Trying to Please Everyone: Or Converting multiple Pop Culture Utopias into a Timeline.

Well At first I made a self imposed rule that I can only alter Pop Culture and Nixon's Presidency came about because of his guest appearance on Laugh in, but if I went a little further back. I tried to make this list as balanced as possible as I personally vote Democrat as they seem the more reasonable party most of the time though I am aware that has not always been the case.

Theodore Roosevelt(1913-1919)(Republican)
Roosevelt wins the 1912 election due to William Howard Taft conceding. Leading Roosevelt to run as the only Republican candidate, defeating Woodrow Wilson without splitting the vote(which led to Wilson's Victory OTL). Roosevelt leads the US into World War I a little bit earlier as he wanted the US to enter that conflict. He likely uses the Sinking of the Lusitania for propaganda purposes. Since no US President has ever lost an Election during a War, he wins before dying as he did in real life in 1919. Though some Butterfly nets are set up as while Communism is nowhere near as Powerful due to an early ending to World War I, the Nazis still rise. Interestingly it could be said TR earned his place on Mount Rushmore, having led the Nation through the Great War.

Charles Evan Hughes(1919-1921)(Republican)
Considered one of the best "Presidents we never had." ran against Woodrow Wilson in the 1916 Election. Notably Hughes was very progressive towards Civil Rights. Which, Plus Wilson not being President and therefore not introducing segregation, along with Birth of a Nation not existing(being replaced with a different film since the Director just chose a book and didn't have any views shown in Birth of a Nation and even made "Intolerance", his next film in an attempt to make up for it. Birth of a Nation is credited with a rise in Clan Activity. I personally imagine the film being about the American Revolution instead). So all these elements help to improve Civil Rights. Here he loses in 1920 to Harding.

James Cox(1921-1929)(Democrat)
Avoids the Harding level of Corruption. Also paves the way for FDR's Presidency since he was Cox's choice for Running Mate.

Herbert Hoover(1929-1933)(Republican)
Basically same as OTL though he likely becomes the Hated President without Harding president.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt(1933-1945)(Democrat)
Only Difference is here he lives until after the end of World War II, so he at least gets to see the end of the conflict.

Harry Truman(1945-1957)(Democrat)
The Main difference is since the rule of only two terms was established after Truman, he is able to run for one more term, since he didn't run before but became President after Roosevelt's death. He largely champions civil Rights, having been the one to push for desegregating the army.

Dwight D.Eisenhower(1957-1963)(Republican)
Runs for two terms. Is tragically assassinated in Kennedy's place(though he died in 1969 OTL). Also supports Civil Rights as he did OTL. Eisenhower likely, at Nixon's suggestion, sends troops to Cuba, preventing Castro's rise to power there.

Richard Nixon(1963-1969)(Republican)
takes a Lyndon B.Johnson type role. Nixon losing the 1960 Election is credited with changing him into the man he is now infamously remembered as so without that he is a nicer guy, though he is basically pushed into helping the Civil Rights against his will due to Eisenhower's Martyrdom. Would likely start the Vietnam War, which he continued anyway. So its less no Nixon Administration and more, no Nixon administration from 1969 to 1974.

John F.Kennedy(1969-1977)(Democrat)
Not assassinated. Married Marilyn Monroe after her near suicide and has divorced Jackie, who went onto marry Aristotle Onassis. He ran again after pushing the Space Program and lived to see a Man on the Moon.

Ronald Reagan(1977-1981)(Republican)

John Glenn(1981-1989)(Democrat)

Because a World where Kennedy's alive when we made it to the Moon would have an Astronaut Democrat President.

Joseph Biden(1989-1993)(Democrat)

George H.W. Bush (1993-2001)(Republican)

Al Gore(2001-2009)(Democrat)

Enough said. More responsible and helps bring down climate Change.

John McCain(2009-2013)(Republican)

Barrack Obama(2013-2021)(Democrat)

Hilary Clinton(2021-)(Democrat)
Just curious, what are Biden, Bush, Gore, McCain, Obama, and Clinton’s presidencies like ITTL? If it isn't too much to ask?

