REDUX: Place In The Sun: What If Italy Joined The Central Powers?

While France is indeed stronger than Russia, that does not really mean much in this situation. France is also way easier to occupy and more reliant on outside resources than the Russians. In other words, it’s way easier to march to Paris and to remove a government than it is to weed the Bolsheviks out everywhere between St. Petersburg and Odesa.
They failed in 1914 when they were at the strong point and it looked like they might actually get their quick victory. Bear in mind that this isn’t the entente coalition which consisting of a large alliance of nations including the Juggernaut that was the US and a Japan which avoided any real war exhaustion. This would be a Germany that would be ruined and traumatized from years of world war acting largely on its own
And on another note, I think France’s version of communism would have little to do with what we today relate with the Bolsheviks. Just like Russia had a tradition of authoritarianism that influenced the Soviets, France at this point had one of the strongest democratic traditions in the world, and that wouldn’t suddenly disappear cause they lost a war. IMO a French communist takeover would resemble the SPD takeover in Germany more than it would the October Revolution, if somewhat more radical.
France also had a tradition of violent revolutions
I hope France didn't go kaiserreich way of becoming communist because Germany will not let communist to take hold in his neighbor.
I imagine it'll be somesort of British-German wheeling and dealing until a suitably reformed-but-not-communist French Republic is declared that's more trouble to destroy than to leave around.

Because I agree Germany, Britain, and Italy all won't want a communist France - and the current war is proving that France could never stand up to those three if they are committed (so it's all about being radical enough to convince the French without being too radical for the foreigners).
I thought his plan was to continue with total slaughter until everyone was dead except for himself, Lady Haig, and their tortoise Alan.
Great Scott, even you know it!

If things reach this point then you likely have already lost because you have ended up in a lose-lose situation. You cannot in any way give the impression that shooting your own officers might lead to positive results if you want to be able to effectively fight against the enemy, but if you try to violently crack down on a mutiny of this scale then it is likely that the ones you send to do the clampdown will refuse to do so against their comrades. And since they have now refused to follow orders they will believe that their only option is to join the mutineers, leading to a cascade effect.
Correct. Worse, the men are going to be a tad bit reluctant to gamble that well, surrendering carries any benefits to them. Nobody wants a transfer into a punishment batallion, IE Operation Human Shield, and even if by some miracle you crack it down, well, it's gonna be nasty politically and militarily.
Ooof. As goes France...
They didn't adopt the Red Pants in time.


By © Marie-Lan Nguyen / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.5,

By Jean-Baptiste Tournassoud - "La guerre 1914-1919", Public Domain,
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...weren't red pants one reason for their excessively-heavy casualties? As in it actually helped the Germans see them through the haze of the battlefield, compared to their own feldgrau which, while not as good as modern camouflage, worked better at blending in on the battlefield?
...weren't red pants one reason for their excessively-heavy casualties? As in it actually helped the Germans see them through the haze of the battlefield, compared to their own feldgrau which, while not as good as modern camouflage, worked better at blending in on the battlefield?
I got that information too, the French started the war in bright red pants and blue overalls.

And when the military tried to change it they got metaphorically shot at by the public and their political masters (can also be the other way round that the politician saw the loss rates and tried to change the pants colour and got the bad press).
I got that information too, the French started the war in bright red pants and blue overalls.

And when the military tried to change it they got metaphorically shot at by the public and their political masters (can also be the other way round that the politician saw the loss rates and tried to change the pants colour and got the bad press).

And plus, the red dye they used for the pants was supplied by Germany...
I got that information too, the French started the war in bright red pants and blue overalls.

And when the military tried to change it they got metaphorically shot at by the public and their political masters (can also be the other way round that the politician saw the loss rates and tried to change the pants colour and got the bad press).
I can't find it now, but there's a clip from The Great War where Steven Westermann (SP?) describes the french in 'beautiful sky-blue coats' in the 1914 battles. Apparently they made wonderful targets. It's split with a french soldier describing germans advancing in squares and getting cut down in exactly the same way.
You know, at this point, how long is it until the French decide to cut their losses and bow out of the war? If that happens, Belgium goes as well, plus the Russians.

It would be a very interesting reversal to have the Western Front end before the Eastern Front ITTL. But then again, Nivelle is obviously a better general tha Von Falkhayen, and I've received reports that Victory is merely Six Hours Away-- for the last two weeks.
You know, at this point, how long is it until the French decide to cut their losses and bow out of the war? If that happens, Belgium goes as well, plus the Russians.

It would be a very interesting reversal to have the Western Front end before the Eastern Front ITTL. But then again, Nivelle is obviously a better general tha Von Falkhayen, and I've received reports that Victory is merely Six Hours Away-- for the last two weeks.
I guess you could say Robert Nivelle is the best general Germany has.