Hearts of Iron IV "Fictionalization."

  • Took a shot of swapping Asian countries. A bit harder due to there being less.

    British Raj/India
    Cambodia/Vietmahl(Destroy All Humans)
    Guangxi Clique/Kyrat(Far Cry 4)
    Kazakhstan/Ardistan(Ardistan and Djinnistan).
    Korea/Hun Chiu(Designated Survivor)
    Laos/Lugash(Pink Panther)
    Nepal/Khurai’n(Ace Attorney)
    People’s republic of China
    Philippines/Luggnagg and Glubbdubdrib(Gulliver’s travels)
    Tannu Tuva/Kuala Rokat(Mission Impossible episode: The Seal)
    Tibet/Shambhalla or Shangri-La
    Vietnam/Sarkhan(The Ugly American)
    Xibei San Ma/Yul(Hong Gildong Jeon)

    Yunnan/Kuumandra(Raya and the Last Dragon)

    Home of Borat in this Universe.

    A country featured in a Ministry of Defence Education Outreach Programme workshop. In the background to the scenario presented during the workshop, Dacan is described as being an oil-rich country which was once a British colony and is currently a member of the Commonwealth; at the beginning of the scenario proper, the government of Dacan orders the arrest of the leadership of a political party that seeks independence for the country's Chiswan province. The fallout from the arrests leads to a civil war breaking out, with the resulting closure of Dacan's airports and borders meaning that foreign nationals are stranded in the country; these include British nationals who are involved with Dacan's oil industry. The unrest, combined with a humanitarian situation stemming from a poor harvest, means that Dacan is faced with a major crisis that must be responded to by those participating in the workshop.

    Hun Chiu
    Hun Chiu could be split among West Hun Chiu(South Korea) and East Hun Chiu(North Korea).

    India in this universe gained its independence following the 1898 Martian invasion. It is now a constitutional monarchy. The long lost Nemo family has returned to it, the original Nemo's daughter, Janni Dakkar, is technically Queen but the Nemo's still prefer to command the seas in their mighty Nautilus submarines, the fleet led be Armand Robur, who is the splitting image of the Classic Captain Nemo appearance. Meanwhile the Prime Minister role is taken by two men, Mowgli Sethi(The Jungle Book), and Sohan Bhai(Our Ghandi Analogue from the novel Happy). Bhai specifically is likely to nuke you, should he gain WMDs. It may also be home to the Midnight Children from the series of the same name, children who were born and gained superpowers when India was declared independence, basically being mutants. You may also have to be weary of a young and seemingly immortal but superhuman being named Khan Noonien Singh.


    not much to say on this one.

    Kuala Rokat


    yeah from a Movie that hasn't come out yet. May be one of a few places with access to Dragons.

    An Absolute Monarchy, originally under the East India company in the source material. Is a monarchy with factions fighting for control.

    From the Pink Panther. Based on India but placed here.

    Luggnagg and Glubbdubdrib
    Yeah I'm thinking maybe the islands near Japan from Gulliver's Travels unite to become the Phillipines. The Gulliver Islands are the pending titles since most have fairly complex to spell names.

    While I see Madripoor as a Singapore stand in, I placed it as Mengkukuo to have it active in the game.

    Could be replaced but I chose to arrange it to keep the name Manchuria for the sake of keeping The Manchurian Candidate.

    The Vietnam war becomes the Sarkhan War. For a Ho Chin Minh analogue I was thinking Wong-Chu, who in the Comics was responsible for kidnapping Tony Stark in the 60's. Sarkhan does not exist as a nation at 1936 start

    Also known as Shangri-La Previously led by Father Perrault in Lost Horizon. Now led by Robert Conway. Also likely to include the Ancient One and Dr.Parnassus.

    At this point just a name change.

    Home to the Komeer Beige Army, a parody and replacement for the Khmer Rouge Army. Led by Trahn, a stand in for Pol Pt. Vietmahl does not exist as a nation at 1936 start

    Bair Khan from Storm over Asia and Shiwan Khan, archenemy of The Shadow, are likely rival Leaders.

    Admittedly this is from a Korean work, Hong Gildeon Jeon. Though I see a potential Hun Chiu movement to reclaim it.
    American Portraits
  • On the topic of America, we look a bit earlier, starting at 1936.


    Peeter J. Varney is the standard leader in 1936, occupying FDR's slot, though I'll mention that if Varney loses the 1936 election, he won't be coming back, unlike base game FDR. Varney's picture is technically a picture of his actor, George Cohen, rather than a shot from the movie.


    Berzelius Windrip, meanwhile, is the Republican candidate in 1936. While Windrip can be played Democratic, he's also the default leader of the Fascist party. Given the MTG US focus tree, this leads in pretty easily. Windrip's picture is from one of the stage adaptions of It Can't Happen Here.

    America Craig Stanley.png

    Craig Stanley is a third 1936 candidate (woah!) and actually represents Independent parties. He'll also be the leader in the 1939 start date after some "trouble" with Windrip. If he's president he'll run for reelection in 1940 also, but not in 44. His picture is taken from the film adaption of The President Vanishes.


    Jefferson Smith is the 1940 Republican candidate, from Mr. Smith goes to Washington. He'll only run though if Windrip lost in 1936 (and remained Democratic), otherwise Windrip will run for reelection.


    Joe Steele, the Democratic 1940 candidate if Varney lost in 1936. There's something kinda funny about using the base-game Stalin portrait.


    John Lindsay is the Republican candidate in 1944 if the Republicans aren't in charge already. In this case, his picture is of his actor rather than specifically something from the movie.


    Mikie Thingmaker, aside from being the potential Democratic candidate in 1944, is also the default Communist leader. His portrait though is Henry Wallace's from Kaiserreich, since Wallace supporting (or at least being okay with) Communism is surprisingly common.


    Hockstader, portrayed with a picture of his actor Lee Tracy, takes Truman's spot. Currently, the Truman event will only fire if Varney's still in office and dies, though that'll be something that might change later.


    MacArthur (namechange pending maybe) is now the default non-aligned leader. While this occurs in MTG USA's Fascist path, I just made it so he'll show up even if America doesn't do that path.


