====== subversivepancakes ====== subversivepancakes is a pretty friendly guy. He likes long walks on the beach and chocolate pudding. ---- ==== Works ==== Here are some things he has started to write but will probably never finish: == a.) Timelines == [[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=374440|Empire of the Dawn: Chinese Colony in America, 17th Century]] - Kind of self-explanatory? [[http://www.alternatehistory.com/Discussion/showthread.php?t=172040|The King of Light Will Appear (明王出世)]] - Manicheans topple the Yuan Dynasty! More fun than it sounds. [[http://alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=146230|All About My Brother: A Taiping Rebellion Timeline]], [[http://alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=141150|discussion thread]] - Balkanized China, Russian dissolution, Japanese Alaska, Anarcho-Nihilism, and a band of Swedish Zoroastrian pacifist utopians led by Philosopher-King Alfred Nobel colonize Svalbard. [[http://alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=198934|Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)]], [[http://alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=157311|discussion thread]] - A group of Daoist sages team up to save the Ming Dynasty! They rap, too. [[http://alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=150950|革命不是请客吃饭: A Different Cultural Revolution]] - This timeline is what happens when you think you have a good idea and then realize that you actually don't. [[http://alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=159630|第五个现代化: The Tiananmen Square Incident]] - This timeline is what happens when you know you don't have a good idea but feel like writing something anyway. [[http://alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=189260|Great Chaos Under Heaven]] - The Eight Trigrams Rebellion gets messy, or rather, it would have gotten messy had subversivepanda written more than one post. [[http://alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=148949|The Decline and Fall of the American Empire]] - In the distant future, eminent robotic historian Gibbon 2.0 tells the story of America's collapse. == b.) Stories == [[http://alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=166249|Northern Lights]] - Episode 40 of [[offtopic:Hendryk]]'s Tales of the Superpower Empire. [[http://alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=176919|They Fight Crime!]] - A globe-trotting Jewish senator and a tempestuous snake charmer join forces to stop the alien invasion. [[http://alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=160265|The Spies of Lhasa]] - This was a good idea, but the execution wasn't quite there. == c.) ASB Stuff == [[http://alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=153008|A Modest Proposal]] - Everyone takes Jonathan Swift seriously; lots of babies get eaten. Also includes recipes. [[http://alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=153753|WW2=WWE]] - World War II as a professional wrestling match? Glorious Comrade Wrestler Stalin is not amused. [[http://alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=156538|Occidentalism: A Tale of Colonization in Reverse]] - "In Congolese Belgium, the grim machinery of colonial imperialism churned out waffles and death in equal measure." ---- ==== Navigation ==== **[[Member List#s|Member List]]**