Map Thread X

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America wouldn't annex Cuba for any reason I can forsee - annexations aren't really a thing, anymore. They certainly aren't going to annex Afghanistan. China isn't going to be able to take Taiwan without a full-scale war between them and the USA, unless you handwave a wildly more successful unification movement I can't see China annexing Mongolia without the Russians getting involved. Quebec still has mystifying borders. Israel has enough problems without adding Lebanon to the mix. Japan appears to have annexed Jeju Island from South Korea. Tasmania has no independence movement whatsoever, neither does Kangaroo Island nor Bathurst or Melville Island.

What is the point of these maps? Where's the storyline or timeline? What's the POD?

Please start from the basemap in my sig - the one you're using is awful.
I imagine a second Cold War to take place between the US and China, nearly identical to the original one with the Soviet Union. America takes over Cuba to prevent the spread of communism, and Afganistan is too unstable to govern itself, so the United States has set up a temporary government, until a more permanent one can be installed. China already officially owns Taiwan and has made a military alliance with Russia, which also allows China to officially control Mongolia, but gives Russia a significant influence on it. Quebec’s borders, missing land from Australia and Jeju Island are just mistakes.
I imagine a second Cold War to take place between the US and China, nearly identical to the original one with the Soviet Union. America takes over Cuba to prevent the spread of communism, and Afganistan is too unstable to govern itself, so the United States has set up a temporary government, until a more permanent one can be installed. China already officially owns Taiwan and has made a military alliance with Russia, which also allows China to officially control Mongolia, but gives Russia a significant influence on it. Quebec’s borders, missing land from Australia and Jeju Island are just mistakes.

If America hasnt invaded Cuba in the 50 plus years of Castro or latin ameirca with the Chavez pink tide recently why would it suddenly do so ? Even at the height of the cold war with Cuban troops in other countries to US did nothing like that.
No, because of the following:

1. Why/How in the Blue Fuck does Quebec have eastern Ontario, part of New Brunswick and half of Labrador?

2. Why does America have Haida Gwaii, and parts of the west coast?

3. How and Why does America have Cuba?

4. Why do the British hold French Possessions in the Caribbean?

5. Why does Israel have Lebanon? That's called national suicide for Israel.

6. Why is Denmark missing territory/why do the British have the Faroes?

7. What is up with the Korean border?

8. Why would China even want Mongolia?

9. Why is there no Lake Nicaragua?

10. Why/How is Tasmania independent?

11. Why does America seemingly own the Seychelles?

12. Why would Portugal and Spain merge?
1. I messed up on the borders.
2. I thought it was part of Alaska, so I accidentally colored it in.
3. To prevent the spread of communism from China
4/6. Again, another mistake
5. Israel does not officially own Lebanon, but after a recent war, they control it
7. In an attempt to please the democratic West, Kim Jong-un tries to somewhat demilitarize North Korea. Because of this period of weakness, the US and South Korea push the border farther up north.
8. More land and power
9. Where's that?
10. Mistake
11. That’s not actually the same blue as America. I had that as part of the British Commonwealth on an older map, but because the color looked too close to America, I changed it. I eventually did away with the Commonwealth color altogether, but I guess I forgot about that one.
12. Nearly identical constitutions and languages, shared history and culture, plus it takes less money to maintain two countries than it does for one.
1. I messed up on the borders.
2. I thought it was part of Alaska, so I accidentally colored it in.
3. To prevent the spread of communism from China
4/6. Again, another mistake
5. Israel does not officially own Lebanon, but after a recent war, they control it
7. In an attempt to please the democratic West, Kim Jong-un tries to somewhat demilitarize North Korea. Because of this period of weakness, the US and South Korea push the border farther up north.
8. More land and power
9. Where's that?
10. Mistake
11. That’s not actually the same blue as America. I had that as part of the British Commonwealth on an older map, but because the color looked too close to America, I changed it. I eventually did away with the Commonwealth color altogether, but I guess I forgot about that one.
12. Nearly identical constitutions and languages, shared history and culture, plus it takes less money to maintain two countries than it does for one.

Point 8 doesnt really work - if Mongolia was valuable as land it wouldnt exist today as a country - the fact it isnt one of the reasons why it continues to exist between two great powers.
Does nobody else take issue with this mystical "middle east" which stretches from the Western Sahara to Pakistan? It seems that Superman just thought "meh, they're all muslim" and filled in all the countries without even bothering to erase or recolour the borders.

Then, of course, there is that enclave in the Netherlands.
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If America hasnt invaded Cuba in the 50 plus years of Castro or latin ameirca with the Chavez pink tide recently why would it suddenly do so ? Even at the height of the cold war with Cuban troops in other countries to US did nothing like that.
That and Congress illegalized the possible annexation of Cuba before the end of the Spanish-American War.
Does nobody else take issue with this mystical "middle east" which stretches from the Western Sahara to Pakistan? It seems that Superman just thought "meh, they're all muslim" and filled in all the countries without even bothering to erase or recolour the borders.

Then, of course, there is that enclave in the Netherlands.
They're not supposed to represent one country, just a bunch that act like one. And the enclave was already on the base map I used. I don't know what it is, I just thought it was supposed to be there.
12. Nearly identical constitutions and languages, shared history and culture, plus it takes less money to maintain two countries than it does for one.

err what?

You obviously know nothing about Spain or Portugal...

Their constitutions are nothing alike since one is a monarchy and one is a republic.

Also about the languages, Spain has like 8 languages...only one is even remotely like Portuguese.

They're not supposed to represent one country, just a bunch that act like one.

Yes like Iran, Jordan, UAE and Morocco act all the same because they're EVOL MUSLIMS!!!!!1! (Minus Bangladesh, central asia, Malaysia, Bosnia and Indonesia because they aren't in the middle east so they aren't Evol muslims yeh brah?)
1. I messed up on the borders.

So, why not fix the borders? Especially if you're going to post that and ask "is this better"?

2. I thought it was part of Alaska, so I accidentally colored it in.

This is why we always check before we colour in.

3. To prevent the spread of communism from China

That makes no sense either presently, or in the past 50 years.

4/6. Again, another mistake

And you didn't bother to correct that before posting the map and asking if it was "better"? :confused:

5. Israel does not officially own Lebanon, but after a recent war, they control it

Again, why would Israel want that problem? The Palestinian territories are enough of a headache/point of contention for Israel; why would they want to stretch themselves trying to control an already independent, conflict-ridden, sectarian, and populous state that is being influenced by Syria and by extension, Iran?

7. In an attempt to please the democratic West, Kim Jong-un tries to somewhat demilitarize North Korea. Because of this period of weakness, the US and South Korea push the border farther up north.

This makes no sense for three really obvious reasons:

1. The North Korean regime would never do something like that.

2. The DMZ is the most heavily fortified and guarded border in the world. It is full of mines, traps, and military infrastructure. That is not going to change any time soon.

3. North Korea would never let them push the border at all without coming to full-scale war, which would bring about the fall of North Korea, which they would not want. yet, they could not simply let the US and South Korea push the border. Assuming that is mindboggling.

8. More land and power

That makes no sense. Mongolia isn't land and power; it's several million more mouths to feed, more borders to patrol, more infrastructure to be invested in, and would only worsen the Inner Mongolia independence/ethnic tension problem; something China doesn't need more of. Also, the international community would strongly condemn such a move. There's nothing worth China's trouble and time in Mongolia.

9. Where's that?

Reference a map and find out.

10. Mistake

And you didn't think to fix it? :confused:

11. That’s not actually the same blue as America. I had that as part of the British Commonwealth on an older map, but because the color looked too close to America, I changed it. I eventually did away with the Commonwealth color altogether, but I guess I forgot about that one.

Friendly advice: if two nations share a colour that is too close together, it's probably a good idea to change that colour.

12. Nearly identical constitutions and languages, shared history and culture, plus it takes less money to maintain two countries than it does for one.

Yeah, no. Not at all the case.

Besides, if that's your logic, why not just have America and Canada join together. :rolleyes:
They're not supposed to represent one country, just a bunch that act like one. And the enclave was already on the base map I used. I don't know what it is, I just thought it was supposed to be there.

So Iran is best buddies with Iraq (where they've promoted sectarian conflict), the Gulf Monarchies (Sunni government, Shi'a people), Saudi Arabia (pretty much a cold war between them atm), and Egypt (other major power they don't get along with), Syria's kissed and made up with Iraq and Jordan, Egypt's accepted the Sudanese border as true and then joined hands with them, and Algeria, Morocco and Western Sahara are dancing through the flower fields despite the fact that Western Sahara sees Morocco as an occupying power, Morocco views the Western Saharan government as illegal and Algeria provides refuge for the Western Sharans because they've got other disputes with Morocco futher North?

Despite what the American media might imply, the Middle East is about as full of complicated political divisions as Africa.
err what?

Yes like Iran, Jordan, UAE and Morocco act all the same because they're EVOL MUSLIMS!!!!!1! (Minus Bangladesh, central asia, Malaysia, Bosnia and Indonesia because they aren't in the middle east so they aren't Evol muslims yeh brah?)

u frogot albania and turkey (lol chicken!). they r good moslims because nato to fite against russia and putin!!!!11

Not but seriously, that's one of the worst maps I have ever seen.
u forgot Albania and turkey (lol chicken!). they r good moslims because NATO to fite against Russia and Putin!!!!11

Not but seriously, that's one of the worst maps I have ever seen.
That is actually why I kept Albania and Turkey out of the Middle East
Fixed up the map from New York, New York.

The world in 2012. The major world economic powers are the United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, Japan, Korea, the German Empire, New York, and California. The major alliances are the Grand Alliance (UK, Germany, Italy, New York, New England, California, Texas, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand), the Communist International (Soviet Union, Mongolia, Manchuria, People's Republic of China, Korea, East Turkestan, Tuvan People's Republic, Afghanistan, South Yemen, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and Cuba). The United States, France, Spain, Austria, Japan, Mexico, Republic of China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, India all form the International Alliance of Democratic Nations (IADN), a third way alliance that is somewhat nationalist, and of the three major alliances in the world are the most controversial.

They're not supposed to represent one country, just a bunch that act like one. And the enclave was already on the base map I used. I don't know what it is, I just thought it was supposed to be there.

I would highly recommend increasing your geographical knowledge of the world before making a world map.
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