Well, Philip thinks Frisia is next on his agenda, but who really knows what chaos will ensue before that? Philip/Charles/Philippa is somewhat of a OT3 here. And no, Philippa isn't sleeping with her twin brother here. She's exclusively for Philip and while she knows her husband and brother are having a relationship, Philippa doesn't want to share their bed. Philip would not allow it either. But he's a man, so having a lover is fine for him. But her brother is often in bed with her husband when she's not around. Both twins are fine with that. Just clearing it up. No Jaime and Cersei shenanigans with twin-cest or bastards here.
Bruh that would be very bad lol, and it makes sense that the twins don't wanna do incest lol. I defo didn't think it that way, but the clarification is good.
You have been a true miracle when I get stuck in the quagmires, so I credit you when its due. Keep setting plotbunnies on me!
Lmao, my mind defo jumps everywhere a little too much lol, but I'm glad you appreciate it!
Tbf what're you planning with the Kalmar union? Do you plan on them to fall apart as per otl?
Bruh that would be very bad lol, and it makes sense that the twins don't wanna do incest lol. I defo didn't think it that way, but the clarification is good.

Lmao, my mind defo jumps everywhere a little too much lol, but I'm glad you appreciate it!
I just wanted to clear up for everyone that the Grand Duchess isn't sleeping with her brother. Philip just happen to be the love of both their lives and the marriage was especially desired as it provided the opportunity for the Duke and the Guelders twins to remain together.

Tbf what're you planning with the Kalmar union? Do you plan on them to fall apart as per otl?
This should provided the answer to your that question. However, Christian's hypotetical heirs might retain the throne of Denmark and Norway. Or maybe Norway will become a independent kingdom much earlier? Christian is currently betrothed to Margaretha of Brabant, the eldest daughter of Philip and Philippa. She's due to leave for Copenhagen in 1505 with a few ladies in waiting in her entourage.
So started the marriage between Philip and Philippa according to historians. The Estates General consented to the match on the 30th of June after a few days of discussion. The mythology of the marriage was focused heavily on Philippa’s role as a so-called peace-weaver, an aspect commonly found in the medieval values of queenships. For Philippa, born in the fading twilight of the medieval area as Europe fully ushered in the renaissance age from the shores of the glamorous Republic of Venice to the brackish waters in the city of Stockholm where the old Kalmar Union would breathe its last in 1523, the irony is that she had more in common with the rulers of her own time then her medieval predecessors of a past age.
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I just wanted to clear up for everyone that the Grand Duchess isn't sleeping with her brother. Philip just happen to be the love of both their lives and the marriage was especially desired as it provided the opportunity for the Duke and the Guelders twins to remain together.
Yeah I think it makes a lot of sense because everyone wins in this case.
This should provided the answer to your that question. However, Christian's hypotetical heirs might retain the throne of Denmark and Norway. Or maybe Norway will become a independent kingdom much earlier. Christian is currently betrothed to Margaretha of Brabant, the eldest daughter of Philip and Philippa. She's due to leave for Copenhagen in 1505 with a few ladies in waiting in her entourage.
Tbf sorry about that! I'm sleepy asf so blegh. I'm defo curious about where the duchy stops expanding tho.
Yeah I think it makes a lot of sense because everyone wins in this case.

Tbf sorry about that! I'm sleepy asf so blegh. I'm defo curious about where the duchy stops expanding tho.
Its a perfectly functional marriage. The court are still curious why Philip doesn't have a mistress or two, especially whenever Philippa is pregnant and unavaliable. I can say that their son is more liberal with his affection towards the ladies.

Well, there is the question of Utrecht, the Prince-Bishopric of Utrecht (still mostly under Burgundian control), Cleves and Mark, Frisia and Groningen. I can say that Arnold of Brabant (Philip's third son) will make a spectacularly good marriage. Plus Christian and Philip has a common interest both in Frisia and to weaken the Hansa. And then there are wars with France possible awaiting to happen. I need to introduce Charles of Lorraine in a moment of splendour.