    Ted Scott is this world's counterpart to Lindbergh and even uses his portrait. Currently he'll only show up in the same spot as base game's Lindbergh through the Fascist path.
    Countries and their Replacements-Complete Map(circa 1993)
  • I popped over to another timeline called You the People which did the Fictional stand in rule as well. He had an alternate version of Yakko's world used to indicate which country replaced what. Now I think the actual song would be very different such as rhyming different countries but here's a rough idea of what the world around 1993 with some other additions thrown in. To Clarify this is not what I want the final map to look like. I think this is too much, but it's good for ideas. This will include replacements only. Though most other nations are still named the same(and some like Transylvania included).
    • Central America
      • Belize/Puerto Guavo(Joe 90 Episode "The Big Fish")
      • Costa Rica/Costa Grava(Chuck)
      • El Salvador/Boca Grande(A Book of Common Prayer)
      • Guatemala/Maguadora(Whoops Apocalypse)
      • Honduras/Anchuria(Cabbages and Kings)
      • Nicaragua/Val Verde(Predator,Commando, Die Hard 2)
      • Panama/Isthmus(James Bond: License to Kill)
    • Caribbean
      • Bahamas/Barclay Island, also known as "The Barclays"(The Deceiver)
      • Barbados/Saint Honore(Agatha Christie Novel "A Caribbean Mystery")
      • Cayman/Cascara(1985 Film Water)
      • Cuba/Tropico(Tropico)
      • Dominican Republic/Costa Luna(Princess Protection Program)
      • Haiti/Costa Estralia(Princess Protection Program)
      • Jamaica/Cayuna(Novels by John Hearne)
      • Puerto Rico/Santa Prisca(DC Comics)
      • San Juan/San Lorenzo(The Cat's Cradle)
      • Tobago/Saint Marie(Death in Paradise)
    • Atlantic and Antarctic Island Nations
      • Bermuda/San Marcos(Alarm für Cobra 11 – Die Autobahnpolizei)
      • Greenland/Tsalal(The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym)
    • South America
      • Argentina/Mandoras(They Saved Hitler's Brain)
      • Bolivia/Miranda(The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie)
      • Brazil/Diamantara(Michiko & Hatchin)
      • Chile/Olifa(The Courts of the Morning)
      • Columbia/Andes Mallorca(Strike Commander)
      • Ecuador/Palombia(Spirou et Fantasio and Marsupilami comics)
      • The Falklands/Pepperland(Yellow Submarine)
      • French Guiana/Nuevo Rico(The Adventures of Tintin)
      • Guyana/British Hidalgo(Limekiller, Doc Savage)
      • Paraguay/Coronado(Coronado)
      • Peru/Parador(Moon over Parador)
      • Suriname/San Theodoros(The Adventures of Tintin)
      • Uruguay/Santales(Mission Impossible Episode "Trek")
      • Venezuala/San Pasquale(Commander in Chief)
    • Europe
      • Albania/Freedonia(Duck Soup)
      • Andorra/Alsander(King of Alsander)
      • Austria/Osterlich(the Great Dictator)
      • Belarus/Graustark(George Barr McCutcheon Novels)
      • Belgium/Austrania(1914 film The Last Volunteer)
      • Bulgaria/Vulgaria(Chitty Chitty Bang Bang)
      • Bosnia and Herzegovina/Kaznia(DC Comics)
      • Crete/Al Amarja(Over the Edge)
      • Crimea/Hav(Letters from Hav)
      • Cyprus/Mypos(the Perfect Strangers)
      • Czechoslavakia/Ixania(The Dark Frontier)
      • Denmark/The Southern Isles(Frozen)
      • Eastern Slavonia/Bandrika(The Lady Vanishes)
      • Estonia/Sokovia(Marvel Cinematic Universe)
      • Finland/Cimmeria(Conan the Barbarian/If on a Winter's Night a Traveller...)
      • Georgia/Pottsylvania(Rocky and Bullwinkle)
      • Hungary/Zubrowka(The Grand Buddhapest Hotel)
      • Iceland/Ahtollan(Frozen 2)
      • Ireland/Balinderry(The Six Million Dollar Man)
      • Italy/Bacteria(The Great Dictator)
      • Kosovo/Moronica(The Three Stooges shorts "You Nazty Spy" and "I'll Never Heil Again")
      • Latvia/Latveria(Marvel Comics)
      • Liechenstein/Drusselstein(Phineas and Ferb)
      • Lithuania/Baltish(Baltish)
      • Luxembourg/Dreisenberg(The Secret Service)
      • Macedonia/Krakozhia(The Terminal)
      • Malta/Themyscira(DC Comics)
      • Moldova/Borduria(The Adventures of Tintin)
      • Monaco/Genovia(The Princess Diaries)
      • Montenegro/Syldavia(The Adventures of Tintin)
      • Norway/Arendelle(Frozen)
      • Poland/Arztozka(Papers, Please)
      • Portugal/Neutralia(Arrival and Departure)
      • Romania/Ruritania(Prisoner of Zenda)
      • Serbia/Lutha(The Mad King)
      • Spain/Maestrazgo(Blog de Heraldica)
      • Ukraine/Charnarus(Arma 2 and DayZ)
      • Yugoslavia/Yudonia(Drake and Josh)
    • Middle East
      • Abu Dhabi/Abuddin(Tyrant)
      • Afghanistan/Helmajistan(Full Metal Panic)
      • Azerbaijan/Atropia(US Military exercises)
      • Bahrain/Ishtar(Ishtar)
      • Dubai/Duban(Mad TV/Modern Warfare 3)
      • Jordan/Hatay(Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)
      • Kurdistan/Vudistan(DC Comics)
      • Lebanon/Oran(The Mark and the Void)
      • Oman/Qumar(The West Wing)
      • Pakistan/Adjikastan(SOCOM: Navy SEALS Combined Assault).
      • Palestine/Khemed(The Adventures of Tintin)
      • Qatar/Matar(Florence of Arabia)
      • Saudi Arabia/Wasabia(Florence of Arabia)
      • Turkey/Kemalia(Military Exercises)
      • United Arab Emirates/Unaudited Arab Emirates(San Sombrero: A Land of Carnivals, Cocktails, and Coups)
      • Yemen/Kunami(Designated Survivor)
    • Asia
      • Armenia/Dacan(Ministry of Defense Game)
      • Bangladesh/Bahavia (Cory in the House)
      • Bhurma/Ragaan(The Embassy)
      • Bhutan/Kurain(Ace Attorney)
      • Borneo/Sunda(State of Siege)
      • Brunei/Bultan(Designated Survivor)
      • Indonesia/Sondonesia(The Adventures of Tintin)
      • Kampuchea/Iriadeska(The Day the Martians Came)
      • Kazakhstan/Ardistan(Ardistan and Djinnistan)
      • Kuwait/Qumran(Yes, Minister)
      • Kyrgyzstan/Tazbekistan(The Real Ambassadors, MI5, andSpooks)
      • Hong Kong/Kong King(Team Fortress 2)
      • Korea/Hun Chiu(Designated Survivor)
      • Kuwait/Qumran(Yes Minister)
      • Laos/Lugash(The Pink Panther)
      • Malaysia/Kuala Rokat(Mission Impossible)
      • Nepal/Kyrat(Far Cry 4)
      • Singapore/Madripoor(Marvel Comics)
      • Sri Lanka/Taprobane(Taprobane)
      • Sumatra/Patusan(Lord Jim)
      • Taiwan/Zheng Fa(Ace Attorney
      • Tajikistan/Takistan(Arma II: Operation Arrowhead)
      • Thailand/Udon Khai(DC Comics)
      • Turkey/Kemalia(US Military Exercises)
      • Turkmenistan/Turmezistan(Doctor Who)
      • Uzbekistan/Ubeki-beki-beki-stan-stan(Joke made by Herman Cain)
      • Vietnam/Sarkhan(The Ugly American)
    • Oceania and Pacific Countries
      • American Samoa/Caspak(The Land that Time Forgot)
      • Fiji/Utopia(Thomas More's Utopia, and Gilbert and Sullivan's Utopia Unlimited)
      • Guam/Guarma(Red Dead Redemption 2)
      • New Caledonia/Spensonia(Thomas Pence writings)
      • New Guinea/Banoi(Dead Island)
      • New Zealand/Samaru Island(Sea Patrol)
      • Palau/Panau(Just Cause)
      • The Solomon Islands/Rook Islands(Far Cry 3)
      • Tonga/Toga Toga Islands(The A Team)
    • Africa
      • Algeria/Birani(The Gods Must be Crazy)
      • Algiers/Bahari(Scorpion)
      • Angola/Samgola(Oh Shucks... Here Comes UNTAG)
      • Benin and Togo/Beninia(Stand on Zanzibar)
      • Botswana/Botswanga(Le Crocodile du Botswanga)
      • Burundi/Bangalla(The Phantom)
      • Burkina Faso/Bonande and Nayak(Night of Truth)
      • Camaroon/Lagosia(Mission Impossible)
      • Cape Verde/Atlantis(Various)
      • Central African Republic/Neranga(Rumpole and the Golden Thread)
      • Chad/Odan(Blindspot)
      • Congo/Bongo Congo(King Leonardo and his Short Subjects)
      • Dahomey/Dhomalias(Stand on Zanzibar)
      • Djibouti/Nambutu(Casino Royale)
      • Ethiopia/Zamunda(Coming to America)
      • Eritrea/Wadiya(The Dictator)
      • Eswatini(Swaziland)/Kivukiland(Mr.Bones)
      • Equatorial Guinea/Republic of Zangaro(The Dogs of War)
      • Fernando Pó/Fernando Poo(The Illuminatus! Trilogy)
      • Gabon/Guadec(Spooks)
      • Gambia/Baggi(The Odd Couple)
      • Ghana/Talgalla(The Real Ambassadors)
      • Guinea/Katanga(The Dogs of War)
      • Guinea-Bissau/Ngombwana(Black as He's Painted)
      • Ivory Coast/Bulungi(The Onion)
      • Kenya/Zarakal(No Enemy but Time)
      • Lesotho/Sotho(Kustenwache)
      • Liberia/Ligeria(Insecurity)
      • Libya/Carbombya(Transformers)
      • Madagascar/Genosha(Marvel Comics)
      • Malawi/Malagawi(Le Professional)
      • Mali/Lyrobia(Totally Spies)
      • Maore/Shakobi(That's So Raven)
      • Mauritania/Maurania(Paradise)
      • Morocco/Nmkwami(Changeover)
      • Mozambique/Vagondu(Smoke Before Fire)
      • Namibia/Nambabwe(oh Shucks...here comes UNTAG)
      • Niger/Numbani(Overwatch)
      • Nigeria/Nibia(Ace Ventura:When Nature Calls)
      • Rhodesia/Bocamo(Mission Impossible TV Series)
      • Rwanda/Equatorial Kundu(West Wing/Newsroom/iZombie)
      • Sao Tome and Principe/Balaika(When the Laughter Stops)
      • Sudan/Kharun(Danish TV Show Borgen)
      • Senegal/Kenyopia(Totally Spies)
      • Sierra Leone/West African Union(SeaFighter)
      • Somalia/Zanj(The Coup)
      • South Africa/Draka(The Domination of the Draka)
      • Swaziland/Suaoriland(The Secret History)
      • Tanzania/Sangala(24)
      • Tunisia/Ghalea(Mission Impossible Episode "the Money Machine")
      • Uganda/Wakanda(Marvel)
      • Zaire/Kangan(Anthills in the Savannah)
      • Zambia/Kambezi(Macgyver/Blindspot)
      • Zimbabwe/Matobo(The Interpreter)
    -Both Cayman and Cascara are British Colonies. One possibility is the 80's would see the Cascara Wars as an analogue of the Falklands War.

    -Tsalal actually play more of a role here. As they are a people connected to the Mountains of Madness and the story of A Colder War, which has the Cold War being fought with Lovecraftian monsters, so the Tsalal in Greenland are actually quite important. This Greenland also might have a base connected to Santa Claus himself, who magically gives gifts to all leaders and soldiers on Christmas Day and Coal to the Naughty.

    -Pepperland is another possible Falklands analogue, this time geographically. The idea being James Winston Pepper and his yellow submersible discovered it and claimed it for Britain and now maybe Mandoras wants to claim it.

    -Peru in this timeline was the sight where the Incas fought off the Spaniards under the leadership of Emperor Kuzco and his Dragons(based off Tremaire). As such Peru, or possibly its analogue, may in fact be larger, to some extent mirroring the borders of the old Incan Empire.

    -The original plan for Yemen was to have it split West and East instead of North and South(which also happens with Hun Chiu and is based on Yes, Minister), but I decided that didn't change enough

    -The names of Dacan and Kemalia both come from Military exercises. Kemalia explicitly is the name used by the US for plans involving a War in Turkey.

    -Utopia is a composite of the two mentioned sources.

    -Cape Verde as Atlantis is kind of a joke, although if we needed an easy nation to replace to create Atlantis in the game we now have one.

