Excellent stuff, Murica! I'm very much considering canonizing this. One question though: Wouldn't Scandinavian be included as a Norman, since Normans were originally Viking Norsemen?

Darn it, you're right! I wrote that after two exams today, so I'm not surprised I missed that. I'll go in and edit it.

EDIT: Ok fixed! I'm also really glad you like my stuff, regardless of whether or not you canonize (although I would feel honored if you did).
First two posts of my WMIT ISOT thought I would put it here to see what nappy thinks


Outside of Central City Missouri
7:30 PM CST

Leonard Snart looked out on the city he called his home taking in the sights and sounds with a drink.Tonight had been a good heist for the central city bank robber and it had gone off without a hitch except for one tiny problem.Len hesitated when a security guard begged for his life,Not that he was going to kill him of course just going to knock him out cold but the fact that he hesitated at all shook him up more then he would like to admit.He tried to distance himself from the feeling of anxiety with beer(only the healthiest of coping mechanisms for captain cold).He stared out at the skyline after taking another sip before being surprised by the sound of a door creaking behind him,He intially went for his cold gun before noticing it was none other then his sister. He heard her signature chuckle as she approached him shutting the door behind her trying not to wake the sleeping mick Rory in the chair behind him. He looked at her with a slight smile before she spoke to him a friendly glow coming off of his sisters face”Hey brother”Len let out a slight grin when speaking to his sister”Can’t sleep?”She handed him a cold beer while taking a seat in a chair they lifted from a nebighorhood dumpster.”Not for lack of trying”Len faked a laugh before his mind drifted elsewhere sitting in silence with his sister for a good minute before the silence was broken”Len I know you aren’t exactly exactly a professional when it comes to telling people how you feel but you know you can tell me right?”Intially all Leonard wanted to do was write it off as just post job shakes but he knew he could trust Lisa and he sighed before he spoke to his sister”Do you ever think were the bad guys Lisa? True scumbags who try to act nicer then the other guys just because it helps us sleep at night”Leonard sighed and took a breath before speaking again as his voicetrembled”I killed our dad Lisa I put an icicle through his heart and I haven’t looked back part of me knows that he deserved what he got after what he did to you but”Lisa got up and walked towards her brother” I just wonder if I’m just as bad as him”Before he could speak anymore Lisa grabbed her older brother for a hug before he could speak again looking him in the eyes.”Your not the worst guy out there Len and you know that,Sure were not exactly Saint’s but I know for sure that you aren’t the worst out there and that there are people who are far far worse then weever have been”Len sighed and steadied his form putting his drink on the tabletop distancing himself from his sister”I know we aren’t evil Len and that’s all that matters”Leonard chuckled before thanking his sister with a hug and before either of them could speak again a wave of blue light overtook the both of them.


The Genosha Islands, Off the Coast of Madagascar
7:30 AM GNT

Erik Lensher felt a sense of accomplishment as he stared over the palace of his newly established nation of Genosha a smile crossing his face as he thought of the battles he had to fight in order toestablish freedom and equality for the mutant people.However he felt a twinge in his heart as a blue wave overwhelmed the mutant leader and a wave of blue light overwhelmed him.

The Kingdom of Kahndaq

Teth-Adam embraced his wife before the king went to mediate in his personal chambers. he mediated in his palace lighting 6 sticks of incense as he breathed in reminding himself that above all else was the future of kahndaq along with its security that was most important.He opened his eyes after an hour calming himself before noticing the wave of blue light overtake him

Place:The Ruins of earth-90

The monitor grinned as he watched the land masses move around similar to a game puzzle pieces fitting right into his plan.He looked at the map smiling as the earth itself moved at his will “And to think that all of the pieces aren’t even in play yet”



José Doroteo Arango Arámbula trembled as he walked forward in the line trying to keep some sort of semblance of composure as he walked forward he knew what was happening and what had already happened to his friends and family.Before the Union was there he was no man of god not even religious but the horrors he had seen made him hope in something that he would have laughed at before.He looked into the shallow hole beneath him praying as he heard the machinery begin to start behind him and as the gears turned he prayed trying to ignore the crying people in the line beside him.”Padre nuestro, que estas en el cielo,
santificado sea tu Nombre;
venga a nosotros tu reino;
hagase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo.
Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada dia;
perdona nuestras ofensas,
como tambien nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden;
no nos dejes caer en la tentacion,
y libranos del mal.Amen”As he heard the sound of gunfire he hoped that his death would be painless.But before his wish could be granted he felt a wall of force surround push him back knocking him forwards he turned around still trembling before seeing a figure in white a cloak surrounding him in armor like a knight of old and from emanated a energy that he used to quickly dispatch of the soldiers.Hearing there screams Jose hid hoping that he would not die after all eventually when the screams came to a stop he saw people emerge from their hiding spaces cowering in fear at the large man in front of them.As the cloaked man turned around to the large masses Jose looked at him trembling as he spoke in what little English he knew “God? I’m sorry”Before he heard a boastful tone eminate from the figure in front of him “I am not god”Jose trembled in fear as he looked at the man in front of him putting his hands up in a feeble attempt at shielding himself from the man in front of him before speaking again”Who are you?”The being stared coldy at the masses in front of him before speaking again”I am God Emperor Doom of Latverion and I have freed you from your fate.Now Kneel or you will be made too”And with the words emanating from his mouth Jose fell and kneeled to the man in front of him


Gone Fishin'
Sure! Go ahead! I wouldn't say they would think they lost because they weren't welcoming though. The Union was no worse than OTL Yankeedom at the time of the Shatter of 1801, and by 1812 was only marginally more so anti-"Inferior." Goodyear and Burr really pushed the Union into xenophobia. The best way to make an anti-WMiT would be to have the South and Bonaparte actually hold the British back some in 1812, or at least to a point where they don't totally destroy New England. There would be no xenophobia worse than OTL in WMiT if the South and France actually held up their end of the alliance. This might lead to a golden age where an eventual North American Union forms in a few decades as ties mend and the Bonapartes decide to spread the enlightenment to the rest of Europe. Maybe England accepts a respectable treaty and gets to keep its colonies, but France allowed dominance on the continent of Europe proper. Britain and France are both anti-slavery, so eventually, perhaps in the 1880s or so, the South finally ends slavery. You might do well to kill off Meinrad Beutel as well, or make him like a great campaigner for civil liberties and respect for all the nations of Europe or something.
Basically the idea I had was, Burr's mental state degenerates even further and he dies a mostly-discredited madman, then the Union military manages to hold off the Brits long enough for the upper classes to evacuate the cities in 1812. This leads to a general sense of national soul-searching and then I had this idea of Lucretia Mott becoming a national celebrity for daringly leading a group of women and children to safety from the British sack of Boston, then leveraging her fame to express her Quaker beliefs on a national level. Mott would have been, obviously, pushed to the brink by the ordeal, but (in keeping with reversing WMIT's theme of post-traumatic descent into madness by showing post-traumatic growth instead) would have come out of it with a view that America had betrayed its roots by abandoning democracy (the Shatter) and a failure to come to terms with and embrace its nature as a nation of many peoples (brought together, of course, by God to learn to treat each other as equally his children).