The Stockholm Bloodbath will happen as otl and Sweden will become a independent kingdom as well. Its celebration for 500 years of Independence in my country and the king also celebrates 50 years on the throne. I worked for the royal palaces for three years and I'm cheering on my team here!
Its a perfectly functional marriage. The court are still curious why Philip doesn't have a mistress or two, especially whenever Philippa is pregnant and unavaliable. I can say that their son is more liberal with his affection towards the ladies.
Hey, being loyal while your wife is pregnant is a good thing right?
Well, there is the question of Utrecht, the Prince-Bishopric of Utrecht (still mostly under Burgundian control), Cleves and Mark, Frisia and Groningen. I can say that Arnold of Brabant (Philip's third son) will make a spectacularly good marriage. Plus Christian and Philip has a common interest both in Frisia and to weaken the Hansa. And then there are wars with France possible awaiting to happen. I need to introduce Charles of Lorraine in a moment of splendour.
Ooh that's very exciting indeed. I'm defo hyped for Charles of Lorraine especially as he is the bane of France of his era much like his grandfather of otl, and I am very interested in seeing how France would be affected.
The Stockholm Bloodbath will happen as otl and Sweden will become a independent kingdom as well. Its celebration for 500 years of Independence in my country and the king also celebrates 50 years on the throne. I worked for the royal palaces for three years and I'm cheering on my team here!
Ah that makes sense.

I'm defo interested in seeing how Denmark and Sweden interact, especially as Sweden was quite powerful during the early modern era.

Considering it's 1500 at this point what're your thoughts on colonisation? Considering that Brabant/Netherlands is intimately tied in with colonisation I am curious how you'd tackle colonisation.
Hey, being loyal while your wife is pregnant is a good thing right?
Its definitely a positive virtue to some couples. Philippa is happy that her brother gets to be with their love as well.
Ooh that's very exciting indeed. I'm defo hyped for Charles of Lorraine especially as he is the bane of France of his era much like his grandfather of otl, and I am very interested in seeing how France would be affected.
Charles of Lorraine is gonna have a spectacular BDE moment later. And its not gonna be good for France.
Ah that makes sense.

I'm defo interested in seeing how Denmark and Sweden interact, especially as Sweden was quite powerful during the early modern era.

Considering it's 1500 at this point what're your thoughts on colonisation? Considering that Brabant/Netherlands is intimately tied in with colonisation I am curious how you'd tackle colonisation.
Long Live the Vasa Dynasty I say! *waves flag of sweden* However, I can say that the Erik XIV mess is gonna be butterflied. *glares at Karin Månsdotter* Philippa of Guelders are gonna live to see the Kalmar Union break and the worry for her eldest daughter is not gonna be good for her health.

Colonisation for the moment are in Portugal and Spain. But the Netherlands will get into the game later. It will happen after 1517 as Philip's son Philippe will focus more on explorations after his father's death. Philip will spend his energy expanding and maintaining the Duchy.
Charles of Lorraine is gonna have a spectacular BDE moment later. And its not gonna be good for France.
Now that is good. I defo hope Lorraine can stave off France and a weaker France is always very interesting and good to everyone else.
Long Live the Vasa Dynasty I say! *waves flag of sweden* However, I can say that the Erik XIV mess is gonna be butterflied. *glares at Karin Månsdotter* Philippa of Guelders are gonna live to see the Kalmar Union break and the worry for her eldest daughter is not gonna be good for her health.
Tbf I don't think Karin mansdotter is bad at all from her actions, but Erik being insane is defo something.
Colonisation for the moment are in Portugal and Spain. But the Netherlands will get into the game later. It will happen after 1517 as Philip's son Philippe will focus more on explorations after his father's death. Philip will spend his energy expanding and maintaining the Duchy.
Ah that makes sense as Phillip would be focused on colonisation as further expansion in Europe becomes hard and the next best thing is to colonise and build something in the Americas.