EDIT: I was just going to ask about the four new Millenium presidents, but I was also curious about the 90s.
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Just curious, what are Biden, Bush, Gore, McCain, Obama, and Clinton’s presidencies like ITTL?
While details will probably emerge later on. Biden did well but not enough to pursue a first term. Bush on the other hand did about on par with Clinton. Gore's term in office is to some extent the "A Gore Prosperous Tomorrow version". McCain also did not do super well, though I wouldn't say he's bad, he's just on part with George Bush Sr ITTL, same with Biden. Obama is about the same and played a huge part in reducing the Covid Pandemic(as Obama did indeed have a Pandemic plan that the Trump administration threw out, meaning this timelines US is about similar to South Korea in terms of handling it. Clinton would have just started and would be somewhat divisive( at least compared to Biden currently).
While details will probably emerge later on. Biden did well but not enough to pursue a first term. Bush on the other hand did about on par with Clinton. Gore's term in office is to some extent the "A Gore Prosperous Tomorrow version". McCain also did not do super well, though I wouldn't say he's bad, he's just on part with George Bush Sr ITTL, same with Biden. Obama is about the same and played a huge part in reducing the Covid Pandemic(as Obama did indeed have a Pandemic plan that the Trump administration threw out, meaning this timelines US is about similar to South Korea in terms of handling it. Clinton would have just started and would be somewhat divisive( at least compared to Biden currently).
With Biden, for some reason, I had a feeling that the 1992 LA Riots (which may or may not happen ITTL) had something to do with him not getting a second term, like he made a comment which served as the butterfly that caused a tornado, per say.

A Gore Prosperous Tomorrow, nice!

So McCain is GHWB but 20 years later.

Obama sounds cool. How many died compared to OTL?
With Biden, for some reason, I had a feeling that the 1992 LA Riots (which may or may not happen ITTL) had something to do with him not getting a second term, like he made a comment which served as the butterfly that caused a tornado, per say.
They might have. George bush sr failed to resolve an economic recession that likely still happened.
A Gore Prosperous Tomorrow, nice!

So McCain is GHWB but 20 years later.
The recession could have also impacted McCain’s presidency since if the recession had never happened according to whatifalthist we would have seen a radical President, Trump or someone like him, become President in 2012, along with no Brexit but Russia invading Ukraine.
Obama sounds cool. How many died compared to OTL?
Close to 2,000. I don’t think I could have directly prevented it since even my President list is vaguely canon since I have a rule of only altering pop culture. China would handle the virus better but it is likely to still happen. Just be better handled.
They might have. George bush sr failed to resolve an economic recession that likely still happened.

The recession could have also impacted McCain’s presidency since if the recession had never happened according to whatifalthist we would have seen a radical President, Trump or someone like him, become President in 2012, along with no Brexit but Russia invading Ukraine.

Close to 2,000. I don’t think I could have directly prevented it since even my President list is vaguely canon since I have a rule of only altering pop culture. China would handle the virus better but it is likely to still happen. Just be better handled.
While this is a pop culture timeline first and foremost (and probably my favorite and/or one of my top favorites at this point), I'm really interested in the World you are building up outside of Popular Culture as well, or behind the scenes, you could say.

Some more non-pop culture related questions;

Since the rule is that you can only alter pop culture, how exactly did it result in the events that prevented Russia and China (and by extent many other nations) from falling to communism?

What does a map of Europe look like in this Universe? (even if you can't provide a map) Did nations declare their independence from the Russian Empire ITTL?

How has modern Leftistism, (Communism, Socialism, Progressivism, etc.) been affected in this universe (with no USSR and Cold War and all)? What happened to present-day figures like Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn, Jack Layton, and AOC? Does the EZLN still exist? What happens to BreadTube? Rage Against the Machine?
While this is a pop culture timeline first and foremost (and probably my favorite and/or one of my top favorites at this point), I'm really interested in the World you are building up outside of Popular Culture as well, or behind the scenes, you could say.

Some more non-pop culture related questions;