The sight of this plucky 19-year-old heroine from Massachusetts standing up and daring America to be better charms the Union, and of course plenty of politicians who embrace this view are also promising that once all of America's peoples are free, equal, and united for the common good we'll get our own back at those royalist fuckers, so the idea that the Union must unite the continent beneath the banner of equality and only then will they be worthy of the Stars And Stripes takes root. Beutel is inspired by this instead of the madness in WMIT proper, and basically becomes *Bakunin with Marx's popularity. Even though this Beutel is basically harmless because his ideology calls for officials to have terms of 2 weeks (see how the neo-Zapatistas run their territory!) and frowns upon states and standing armies as tools of oppression, the Imperials still ban him, so his ideology borrows from Yankee radical egalitarianism and becomes more of a lower-class movement as time goes by.

During the CoCaro/Virginia war, as the Union's digesting Ontario (I'd actually keep Goodyear here for a confrontation down the line), a slave revolt breaks out as in WMIT due to the increasingly precarious states of CoCaro and Virginia, and volunteer militias organized by John Brown go south to help open a corridor to the Union border (where of course any slave who crosses will be free and protected by Union law). Virginia responds with force, Brown dies helping slaves escape but the Virginians cross the border and only retreat when Union regulars arrive, the Union intervenes militarily to avenge the insult and Brown's death (and also fuck those traitor slavocrats), Virginia's in no place to defend itself from a serious external invasion and goes down, CoCaro negotiates peace because the Union isn't ready to digest more than Virginia at the moment. Virginia is restructured with full equality for blacks. CoCaro and Georgia start discussing a team-up. William Lloyd Garrison becomes a major religious figure and supports a divine mandate for egalitarianism and anti-slavery crusading.

British revolution is a total clusterfuck for the Bonapartes and between that and paying off the other European puppets the Boneys are strapped for cash. They sell southern Louisiana to the Georgians and the northern half right up to the Pacific to the Union. England decides to go Venetian-style merchant republic, maybe?

then an idea I had, Kit Carson, born in a Virginia frontier town in OTL Kentucky so he's kind of unsure about the Union after the conquest, signs up for the Union expedition out west, the idea to meet the natives and encourage Natives to move East and Native tribes to allow blacks and whites to move West (that's just the ticket to encourage racial harmony, by God!), decides to stay out there. Clashes between Union-allied and anti-Union tribes are common, Carson goes to help allied Sioux beat up some Pawnee, finds himself looking down the barrel of his revolver at a teenager, and realizes "what the actual fuck am I doing?" and goes back to Philadelphia saying "hey guys, we should really do something to stop this horrible racial violence! God hates his children killing each other for stupid reasons, right?". Meanwhile Georgia is ethnically cleansing the Cherokees and the Union's using that as PR against them because of tensions over the stranglehold Georgia has on the Union's lucrative Mississippi trade route, so the Union gets on board with this idea and starts seriously trying to bring Native confederations into the Union as states.

Bonapartes decide to pursue "pan-germanic" nationalism in the 1830s and '40s and beat the Charlemagne drum (Napoleon II decides that he's a Charlie fanboy to go with?), so they can assimilate the Rhine confederation and bring in "Visigothic" Spain. This is of course bullshit but it's the 19th century, that's to be expected. Nordreich is now looking at enemies on multiple sides and tries to play Austria and Russia off against each other; on the plus side the Russians are now pulling away from Boney because they have their own plans and the Austrians are starting to get ambitions about Italian spheres of influence and leery of tying themselves too close to the Boneys. Meanwhile the Union has a standing "all refugees welcome" policy and is feeling pretty proud about how they're taking all the cast-offs and peasants who the Royalist Bastards consider "inferior", making them into New Americans, and building a major industrialized economy with them--yup, that New American Utopia ain't far away! Hell, the Vermonters even joined back up to get some of those sweet, sweet monetary perks.

1850s, CoCaro and Georgia form the "Confederacy of the South" due to mutual fears of Yankee invasion, since tensions are at a fever pitch due to the trade dispute and Union hatred of slavery. Meanwhile, the Union, despite feeling like they're beating the Royalists, are in the middle of an internal dispute between Goodyear's faction, which sees the New Americans as just something to exploit, and the Radical Egalitarians led by Thaddeus Stevens and his protege Abraham Lincoln. The straw that breaks the camel's back is a split election, Goodyear gets caught paying off Congresscritters to sway the House to his preferred candidate, Stevens is declared winner after public outcry and Goodyear flees the country to Britain (discrediting his faction) as Stevens gives a triumphant inauguration speech, promising to liberate America, "so that government by all of the Peoples of this land, for all of the Peoples, shall never perish from the Earth". The Confederacy hears this, panics for obvious reasons (slave revolt, with the slave trade still unrestricted, is an even bigger threat than OTL, and Stevens is waving a red flag in front of a bull), and DOWs. Union is caught by surprise but rallies (the Bonapartes are busy keeping California and their vast European empire under control and paying the Austrians to remain on their side) with the help of volunteers from places like Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Italy, and the Balkans--basically, either countries who like the Union for treating their ethnic kin decently, or people who want war experience to fight for their freedom--and defeats the Confederacy with the help of a predictably massive slave revolt, setting up black equality, locking down the river, and inviting immigrants in. The war's bad, but nowhere near as bad as it could've been thanks to limited French help for the South; more comparable to the OTL Civil War than to the absolute madness of the Great American War. Heinrich Wirz assassinates Stevens and is executed; Abe Lincoln takes Stevens' place.

Lincoln is more like OTL Lincoln's temper and skill crossed with Teddy Roosevelt's position and accession, and the popularity of FDR in one of those years FDR won damn near every state. He keeps the Union together, even as radical-egalitarianism (think OTL's DeLeonism, or anarcho-syndicalism; basically, radical egalitarians believe that democracy must be extended to the workplace and that the rights of the little guy are paramount to avoid abuses of power like Goodyear's) sweeps the nation and becomes not so much a dominant ideology as the way people accept things are (kind of like capitalism did in America OTL :winkytongue:). He leaves office at the end of his second term and is replaced by Schuyler Colfax, who runs on a platform of flexing Yankee military muscles, opposing Royalist Imperialism, and supporting anticolonialist movements around the world.

Next big focus is in the 1880s, after the Democratic Republic of Texas is peacefully annexed to the Union as the State of Tejas (gotta respect the locals' language, after all, even if half the population is Natives and whites who moved in over the years). Colonel Cha-O-Ha ("In the wilderness", OTL Crazy Horse) of the State of Lakota, first Native American to reach that rank in the Union military and something of a pet "test case" to Union chief of staff Ulysses S. Grant, is at the forefront of a Union volunteer force sent to help part-indigenous Mexican rebel Benito Juarez against the corrupt, incompetent rule of the Bourbons. His exploits make him a folk hero back home and he writes a book about fighting the good fight with the heroic Sons of Liberty down there against the imperialist bastards, and he decides to run for office when he gets home. Juarez is victorious, and the Union starts eyeing California while sending help to rebuild Mexico and make it a really nice ally.

