Table of Contents


Hashasheen, is a member of the board from the Middle East, more specifically Lebanon. He is one of The Strangers. He is generally polite and helpful, unless you insult Lebanon, are Islamophobic or are just going full retard.

Currently (since July 12, 2011) banned at his own request.

Hashasheen Legacy of the Insane

Ordos Suprema Arbita

Hashasheen Doctrine

Eternal Rivals

The Prophecies of Hashasheen

The most famed (and true!) visions that came to the messenger and prophet known as Hashasheen, in chronological order:

1. July 4th 2009:

2. November 6th 2009:

Works of Hashasheen

Hashasheen has several works on the board, though most have unfortunately died out due to writer's block, time-constraints or boredom. In chronological order, they are:

1. The Second Rise of Carthage:

2. The Hashemite Strangerverse Timeline:

3. “My name is Legion, for we are many” :

4. Legacy of the Insane:

5. The GLA War:

6. WCW: The New Millennium: