendments were adopted in the Second Convention. Following the Demographic Crisis, the country embarked on a large-scale endeavor to heavily urbanize larger cities, while rewilding areas experiencing population decline, which continues to this day.

The United States is a hybrid-order presidential constitutional republic with a bicameral legislature composed of the House of Representatives (elected by popular vote) and the Senate (elected by interest groups). Day-to-day administration is carried out by the PARAGON intelligence hyperconstruct, while long-term planning and national goals are decided by popular election of a President. American political culture emphasizes environmental stewardship, civil liberties, and free association. Despite this, the country is one of the most anthropically exclusive in the world.

As a post-developed economy, the United States ranks relatively low on productivity, innovation, and industry, but highly in terms of consumer sentiment, corporate cohesion, and unemployment satisfaction. The United States maintains the world’s 9th largest nominal GDP, is the largest regional power in the Americas, and participates heavily in international affairs. The United States is a founding member of the United Nations, the Council for Responsible Human Development, the Earth-Luna Dialogue, and the Communist International.

In the modern day, the Senate acts as the assentive chamber of Congress. Its main duties, as dictated by the 34th amendment, are to confirm or reject presidential nominations for positions within the administrative and judicial branches, as well as to approve or deny legislation passed by the House of Representatives.

Crucially, the Senate cannot introduce legislation of its own. The New Framers decided that, because the Senate was inherently much less representative and democratic than the House, it should not be allowed to introduce sweeping changes to laws that could majorly impact the country. They modeled this new system somewhat after the House of Lords in the United Kingdom and the Senate in Canada, both of which mostly functioned to scrutinize legislation passed by the lower chamber.

Instead, the Senate can only approve or deny legislation already passed by the House. If the Senate approves the legislation, it goes onto the executive branch to be signed or vetoed by the President, and if signed, to be administered and implemented by PARAGON. If the Senate denies the legislation, the House can override a Senate rejection with a ⅗ majority. However, the House is more likely to amend the legislation until it meets Senate approval.

While the Senate’s powers appear limited, it enjoys a wide breadth of informal power due to the historical prestigious nature of the chamber. The Senate can also append statements of intent to House bills it rejects, which are essentially line-by-line edits of legislation the Senate wants the House to make before it can approve of the bill, and the House usually complies.

Before the 34th amendment, the Senate was composed of 102 Senators, 2 from each state. Following the Second Convention, this system was completely reformed, and the number of Senators was changed to 103, with three non-voting Senators acting in an advisory capacity. As of 2121, the Senate is composed according to the following table, where an asterisk indicates that those Senators have a lifetime or infinite term length. Otherwise, all Senators serve six-year terms.

Constituency or Interest RepresentedNumber of Senators
Atlantica Region3
Heartland Region3
Cascadia Region3
Eureka Region3
Brazos Region3
Piedmont Region3
Sunkiss Region3
Caldera Region3
Alaska and Pacifica Special Region (Extremities)2
Vice President[1]1
Presidential Appointees*5
National Lottery System9
United States Chamber of Commerce[2]5
American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Relations3
2MIL: BASIC Recipients’ Union1
Parents for an American Future3
Foundation for Arcadia5
REWILD Accelerator Construct*[3]1
Ecumene Project2
Human Heritage and Traditional Values (The Guardians)[4]3
Coalition for the Advancement of Anthropic Minorities[5]3
Transhuman Third Way1
Surrealists, Virtualities, and Unpeople, Consolidated3
Brutian Voluntarists5
Intercollegiate Consortium of Academics[6]25
Disinterested Construct Incubator* (advisory role only)3
Aside from Senators representing Regions, the federal government, or academics, the list of constituencies is often in flux and subject to change. For example, the American Civil Liberties Union, a civil liberties advocacy group, was a mainstay of the Senate constituency list starting from the implementation of the 34th amendment. However, it was delisted in 2103 due to significant financial troubles that rendered it ineffective to operate in its members’ interests.

Ideology vs. Interests
There are often major disagreements between the major interest groups regarding a piece of legislation, which can lead to deadlock. To solve this, the 105th amendment was passed in 2094, which stipulated that legislation could pass the Senate without a majority of Senators in concurrence, providing that:

  1. At least ⅔ of Senators representing Regions and the National Lottery System had voted in favor;
  2. At least ⅖ of academics had voted in favor;
  3. At least ⅔ of the Disinterested Constructs had returned a grade of MINOR MISAPPLICATION or better.
Neo-Federalists campaigned heavily for this amendment, due to the fact that it returned more power to subnational polities and to “the people” in general, as opposed to encouraging a transactional form of government dependent on pleasing a majority of powerful interest groups. Technocrats also supported the amendment, since it returned influence to academics, which had previously seen their number of Senators dwindle from 50 when the 34th amendment was passed to 25 today.

We will explore more about the differences between ideologies and interests in Chapter 5: Views on Government.

[1] Also acts as President of the Senate, the presiding officer.
[2] Per a power-sharing agreement, three of the seats are delegated to a selected publicly-owned American corporation, which rotate on an annual basis, and one seat is delegated to a representative of the Marxian-Accelerationist Combine.
[3] Currently abstentionist unless the vote is with regards to the status of the state of New Hampshire.
[4] Per a power-sharing agreement, one of the seats is delegated to a representative of the Queer Empowerment Alliance.
[5] Per a power-sharing agreement, one of the seats is delegated to a representative of the Species Uplift Project.
[6] Per a 2099 statute, at least 10 Senators from this category must have a doctorate in history, government, law, public policy, or philosophy.
Texas: has a panhandle
Caldera: Hold my beer.
Yes, but only within Free or Legacy Cities. Outside of these places, most other evidence of human habitation (save for sites of historical significance) has been demolished and left for nature to reclaim.

What's going with Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the other OTL US possessions? Have most of the tiny islands been depopulated and turned back into wilderness?