Meanwhile, Teddy Roosevelt is exploring in Africa, becomes a trusted advisor to King Cetshwayo kaMpande, and argues for action against the imperialist actions of the European powers as he tries with some success to build a pro-Union federation of indigenous powers in southern Africa. Tensions begin to rise between the Bonapartes, who've solidified control over their empire for the most part and are starting to realize just how much money the Union is making every freaking year, increasing rapidly, and the Union, who've never really stopped seeing the Boneys as Royalist Bastards. Meanwhile the Russians are eyeing the Nordreich, the Nordreich is feeling antsy, the English are trying to make a buck while funding anyone who will screw with the Boneys, the Middle East is incredibly restive (I'm thinking that TTL the Bonapartes aren't able to take down the Ottomans but just manage to get control of Egypt and Libya and secure Balkan independence?), the Iranians pulled a Meiji and are eyeing all their neighbors and sharpening their knives, the Austrians are wondering if they want to take a chunk out of the Nordreich or the Russians or the Balkans or Italy and are eyeing their minorities with concern, the Balkans want their own back on literally everybody, the Japanese are looking outwards, the Chinese are in the middle of fixing their endemic corruption problem (thanks, Ming Dynasty, for creating it and thanks, Qing Dynasty, for doing fuck all about it), and the Yanks are starting to wonder if maybe they shouldn't declare that America Is Reborn already since they're pretty damn free and equal and have most of the continent now under Yankee control.

Some damn fool thing in the Balkans sets them all against each other and it blows up in the 1900s under Cha-O-Ha's administration (he ran on a platform of muscular nationalism, belligerently aggressive *affirmative action, and sticking it to the Royalist Bastards by freeing the peoples trapped under Royalist thumbs). The Nordreich and Austria attack the Boneys as Russia attacks the Nordreich, Austria, and whoever holds the choicest bits of the Middle East and the Balkans attack Austria and whoever holds those bits of Turkey that Greece feels it deserves. Scotland and Wales, seeing Europe go mad, decide "fuck it, why not," and attack England. The Union takes one look at this mess, says "oh fuck that", finds a suitable excuse, and occupies California, Alaska, and *Canada because it has 90% of the arable land on the continent and a much higher population who've been waiting for this moment for a Hell of a long time, then sits on it all as the Russians and Bonapartes complain. Not that the Californians, Alaskans, or *Canadians are complaining all that loudly, they aren't hugely into the idea of dying for some asshole on the other side of the planet.

When the Europeans are all exhausted and their colonies are about to revolt, the Bonapartes and Austrians and Russians take down the Nordreich but the Russians and Bonapartes are still fighting the Austrians and possibly each other, so they keep fighting until French India throws out the French and French Africa has a disturbing number of local dignitaries hosting Union warships in strategic harbors for diplomatic visits, at which point they peace out with each other in a deal that neither is satisfied with, and grudgingly agree to the Union's conquests. England is puppeted by the Scots and Welsh in uneasy harmony.

Triumphant, Cha-O-Ha arranges a new Constitutional Convention, because damn it, if they're going to reform the USA they'd better have the perfect set of laws to go with it. The resulting affair is sort of like the OTL USA in that there's an elected President, an elected legislature, and lifetime appointed Supreme Court, but there's no Senate and the *House's districts have to be approved by the Supreme Court. The Articles of Rights of the People are also laid out:
  1. Birthright citizenship. Any person, born inside the New United States, except for those born to foreign diplomats, is a citizen of the NUSA and has full voting rights at age 20*. This is largely the same as the OTL USA's 14th amendment, save that it lacks the 3rd and 4th clauses, and the 2nd clause omits the reference to "Indians not taxed" as they're considered citizens. Explicit provisions made to prohibit discrimination and demand equal protection along race, gender, class, and religious lines.
  2. Freedom of speech, peaceful assembly, faith, the press, and to petition the government; largely identical to OTL's 1st amendment, except that "Congress shall make no law" is replaced with "Neither the New United States nor any of its member States shall make any law". Added clause also states that giving money in secret is not protected speech.
  3. Equivalent to OTL's 5th Amendment but with stronger land rights protections including protections for Native 'heritage and religious sites'.
  4. Trial by jury in all criminal and some civil cases, equivalent to the OTL 6th and 7th. Right to public defense explicitly stipulated.
  5. Equivalent to OTL 4th Amendment.
  6. Equivalent to OTL 5th Amendment.
  7. Protects the rights of the individual over the rights of the state (but does not make a statement about the federal government). Essentially to preempt a sectional crisis like that Shatter of '01.
  8. Equivalent to OTL 8th Amendment, but also outlaws debtors' prison and certain other punishments deemed unfair to the Common Man.
  9. Equivalent to OTL 9th Amendment.
They also add a clause saying "amend constitution as needed to protect the rights of the people, 3/4 of states must agree and it has to go to a plebiscite and get 3/4 of the people on board".

The brand spankin' new Stars and Stripes is rolled out, the Mexicans ask if this changes the trade deal and are told "nah", and America throws itself a big party then starts planning to EXPORT FREEDOM across the world, because there are so many more people to introduce to the values of FREEDOM and Radical Egalitarianism.

Great European War 2: Electric Boogaloo fires circa 20 years later, and is fought with OTL late '20s tech. It's a mess, and the Bonapartes' empire breaks up around their ears, as does the Austrians', and the Russians ain't exactly doing so hot either, and the Chinese are back and looking to kick the remaining Europeans out of Asia. The English have a violent revolution following a new hyper-radical ideology thought up by a crazy Frenchman called Georges Sorel; think Commie Nazis. The English go at it with Scots and Welsh again, only this time the French can't support Scotland and Wales, and everything goes to shit. What's left of the colonial empires go their own way, Spain tries to pull away from France but ends up pulling itself apart in the bargain, the Arab world is brought under the thumbs of the Iranians and Egyptians, the Balkans go at it again, and the Russians go at it with the Austrians and French again until their nationalist rebels become too much of a problem. Austria collapses into nationalist and Radical Egalitarian revolts, and Italy pulls itself free before being taken over by a Radical Egalitarian regime that's swiftly backed by the NUSA. English Commie Nazis go down but it's a right mess. Ireland flees to America's embrace and liberalizes. Finally the exhausted remains of the once-great empires drag their broken husks to the peace summit offered by President WEB DuBois, and the NUSA, which once looked at all these guys with secret hate and plotted their downfall...

...now feels nothing but pity and a kind of sadness at the sheer waste of lives that these empires have caused.

Peace breaks out, soon enough the Americans develop the Bomb but say "OK let's not use that too much, guys", the Americans let goods flow in to Europe to help rebuild the wreckage, and are especially willing to help out their new Radical Egalitarian pals in the region. The monarchies are forced to liberalize by raw popular pressure thanks to the massive waste of lives. Total war, after all, is the breeding ground of democracy 'cause people don't want to die for some asshole in a palace, they'd rather die for freedom.

The world ends up, after the ruin of the grand empires, basically a giant American playground. California, *Canada, and Alaska eventually join the NUSA properly, the English, Scots, and Welsh form an EU-esque "Union of Britain" that's soon copied by the German statelets that broke off from France and Austria, and Russia slowly watches as its periphery muscles its collective way to autonomy. America rebuilds the postcolonial world, making lots of friends, and begins preaching that everybody's equal to anyone who'll listen.

