Victoria II

What I do is focus on a few military techs early in the game. As of 1.3, they don't provide as great a benefit as they did in 1.1, but they're still very helpful. Get a lot of infantry organized into a couple of 30,000+ stacks, and a couple of small cavalry stacks (say, 9-15k men). Then, chase the French around. Slaughter their armies with your infantry. Once you have an area reasonably clear, move your cavalry in. The amount of time it takes to occupy a province depends on your stack's reconnaissance level, which makes cavalry very useful for this purpose. In the late game, I pretty much always have two kinds of stacks: as many 30,000-strong Tank units as I can afford and two or three 30,000-strong Airplane units. The Airplanes will lose any battle, but I clear an area out with tanks (which are expensive but very powerful), and then the planes can occupy provinces almost instantly because of their ridiculous recon levels.

If you can ally with the Spanish, even better. The Spanish on their own would fall, but they provide a very useful distraction and divert French troops, and if you're lucky you'll be killing enough soldiers Spain will gain ground.
Later on circle and destroy... The AI loves to pile massive amounts of troops into big battles. Use that to your advantage. After Machine Guns (which can be researched 1870 IIRC) the game has a 30-40 year stretch where it is significantly better to be on the defensive in battle.

Take one of your better defensive Generals +2 or +3, and put him on a relatively small army. 15-18k or so, and lure their big army into attacking... Best done on one of your fortified provinces. Have the rest of your armies positioned nearby. Start moving your armies in slowly, after the attack has begun. Try to keep your army in the battle at about 2/3 of what they are fielding. They want a massive battle, give them a massive battle.

Once they've piled everybody nearby into there, move your armies around to encircle. After that check in once in a while to replace some of your weakened armies in the battle with some of the stronger surrounding armies, and let the battle-weakened armies rebuild. Also make sure to watch in case they bring more troops to break one of your surrounding armies. The battle will likely take several months to play out, but encircled armies that lose are destroyed, so well worth it...

Allies will back their SoI first, so do try to knock Netherlands and Belgium out of their sphere. Spain, Sardinia/Italy are useful allies for giving them an extra front for a year or so.

Also keep Russia friendly - 100+ relations so that they don't go and give you a headache in the other direction. It is possible. I played an entire Prussia-NGF-German Empire game and didn't fight the Russians at all.

Grey Wolf

A 1.3 oddity

Played as France into the 1860s and 1870s but ran into an odd sort of glitch - suddenly I could not recruit any more Engineers or Artillery because something had happened to all of my liquer! It keeps on telling me that it needs to gather more of this, but never seems to, despite the fact that I am producing it, and selling it. I even stuck a National Focus on consumer goods in the Loire (seemed a good place to make liquers!) but to no avail...

I can recruit Cavalry, Infantry and Dragoons, but Guards seem to be affected by the liquer shortage too.

Not a clue what to do! Taxes are in the low 30s, Tarrifs -1% and Military spending and National Stockpile at the max the game will allow

Best Regards
Grey Wolf

Grey Wolf

Industrial progress sooo expensive. You have low tariffs and low taxes for rich people AND subsidize your factories. Farewell shinies.

I've got £2million in the bank AND running at a daily surplus of c£300 with these settings, plus a large army and navy, so I think its pretty well balanced.

When the problem raised its head my government were a yellow colour and wouldn't let me intervene directly. I've got a blue one now, so maybe they would...

But I don't understand what's causing it, as I've never had liquer problems in the game before!

Best Regards
Grey Wolf
Played as France into the 1860s and 1870s but ran into an odd sort of glitch - suddenly I could not recruit any more Engineers or Artillery because something had happened to all of my liquer! It keeps on telling me that it needs to gather more of this, but never seems to, despite the fact that I am producing it, and selling it. I even stuck a National Focus on consumer goods in the Loire (seemed a good place to make liquers!) but to no avail...

I can recruit Cavalry, Infantry and Dragoons, but Guards seem to be affected by the liquer shortage too.

Not a clue what to do! Taxes are in the low 30s, Tarrifs -1% and Military spending and National Stockpile at the max the game will allow

Best Regards
Grey Wolf
Are you selling all of it? That could be the problem. Check your exports and change the settings so you export less of it.

Grey Wolf

Are you selling all of it? That could be the problem. Check your exports and change the settings so you export less of it.

Can you manually do that? I didn't realise you still could... Does it depend on the type of government, or can all types play with the exports? I'll have a look, thanks, to see what screen I need

Best Regards
Grey Wolf
What I do is focus on a few military techs early in the game. As of 1.3, they don't provide as great a benefit as they did in 1.1, but they're still very helpful. Get a lot of infantry organized into a couple of 30,000+ stacks, and a couple of small cavalry stacks (say, 9-15k men). Then, chase the French around. Slaughter their armies with your infantry. Once you have an area reasonably clear, move your cavalry in. The amount of time it takes to occupy a province depends on your stack's reconnaissance level, which makes cavalry very useful for this purpose. In the late game, I pretty much always have two kinds of stacks: as many 30,000-strong Tank units as I can afford and two or three 30,000-strong Airplane units. The Airplanes will lose any battle, but I clear an area out with tanks (which are expensive but very powerful), and then the planes can occupy provinces almost instantly because of their ridiculous recon levels.