I defo hope we see details about how Dutch colonialism, but which areas would Brabant colonise?
Now that is good. I defo hope Lorraine can stave off France and a weaker France is always very interesting and good to everyone else.

Tbf I don't think Karin mansdotter is bad at all from her actions, but Erik being insane is defo something.

Ah that makes sense as Phillip would be focused on colonisation as further expansion in Europe becomes hard and the next best thing is to colonise and build something in the Americas.

I defo hope we see details about how Dutch colonialism, but which areas would Brabant colonise?
Lorraine is gonna survive for a while. And Charles VIII isn't gonna like the outcome of meeting him.

Karin Månsdotter isn't the worst thing that happened, but Gustav Vasa is gonna marry someone else in this TL. Perhaps.

I don't know, but I imagine they will be interested in north america mayhaps. And some places in Asia.
Lorraine is gonna survive for a while. And Charles VIII isn't gonna like the outcome of meeting him.
Ooh now that's quite nice indeed.
Karin Månsdotter isn't the worst thing that happened, but Gustav Vasa is gonna marry someone else in this TL. Perhaps.

I don't know, but I imagine they will be interested in north america mayhaps. And some places in Asia.
Hmm so you're thinking about New Amsterdam/York? I could see them colonising north Brazil, South Africa and SEA in general too.

Do you think they'll have a different colonisation structure in general where they'll put exiles send criminals in their colonies?
Adriaan Florensz isn't gonna become pope in this tl, but I figured Prince-Bishop of Liege was a rather good option.
I think this is also more to the liking of Adriaan, rather than ending as a pope in a very hostile Rome.
Most likely he can do more to fight the corruption, nepotism and decadence in the Church and with this reducing the posibilities of (religious based) civil war in the Low countries later during the 16 century.
I am not sure but I thought he was a follower of the "true faith'' an intrepetation of how the Church and the Christian faith had to be followed and whch originated in the 15h century in Kampen or Deventer.... This way of following the Church was rejecting most of the ever increasing splendor of the Church and close to the later Jansinisme.
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I think this is also more to the liking of Andriaan, rather than ending as a pope in a very hostile Rome.
Most likely he can do more to fight the corruption, nepotism and decadence in the Curch and with this reducing the posibilities of (religousi based) civil war in the Low countries.
I am not sure but I thought he was a follower of the "true faith'' an intrepetation of how theChurch and the Christian faith had to be followed and whihc originated in the 15h century in Kampen or Deventer.... This way of following the Church was rejecting most of the everincreasing splendor of the Church and close to the later Jansinisme.
That sounds like a interesting foundation for a type of reformation that could start in the Low Countries....
But Philip isn't gonna live to see any large reformations unfortunately. His son will thou.

He try to get those lands using his charm? the gold digger XD
We'll see what happens. But I can say that Philip has more of his father in him then people believe.
I think this is also more to the liking of Adriaan, rather than ending as a pope in a very hostile Rome.
Most likely he can do more to fight the corruption, nepotism and decadence in the Church and with this reducing the posibilities of (religious based) civil war in the Low countries later during the 16 century.
I am not sure but I thought he was a follower of the "true faith'' an intrepetation of how the Church and the Christian faith had to be followed and whch originated in the 15h century in Kampen or Deventer.... This way of following the Church was rejecting most of the ever increasing splendor of the Church and close to the later Jansinisme.
Tbf I think that if we get a religious war the Netherlands would most likely align with considering that the protestant realms were in the north for good reason unless we get a really good reformation, and even that may not be enough. I think even if the duke of Brabant is catholic himself he would have a big section of the population that are protestant and unlikely to want to fight with the Catholic Germans.
We'll see what happens. But I can say that Philip has more of his father in him then people believe
Phillip going to war is defo something I'm interested in seeing hmmmm. I am curious of the inciting incident tho.