The *Cold War is an economic competition between America and China, which ends with China liberalizing and becoming sort-of-friends with America. There are no brushfire conflicts, no genocides, no neocolonial economic exploitation. Just a world slowly strolling into a bright future.

Overall theme is this Union embraces the best of America's traits and blames the worst for dooming the country in the first place, instead of doubling down.

*Picked 20 because it's a nice round number and I don't think they'd go for 18 in the 1900s.

ideologies in brief:
Sorelianism: Commie Nazis.
Radical Egalitarianism: Very American approach to anarcho-socialism. Very anti-classist, industrial-oriented. Evolved from an older, vaguer concept of "for the little guy!"
Beutelism: Anarchist hippies.
Goodyear Thought: Corporatocracy, exactly as evil as it sounds. Affects a quasi-Venetian merchant republic identity. (England still gets shat on at both ends here)
Monarchism: Authoritarian quasi-ideology, basically whatever works to keep the nobility of the various European countries in charge. Assholes.

There is no proper fascism because Sorelianism takes the racism and ultranationalism and totalitarianism of fascism and mixes it with cheap populist and quasi-Marxist rhetoric.
thoughts of that outline?
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I plan of fleshing out the Philippines (maybe even SEA) and Mexico myself, but I couldn't find the time to do so.
One aspect I would like to see explored in the MadnessVerse would be how military and naval technological development fares ITTL. With Britain emasculated and France now top dog, I would think that naval technology will develop far differently in the 19th Century.

Also one thing I would point out is that with all the focus on ORRA and RUMP, the RU military seems to be overlooked. A closer look at the evolution of the RU Army and Navy in the 19th Century would be warranted.
Interesting...Would I be allowed to do something on Qing China? Would there be any restrictions on the direction China takes?
I have an idea for an odd update, when the various British Royalists flee to Prussia in the early 1840s they bring with them the love for tea and afternoon tea. Afternoon tea and tea itself takes off in Prussian and eventually the Nordriech and eventually spreads to the Reichbund and the Netherlands.The Nordriech establish Tea plantations in Africa to keep up demand.

One of the Royalist Exiles is John Boots who eventually establishes the Boots Brand of Tea Shops and Providers which would become popular throughout Europe, his Son Herman uses the Scramble for Africa as an excuse to establish his own little Corporate State out of a series of tea plantations in Nordriech owned Africa whilst his daughter Ida tries to expand into East Asia with mixed results.
This chapter will finish fleshing out Normanism's ideology, as well as touch on events leading to the Red Revolution. Also, you'll get to see how the world reacts to the newest wave of madness in this chapter! The next update I have planned out will follow the buildup to the Red Revolution, and the Revolution itself

The Third Book of Normanism

By 1883, Zebulon Vance could proudly say that he had founded a new political movement, and one that was gaining traction fairly well. However, if he ever wanted to have the power to affect change and give the people of Carolina a solid blueprint to pick up after he was gone, the ideas and principles of Normanism needed to be solidified, as did those of the League of the South. With this in mind, Vance shut himself away from everyone but his wife and began writing furiously, for weeks on end. It took him 5 months, but by June of 1883, the last of Vance's political treatises was complete. Officially dubbed "The Anglo-Norman Race: It's Glorious History, Disturbed Present, and Assured Future." Opponents of the movement dubbed it "The Third Book of Normanism" in a not-so-subtle reference to the AFC's Third Book of Manifest Destiny. The book swept the nation with new theories, and provided a solid framework for the Knights of the Golden Circle to begin working towards.

The book began with a "history" that traced the origins of the Anglo-Norman race all the way back to Ancient Sparta, claiming that there was a direct line of migration and descent from the Greek city-state and its colonies/allies to the modern Confederation of the Carolinas. Included among this line of ancestors were the Germanic barbarians that helped destroy Rome, the Vikings, some elements of the Celts, alongside the obvious Anglo-Normans and Cavaliers. Of note was that the Celtic strains were not held to be solely descended from Sparta, but rather grafted themselves on to the original Spartan stock. This kind of race-mixing was deemed acceptable by Vance, as it was between Master and Superior Races, races who could freely marry and socialize without fear of degeneration. If anything, men from the Master Races should marry those of the "mere" Superior Races, "so as to help elevate their stock." The ultimate goal of all this was to recreate Sparta's "Original Aristocracy," and the "Original Aristocrat" as the only way to restore the Old Southron Way of Life. As explained:

"Of all the great cultures to originate from the Anglo-Norman-Celtic-Germanic Race, Classical Sparta still stands out as the purest, most powerful expression of the race's will. This is because the Ancient Spartan was the purest, most powerful man of this race, albeit lacking the light of Christ. While the so-called Pinnacle Men of Rome were beating rocks together, the Spartan was holding back hordes of Persians who threatened his Country and Liberty. The Ancient Spartan must have been a sight to behold, tall, fair-haired (usually blonde or red) and light eyed (evidence suggests gray, blue, and emerald green). However, his lack of race awareness led him to interbreed with all sorts of incompatible racial types resulting in the swarthy Greek of today and the hazel-eyed Saxon devils. Nonetheless, Sparta was in many ways the pinnacle of our race. Their aristocracy was noble, and true. They knew that only those willing to serve and die for their fatherland could become citizens. They knew that the weak could not burden the strong. Their immense martial prowess forged a mighty empire and kept the hordes of Helot rabble (likely ancestors to today's Anglo-Saxon) in line. Obviously, one can not call for a full restoration of Sparta's glory seriously. We are no more fit to don shields and walk among Pantheons anymore than they would have been to fire a gun and work in a factory. What we can, nay must do, is restore our grand Southron Way of Life, to all Southrons. Before the War, I daresay the South was on the verge of creating an Aristocracy greater than the Original. To restore our race is to restore the South, and to restore the South is to restore Sparta! Hark the Sound!


A historical illustration "displaying our Spartan forefathers and their prowess"
After describing the "history" of the Norman Race, Vance described what he viewed as being the cause of the "Present Crisis." According to him, the root of the problem lie in the "Understandable Sin," as he put it. While he greatly admired and respected Chancellor Polk as a "True Norman willing to do what it takes to get the job done," his impatience to restore the Confederation led him to make a deal with the Yankee Devils, all in the name of revenge. In the end the Confederation was indeed united, but at the cost of "Enslavement to Yankeedom, Emancipation, and Economic Catastrophe." Enslavement to Yankeedom was defined as the current state of encirclement and fear the Union had put the Carolinas in, and something that Vance believed "Polk should have seen on the horizon. That condition caused Emancipation, which in turn led to racial discord and competition for jobs. Finally, Carolina's reliance on trade, over-saturated workforce, and lack of industrialization were strangling the future of the nation and the Norman race. Failure to address these problems adequately would result in:

A hellscape on Earth is what humanity has to look forward too if we allow the Confederation to fall. True Protestantism will slowly die. The Norman race's only hope for survival shall lie in Nordreich, an honorable and strong nation, but one that is caught between the Russian Orthodox Behemoth to the East and the Catholic Bonapartist Eagle to the West. Isolated, such a nation could eventually fall. The Americas, however, are where the true horror shall lie. The Anglo-Saxon Yankee and his Negro and Jewish lackeys shall enslave the hemisphere, and devour all that is good, noble, and pure in our nation. Only a reinvigorated Carolina can save our race, our nation, and our religion!