Since the rule is that you can only alter pop culture, how exactly did it result in the events that prevented Russia and China (and by extent many other nations) from falling to communism?
That's more of a monkey's paw thing since part of the Utopia would be preventing those countries from being as restrictive with Pop Culture, allowing them to compete with the US, Japan and Britain in terms of cultural impact. Do have this kind of setting would require no Stalin purges, forced State propaganda and no Cultural Revolution. Hence the idea that different Governments take over but there is still cultural freedom during the Alt-Cold War.
What does a map of Europe look like in this Universe? (even if you can't provide a map) Did nations declare their independence from the Russian Empire ITTL?
I'm honestly not sure what people use on this site to make maps. That might warrant going country to country but obviously there's no Soviet Union, Russia is basically just Russia and none of the occupied territory.
How has modern Leftistism, (Communism, Socialism, Progressivism, etc.) been affected in this universe (with no USSR and Cold War and all)? What happened to present-day figures like Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn, Jack Layton, and AOC? Does the EZLN still exist? What happens to BreadTube? Rage Against the Machine?
Communism is essentially extinct while Socialism is a bit more popular since Communism never took off. Same with Progressivism. Bernie Sanders is not President but is more popular than OTL, basically being more of contending Presidential Candidate. Jeremy Corbyn I'm less familiar with but its likely he is able to successfully sue the. media for deflammation and possibly becoming Prime Minister prior to retirement. Layton could also have served sometime around 2011. AOC is still a popular figure, partly because she's the inspiration for Victoria Newman from the Boys tv show(the character is a reimagining of a George Bush parody in the Comic). The EZLN likely do not exist with Rage Against the Machine writing a different song to substitute "People of the Sun" and other songs. Breadtube also does not exist.
I don't know how it could be unpacked aside from going the P2S/MM/BR route and becoming an incel school shooter.
I don't know what you mean by P2S/MM/BR as I couldn't find it after looking up that timeline. My current plan is Chris Chan is born female, as presumably Christina, as an allusion to their real life journey as well as making them resemble their Youtube Icon. Autism has many ways of being handled with many famous people having it such as Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin. Chris Chan could therefore be a better writer, I imagine Sonichu being something they wrote but feel ashamed of(Similar to Linkara and Lightbringer), but also embraces a type of ironic fame.


Here's Chris Chan's Youtube Icon and what TTPE's version of Chris Chan might look like, more so than the actual real life Chris Chan.
Honestly, looking forward for the MCU updates.
Thanks. I will say Marvel has a lot of interesting Cancelled Films Projects in the 80's and 90's that will be fun to cover, so we'll be getting an Early "90's" MCU with it being a surprise to see how it will impact things when we get to the time period of the OTL MCU.
Right YouTube still exists but the breathing creators are doing other things.
Well, personally I hope some of them still make videos, as they have talent and promise. The more fringe/radical/extreme ones I wouldn't mind so much not having a presence.

Hopefully, (since a Right-wing Youtube community still exists but not Breadtube) the Internet as a whole isn't too far into one or another in the realm of politics.

I'm honestly not sure what people use on this site to make maps. That might warrant going country to country but obviously there's no Soviet Union, Russia is basically just Russia and none of the occupied territory.
I can make a map!
Bernie Sanders is not President but is more popular than OTL, basically being more of contending Presidential Candidate. Jeremy Corbyn I'm less familiar with but its likely he is able to successfully sue the. media for deflammation and possibly becoming Prime Minister prior to retirement. Layton could also have served sometime around 2011. AOC is still a popular figure,
*clicks fingers* Nice!
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Well, personally I hope some of them still make videos, as they have talent and promise. The more fringe/radical/extreme ones I wouldn't mind so much not having a presence.

Hopefully, (since a Right-wing Youtube community still exists but not Breadtube) the Internet as a whole isn't too far into one or another in the realm of politics.

I can make a map!

*clicks fingers* Nice!
Alright. I’ll finish a Marvel movie post(basically an earlier MCU that cuts off at the 2008 OTL start date) then do 5th Doctor,then I can provide a modern map. Probably not too radical but there will probably a bit of wish fulfillment(Scottish and Irish independence, more peaceful Middle East, United Korea, disbanded Soviet Union, etc). After that 6th Doctor, then I’ll do web original.
Scottish and Irish independence
Hey! :extremelyhappy:

I was actually planning on making a map of Europe ITTL in Worlda, atleast based on my speculations. But I'm happy to see your cannon take on it.

Checking it out now. A lot of stuff from it could be folded in. Already started on some Sonic stuff.
It's pretty long, so I also recommend reading the TV Tropes page for a quick rundown on all the notable events, both gaming and non-gaming alike (the latter I'm more interested in personally).
Hey! :extremelyhappy:

I was actually planning on making a map of Europe ITTL in Worlda, atleast based on my speculations. But I'm happy to see your cannon take on it.

It's pretty long, so I also recommend reading the TV Tropes page for a quick rundown on all the notable events, both gaming and non-gaming alike (the latter I'm more interested in personally).
I was actually going through it.