    -In real Life Swaziland became Eswatani but I chose to make them both separate in listing. Same is true for their stand ins.

    -Ghambia was chosen to be Baggi because in the Odd Couple, Baggi is mentioned as having been formed "Yesteday". Gambia gained Independence the same year The Odd Couple play that makes the mention premiered.

    -Nibia was chosen to take Nigeria's place because the Bat is sacred in both countries.

    -Originally the ethiopia stand in was Ishmaelia from Scoop but the desire to fit in Wakanda and Zamunda won out. Ethiopia has a lot of history to draw from that wouldn't exist if Wakanda replaced it, so Zamunda was chosen for the role while Wakanda is in Uganda's place. I originally though that maybe in this universe Jaffe Joffer was a little closer to being this Universe's Idi Amin.
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    US Cities
  • Here's a first draft of list and cities with the idea that these are just renames of cities and States in the Game without adding any new ones.


    Cleveland-Metro City(Megamind).
    Columbus-Amity Park(Danny Phantom)

    Boston-Arkham, Massachusetts(Cthulhu Mythos)
    Providence-Innsmouth, Massacusetts(Cthulhu Mythos).
    Bangor-Derry, Maine(It and other Stephen King works).

    New York/Metropolis(DC Comics).
    Buffalo/Illium(Kurt Vonnegut Stories)

    NEW JERSEY/NEW GUERNSEY(DC Comics/Grand Theft Auto)
    Newark/Gotham City(DC Comics)

    Philadelphia/Llanview(One life Left to Live).
    Pittsburgh/Port Charles(General Hospital, Port Charles, General Hospital: Night Shift,The Young Marrieds).

    Baltimore/Beach City(Steven Universe)


    NORTH CAROLINA/ CATAWBA(Look Homeward Angel)
    Charlotte/Mayberry(The Andy Griffith Show)

    SOUTH CAROLINA/WINNEMAC(Sinclair Lewis Novels )
    Charleston/Zenith(Sinclair Lewis Novels)

    Atlanta/Clinton Corners(Carter Country)

    FLORIDA/COLUMBIANA(Pioneer Go Home!)
    Miami/Vice City(Grand Theft Auto).

    Mobile/Bluebell(Hart of Dixie)


    Louisville/Point Place(That 70''s Show).

    Biloxi/Jefferson(William Faulkner Novels).

    New Orleans/St.Roch(DC Comics)

    Little Rock

    Saint Louis/Hub City(DC Comics)
    Springfield(Possibly made into the Simpsons Version)
    Kansas City/Central City(DC Comics)

    OKLAHOMA/SEQUOYAH(Proposed Native American State)

    Dallas/Arlen(King of the Hill)
    Houston/Highland(Beavis and Butthead)
    San Antonio/Retroville(Jimmy Neutron)

    NEW MEXICO/WEST ELIZABETH(Red Dead Redemption)
    Albuquerque/Blackwater(Red Dead Redemption)

    ARIZONA/NEW AUSTIN(Red Dead Redemption)
    Phoenix/Armadillo(Red Dead Redemption)

    San Diego/Sunnydale(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
    San Francisco/San Fransokyo(Big Hero Six)
    Sacramento/Angel Grove(Power Rangers)
    Los Angeles/Los Santos(Grand Theft Auto)


    UTAH/DESERET(Proposed Mormon State)
    Salt Lake City/Hill Valley(Back to the Future)


    Denver/South Park(South Park).

    Wichita/Keystone City(DC Comics)
    Topeka/Smallville(DC Comics)

    Omaha/Gatlin(Children of the Corn)

    Portland/Gravity Falls(Gravity Falls)

    Spokane/Twin Peaks(Twin Peaks)

    Boise/Hankston(A Home of Our Own)

    Great Falls/Deadrock(Nobody's Angel)

    Bismarck/Luddendorf(Grand Theft Auto)

    Rapid City/Winoka(Little House on the Prairie)

    Minneapolis/St.Olaf(Golden Girls)

    IOWA/MICKEWA(The American Senator)
    Des Moines/River City(The Music Man)

    Detroit/Midway City(DC Comics)

    Milwaukee/Fawcett City(DC Comics)

    Chicago/Astro City(Astro City)

    Indianapolis/Hohman(A Christmas Story)

    Unalaska/Barrow(Real town but here mostly due to its appearance in 30 Days of Night).
    Anchorage/Cicily(Northern Exposure)
    Indonesia/Sondonesia-Fiction Elements
  • I'm just keeping these here so I don't forget them.


    Nation from the Adventures of Tintin. On the story Flight 714. The plot concerns Tintint's old enemies Roberto Rastapopoulos and his hired gun Allan Thompson recruit Sondonesians as muscle(They appear to be based on the Khmer Rouge of East Timor freedom fighters). the story was written in 1968, and Sondonesia is in a state of Civil War.

    Sondonesian flag.


    A giant Indonesian masked Crimefighter similar to the Phantom. I was thinking of the Phantom being the leader of Bangalla so maybe Amok copied the Phantom in another way. Amok is likely related to the giants of Brobdingnag from Gulliver's Travels, some of which may have moved to Sondonesia and had children.


    Sri Asih-
    Original Name Nani Wajiya. The daughter of a wealthy family, is a bead of Goddess Dewi Sri from the Kahyangan Kingdom. Nani works as an agent of the Bureau of Criminal Investigation to defend truth & justice. She can transform herself into Sri Asih by translating "Goddess Asih!

    Sri Asih

    A Factory Worker named Sancaka who's superhuman abilities were awakened when he was struck by lightning. May be a problem as his story is possibly set in 2019.

    Possible Leaders

    - From Oeroeg. The book's narrator befriends the titular character and reunites with him during World War II to find he has joined the Indonesian(Sondonesian) Nationalist Movement. This will likely be tweaked to make him the Leader and so make him a Sukarno stand in. There's a film adaptation of the book in which actor Martin Schwab played Oeroeg. He has also played Sukarno. Making the casting perfect.

    Possible Oeroeg Portrait

    Naga Bonar-
    A pick pocket turned General fighting in the Liberation Army against the Japanese.

    Naga Bonar

    Mister Pip,
    from the Novel Mister Pip about a girl who imagines Mr.Pip from great Expectations but as her own nationality. Given Great Expectations likely happened. Its possible the events were turned into a book and this Mister Pip is an imaginary friend(think Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends) or her belief made him real(how gods work in American Gods). He could also be related to the Charles Dickens character and the South Park character Pip.

    Papa Papoea from The Adventures of Nero, a cheiftain on the island of Moea Papoea in the Pacific Ocean, possible leader with is son Petoetje. Though his appearance seems a bit racist towards modern standards.

    WARKOP comedy series- Uncertain as to how to add this currently.

    Nyi Roro Kidul- The Javanese Goddess. who has returned as a powerful force to the island. Possible Monarchist leader.

    Mythical Creatures.

    Pocong-Will possibly function in game similar to Ghosts.


    Kuntilanak- Would function in game similar to Wrewolves due to appearing on full moons.


    Wewe Gombel-A creature that abducts children in this context.
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    Possible Indonesia/Sondonesia Flags
  • Well here is some alt i found and i arranged in this order
    Javanese-dutch led
    European Influenced
    Nationalist east indies (fascist i guess)

    The sources are from reddit and i forgot wjere thw third is from i also found an indo-australin union flag but its using the old colours i am able to be commisioned an indonesian flag that contained an element of indonesian and dutch it was made by @The Professor and was slightly edited by me so here we go
    Edit: i finally managed to achieve a custom made indonesian/sondonesian CoA made by @FriendlyGhost huge thanks to him btw for making this

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    Chinese Leaders
  • Ok this was from a private conversation with Dumanios on the leaders of China.


    Got just a few things for China, though there's certainly some more stuff I could include but I'd rather wait with those for changes to the Focus tree in those cases.


    I made Chen Zhen the Democratic leader for China. Chiang Kai-Shek is still the non-aligned leader, maybe with a "for now" kind of addendum.


    Chairman Peng has a portrait of his actor, Burt Kwoak. Though Chairman Peng does have his own appearance in the film, that would be used for his older portrait, similar to how base-game Mao turns into old Mao after 1950.


    Manchuria is now led by Ueda, the real-world leader of the Kwangtung Army. Given the Kwangtung Army's veto, Ueda basically held the keys to the car, so to speak.


    Tianzi here is sort of a Puyi counterpart. She's way younger and only leads the non-aligned party. She's taken from Code Geass, where she's the official leader of the Chinese Federation, though there she holds very little power.

    The Manchurian focus Independence War also now comes with a switch to non-aligned ideology baked in.


    I made non-aligned idealogy decisions a thing, though currently they only work for countries with Staunch Monarchist specialists , which is currently just Hungary and Russia, though that'll expand later.
    German Reich-Fictional replacements and Stand ins(Manufacturers)
  • I started a list of possible replacements. I realized I didn't really have anything for Brands for this time so I thought I'd throw this list together.

    Tank Designers:

    Porsche/Pfister(Grand Theft Auto).Parody of Porsche. The name as usual with brands in the GTA world, has sexual innuendo behind it.

    another possible one.
    Horsche(Destroy more Cars)-The only product seen of their in the original game is the 2007 Horsche Canneye. Clearly based on Mk 1 Porsche Cayenne).

    Henschel/Hatay Heavy(Not a direct analogue. Instead the Hatay Heavy relates to the unnamed Tank from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, which is almost entirely fictional though based on the Mark III Liberty, a British and American tank. The Hatay part relates to the fictional "Republic of Hatay" the tank was created in.