A cartoon from the Charleston Mercury on the "spread of Yankeedom."
The final third of The Anglo-Norman Race was devoted to Vance's "Plan for Reinvigoration" as well as what he thought the Confederation should look like in the distant future. Interestingly, the book did not envision a grand future where the Confederation had a gigantic empire. Vance explicitly discouraged "expansion for expansion's sake" as a "Yankee vice." The biggest point in the "Reinvigoration Plan" was a need for rapid fire industrialization to jump start the Carolinian economy and war machine. To fuel this industrialization, Vance suggested that "The Negro be put back to honorable Christian industry, instead of his current habits of idleness, theft, gambling, drunkenness, and fornication." However, this was meant to be a short-term solution as the goal in the long run was to encourage immigration by "Civilized, Superior, and Master Races" and give them "decent paying work in our mighty factories." The Black population would be deported to Jacksonland as quickly as possible, and so-called "surplus Negroes" (the old, the young, the rebellious, the weak, and the infirm) should be deported first to streamline the process. The next pillar of this plan was to create a mandatory period of national service for all Carolinian men, to help prepare the entire population for any potential future conflict. Finally, Carolina should seek out alliances with "Our fellow Protestant stalwarts" in order to ensure that the nation had time to prepare for the "coming conflagration" with the Americans. John Pemberton, a rising League of the South intellectual/leader, future pharmacy tycoon, and refugee from Georgia, would express the League's platform in his "14 Points."

The 14 Points of the League of the South
1. The Confederation of the Carolinas is suffering because our people lack strong leadership and race consciousness.
2. If we fail to correct our present course, civilization as we know it shall collapse.
3. The first step to recovery is understanding that the Carolinian, and indeed Southron people, are of Normanish descent
4. To preserve our race, the Norman people of the South must be united into one Grand Confederation, one that stretches from Maryland to Cuba, Louisiana to Jacksonland
5. The Carolinas are the last bastion of True Protestantism on this continent, and we must defend the light of Christ! Thus, we must root out heathenry and cultism wherever it might be!
6. By restoring our race, we are following in the footsteps of the Original Aristocracy, the noble Spartans. The South is Sparta, and by restoring the South, we restore the Sparta, the greatest civilization in human history.
7. Enhancing our national industry is key to restoring our national greatness
8. To enhance our industry, the Barbaric Negro must be put to work.
9. Those Negroes unfit for work due to age, rebellious tendencies, or infirmity are to be removed from Carolina proper to the African territories
10. All men above the age of 18 should be required to serve in the Armed Forces, to help protect from foreign invasion.
11. To prevent Beutelist and Negro subversion, an internal security force should be formed immediately.
12. Our immigration laws must be reformed to encourage immigration from the Civilized, Superior, and Master Races.
13. Plantations which have fallen into bankruptcy, idleness, and disrepair should be broken up into farms for hardworking Carolinians of good stock.
14. A minimum wage of some sort for the Civilized, Superior, and Master races must be established
The formalization of the League's ideology helped solidify the movement's growing power, and boosted membership. As the 1886 elections came upon the Confederation, Vance and Johnston went around the country delivering impassioned speeches and rants on behalf of the League. Meanwhile, Governor Forrest began implementing the League's platform in Jacksonland, creating the Jacksonland Security Force to suppress dissenters and to begin forcibly putting the natives to work on the colony's plantations. Forrest also opened an invitation to various European and Hispanic countries to "Begin life anew in Jacksonland!" This attracted a decent amount of attention, especially among Mexican refugees currently in Gran Colombia. Thousands of Mexicans deported by ORRA spent the last of their savings on a one-way ticket to Jacksonland, where most found work as overseers on the plantations. While treated decently, Governor Forrest made it clear that the "new arrivals" were to abandon Spanish and much of their cultural identity, especially Catholicism, and those who clung too tightly to their heritage were treated with suspicion. Jacksonland saw a massive boom in productivity and development, and the surplus profits were sent back to the Fatherland. Vance held the boost in productivity Jacksonland experienced was proof that Normanism "was the cure to our nation's sorrows," and the LOS experienced another boost in popularity at the polls.

This alarmed sitting Chancellor William Woods Holden, who saw the League as a direct threat to his power, and disapproved of the group's "pseudo-Marxism." Holden covertly mobilized radical supporters to attack LOS rallies. Street fights broke out across the nation between Holdenites and Redshirts, and many feared a possible revolution. The military was ordered to only attack Redshirt and to leave the Holdenites unharmed. Carolina's military leadership, already discontent with Holden due to his incompetent leadership and naked love for power, began disobeying the Chancellor. Soldiers would refuse to break up riots, and a regiment sent into Columbia to break up rioting mutinied and joined the Redshirts after receiving orders to open fire on an unarmed crowd of LOS supporters. The nation was at a breaking point.....


John Pemberton


Chancellor William W. Holden

International Reaction:

The dramatic developments in CoCaro did not go unnoticed by the outside world. If anything, the whole world was riveted by the bizarre ideology and violent upheaval going on in a nation considered a backwater middle power. It seemed like every major foreign power had their own hot take on Carolina's new direction, especially after Vance became Protector-General of the Confederation, the first to hold the office. The RU was highly alarmed and rather angry at the turn their Southron neighbor was taking. Custer even considered an invasion of the Carolinas, but was too busy preparing for the invasion and genocide of Mexico to actually carry through. As it was, the RU ratcheted up their propaganda campaign against the Confederation, calling them "Mongrelized Inferior Negro-Haters who have bought into the worst kind of lunacy!" Meanwhile, Union forces deployed to the border to keep Carolina on edge. The Europan Empire was also annoyed by Normanism, as they disliked how the Carolinas considered them not to be a Master Race. Furthermore, the strong stream of Protestantism running through the Carolinas caused friction between the two nations. Russia and Persia mostly viewed the whole thing as an amusing diversion. Prussia, however, saw opportunity. They didn't have any allies or footholds in the Western Hemisphere. With Carolina desperate for allies and becoming more ardently Protestant, several high officials on both sides of the Atlantic saw an opportunity.....