If you can ally with the Spanish, even better. The Spanish on their own would fall, but they provide a very useful distraction and divert French troops, and if you're lucky you'll be killing enough soldiers Spain will gain ground.

Later on circle and destroy... The AI loves to pile massive amounts of troops into big battles. Use that to your advantage. After Machine Guns (which can be researched 1870 IIRC) the game has a 30-40 year stretch where it is significantly better to be on the defensive in battle.

Take one of your better defensive Generals +2 or +3, and put him on a relatively small army. 15-18k or so, and lure their big army into attacking... Best done on one of your fortified provinces. Have the rest of your armies positioned nearby. Start moving your armies in slowly, after the attack has begun. Try to keep your army in the battle at about 2/3 of what they are fielding. They want a massive battle, give them a massive battle.

Once they've piled everybody nearby into there, move your armies around to encircle. After that check in once in a while to replace some of your weakened armies in the battle with some of the stronger surrounding armies, and let the battle-weakened armies rebuild. Also make sure to watch in case they bring more troops to break one of your surrounding armies. The battle will likely take several months to play out, but encircled armies that lose are destroyed, so well worth it...

Allies will back their SoI first, so do try to knock Netherlands and Belgium out of their sphere. Spain, Sardinia/Italy are useful allies for giving them an extra front for a year or so.

Also keep Russia friendly - 100+ relations so that they don't go and give you a headache in the other direction. It is possible. I played an entire Prussia-NGF-German Empire game and didn't fight the Russians at all.

Spain won't honour the military alliance ever, and Austria worries me more than Russia since I've got really bad relations with them. But perphaps I can actually try to get Austria to ally with me, and try to get Belgium and Netherlands into MY sphere.

Also, I only had infantry and artillery, so I guess I'm going to start building cavalry now. I'll probably try the war again in 1880 or so...

BTW, here's NA in this game >_>

Anyway, anyone want to do a "Napoleonic Victory mod thingy for Victoria 2".

Faelin was doing one but he died
Spain won't honour the military alliance ever, and Austria worries me more than Russia since I've got really bad relations with them. But perphaps I can actually try to get Austria to ally with me, and try to get Belgium and Netherlands into MY sphere.

Also, I only had infantry and artillery, so I guess I'm going to start building cavalry now. I'll probably try the war again in 1880 or so...

Is Spain still a GP? Sphere them, if not, and they'll always be "Very Likely" to honor the alliance call.

Austria could be trouble, it depends on how much you've clobbered them so far. Admit Hegemony means you can beat them down every 5 years if you wish, and free a chunk of them too for 3 Infamy. I had them pretty thoroughly neutered before taking on France, and they never bothered me despite hating the piss out of me.
Oh, I actually defeated France! Most of the warscore came from battles, I only had to occupy like three provinces and Paris.

Edit: How come I can defeat France, but can't handle Mexico or the CSA :/

No; that's a base function in the executable itself, not something that can be rewritten in the event files. There are bits to the event files that contain references to it, but only as part of the overall script system; the actual important bits you'd need to change can't be.

Though this makes me curious as to why you'd want more than eight.
Because there are many powers that can't be knocked from power... and with ten its more realistic... China, Japan, Sweden... ;)

Did it crash when you started the game, or when you tried loading a save?
The game itself loaded fine. And I didn't load a save, but started anew..
Because there are many powers that can't be knocked from power... and with ten its more realistic... China, Japan, Sweden... ;)
Except not really. Sweden could never challenge the United Kingdom full bore for everything. Nor could Japan--Japan's might didn't come till near the end of the Victoria II period. China...China was already hopeless well before the Victoria II period began because of various circumstances. It was far too isolated and set in its ways.

Now if you're talking about the United Kingdom and its never beatable industrial score...that's what making the British Raj a puppet is for.
I'm trying to play Japan and turn it into a monsterous Empire. I was in this war with the British, and didn't realize that China (an ally) became the leader of our pact. The war stopped abruptly, and I learned my armies have vanished and I couldn't replace them. China sold me out! Needless to say they were expelled from the alliance and had a six-pack of pain opened up upon them.

Am I the only one the computer allies has ever sold out?
I'm trying to play Japan and turn it into a monsterous Empire. I was in this war with the British, and didn't realize that China (an ally) became the leader of our pact. The war stopped abruptly, and I learned my armies have vanished and I couldn't replace them. China sold me out! Needless to say they were expelled from the alliance and had a six-pack of pain opened up upon them.

Am I the only one the computer allies has ever sold out?

You should really consider not going over the infamy limit. You must have lost a war of containment if your armies were destroyed.
You should really consider not going over the infamy limit. You must have lost a war of containment if your armies were destroyed.

Being the big, powerful country I was playing, I should have been the leader of that alliance. And yes, it was one of those wars. I didn't lose; our fearless leaders made peace and sent me up the creek.

Grey Wolf

yes you can still manually influence your export and import.

Do you mind pointing me in the right direction for this? I had a look but couldn't find it.

I was able to make a lot of colonies into states and to build fuel refineries in them (needed fuel so that cruisers would build) but when I tried doing it with the liquer I didn't get anywhere - it built the distilleries but still if I ordered artillery or engineers it clogged the army build system, so I had to clear them and focus on infantry, dragoons and all the various types of cavalry

Best Regards
Grey Wolf
On your trade screen select liquor, and change the setting for that resource to manual control, then change how much you want to export (or if you want to import instead).