    Ship Designers:
    Blohm & Voss/

    Aircraft Designers:
    Focke Wulf/

    Material Designers
    Opel/Genesis(Car Mechanic Simulator)

    Industrial Concerns
    IG Farben/

    *IG Farben can likely be kept the same as the company appears several times in Fiction. I.G. Farben is in fact the name of the company's founder, played by Dennis Hopper in the film Straight to Hell, who appears advertising his company. IG Farben supports German terror activities and research of uranium ores in Brazil after World War II in Alfred Hitchcock's film Notorious(1946). They had a similar role in Foyle's War, having hired SS forced Laborers incarcerated at Monowitz. They also invented and manufacture a product known as Imipolex G, which they invented in Gravity's Rainbow. They also appear in The Man in the High Castle, and buy Du Pont in the Kurt Vonnegut novel Hocus Pocus.

    Siemens could also stay the same due to a nod in Escape from Tomorrow in which they secretly perform experiments on the people who visit Disneyland(Dingoland from iCarly in this Case).

    German Car Brands
    Mercedes Benz/Benefactor(Grand Theft Auto)(Possibly merges with Celestia from Mafia and so could exist as Celeste-Benefactor).
    Mercedes Benz/Roller(Mafia)
    Volkswagen/Burgerfauhzeug(Grand Theft Auto)
    BMW/Ubermarcht(Grand Theft Auto)-My first choice for a BMW replacement.
    BMW and Mercedes/ETK(BeamNG.Drive)(No logo so likely will not be used).
    Bentley and/or Rolls Royce/Enus(Grand Theft Auto).
    Vauxhall and Opel/Maxwell(Grand Theft Auto online. Part British).
    Audi/Obey(Grand Theft Auto)-Once more the first choice for Audi stand in.
    Audi/Mayen(Car Mechanic Simulator)
    Duesenburg/Trautenburg(Mafia)-Presumably like Duesenburg, Trautenburg became defunct.
    Gothaer Waggonfabrik/Zossen(CiM)

    Minisoft(Minisoft X Series. German/French/Dutch).
    German Reich-Theorists
  • Just to keep this thread alive a bit. I've been working on a list replacing as many Characters as possible, starting with Nazi Germany. Suggestions are welcome. Here are the Theorists.




    Wernher Von Braun-Dr.Josef Merkwurdgliebe(Dr.Strangelove)

    The titular character of Dr.Strangelove, whose name has been translated to his native German. Strangelove canonically will build a doomsday device that in 1958, will threaten the world, fortunately, due to compositing the Doomsday device from Dr.Strangelove with the Doomsday device in The Mouse That Roared, another book adapted into a film with Peter Sellers starring in multiple roles. The Doomsday device is actually a dud, though no one but a select few in the latter film learned that, hence why the world survives. Strangelove is a prime figure in surviving to work for Operation: Paperclip and having scientific roles in the Presidential Administration of Merkin Muffley in the 1950's and the short lived Presidency of Max Frost.

    Werner Heisenberg-Baron Zemo(Marvel Comics)
    Zemo shares this position with Wilhelm Strasse, who can possibly become leader, but also occupies the position of Reyhard Heydritch, both in his position and as a nod to The Man with the Iron Heart, in which Heydritch continues to fight World War II just a bit longer, just as Strasse does in Wolfenstein. Zemo's presence here is due to the Comic continuity where he built the experiment plane that led to Cap and Bucky being frozen. This is specifically Heinrich Zemo, the father of Helmut Zemo. I personally see a case of "Generation Xerox" at play here with Father and son looking a lot alike, allowing Helmut Zemo to follow his MCU version. Heinrich canonically wears the Purple hood due to an accident caused by Captain America, leaving it fused to his head.

    Heinz Guderian-Rudol Von Stroheim(Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
    Stroheim is an example of a Nazi with a code of honor, teaming up with the heroes to fight the Pillar Men. Some depictions of Guderian seem to fit this as well. There's also a bit in the main game where Guderian encourages improving the army. Stroheim becomes a cyborg.

    W.Von Richthofen- Hans Von Hammer(DC Comics)
    Hammer is a World War I veteran and a stand in for the Red Baron under the moniker "Enemy Ace". During the War his two main enemies were the British Lord Flashheart(who shot him once), and according to him "A little White Beagle flying a red dog house". Hammer survived the war(unlike his inspiration).Here he replaces another World War I veteran named Ricthofen.

    Ernst Udet-Ernst Kessler(The Great Waldo Pepper),
    played by actor Bo Brundin. The character is based directly on Udet and is the World War I flying nemesis to the titular hero. An alternative option is Colonel Manfred Von Holstein from “Those Magnificent Men and their Flying Machines.”

    Otto Ciliax(Naval theorist)-Herr Otto Flick(Allo Allo!)
    Chosen purely by the name, In the source material, the character is based on Joseph Goebbels and Arnold Toht. He is also the godson of Heinrich Kemmler. He was also a local Gestapo Officer.

    Erich Von Manstein(Mobile Warfare Expert)-General Erich Von Klinkerhoffen(Allo Allo!)
    Another chosen for the name. He is a General with the Iron Cross and seen as a hero of the Russian front.

    Walther Wever(Air Warfare theorist)-Colonel Romuska Palo UL Laputa(Castle in the Sky)
    goes largely by Colonel Muska for most of the film, likely using an unknown firsr name alluding to his true identity like Palo or Laputa. He was chosen here because Wever pushed towards bigger aircraft and Colonel Muska had the Goliath, a massive airship. My head canon is that disasters like those in Castle in the Sky and Kiki’s Delivery Service led to a drift away from”Bigger is better.” This including the Big Airship the Goliath, being destroyed and Muska dying in Castle in the Sky.

    Alfred Saalwachter(Submarine specialist)- Kapitän zur See von Stolberg(The Enemy Below)
    Chosen due to being a Submarine Commander.

    Joseph Mengele-Dieter Vogel(The Debt)
    Not a Theorist but given Mengele's Fictional presence I felt that he needed to be included since Mengele is usually a more competent mad scientist in fiction such as The Boys from Brazil where he is helping to create clones of Hitler.
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    German Leaders
  • This isn't a complete list. The only real figure missing is Vandal Savage, who can take over in at least one event, however since the number of images caps off at 10 I chose to exclude him from this list. Plus he doesn't replace a specific historical figure.

    Political leaders:

    Adolf Hitler-Adenoid Hynkel(The Great Dictator)

    Our swap out for Hitler. Hynkel was born in 1888 as Adenoid Shickelgruber before changing his name. Due to the machinations of the cult of Oliver Haddo, known as the Seven, he was conceived on the nigh of the first Jack the Ripper murder. The ritual led to a being known as the Broodseven-Sub-Two-Raksha entering his body. As a child a time traveller abducted him and leaped into a rival. However, the nanny stole an infant from a poor jewish woman and passed it off as the real Adenoid before his parents returned. Hynkel, as a youth wanted to be a painter but was turned down many times. A friend of his, Jenny Sparks, suggested he try going into politics. After serving in World War I, Hynkel joined the Nazi party, which had been infiltrated by the Brotherhood of the Lamb, of which two of Hynkel's lieutenants, Kemmler and Garbitch, were members. Hynkel would seize power along with other workers following the 1927 Metropolis uprisings and he would rise to replace party leader Freder Frederson as "The Fooey" in 1934. Hynkel's rise to power is said to be incluenced by the Broodseven-Sub-Two-Raksha and the use of a microphone which was actually an SCP that allowed the speaker's voice to control those listening to it.

    Canonically, Hynkel allies himself with Benzino Napaloni of Italy and Emperor Yoshiro of Japan. He has various ploys, including an effort to place Aviator Ted Scott in power in the US. In 1939, he invaded Arztozka, starting World War II. He also made a pact with Fearless Leader of the Soviet Union. In 1940, Hynkel was briefly replaced by a jewish look alike, buying time for many to escape his wrath, including the Von Tapp family. Hynkel as the war raged on became more and more paranoid, relying on secret projects like the Ubersoldier program, summoning saxon warlord Heinrich I, searches for the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail, Nuclear Bomb technology from Ixania, and the extermination of Concentration Camp prisoners to fuel a ritual to mind control the Norse Pantheon. Hynkel has shurgged off many assassination attempts such as Operation: Valkyrie and one which appeared to succeed by the Inglorious Basterds destroying a theatre playing the Propaganda film Nation's Pride.

    It is unclear how Hynkel died. He is said to have retreated to a bunker, and gone insane, ranting about strange things which he'd viewed from the future. He is also believed to have retreated to Mandoras with other Nazis. American Sergeant Frank Rock, and the vigilante Batman are said to have tracked him down. He is also alleged to have waged a secret occult war until his death at the hands of Hellboy in 1952. Some accounts say his brain was saved, or that he acted as a supervillain leading the Knights of Nordica under the name "The Hate Monger" until his death. These accounts may have some truth to them as Dieter Vogel was revealed to have been cloning Hynkel until this was stopped in 1975. It is generally believed Hynkel died by at least 1974 as the Broodseven-Sub Two-Raksha had left his body by then and did not inhabit a clone.

    Hynkel's influence is still felt today. The 1968 broadway smash hit Springtime for Hynkel became a success despite its subject matter. In 2003, German Chancellor Martin Shormann let in six million jews back into Germany to make up for the Holocaust committed by Hynkel, and in 2011, Hynkel somehow returned to life and attempted to become the leader of the European Union.