Holdenites opposed to the LOS proposed mandatory draft attack a League meetinghouse in Durham


A soldier in Governor Forrest's Jacksonland Security Force. Their uniforms were red at the request of the Governor, to show solidarity with the LOS.
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This chapter will finish fleshing out Normanism's ideology, as well as touch on events leading to the Red Revolution. Also, you'll get to see how the world reacts to the newest wave of madness in this chapter! The next update I have planned out will follow the buildup to the Red Revolution, and the Revolution itself

There is something you need to fix (besides the flag in the first update (the cross should line up with the corners of the flag)). I now refer to chapter 42:

Custer also revamped the Republican Union Treasury Department in 1883 after purging the department of undesirables and crooks. The interestingly named Von Steuben Newkirk was appointed as the Supreme Chief. Newkirk was a rigid conservative and he was the man who had busted the New York Port Authority Case wide open and had gotten Chester Allen Arthur thrown in prison without the key. The Treasury Department became the organization that would work hand-in-hand with RUMP to bust government spending abuse and financial crimes. It also set the trade policies with every country in the world - after some input from the President, of course. Newkirk was one of the men Custer trusted most, and the two could often be seen together conversing about matters other than the Treasury. In the event of a war, the Treasury Department would also be responsible for making sure the Army and Navy had the proper resources and funding. This position was called the Quartermaster General, and this position was filled by the young 27 year-old radically devout MDP man Woodrow Wilson, a native-born Virginian who for some reason had become one of Custer's most loyal men during the Velvet Revolution. Wilson had been his personal aide-de-camp (or underman as the Union preferred to call the position). Wilson once said:

“I come from the South and I know what war is, for I have seen its terrible wreckage and ruin. I grew up wishing for Southron independence once again. But, eventually, I realized this would never be. And then the words of the Prophet shot through me one day and saved my soul. I received, in a message from the spiritworld, direction on what to do with my life. Like Saul of Tarsus becoming Paul, I went from Woodrow Wilson the poor Virginian boy to Woodrow Wilson, loyal child of Jehovah and proud servant of the Union. I may have been born a Virginian, but I'll die an American.”
There is something you need to fix (besides the flag in the first update (the cross should line up with the corners of the flag)). I now refer to chapter 42:

I totally forgot that! Thanks, I'll edit as soon as possible

Edit: I'll also try and edit the flag​


As someone who was really interested in the first version of this timeline and entranced by the new version, this world expanding/alternate timeline forming is really cool.
All this talk about Normanism has me wondering: how messed up would the children of an "interracial" relationship be? Imagine somehow love conquers all and an AFC Anglo-Saxon Republican Union Better entered some kind of hideous mixed marriage with a Baptist CoCaro Norman!!!!!! Pretty much the only thing they'd agree on for childrearing is that Germans are okay, but they can't agree on why.
All this talk about Normanism has me wondering: how messed up would the children of an "interracial" relationship be? Imagine somehow love conquers all and an AFC Anglo-Saxon Republican Union Better entered some kind of hideous mixed marriage with a Baptist CoCaro Norman!!!!!! Pretty much the only thing they'd agree on for childrearing is that Germans are okay, but they can't agree on why.

I'm pretty sure for that to happen the Carolinian would have to be a non Normanist, lol! Still that could be a weirdly comedic short story to write....
China in the 19th Century-Part I

Every winter, a thick smog encapsulates Beijing for days on end. Sand from the Gobi is whipped up by howling winds, mixing with the still, lifeless air to form a dreary dome. Darkness shrouds the city in the brightest of days--the perfect time for the reaper to strike.

As if one with the smog, the reaper's scythe cuts down the old and infirm of the city, one by one. Those who are wealthy may have a doctor in their employ, one who's archaic sciences can help very little with these forces of nature. The poor are left to rot in the streets, presented with a choice between freezing to death and dying in a painful, coughing fit.

This old man was one of the luckier ones. He had made it to the auspicious age of 88, and knew that he would be remembered for time immemorial, that his grave would be visited by millions fro the four corners of the world. Still, he gasped painfully for air. His lungs felt like they were burning up, his mouth was dry and his lips cracked. With what little energy he had left, the old man gasped out for a sip of water.

"Sh-shui. Shui."

Before the doctors could come, the old man breathed his last.

Emperor Qianlong, last Emperor of the High Qing had died.

The Emperor in better times, as drawn by a Jesuit court painter

Unbeknownst to Emperor Qianlong, he had died in the same December, 1799 as Geogre Washington had. The two men shared much the same legacy. Both men had come to power in better times, with great, utopian dreams; both had disappointed themselves. Both men had hoped for peace and prosperity; both men had achieved a legacy of war.

Qianlong's funeral, unlike that of so many other great men, was smooth and uncontested, conducted with the most austere atmosphere officials could conjure. The Jiaqing Emperor, to whom Qianlong had abdicated three years earlier had changed from the shimmering gold of imperial regalia to a ghostly white. The procession marched on to the blaring of trumpets and funeral music, flanked by a retinue of Manchu cavalrymen and thousands of peasants kneeling in reverence.

As they arrived in the Temple of Heaven, a troupe of Tibetan monks lay cross-legged around the coffin, reciting ancient prayers written down by Sanskrit scholars so many thousands of years ago. The Dalai Lama had given very specific instructions on how an Emperor's death was to be conducted--instructions that the monks took to heart.

A day after the funeral, Aisin Gioro Yongqi, Emperor Jiaqing, 15th son of Qianlong assumed full power. Technically, Jiaqing had been Emperor for the 4 years since his father's abdication. However, his Emperorship had been disrupted by numerous edicts from his senile predecessor, rendering Jiaqing a lame duck. This had inconvenienced the Jiaqing Emperor and rendered him somewhat of a laughing stock amongst officials.


Emperor Jiaqing, 7th Emperor of the Qing
If there was a commendable quality one could attribute to China's portly new sovereign, it was that Jiaqing was a patient man. He was 40 years of age, and had waited half his life for his father to finally die--no, return to heaven--and he had used his many years to cook up great plans for China. Now, he was a free man unanswerable to any higher power. He was Emperor of China, most powerful man in the world.

The first order of business was to do away with one of his father's favourites: Niohuru Hesen. Hesen was an excellent official--no doubt about it. Along years of service, he had learnt all the languages of the Chinese Empire and travelled across it's length and bredth. He had excelled at each and every of his postings, and with that, gained Qianlong's favour. Unfortunately, Hesen was also a notoriously corrupt official. By installing henchmen across the imperial bureaucracy, Hesen had skimmed a little off the top of every department and every province. Over the years, Hesen had accumalated obscene amounts of wealth. In his many estates were stored jade charms, pearl ingots, top-quality Korean ginseng and cartloads of silver taels. All in all, Hesen's wealth amounted to 15 full years of imperial revenue. This man had to go.

One cold January, the Emperor's elite guards formed up in the forbidden city. The Emperor's trusted chief eunuch handed them secret orders bearing the emperor's crimson seal. The guard captain read the document, nodded and dutifully set off for Hesen's estate. The guard was dressed in golden armor which shimmered in the sunlight, designed to awe and frighten all those who came across them. Hundreds boisterously announced their presence with the clanging of spears and grunting of soldiers. Surely Hesen would see reason and give himself up. Surely Hesen knew that he stood no chance.

The entourage arrived at Hesen's estate after half an hour of marching. "Hesen!" shouted the captain, "Son of a dog and bastard of a rat! By the grace of Heaven, the Emperor demands your arrest! Come and face justice if you dare!"

There was no response.

The captain ordered that a great English cannon be hauled forth. With a thundering roar, the Western devil's weapon roared, flinging forth a iron ball that punched through the estate's wooden gate. "Hesen!" cried the captain once more.

There was no response.

The captain sighed. With a flick of his hand, two hundred men swarmed the estate, breaking down the gates and setting fire to all that they saw. Sword in hand, the captain rode into the great complex, hacking down fleeing servants, concubines and any of Hesen's family that stood in his way. The cannon thundered to his heartbeat, blowing apart another tower in the great complex. The squeals of children could be heard as more were hacked down with fury and impunity. The guards gorged themselves on what treasures they could find in the estate, and the captain smiled as his lieutenants collected their pay.

