Map Thread XI

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I have now made a collective thread for all material not related to Earth, or to politics/states/...

You can discuss all alternate planets, suns, stars, or solar systems in the new thread!

By the way, could you, Dorozhand, copy all material relating to Huitzilopochtli over into the new thread, and carry on discussions there, too?
Little Map made mostly for fun - a possible loyalist British North America.

The premise is that the War of the Three Kingdoms grinds on and resurfaces so instead of the Glorious revolution there is a Second Interregnum and so forth - this leads to royalists periodically fleeing to the growing American colonies. New England which IOTL was more inclined towards the Commonwealth eventually becomes independent as a rampant xenophobic republican regime which frightens the south into following the English line until eventually reforms are introduced in the late 1800s to create a cross Atlantic parliament.

Loyalist Large II.png
Little Map made mostly for fun - a possible loyalist British North America.

The premise is that the War of the Three Kingdoms grinds on and resurfaces so instead of the Glorious revolution there is a Second Interregnum and so forth - this leads to royalists periodically fleeing to the growing American colonies. New England which IOTL was more inclined towards the Commonwealth eventually becomes independent as a rampant xenophobic republican regime which frightens the south into following the English line until eventually reforms are introduced in the late 1800s to create a cross Atlantic parliament.

Out of curiosity, why are they called provinces? The only reason Canada has provinces instead of states is because of our French colonial history and french minority. Nearly everywhere else in the British Empire had states, parishes, or regions.
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The detail is great, particularly how the life on the various planets isn't just different carbon copies (haha) of terrestrial life. .

Well, yeah, this is what our solar system was like back in the golden era of SF, a lively sort of place, before annoying ol' reality came along and killed everything dead, dead, dead.... :)

Out of curiosity, why are they called provinces? The only reason Canada has provinces instead of states is because of our French colonial history and french minority. Pretty much everywhere else in the British Empire had states.

The British American colonies were officially called "Province of X" (or in a few cases "X Colony") prior to the American Revolution. "State" implied sovereignty at the time.
I hope it qualifies as a map, as I don't know where to put it.


1-There are two forms of interaction: quantitative and qualitative.
1.1-Qualitative interaction is responsible for transmutation.

2-Elements are classified in two poles: masculine and feminine.
2.1-Certain elements show a neutral polarity.
2.2Trans-polar interaction can be quantitative, but never qualitative.

3-Cardinal elements are responsible for the formation of all the other elements.
3.1-A cardinal element cannot be obtained by transmutation.

4-The slightest disturbance during a qualitative interaction will interrupt the process, save for interactions that involve iron.
4.1-Disturbance during a qualitative interaction with iron will produce an aberrant element.

Nice, Goldstein. What's an "aberrant element?"



The British American colonies were officially called "Province of X" (or in a few cases "X Colony") prior to the American Revolution. "State" implied sovereignty at the time.
"State" is still sinónimous of "National goverment" or "Country" outside of USA.
Heres a fantasy map that I've been working on for along time. Its basically a map detailing the world before the first human migration south due to a the "Great Freezing" of their homelands. I really suck at giving explanations for how something looks like as you can see when I attempt to explain how the various races look like.

I like this! i'd love to see the next map in this series!


Nice, Goldstein. What's an "aberrant element

An element that is produced by the corruption of a normal transmutation process. For some reason it only happens to iron. It is a concept I made up, as most of it. It is loosely based on real alchemical concepts and, mainly, Ramon Llull's charts (quite a character, Llull. He thought logics and mysticism were united, and tried to build a logical machine that could prove the truth of Christianity without any margin of error -the truth or falsehood of anything, actually. He died lynched by a bunch of Muslims he tried to persuade by that method. He left many beautiful charts in the process).


Little Map made mostly for fun - a possible loyalist British North America.

The premise is that the War of the Three Kingdoms grinds on and resurfaces so instead of the Glorious revolution there is a Second Interregnum and so forth - this leads to royalists periodically fleeing to the growing American colonies. New England which IOTL was more inclined towards the Commonwealth eventually becomes independent as a rampant xenophobic republican regime which frightens the south into following the English line until eventually reforms are introduced in the late 1800s to create a cross Atlantic parliament.