    Heinrich Himmler-Heinrich Kemmler(The Dresden Files)
    Kemmler is a very powerful sorcerer. Something taken from both the Dresden Files and Warhammer 40k(which features necromancer named Kemmler, though that would be a future setting here). Kemmler here was finally defeated by a massive magical army in 1961 with a group consisting of Albus Dumbledore, Yen Sid, Prospero, the Watcher's Council, Hellboy, the SCP Foundation, the White Council and others. This is due to The Dresden Files making it clear that he is one of the most powerful Necromancers of all time and so it would understandably take a lot of power to take him down. Fortunately in this altered setting he is not nearly as powerful yet, allowing him to be killed just a bit easier. Though it should be fun to give flavoring to texts in which he is supposedly assassinated by making it ridiculous or epic, such as having him be sent to another dimension, defeated by several powerful wizards, and enchanted weapon and so on.

    Herman Goring-Hermann Herring(The Great Dictator)
    Not much to say as he has a brief appearance. We can assume he is simply Goring under a different name.

    Konrad Adenauer-Colonel Wilhelm Klink(Hogan’s Heroes)
    As mentioned before the idea of making Klink the democratic leader comes from a way to justify how Klink is portrayed in crossovers, such as his cameo in the 66' Batman series and The Simpsons were Homer has been sending him letters. Therefore he took a "Know nothing" approach.

    Wilhelm Pieck-Freder Frederson(Metropolis)
    Frederson is from Fritz Lang's Metropolis. His inclusion makes that film's ending a Pyrhic Victory. In the film, he is a member of the upper Class, the son of the the City's master Joh Frederson. He lives a hedonistic life until he sees the struggling poor workers and falls in love with one of them, a girl named Maria. After sneaking below in disguise and taking the place of a worker. Their cause becomes his cause. However, the film implies he will serve as a mediator to the government and the workers. In Universe, his backstory is both an advantage and a disadvantage. He was born a member of the wealthy class, so he is criticized for this, but at the same time he has also worked alongside the working class. Here he is roped into the Communist side due to his Pro Worker's affiliation. He has been removed from power by Hynkel's rise as the new leader of the Worker's party, now the Nazi party and seeks to reclaim his old position as he does not trust Hynkel.

    August Von Mackensen-Baron Munchausen(The Adventures of Baron Munchausen)
    Baron Munchausen, based on the exaggerated tall tales of a real figure's military service during the Russo-Turkish War, the fictional Munchausen has ridden on a flying cannonball, travelled to the Moon, and been swallowed by Sea Monsters multiple times. He has also in one account been granted immortality, as well as being known to have cheated death multiple times. He even according to one account encountered an Astronaut on the Moon. However immortal he may be, it's possible, for someone in search of him, to find him, and recruit his help in overthrowing Hynkel. Should he succeed, he's unlikely to remain in power and would sooner give it up to go on more adventures. Munchausen was chosen because Mackensen has a type of "Awesome meme presence" with his Prussian outfit, distinctive hat, and mustache. Munchausen is the closest fictional character I could think of. He's an old Prussian(even more so since he's hundreds of years old). Has a nice hat, a moustache, and does insane things all the time.

    Wilhelm II-The Inca of Perusalem(The Inca of Perusalem).
    in 1901, Germany attempted to invade the United States. Despite the death of President Henry Fleming and assumption of the Presidency by John Norton, Germany was defeated and in the aftermath, the Kaiser was removed from power, replaced with Wilhelm III as a puppet ruler. No one quite knows what became of Wilhelm II after he lost his position, but it seems that he travelled to the nation of Parador and to the long standing Incan civilization. Possibly given into madness, he returned as the self proclaimed Inca of Perusalem. Remaining a powerful figure, Wilhelm II may just make his long awaited comeback.

    Wilhelm III-Friedrich I(Southern Victory)
    The former Puppet Kaiser, Wilhelm III is now in the same boat as his father. However, he intends to mount a return to power. While he originally wished to take the name of Wilhelm III like his father, the perceived shame to the family has changed his mind. He now wishes to be known as Friedrich I. This is likely due to Frederick the Great having an unknown stand in replacing him. Because Wilhelm III lacks. much Fictional presence, fantasy casting, specifically Ian McKellen's Richard III, which shifts the Shakespeare play to 1930's Fascist Britain with Nazi iconography,is used here. It's another "Third" and evokes his "German Puppet King" status.

    Victoria-Schneewitchen(Snow White)
    The daughter of Queen Victoria and the Princess of Germany. While she would have been named after her mother, instead she was named after a Medieval Princess famous for being placed under a curse and awoken by the kiss of a Prince. She is quite popular in Germany and even Hynkel is a fan of her, often seen drawing her during meetings. Also I think she should be included for the Joke value alone. Who wouldn't want to be able to say, they won World War II as Snow White?

    Günther von Kluge-Johann Schmidt(Marvel Comics)
    Schmidt was a bellhop in a hotel when Hynkel visited and vowed to turn a random employee into the greatest weapon the Nazis had, dissatisfied with the then current efforts of Nazi scientists to create super soldiers. As it happens Schmidt was a very dangerous man. His face transformed by an experimental super soldier serum created by Dr.Abraham Erskine. Schmidt now plans to overthrow Hynkel. In the Canon, Schmidt follows his MCU counterpart a bit more closely than his comic. counterpart.
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    Germany-Political Advisors
  • Here's the first round of Potential Political Advisors. I still have two Leaders for the German Reich to at least mention but I chose to save them since at this point its only two(Vandal Savage and Wilhelm Strasse). I can group them with other left overs for positions that go over 10. There will be more Advisors as I tried to find a stand in for every character in the game.

    Political Advisors


    Albert Speer-Martin Heussman(The Man in the High Castle)
    Most of his known history occurs on Earth X. His most notable work is on the effort to open a portal to other universes.

    Hans Oster(Anti-Fascist Agent)-Commander Schultz(The Great Dictator, inserted here due to the “Oppose Hitler” plans both were a part of).
    Given the Oster Conspiracy's presence in the game. I imagine the Great Dictator's plot can take place. Possibly removing Hynkel but swapping him out with an identical but much kinder jewish barber, but with the possibility the real Hynkel can return to power. I'm uncertain how this would be implemented, maybe a much kinder portrait of Hynkel from the end of the film and a different focus tree that negates some of Hynkel's other paths such as those relating to the Holocaust. Schultz would therefore slip into the role of Hans Oster, the leader of the conspiracy.

    Joseph Goebbels-Joseph Garbistch(The Great Dictator)
    Another parody from the Great Dictator.

    Rudolf Hess-General Blue(Dragonball)
    This one is a somewhat implied allusion. Blue being a parody of the closeted gay Nazi. For this to work though I imagine, General Blue ages slower(He already has telepathic abilities and the events fo Dragonball or something close to them occur in the 1980's and 1980's, which would put his death in the series near Hess's actual death in 1987, if we assume that the original Dragonball takes place in 1984 here, placing the destruction of Planet Vegeta in 1977.

    Fritz Todt-Arnold Ernst Toht(Raiders of the Lost Ark)
    Done purely for the name. Had to get him in there somewhere.

    Hjalmar Schacht(Captain of Industry)-Col Hecht(Hitler -Dead or Alive)
    Simply a Colonel who tries and fail to prevent Hynkel's capture and death, though a body double is used here.

    Walther Funk(War industrialist)-Ernst Janning(Judgement at Nuremberg)
    I honestly couldn't think of anyone else since Funk was an economist. Ernst Janning's position is not well stated so I went with him since like Funk, Janning was tried at Nuremberg.

    Ernst Thalmann(Communist Revolutionary)-Hans Dieter Mundt(The Spy who came to Dinner)
    Mundt in the source material is a Nazi Spy who after the war defects to the Soviet Union. Here it's possible he has leanings before actually defecting.

    Kurt Schumacher(Democratic Reformer)-Kurt Haldweim(Based on Kurt Waldheim, In the Presence of Mine Enemies).
    As his name implies, Kurt Haldweim is based on Kurt Waldheim In the Presence of Mine Enemies, he is Fuhrer when the story takes place. Given his role as President of Post War Austria, I imagine Haldweim has Democratic leanings. He's also one of the most likely candidates for one of the Four Just men, seeking to democratically reform Germany on Earth X while using Heussman as a puppet. Since in the Presence of Mine Enemies is a novel. A picture of the real Waldheim is used.

    Martin Bormann-Ernst Stravo Blofeld(James Bond)
    So I originally had Hans Landa from Inglorious Basterds in this role but I felt like changing it. Landa on Earth X, would likely be in the Reynard Heydritch position as the Redeemer as opposed to Wilhelm Strasse, who would be behind Heinrich Kemmler's plan to nuke the world as part of a dark ritual. Blofeld was chosen due to Bormann already starting to bald, but also Blofeld's implied history to have worked on both sides during World War II. Also its ironic Blofeld replaced Landa as Blofeld given Christoph Waltz played both.
  • I've decided that I am going to create Posts for each country to address each individually. Currently I'm focusing on Central and South America, but I think this will help organize things for the places that are missing things.
    Afghanistan/Helmajistan(Fullmetal Panic)
  • Leaders

    Mohammed Zahir Shah/Kamal Khan(Octopussy)(Non Alligned/Despotism)(Rough Pick as he's technically too young but he's also an exiled Afghan Prince in the source material).
    (Base Game lacks portraits for Fascism, Communism, and Democratic Leaders. As such they are not a requirement, just would be nice to have).