Hesen was found surrounded by his treasures, cackling as he was dragged out by the Emperor's grunts. Silver ingots fell out of his pockets with every step, and brandishing a gleeful smile, he screamed, "You'll all get your dues! Hear me Jiaqing? All of you! Years later you'll look at me, and you'd only dream I was still around!"

Hesen was executed after a brief trial, convicted of 32 crimes, including 16 cases of "transcendence of Imperial authority". Hesen's trial was a grand affair, with Hesen dragged kicking and screaming before a hollering crowd in the epicenter of Beijing. Hesen howled like a madman, for behind him came all his children (legitimate and illegitimate), his parents, his teachers even. This was the infamous 10 Familial Exterminations (comparable to the German Sippenhaft)--the complete and utter destruction of one's bloodline, to in effect remove one's very existence from the Chinese gene pool. 270 men, women and children were gathered. 270 heads would roll, with Hesen's skull the last to hit the blood-soaked floor.

Niohuru Hesen, painted in better times
3 days after Hesen's death, Jiaqing's taster slipped a poison into a cup of Vietnamese tea. The taster pretended to take a sip from the cup, then nodded and handed it back to the Emperor. The Emperor drank deep, savouring the bitter aftertaste and exclaimed, "The King of Vietnam has excellent taste in tea! I must thank my brother monarch and all Vietnam for this excellent gift!" with that, the Vietnamese ambassador kow-towed and withdrew to his residence. Jiaqing's taster fled the Forbidden City late at night, never to be seen again.

As the Emperor retired to his chambers at night, he noted that he felt unwell, and that he would have no need for a companion. When the chief eunuch asked if he needed the imperial doctor, the Emperor said that the sickness would be gone by sunrise.

The cold Chinese winter had claimed it's second Emperor.

Having a "Year of the Three Emperors" is rarely fun for any royal dynasty, no matter how robust. The last time China faced such a challenge was in 1620, 180 years ago as the Ming Empire teetered on the brink of collapse. Still, the sun came up and the world still spinned. A new son of Heaven would have to be appointed. Following some negotiation, it was decided by the Aisin Gioro family council that Aisin Gioro Mianning, the late Jiaqing Emperor's eldest surviving son of 18 years would take the throne. Mianning would take the regnal name Tao-kwang, meaning Illuminated Path.

However, with the royal clan's prestige severely damaged and the Emperor but a teenager, Tao-Kwang would have to take a back seat. The power behind the throne would be the famous general, Prince Fuk'anggan.

Whilst internal disturbances at court had been...pacified at the cost of an Emperor's life, the Qing Empire now faced pressing problems amongst the populace. Emperor Qianlong's reign had seen Chinese economic decline fester in the background, and now these problems burst into the open. The White Lotus Rebellion had broken out in impoverished Central China led by peasant mystics claiming loyalty to Buddhism, Manicheanism and Taoism.


The White Lotus Rebellion


Prince Fuk'anggan
It was obvious how far the Qing army had fallen: where there once was a world-renowned fighting force of the 17th Century, the Qing army of the 19th Century had become an inefficient, bureaucratic mess. This so-called "army" was an army of thugs paid for and armed by the rural gentry. Whenever a general like Prince Fuk'anggan was in need of men, he would call the gentry to a conference, where he'd ask for so many thugs from each village for so long. Standardization was unheard of and the effectiveness of the Chinese army was frightfully poor.

Thankfully, the peasant rebels weren't much better. Like all rebellions, the zeal of rebels was just as fierce as how hungry the rebels were. This left peasant militias weak and disorganized, scattering to the winds at the smallest defeat. Whenever peasant militias gathered in significant numbers, Prince Fuk'anggan would be able to muster enough men to crush the rebels in open field battles through sheer numbers. However, while the battles could be reliably won, the war could not. Scattered rebels quickly rallied once more under this banner or that, and Prince Fuk'anggan could not fight them all. Rebel forces swept through the Yellow River Basin quicker than Fuk'anggan's horse could gallop. By 1807, sporadic fighting was heard miles from Beijing...

WMIT Redux - Qing (Worlda - 1807).png
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Gone Fishin'
Here's an idea I had based on my favorite superhero, whose publication history ironically is kind of a mirror for America...which means he's kind of the perfect subject for a Madnessverse take and, I feel, a reversal of that take.

Madness!Captain America:


All Hail America! All Hail Custer! We have allowed our society to be corrupted by sniveling, sneaky Inferiors for far too long! I will end the Slavo-Papist conspiracy to destroy our society, and together with my noble ally the Red Skull, we'll crush the Europan and Russian dogs into the dirt forever! All Hail!

Created by immigrants to Metropolis, Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, Captain America is the Republican Union's most popular superhero. Billed as "The Pinnacle Man Re-Forged!", John Walker is a violently xenophobic, Custer-worshiping member of the MDP who yearns to fight the Inferior Papist and Slavic filth wherever they may hide! Given a star-spangled costume after proving his superiority by killing ten thousand Mexican degenerate scum with his bare hands in the Purification of Mexico, Walker eagerly slaughters the enemies of Anglo-Saxon, Teutonic America for the glory of Custer and the AFC as CAPTAIN AMERICA!!! All Hail!

Reverse Madness!Captain America


When I was a kid, my Dad told me about how he brought the family over from Ireland, where the Royalists' puppets treated us like crap for being 'inferior peasants'. How amazed he was when the first step he took off the boat, a Quaker Welcoming Fund woman was there with a blanket and some food, how he got put on a bus and taken to an immigration clerk to get him set up with a job right there on the docks. In a day, he'd gone from Mikey Rogers, Irish peasant with no future brighter than a rotting potato field, to Mike Rogers, New American worker with an apartment, a chit for two months' fare on the bus so he could get settled, enough canned food to last him two weeks, and a job unloading cargo down on the docks. Now here I stand, the son of New Americans who couldn't be more different, one a Sioux from the prairies and the other an Irishman from some noble's estate, and I've got the right to fight for the freedom of all the world's peoples same as any Old American born and bred. That's the promise of America. The promise of liberty, equality, and prosperity. That's what I'm going to bring to the world, even as our country pursues utopia to better itself. For the ever-lasting American Revolution.

