Rememberences of Map Contests Past

Round Five, show the situation after the Great War using this cruddy map as a basemap.


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The PoD is in 1642; the Royalists win the battle of Edgehill and march on London, ending the English Civil War almost before it starts. Charles I is not magnanimous in victory however, and rules with an iron fist until his asssassination in 1650. Britain's chronic instability lasts well into the 1700s and allows France to gain a more dominant position in the world; by the 18th century France is unquestionably the dominant power in Europe.

All this changes in 1748 though, when the combination of James IV's open Catholicism and general incompetence sparks a general revolution, sweeping the Stuart dynasty from power and establishing a popular Republic with very *interesting* millenial religious views. The resulting British revolutionary wars convulse Europe for a century, as the Holy Commonwealth enthusiastically exports its Gospel of "Liberty and Equality under God" by force.

Neither side is wholly successful however, and the later 18th and 19th century sees an increasingly illiberal French monarchy nervously eyeing the newly established republics to the north and east. By the later 19th century a conservative monarchist bloc of France, Spain and Sicily finds itself facing a disparate collection of countries including the British Commonwealth and dependents, a rapidly industrialising (and Christian) Japan and some of the Continental republics.

By the 1890s North America is more sparsely populated and less developed then OTL- settlement patterns are broadly comparable to what they were in the 1850s OTL. Pre-war America is dominated by French-ruled 'Canada' in the Northeast and 'Louisiana' in the Gulf and West; Virginia and new England remain aligned to the British Commonwealth (although the former in a very loose sense), while the rest of the Eastern seaboard is split between the New Netherlands and Calvania, originally founded as a refuge for Mennonites in the 17th century.

As more immigrants flood into North America, French rule in OTL's South East and Mid-West becomes more difficult; the new arrivals are not generally French speakers and resent the heavy-handed rule of the Governor. The catalyst for the Great War is the discovery of gold in California; in 1897 as the Mexican government tries to re-assert its control on the backwater province local leaders rebel, and declare an independent republic with British and Japanese support.

The resulting war is a long one, but the French and their allies lose decisively in North America; the victorious Virginians annex large chunks of French territory and establish several independent republics in lands that had previously been ruled from Paris. and Mexico City. In the North East the French-leaning Haudennosaunne Confederacy has been partition between the victorious allies, as Iroqouis refugees flee into friendly Canada...


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The Great War has Begun!
On the side defending Freedom, honest and Justice, we have our Great Nation of Great Britain, with our most Honourable allies the Inca Empire, The Swedish Empire, parcipitaing in the North American conflict from the Nya Sverige colony.
Those against are great nation are the pityful Mexitlians, who claim part of our Sovreign lands of Carribea, which we legally colonised almost 200 years ago! The treacherous dogs of Russia, operating out of Aleutia, have sided them, though we all know that she has wanted revenge on our Swedish Friends since they lost 41 years ago in the Russio-Swedish war of 1856.

We can all recollect how 1493 when a small Spanish funded expedition found this new world. This as you doubtless recall led to many expiditions to America.
The first to be colonised by a Great nation was by our Swedish Friends who crossed the Great ice from Greenland and Founded the Nya Sverige, that is New Sweden in the Kings English.
Then when our allies told us of the Riches of this wonderous new land, furs and timber being the main ones, our Great king decided to fund our own colony in what is now Called Newfoundland. The Tales of Riches reached the ears of the Kings of Europe they all wanted in, with France founding the Terraluis colony, named after the King at the time.
Russia joined in by taking the Aleutian Islands, and the colony of Aleutia spread form there, eventually, because the Russian spent enormous amounts of money on it, spanned from one side of the Continent to the other. Though this rabid spending is cited by Historians as to a reason why they lost the Russio-Swedish War of 1856.
Though in time,after practiaclly being forgotten by the French king, who was more pre-occupied by defeats at home, Terraluis declared independance and renamed itself Mexitl, the name of a native God of War. Several Nations also claimed independance at this time, including Amazonia from the great and Ancient Inca Empire and the Bear Flag Republic, named after its Flag, first flown in its war of Independance.
Our Colony Spread down the coast, firstly Edwardsland was founded, after Prince Edward who set up the first City of the Colony, Fort Canturbury, which is now the Colonies capital.
Then the Darien Colony was attempted by the Scottish, before they became part of our glorious Union, from then on we took control and the colony flourished.
Soon there was more support for furthur colonies down the West coast, and thus the Wellington Colony was founded, named after the Duke of Wellington, Arthur Wellsey, who was its first governer, famed for his actions in the Napoleonic wars, and for his benevolent rule as Governer.
But Soon Wellington Colony became too large and split into two, upper and Lower Wellington. But foolishly the Governer of Lower Wellington. Baron De la Warr. was a harsh and cruel task master, and in the end his own colony Rebelled against him, spitting into 4 parts, the largest Being Yankia, named after the nickname of the inhabitants the Yankees.
Secondly there was New Kernow, mostly inhabited by Cornish, or the Cornish Decent, they declared independance, Kernow comes from the Cornish name for Cornwall. Then came Cambria, simarly to New Kernow, it was mostly inhabited by Welshmen, and they clamed this area. These two nations are closely tied, reasons cited include old ties to Ancient Celtic nations of which Cornwall and wales were once powerful figures.
What was left of Lower Wellington was retained by De la Warr, but he also declared independance, citing that the British Empire had abandoned him when his colony had falled apart.
We also took George island in the 1856 Russio-Swedish war, as a prize for Defeating the Russian Army in Aleutia, whilst the Swedish faught the Russians in Mainland Europe.
The Carribean Sea has been a recent hotspot for trouble, as the local war lords decline the islands have become ripe for colonisation, to protect themselves the smaller islands have banded together to form the Empire of the White Sands.
Mexitl has repeatedly shown an interest in the carribean, and its imperialistic Land Grabbing has shown once again that this band of barbarians cannot be trusted. Their Claim of our Island of Carribea, taken in the Napoleonic Wars from France, is that as a former French Colony it is legally owner of all former French Colonies. Though this is just ranting and raving of a nation who wants to break into the carribean to compete with the Yankee colony of New Yankee.