    Mahmud Khan/No Replacement yet
    Haji Faiz Muhammed Zikeria/No Replacement Yet
    Mohammad Hashim Khan/No Replacement Yet
    Muhammed Nowroz/No Replacement Yet

    Noor Mohammad Taraki/No Replacement Yet
    Abdul Hossein Aziz/No Replacement Yet
    Abdul Majid/No Replacement Yet

    Fictional Notes
    Helmajistan in the past is said to have been a bastion for religions such as Hindu and Buddhism as well as Zarathustranism(TTL's Zoroasterianism from Thus Spoke Zarathustra).
    -Given the Region it is located in, it most likely had an "Arabian Nights" period with flying carpets, Djinns and the like. Beyond text I'm not sure yet how to implement this, unless someone stumbles onto a Genie Lamp. I should point out that Agrabah from Aladdin, our stand in for Baghdad, is located in Qurac(Iraq).
    -John Watson was a veteran of the then current war in Helmajistan in 1881 when he was injured. Accounts differ on if it was the shoulder or the leg. Either war he was sent home and ended up sharing a flat with Sherlock Holmes, the two becoming the iconic duo they are today.
    -In 1888, two British Con Men, Daniel Dravot and Peachy Carnehan travelled to the Kafiristan region of Helmajistan. Dravot was shot by an arrow but unharmed due to the arrow hitting his leather Bandolier and stopping. Two warring tribes both took him to be a god. Dravot became mad with power and forced a woman to be his only for her to bite him, causing him to bleed and making the people turn on him until he was killed. Carnehan returning to England with his skull, a crown still on it(The Man Who Would be King)(Since I don't currently have a ruler for Helmajistan, I was thinking maybe of a more spiritual idea. Basically let's say Dravot's identical son of something like that travelled to Helmajistan. Like Dravot he looks just like a white beard Sean Connery, maybe with a Michael Caine played best friend tagging along. The people are surprised. What are the odds. Is he truly a god to be here alive when the elders remembering him dead? The "This person looks like our Leader" trope is used a lot anyway. So maybe Danny Dravot or whatever becomes King and goes a little mad. Does he start a war? Do the people realize he's not a god just crazy and kick him out? Who knows.

    1970's and 1980's
    -The Soviet Invasion of Helmajistan in 1979 included the likes of Balalaika(Black Lagoon) on the Soviet front along with the 9th Company(9th Company). The CEA(TTL' s CIA from the book The President's Analyst) became involved in helping the Mujahideen. U.S. Congressman Charlie Wilson(Real but based on his portrayal by Tom Hanks in Charlie Wilson's War) was able to increase U.S. aid to Helmajistan, which he would come to regret due to leading indirectly to the War on Terror. Among the agents sent to aid the rebelling Mujahideen were Kazuhira Miller and the Diamond Dogs. The squad was ambushed and killed with only Miller surviving until Venom Snaker and Revolver Ocelot were sent. Alex Mason and his squad to help defeat weapons dealer Raul Menendez, who was secretly working with Mullah Rahman, the Mujahideen leader killed in 1986. Revolver Ocelot was also sent there and gained the nickname "Shalashaska" for his brutality from the Mujahideen(Metal Gear Solid). In 1987, British 007 Agent Damian Drake(Timothy Dalton's Bond in The Living Daylights, with Bond as a codename, his real identity is his spy character from Looney Tunes: Back in Action) was sent in to help. At the time the Russian commander was Uri Gregorov(Syphon Filter 2). In 1988, Helmajistan was visited by Colonel Sam Trautman and John Rambo(Rambo III)(Rule of cool indicates Rambo should be an option as a type of Leader of the allied occupation of Helmajistan in the 80's chapter).

    The Eugenics Wars: The 1990's
    -In the 1990's during the Regime of the Taliban, there is likely a chance for a women's uprising led by Osama, no not that Osama. His role is taken here be either Saif Rahman Yasin from the Jack Ryan Novels, or Mouse Bin Suleiman(The Jack Ryan Amazon series due to no picture of Yasin currently existing). Instead the Osama referenced here is from the 2003 film of the same name. A teenage girl forced to disguise herself as a boy due to the oppressive Taliban regime. Naturally this could lead to a rebellion that sees the Taliban overthrown, resulting in the Irony of a woman named Osama being the downfall of the Taliban, especially if her full false identity literally is Osama Bin Laden.

    The 2000's
    In 2002, the Nuristan rebels, led by Abdul Bismillah Malik, obtained two nuclear warheads, which they planned to sell to the UWO(United World Organization. Our UN stand in from Batman: the Movie). Russian arms dealer Sergei Zavorotko informed the association of Hitmen ICA of this, who sent agent 47 to retrieve the warheads. 47 killed two members of the rebellion Mohammad Amin and Liutenant Ahmid Zahir and assassinating Khan Abdul Malik and base commander Lt.Yussef Hussein, retrieving the warheads. A Sikh cult was able to hijack the helicopter carrying the nukes and bring them to India, where death cult leader Deewana Jr was rising in power, leading to his assassination by 47 as he knew about the warheads.
    -Another 2003 set development are the exploits of television journalist Kim Baker, a reporter who puts herself in harm's way frequently in wartorn Helmajistan. This would most likely be used as a framing device should the US go to war in Helmajistan, with Kim Baker reporting on important events in the conflict. She is often compared to Lois Lane for how often she puts herself in danger for a story(Whiskey Tango Foxtrot).
    -In 2003, one Taliban Leader was named Assef(The Kite Runner). It's possible he loses an eye to the orphan Sohrab.
    -In 2005, a Frenchman named Jack opens a restaurant called Kaboul Kitchen(Based on Journalist Marc Victor doing the same thing and the TV Show Kaboul Kitchen. While unlikely to be a major player. This could be mentioned in story based snippets. Such as characters eating there or it being mentioned destroyed if Kaboul is attacked).
    -In 2008, while selling the Stark Industries Jericho Missile, Tony Stark Jr was abducted by the terrorist organization the Ten Rings, but was able to escape by building a suit of armor like that of his father's. This in turn led him to vastly improve the Iron Man designs. To reiterate, the original Iron Man had a similar experience in the comics but was abducted in Sarkhan(Vietnam) here.

    The 2020's
    In 2025, Raul Menendez attempts to assassinate the Helmaj president during a meeting with Russia. An attack is launched on the convoy. If it succeeds then Helmajistan will likely join the SDC, China's faction in the Second Cold War. A Cold War which threatens to escalate into the Nuclear War seen in the Fallout series.
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    Albania/Freedonia(Duck Soup)
  • Leaders:

    King Zog/Rufus T.Firefly(Duck Soup)(Non alligned/Despotism)(Marxist)(Marxist is a pun here and doesn't meant what it usually means. He's played by Groucho Marx. The term for OTL "Marxist" is instead "Spottsist" as Karl Marx has been replaced by Karl Spotts from Meccania: The Super State).

    Enver Hoxha/Le Chiffre(Casino Royale)(Communism)(unlike Enver Hoxha, Le Chiffre did not canonical take control of this country).

    Motto: Nothing what's the Motto with you?

    Fictional Notes
    -During the Dark Ages, Freedonia was conquered by Bruno the Questionable(Jabberwocky).
    -A Feudal Lord and military commander Skanderbeg became a hero for battling the Ottoman Empire(Albanian Mythology).
    -In 1933, Freedonia ("Land of the Brave and Free") was suffering from financial troubles and requested a loan from the widow Mrs Gloria Teasdale. Mrs. Teasdale agreed so long as Rufus T.Firefly be appointed leader. Firefly started a war with Sylvannian ambassador Trentino. Firefly was able to convince two spies Chicolini and Pinky, to his side and won the war in a pie fight, annexing Sylvannia. Firefly still leads the country in 1936 but has rone afoul of Italian Dictator Benzino Napaloni, who is trying to force him out. Should this happen Firefly can be killed or flee with Chicolini and Pinky to America and live under several aliases such as Captain Spaulding, and have a serious of misadventures(Basically the other Marx Brothers films). Firefly is known for his use of wordplay and puns, and will make a joke at every opportunity.
    -In the 1960's, Freedonia made a bid for independence, having fallen under the control of the Soviet Union post war( A Joke told by Woody Allen on Candid Camera, where he asked passerbys about what they thought of Freedonia's independent movement. Freedonia not being real of course, but is real here).
    -After gaining its independence, Firefly would find the "Freedonian Aeronautics and Space Administration" of FASA with himself as Director(American Game Publisher FASA, uses this as its acronym's meaning complete with listing Rufus T.Firefly as director). Firefly most likely died sometime in the early 1980's.
    -Freedonia was a victim of ethnic cleansing in the 1990's(The satire magazine Spy pulled a prank asking members of Congress about their thoughts on the ethnic cleansing in Freedonia, not revealing Freedonia was a fictional country).
    -Also in the 1990's the Dark Wizard Lord Voldemort is known to have resided in hiding in Freedonia(Harry Potter).
    -To distract from a falsified sexual harassment conspiracy attack on President Whitmore, a fake news story on a possible war with Freedonia was released(Wag the Dog).
    -From 2001-2002, Freedonia was a candidate for NATO membership(a nod to the West Wing, where they made jokes about Freedonia with one person even being criticized for thinking it was real. Which here of course it is).
    -In 2007, Freedonian Olympic Skier Yanni Volkstaia became famous( Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek).
    In 2014, the Leader of Freedonia declared war on Australia after Holden Thong's soccer ball destroyed his birthday cake(The Flamin' Thongs).
    -The Supervillain Dru took residence in Freedonia, enjoying its Cheese Festival as well(Despicable Me 3).
    -A World War conflict with Russia occurred in 2020 with Russia occupying Freedonia(EndWar).
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    Argentina/Mandoras(They Saved Hitler's Brain)
  • Leaders:

    Augustin Pedro Justo/ Isidoro Cañones(Patoruzu)(Non alligned/Despotism)(Concordancia)

    Fanny Edelman/J.Posadas(Homero Rómulo Cristalli Frasnelli Pseudonym)(Communism/Spottsism)(Partido Comunista de la Mandoras)

    Nimo de Anquin/Colonel Juan Pinares(Little Mother)(Fascism)(Union Nacional Fascisma)(Note: The picture is actually of the same actor from The Eagle has Landed, made around the same time. I couldn't find a picture of him as the actual character. Pinares is actually a stand in for Juan Peron that I moved to this position unless a better stand in is found).