Dreamed up by New Americans Stanley Lieber and Jacob "King" Kurtzburg, both refugees as children from pogroms in Europe, Captain America is the most prominent non-official symbol of the New United States ever since his creation just before the Second European War. Son of an Irish immigrant and a Lakota New American, and loosely modeled upon beloved President Cha-O-Ha and famed explorer and diplomat Teddy Roosevelt, Standing-Bear "Steve" Rogers was a sickly child until he was genetically enhanced by Republican Union scientists as part of an experimental procedure to end a rare genetic condition that the young Rogers possessed. However, for unknown reasons the treatment made Steve into a superhumanly powerful hero, while also enhancing his instincts of right and wrong and sense of duty. The pinnacle of American achievement, Captain America seeks to defend the weak, free the oppressed, protect the innocent, and bring the guilty to the courts to face justice.
I'm pretty sure for that to happen the Carolinian would have to be a non Normanist, lol! Still that could be a weirdly comedic short story to write....
Oh my God it's "I Love Lucy"! Desmond Arnold is an ORRA Commander in Cuba, and has to keep an eye on his wife's Normanist wacky hijinks.
Welcome to the crazy Madnessverse version of Boots, Part 1:

The Tea Barons: The Rise of the Boots Corporation 1847-1870

If you told John Boot in 1840 that he would die one of the richest men in Prussia, become the creator of one of the Nordriech’s most powerful corporations and that he would be one of the major sparks for the European Tea Craze of the late 19th Century he would probably laugh. John Boot was born in 1815 in Radcliffe on Trent and was originally a farm worker until illness caused him to change careers to that of a chemist inspired by his mother’s herbal remedies she gave to cure him. However events outside of his control would interrupt his ambitions. During the English Revolution, Nottinghamshire was thrown in upheaval with numerous factions fighting for control, Boot’s parents were killed by the Trent Commune and he would flee after his house was burned down by the radical Sherwood Foresters. John would head to Prussia alongside thousands of other British refugees in the aftermath of the revolt. He would attempt to try and establish chemists in Berlin but it didn’t work out, however a side venture he had created would soon prove to be rather profitable.


A Political Cartoon about the Trent Commune

Whilst various places in Germany had been fond of tea since the 18th Century the arrival of British refugees would expand the taste for Tea into Prussia especially after the former Duchess of Bedford Anna Russell introduced the Prussian high culture to the idea of Afternoon Tea the popularity of which would trickle downwards to the middle classes. Whilst this had been happening John Boot had been experimenting with Tea blends and selling them to his colleagues in Berlin for spare cash whilst trying to set up his chemists.


The Duchess of Bedford, Anna Russell
Word of his teas would spread and eventually a young businessman by the name of Friedrich Engels (a member of the Engels textile fortune) offered to provide the money for Boot to create a Tea Shop in Berlin. In 1847 The Boots Tea Shop would open and quickly would become a money maker for John Boot and Friedrich Engels who would quickly expand across Prussia and would open several tea rooms as well as Afternoon Tea started to sweep the nation. In the meantime John Boot would meet and marry an herbalist called Maria. Within a few years they would have children, Jakob in 1850 and Ada in 1852 who would become important to the future of the eventually Boots Corporation.


Berlin Boots Tea Room (1876)
Despite having become a rich man, John Boot still had a habit of becoming ill. One day in the autumn of 1854 John would become deathly ill with pneumonia and would be put out of action for several months leading to Maria running the company whilst he recovered. During his recovery he would talk to Friedrich and Maria about a dream he was convinced was a death dream which showed him the future.

“I saw the future, I saw what would happen if we didn’t treat our workers like humans, I saw them burning down the shops and putting our heads on pikes and even in death we weren’t safe because there is no god, but a collection of spirits who judged us on our actions and they decreed that we were to slave away in a black void for the rest of our afterlife. However I saw another way too and it’s this other way that I will use to make us the strongest corporation in all of the NordReich, hell in the entire world” he would tell them.

There reaction was surprisingly positive, it mainly helped that Maria truly loved her husband and that Friedrich had been an atheist for awhile before meeting John. This fever dream that John had would become the basis of the idea of “Social Capitalism” which he would create with Friedrich and Maria over the coming year.
The idea of Social Capitalism was that the Business Owner had to care for the Worker by making sure that they were “Happy, Healthy and Honest”, to do this all workers would be offered a “middle class” wage, health insurance, a pension, good work hours and fair representation. In return the worker would be loyal “To the Business first and foremost” and leave “Violence and Hatred behind them.” Also all religions were tolerated as long as the “Worker didn’t bring it into the workplace”, mainly this was to hopefully lead to as John Boot called it “A place where the job itself is like a Church and the Businessman is a Messiah to his workers”.


Christmas Poster promoting Social Capitalist Ideals, 1870
After recovering John threw himself into his work. Boots started to expand across the NordReich and even into the ReichBund and Netherlands during the 1850s. The demand for Boots Tea and Tea Rooms was increasing and Engels & Boot realised that they needed a cheaper and longer lasting supply than the ones that they had with various Prussian Tea Suppliers. So Engels in 1857 would travel to India to talk to the Napoleonic Colonial Government there about the possibility of buying several tea plantations. The Government there were nervous about offering a land deal to a NordReich company but Engels managed to buy the plantations after an impassioned speech to the Prince of Bombay where he decreed that the Boots Tea Corporation would be a neutral party in time of war, to quote:

“We don’t see nations, we see customers who we would always be willing to trade with no matter the consequences”

Engels and Boot’s would use the new plantations as the place to test their Social Capitalism ideas, many workers were given the benefits that Boot and Engels had decided upon. It lead to high productivity and started to improve the economy of nearby areas. Of course there were numerous workers who didn’t like the idea of not being able to practice their religions and some found the Social Capitalism ideas restrictive and preferred other Radical ideas. Most of those who either believed or spread these ideas found themselves whisked away to “Worker Schools” essentially Re-education Camps where troublesome workers would be forced to complete menial tasks or were tortured. The Colonial Government cared very little about the Worker Schools since most of the Workers were Indian and also they were receive a hefty percentage from whatever earnings the Plantations made.


Boots Tea Plantation, 1865
Meanwhile back in the NordReich, The Boots Tea Corporation was monopolising, other tea shops or tea rooms which weren’t able to compete with Boots were either bought out or were forced into bankruptcy. The suppliers that Boots had to previously worked with felt themselves being squeezed to, now that Boots owned the production they could easily cut out the middle man and the suppliers found themselves selling to a limited market of independent tea shops. By 1865, 90% of the Tea Business in the NordReich and surrounding areas was owned by the Boots Corporation in some capacity. The ideas of Social Capitalism that had been trailed in India were now implemented in the NordReich, minus the “Worker Schools”, instead a policy of black listing, blackmail and threats were used instead. The Boots Tea Corporation had become very powerful within a small amount of time, it owned land, the workers were efficient and happy and Boots rivals had been gobbled up or were destroyed. All that remind for John Boot was to deal with his business partner Friedrich Engels.


Friedrich Engels, 1868
In 1868 Friedrich would be bought out by John Boot in a rather mutual agreement, Friedrich managed to score himself a nice cash settlement, several plots of land in India and he still had his families textile business (who had been using there connections with Boots to heavily expand). In return John Boot would become the richest man in Prussia area of the NordReich. Things were going well for John Boot, within twenty years he had gone from a struggling refugee to Prussian millionaire. He was the Tea Baron and things could only get better business wise as the Europe continued through its Golden Period and African possibilities started to show themselves. However John Boot still had health problems and in the autumn of 1870 they would strike again. Once again John would catch pneumonia; however unlike 1854 he wouldn’t recover. On November the 13th 1870 he would say goodbye to his family as he passed away at the age of 55. Despite his death the spirit of John Boot for better or worse would be passed down to his children Jakob and Ada and although nobody knew it at the time they would be more powerful than John Boot would ever be.


John Boot Funeral, 1870
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