Nice concept, though some of the borders are a tad convergent for that POD. (Some already existed, some are fairly inevitable due to geographical features such as mountains and rivers, but some stick out).
I think one could combine the eastern bits of the purple line with the Sunderland-South Shields line via a tunnel under the Tyne, thus creating a north-south link that's independent of Newcastle. As for the grey shapes, I'd imagine those represent zones, but it doesn't really make sense since fares are different within the zones as well as between them.

Being independent of Newcastle is something I'm trying to avoid. Routing as many lines as possible through Newcastle is desirable.
I thought of a shields tunnel considering I've done other far out never gonna happen things but meh.

Zones ey?...hmm....that was a worry...
Nice concept, though some of the borders are a tad convergent for that POD. (Some already existed, some are fairly inevitable due to geographical features such as mountains and rivers, but some stick out).

Should really have tried to incorporate Vandalia in the shape and concept originally proposed but I couldn't get the border to look right.
The Pentagon was bombed and a US Senator was killed. I suppose they could try fabricating evidence to pin it on some sort of terrorist organization here on Earth, but that could backfire. As in, the American people and the members of Congress uninformed of the Stargate would demand a war with someone.

They could say it was the result of domestic terrorists or a small, non-aligned foreign terrorist group and then say that the leadership and those who knew about the operation were all killed during the raid.

Atlantis was cloaked, but didn't it create a fireball when coming down through the atmosphere?

It did when in-atmos above the Pacific, but slowed down long before getting near the city, so to anyone on Earth it'd have looked like a meteor burning-up in the atmosphere over the ocean.

That's the result of Australia forming in a similar way to the United States; the few other Federations that use the term State to refer to administrative divisions are the result of having histories where power was greatly devolved and some parts were independent for awhile.
Here's a relatively conservative map about a more stable early 20th Century.
Basically, the POD is Spain facing a worse economic situation in the late 1880s and early 90s, and accepting an offer to sell all their Pacific possessions to Japan in 1892. From what I understand, the Phillipines alone is arguably more valuable than all the OTL gains from the Sino and Russo-Japanese wars combined, meaning that these two wars are butterflied away. Instead, Japan and China actually become closer to one another, economically and diplomatically, eventually deciding to set up an Anti-Imperial Alliance against the Europeans. Due to the situation in Asia, and without a Russo-Japanese war to undermine Russia, the european powers are at tensions until early 1915, after a diplomatic meeting starts to cool things off, with Austria giving up the rebellious Polish Provinces, which actually helps the country economically. Without the Balkan Wars (again butterflied), the Ottomans become increasingly unstable, and when an uprising occurs, the Great Powers decide it is time to dismantle the sick man of Europe and take what it has to offer. This helps improve relations between the remaining powers, as many of them gain better relations. Italy, without Libya is allowed to take Ethiopia and build its Empire there. The year is now 1925, and the world is surprisingly well off. But will it remain so forever? The discovery of oil in the Middle East is sure to set something off eventually...

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Here's a relatively conservative map about a more stable early 20th Century.
Basically, the POD is Spain facing a worse economic situation in the late 1880s and early 90s, and accepting an offer to sell all their Pacific possessions to Japan in 1892. From what I understand, the Phillipines alone is arguably more valuable than all the OTL gains from the Sino and Russo-Japanese wars combined, meaning that these two wars are butterflied away. Instead, Japan and China actually become closer to one another, economically and diplomatically, eventually deciding to set up an Anti-Imperial Alliance against the Europeans. Due to the situation in Asia, and without a Russo-Japanese war to undermine Russia, the european powers are at tensions until early 1915, after a diplomatic meeting starts to cool things off, with Austria giving up the rebellious Polish Provinces, which actually helps the country economically. Without the Balkan Wars (again butterflied), the Ottomans become increasingly unstable, and when an uprising occurs, the Great Powers decide it is time to dismantle the sick man of Europe and take what it has to offer. This helps improve relations between the remaining powers, as many of them gain better relations. Italy, without Libya is allowed to take Ethiopia and build its Empire there. The year is now 1925, and the world is surprisingly well off.

nice idea and I like the map :D but why is Taiwan Japanese if there was no Sino-Japanese war? :confused:
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