    Senor Hilter/Senor Hyknel(Fascism/Nazism)(Union Nacional Fascisma)

    Fictional Notes:
    Mandoras like its inspiration is a popular destination for fleeing Nazis when they are overthrown.
    -Colonel Juan Pinares took control of Mandoras until he was overthrown and killed by his own wife, first lady Marina Pinares in 1973(Little Mother, Marina is based on Evita Peron).
    -In 1982, for two weeks, Mandoras fought a brief war with the United Kingdom over ownership of the islands of Pepperland, discovered by Sergeant James Winston Pepper(Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band) and containing various strange creatures. Sergeant Pepper and his band remained there, unaging until the attack of the Blue Meanies in 1968 forced the recruitment of their relatives the The Rutles(The Rutles, a Beatles Parody by the Monty Python Guys) in defeating the Blue Meanies, some of which fled to Mandoras. With Britain removing their claim to the islands, The Blue Meanies convinced Mandoras to claim them in 1982, thinking the UK wouldn't care. Turns out they do and Prime Minister Joan Carpenter(The Devil's Alternative, a Margaret Thatcher stand in), declared war, among many of the men to fight was a young Billy Butcher, a future "Hero Killer"(The Boys). It is seen as a pointless war by both sides. In 1985, a similar crisis not involving Mandoras broke out involving the Caribbean nation of Cascara when an oil rig produced Clean Water(albeit with the effect of laxatives) that began a fight with several nations over the resource, including British and American forces as well as native Cascarans, french companies and Tropican forces(The 1985 British Comedy Film Water).
    -From 2007 to 2015, Mafalda Quino served as the first elected female President of Mandoras and remains a powerful figure in politics, her political approach is called Mafaldism(Mafalda is a famous Argentinian Comic Strip that ran from 1963 to 1973 and starred a six year old girl. Described as "Peanuts with Politics". As such it seemed fitting that the main character would grow up to become a politician. Her last name comes from the author's pen name "Quino". She has been made into a stand in for Cristina Fernández de Kirchner).
    -As of 2021, the most popular restaurant is the La Mandoras De Siempre(" The Mandoras of Always)("La Argentina de siempre" a political ad campaign where food is discussed by the patrons in what is clearly metaphors for Political issues).
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  • Leaders

    John Curtin/Saxton Hale(Team Fortress 2)(Democracy/Socialism)(Australian Labor Party)
    Richard Dixon/No replacement Yet(Communism/Stalinism)(Communist Part of Australia)
    Eric Campbell/No replacement Yet(Fascism)(Centre Party)

    Rod Hull/No replacement yet(Non-Aligned/Despotism)(Australian Country Party)(honestly he can stay. He's an easter egg and arguably a fictional character already since this is his children's show persona).

    Earle Page/Tazmanian Devil(Non-Aligned Centrism)(Australian Country Party)
    William Birdwood(Non-Aligned Centrism)(Australian Country Party)

    Fictional Notes

    Australia has annexed New Zealand ITTL, becoming Australasia.
    -In 1900 the half aboriginal, half white Jimmie Blacksmith went on a killing spree before being captured and hanged(The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith. Based on and replaced the serial killer Jimmie Governor).
    -In this universe, Australia did not have an Emu War. No. They had a Tazmanian Devil War. As in the Tazmanian Devil from Looney Tunes. Those creatures ravaged the land, eating everything clean to the bone in a flurry of tornadoes. The Australian Army's attempts to stop them resulted in Looney Tunes style antics but also many casualties. As such the Emu Empire, should it appear in game is instead "Tazmania."
    -the currency of Australia is the Dollary-Doo(The Simpsons Episode "Bart vs Australia").
    By 1939, The Cattle Baron known as King Carney had taken much of Northern Australia before he was killed and his business taken over byStation Manager Neil Feltcher until his 1942 death when the Japanese attacked, during which Fletcher was killed(Australia).
    -Bradly Morahan became a popular painter and artist in the country after his move back there in 1969(Age of Consent).
    -The Town of Paris was discovered to be causing many vehicle accidents to scavenge parts from the victims(The Cars that Ate Paris).
    -In 1980, an earthquake nearly caused the WALDO nuclear storage facility to leak and contaminate the water, which was revealed to the public(The Chain Reaction).
    -In 1986, the Australian Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee became extremely popular for his adventures in New York and in the Outback(Crocodile Dundee).
    -In 1992, the Last Rainforest in Australia, Ferngully, came under attack by Hexus, an entity that personified Pollution but was halted with the aid of the local Fairies(Ferngully: The Last Rainforest).
    In the 1990's, the drag queen Mitzi Del Bra became extremely popular in the nation(The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert).
    -Australia is home to a Moreau Sapien group of intelligent creatures(Bluey). The Most famous of these is Crash Bandicoot(Crash Bandicoot).
    -Australia is home to a Werewolf Population that is much kinder, closer to dogs and have befriended the local dog population(100% Wolf).
    -The Babadook is a creature is Australian mythology(The Babadook).
    -Shortly after the bomb fell there was a brief Zombie virus that was eventually put down(Cargo).
    -In the Post Apocalyptic setting after 2077, Australia becomes Mad Max world. Water is scarce with individuals such as Max Rockatansky(Mad Max), Tank Girl(Tank Girl), Junkrat and Roadhog(Overwatch), roaming the wasteland and clashing with warlords such as Lord Humungus, Aunty Entity and Immortan Joe(All the antagonists from the Mad Max Films)

    New Zealand
    -The reclusive Painter Kerewin Holmes became popular since the 1980's(The Bone People).
    -New Zealand's native Paranormal force is the Astro investigation and Defense Service(AIDS) who combat alien invasions, most notably is thwarting an alien invasion of the town of Kaihoro in 1987(Bad Taste).
    -In 2006, a modified strain of the Rage Virus was accidentally released, however it primarily infected Sheep and was eventually Cured(Black Sheep(2007)).
    The Town of Brokenwood(Where real life Warkworth is) is a small town that became infamous for a surprising number of murders(The Brokenwood Mysteries).
    -Singer Alamein Ranginui became popular in the country as a pop star basing himself on Dominic Lerner(Boy(2010)(Lerner is a pop star based on Michael Jacksfron from Jem and the Holograms. In the original film Ranginui idolized Jackson).
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    British Raj/India
  • Notes
    -In this timeline, following the United Kingdom being devastated in the War of the Worlds, it was left too weak to prevent several of its colonies from breaking away and so India gained independence(Occurs in War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches and Scarlet Traces. Both sequels to War of the Worlds by other authors).
    -On Midnight August 15, 1947, the year Britain finally recognized Indian independence, Several children were born with special abilities(Midnight’s Children)
    -In 1992, Khan Noonien Singh, an Indian Superhuman, with the aid of several Midnight Children and allies such as M.Bison, Norsefire, Ryuchi Yoshi of Japan and others launched what came to be known as The Eugenics Wars. They would be defeated around 1996 with Khan and some of his followers disappearing(Star Trek).


    Note: While leaders are not matched perfectly. I’ve let it slide this time as there are 6 leaders, one more than in the base game.

    Emperor Dakkar(Mysterious Island/League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)
    Emperor Dakkar(portrait by Dave Dorman) is a much older Prince Dakkar, better known as Captain Nemo(20,000 Leagues Under the Sea). When India was conquered, he fled and refused to surrender, constructing an impressive and advanced submarine at the time called the Nautilus. He faked his death with the aid of a group of stranded castaways who reportedly encountered him(The Mysterious Island). However, wanting another adventure and becoming suspicious that Professor James Moriarty, who had once impersonated the Captain while acting as a British agent to sabotage his work(The Other Log of Phileas Fogg). Dakkar reluctantly joined a top secret government group(The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) and helped to defeat Moriarty’s schemes. He then played a part in defending London with his Nautilus, including saving a young John Gray, who was inspired to build his own submersible. The Martians deployed a red weed that clogged the river Thames and immobilized the Nautilus. When the war was over, Dakkar was horrified by the Use of chemical warfare(passed off as the Common Cold) which were deployed by the British Government and resigned, ultimately deciding to return to India when it became Independent, where he was welcomed as a hero and pardoned, being declared Emperor.

    Now he is near death’s door. Dakkar wanted a son, however he had a daughter first, Janni. He had another son, Pondicherry(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) who is an incompetent idiot who prefers to live lavishly than to rule. He has had surrogate sons. Some of which are British and half British who seem worthy successors to the Captain Nemo legacy, which has become a sort of moniker along with Ishmael, the name of his first mate(Nemo takes the spot of George V in the base game).

    Janni Dakkar(League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)
    The Daughter of Nemo and his most immediate successor. Janni ran away from her father’s legacy in 1910 but her experiences convinced her to return and become his successor. She is sometimes disparingly called “Pirate Jenny” by the British, an allusion to an old song about a woman who is raped and calls upon a dark ship to rise from the sea and punish those who wronged her. Janni prefers to adventure but has been called to rule.