Thus we are led into war, with God on our Side, and courage in our hearts.


--- an Excerpt from the Speech made by General Sir Redvers Buller to troops about to march into Mexitl Lands from Darien

Here is the map given to troops to inform them of the Situation

Thande is to blame for this one:

Didn't have much time, so: quick and dirty, but with a slightly different viewpoint.

The Great War saw the triumph of New France, California and Pennsylvania against their numerically superior opponents, illustrating the power of the armoured landship formation tactics developed in Pennsylvania in the 1890s. The New French have realised their ambition of destroying Virginian power, at least for a generation, but Mexico managed to come out of the war with an honourable armistice. The Pennsylvanians, though, may have bitten off more than they can chew...


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Highlander wins, with Imajin as runner-up.

Round Six: free for all.

Nicole fka imajin:

The United States Constitution failed. The country splintered into a number of opposing states. In the Old Northwest, the British quickly illegally expanded their presence, and no united force could stop them- American presence in the region ended after the War of 1809 (New York and Kentucky vs. England). North America remains under British domination- the "American" states are all under British economic domination...


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EdT actually made a youtube film...

PoD is that the Americans take Quebec in the Revolutionary war- a much longer and nastier conflict ensues and when the USA finally emerges it doesn't last for long, the tensions caused by the inclusion of the Canadiens proving to be the tipping point. By the late 1780's North America is a patchwork of feuding states, a perfect place for a disillusioned young French Artillery officer to make his fortune...

Fast forward 125 years and the simmering conflict between an expansionist Pennsylvanian Kingdom and a worried Virginia erupts into all-out war. The struggle sees many innovative uses of technology; in particular, the power of the cinema is harnessed for propaganda purposes for the first time...

Sadly I can't embed so I'll just have to include the link like this.

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Constantinople did a sort of ugly one, but there are interesting ideas...

Here is the finished no mongols/empty america map ive been working on and testing for awhile.

The year is 1950 AD
Just so it is known. The Yellowish color are islamic states, the pale orange states
are minor christian states of various branches. The light purple color in northern
indian and in central asia is zoroastrianism. The puke color is hinduism. The light
blue colors are various chinese cultured states.

The three biggest changes are the mongol explosion has been butterflied away. Islam
did not advance quite as far, while not assimilating the local christians and
zoroastrians as much. The new world is empty, which was inspired by "Empty America"

Other things. Old French never gains prominance over Frankish. I feel the language
makes the people, so "france" is spit between the many language groups, and a Holy
Roman Empire equivalent rises in germany, and eventully includes a more german
northern "france".

Denmark unites scandanavia, much like in "Empty America" (except that was with
norway). Their "north american" possessions helps this..The Scandinavians are the
biggest colonizers of "America".

In the British Isles, things are as different as they are in france. There is never
a norman invasion. English remains a more germanic language. Wales is butterflied to
remain more independent, and most of england is eventully obsorbed by the Danes,
while northumbria becomes independent, and wales slowly gains more land in the west.
Scotland therefore has no real english threat from the conqured divided south.
Eventually Wales unites the stronger celtic realms. English becomes farily
unrecognisable to us. Many englishmen go to the colonies.

The Crusades are more sucessful against a smaller weaker Islam. The Romans benifit
from a more sucessfull cooperation with the west. Asia Minor remains mostly

Oriental Orthodox Christianity is bigger, especially in Iraq and India.

Though China has collapsed, they were united under the song for some time.

Butterflies create a unrealisticly powerful Basque empire...

Islam makes very little inroads into Russia, and there are no mongols, sorussia is
much better off, the gains in central asia are unstable and possibly temporary.

The eastern religions, hinduism buddhism, are now the dominant religions of south
east asia and the east indies."


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And euio won that one, with Highlander as runner-up.

On to round seven, the semi-finals: another fantasy map.

A mere three entries, alas.


If anyone has read The Book of Lost Tales, this features Tolkien's earliest conception of the stories of The Silmarillion, and part of the book is told to a contemporary traveller from what we'd call Angeln. This is my attempt to depict the world at the time of the book, although some things are confused because Tolkien changed his mind a lot while writing the story. I've also invented a few things to fill the gaps.

Originally the island of Tol Eressea was the same as Britain, which travelled back over the waves to the Old World and was colonised by Men after the fading of the Elves.

Note Elvish names for OTL peoples such as the Ingwaiwar (Sons of Ing, the Ingvaeones) and Rumhoth for the Romans.

Thu, by the way, is an early name for Sauron.


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Nicole previously Imajin:

The great council of wizards, shocked with the progress of mankind, argued before the immortal Lord Parquat for a separation of the elite, the wise, and the hardworking to a floating island that would look down upon the lands below.


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Nicole won that. And now, on to THE FINAL ROUND OF CONTEST TWO!!!

Ogedai Khan lives 3 more months, 100 years later, five Mongol successor states in Europe or Asia, blah blah.


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And euio was the big winner.

The ill-fated contests III and IV, perhaps sometime this weekend...