    Mowgli Sethi(The Jungle Book)
    Mowgli from the Jungle Book all grown up. Some of the lessons he learned as a man cub have carried over such as the law of the Jungle and he respects nature. Allegedly he still speaks with the animals of the Jungle at times and has been seen speaking to a bear and a Panther. He is portrayed by his actor, Sabu Dastagir (specific image is a different movie though).

    Chatter Lai(Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom)
    Chattar Lal is a leader portrayed by his actor Roshan Seth as Nehru. The real life figure who was a close friend of Ghandi’s. Lai and Bhai have a similar relationship.

    Sohan Bhai(Happy)
    Sohan Bhai is this world’s stand in for Mahatma Gandhi. With India independent he has followed a different career path. Visually I imagine he resembles Ben Kingley’s portrayal from the film Ghandi. He is also shockingly obsessed with obtaining nuclear weapons and is most likely to use them(Based on the Civilizations series portrayal of him). He also recently visited Yankee Stadium and pitched for the Metropolis Yankees(Gandhi at the Bat). After his death his life was turned into a movie simply titled Bhai, unfortunately the movie had a sequel that completely missed the point and became an action movie(UHF Parody, which featured a fake movie trailer for Ghandi 2, a mindless action movie mocking the likes of Rambo II). He was also cloned in the 1980’s at least allegedly, its likely his label was swapped with a clone of Arnold Jackson (Clone High, an unreleased episode revealed that show’s Ghandi was actually a Gary Coleman clone labeled incorrectly. Arnold Jackson is Coleman’s character on Different Strokes)

    Mola Ram(Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom)
    Mola Ram would be the center of the Fascist path. While Temple of Doom took place in 1935, Mola Ram's body was never found. He’s come back to cause a lot of trouble for India and (potentially) India's neighbours, as he tries to spread his version of Kali worship.


    Focus Tree




  • I wanted to collect all the stuff on previous Countries and put it into one easy to find Post. It will be easier to find when Posts are organized Alphabetically by country.

    Political leaders


    Adolf Hitler/Adenoid Hynkel(The Great Dictator)(Fascism/Nazism)(Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP)).
    Heinrich Himmler/Heinrich Kemmler(The Dresden Files)((Fascism/Nazism)(Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP))(Possible If Hynkel dies).
    Herman Gorring/Goring Herring(The Great Dictator)((Fascism/Nazism)(Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP))(Possible If Hynkel dies).
    Vandal Savage(DC Comics)((Fascism/Nazism)(Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP))(Possible If Hynkel dies).
    Wilhelm Strasse(Wolfenstein)((Fascism/Nazism)(Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP))(Possible If Hynkel dies).
    Konrad Adenauer/Colonel Wilhelm Klink(Hogan's Heroes)(Democratic/Conservatism)(Zentrum)
    Wilhelm Pieck/Freder Frederson(Freder Frederson(Metropolis)(Communism/Besstashnyyism)
    Gunther Von Kluge/Johann Schmidt(Marvel Comics)((Fascism/Nazism)(Die Hydra)(Possible If Hynkel dies).
    August von Mackensen/Karl Freidrich Von Munchausen(The Adventures of Baron Munchausen)(Non Aligned/Despotism)(Militärregierung / Deutschnationale Volkspartei (DNVP))
    Wilhelm II((Non Aligned/Despotism)(Deutschnationale Volkspartei (DNVP))
    Wilhelm III/Friedrich Wilhelm V((Non Aligned/Despotism)(Deutschnationale Volkspartei (DNVP))
    Victoria((Non Aligned/Despotism)(Deutschnationale Volkspartei (DNVP))

    Leader Notes
    Hynkel and Herring are the stand in/parodies of Hitler and Goring. Hynkel thus replaces Hitler in all contexts. Adolf Hitler in this Universe moved to America after World War I and became a science Fiction Writer(The Iron Dream), since his disappearance creates a world where the Soviet Union dominates without Nazi Germany to counter it, Hynkel was instead raised by time travellers to fill Hitler's place in history. One event will have a coup replaced Hynkel with a Jewish lookalike which, if not averted or discovered, will naturally lead to a complete political 180 and possibly Nazi Civil War among the members of the party.

    Heinrich Kemmler is not just a Himmler stand in, but also a powerful wizard and leader of the Thule Society, responsible for many Supernatural Nazi based events like opening a portal to another universe(Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shambhalla), and hunting for ancient artifacts(Indiana Jones series). Given how powerful he is implied to be in the Dresden Files(mentioned as being one of the most powerful sorcerers of all time). As such event surrounding his assassination should have flavoring like being killed by powerful sorcerers like Dumbledore(Harry Potter) or Yen Sid(Fantasia) if Britain or America has him assassinated, or using enchanted weapons. I also see this Kemmler as a composite with the one from Warhammer 40k.

    Vandal Savage taking over is based on the Justice League episode "The Savage Time". Since he's immortal, his assassination attempts would also likely get flavoring, such as being presumed dead in an explosion with no body, being sent to another dimension or so on. Though the comic DC One Million revealed that an Atomic Bomb blast will evidently do the trick. Legends of Tomorrow gave another way to possibly kill him using an enchanted dagger which would be in play here as it belongs to the heroes Hawkman and Hawkgirl, both of which are active and could assassinated him.

    Johann Schmidt in the comics is implied to have been planning to betray Hitler and in Captain America: The First Avenger, does so. As such you can't expect Schmidt to remain loyal for long and create a civil war where he leads Hydra.


    Strasse is the opposite of Schmidt, based on Heydrich's role in The Man with the Iron Heart, Strasse is prepared to continue fighting even if the War is over.

    Colonel Wilhelm Klink leading a democratic Germany, likely in the event of Germany's defeat would do a lot to help explain how characters in crossovers tend to respond warmly to him despite him having been a Nazi. For example an episode in Batman 66' where Batman is friendly towards him and him being Homer Simpson's conscience in an episode of the Simpson's(which indirectly implies he's real when Homer asks if he got his letters and the Conscience says he's not really him, he's just assuming his form, making him make more sense if he's a real person). He could also just have claimed he was in on Hogan's plans and secretly helped them, at the very least him men claimed to "No nothing" of Hogan's actions.

    Freder Frederson is a main character from Fritz Lang's Metropolis, which I place in the 1920's rather than the future. So Berlin is much more advanced, though the creator's death meant they couldn't exactly replicate it. Frederson is sympathetic towards a worker's revolution. in this context he helped the Workers overthrow their masters but Hynkel replaced him as the Worker's Party leader(allusion to the Nazi party starting as the Worker's party). So Frederson now hopes to overthrow Hynkel, he just so happens to have Communist views.

    August Von Mackensen has become a meme of sort due to being an old Prussian with a nice hat. Here he's also been replaced with an old Prussian with a nice hat. Baron Munchausen, a real person with many fantasy stories about him, including Terry Gilliam's The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Some of these tales portray him as immortal, in the Gilliam film he is still on the run from death and continues to avoid it.

    Wilhelm II is based likely on three portrayals of him King's Man as an immature twin of George IV of England and Tsar Nicholas II, and the film The Exception, where he is offered the chance by the allies to return to power if Hitler is defeated, an offer made in the game's setting as well, though in the film he refuses. He's also known as "The Inca of Perusalem, from the play of the same name, in which a figure clearly implied to be him under that name appears.

    Wilhelm V in this setting borrows heavily from Richard III starring Ian McKellen and is much more conniving as a result, seeking power for himself.

    Scheewitchen, is The daughter of Queen Victoria and the Princess of Germany. While she would have been named after her mother, instead she was named after a Medieval Princess famous for being placed under a curse and awoken by the kiss of a Prince. She is quite popular in Germany and even Hynkel is a fan of her, often seen drawing her during meetings(Her inclusion is a joke to Snow White's Popularity at the time, personified as a living German Princess in the beloved Victoria. Hitler in real life doodled Snow White Characters) Also I think she should be included for the Joke value alone. Who wouldn't want to be able to say, they won World War II as Snow White?

    Stand ins: People
    Adenoid Hynkel, Gorring Herring, Garbitsch- stands in from the Great Dictator of Adolf Hitler Herman Gorring, and Joseph Goebbels respectively.
    Heinrich Kemmler-From the Dresden Files. Replaces Heinrich Himmler. A powerful dark wizard.
    Dieter Vogel- the “Surgeon of Birkenau” from the 2010 film, The Debt. Based on and replaces Josef Mengele.
    Wilhelm Strasse-From the Wolfenstein Games. Also a gifted scientist capable of creating giant robots, takes a Reinhard Heydrich like role.
    Dr. Werner Von Merkwurdgliebe-German translation of the word “Strangelove.” The titular character from Doctor Strangelove before the events of the film. replaces Werner Von Braun.
    Totenkopf-Scientist from the film The Rocketeer, combined with another Totenkopf from Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Is shown to be skilled in both Jetpacks and Robotics as a result. He is shown in Sky Captain to be dead for some time and is using robots to carry out his work.
    Johann Schmidt-From Marvel Comics. Would visually be the MCU version.
    Martin Heussman-From The Man in the High castle, replaces Albert Speer
    Ernst Joachim Eugen Rommel-Our stand in for Ernst Rommel(Strike Witches)
    Ersnt Janning-Nazi war criminal and defendant in Judgement at Nuremberg, a fictionalized version of the Nuremberg trials

    Stand ins: Companies

    Tank Designers:

    Porsche/Pfister(Grand Theft Auto)(Parody of Porsche. The name as usual with brands in the GTA world, has sexual innuendo behind it).
    Henschel/Hatay Heavy(Not a direct analogue. Instead the Hatay Heavy relates to the unnamed Tank from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, which is almost entirely fictional though based on the Mark III Liberty, a British and American tank. The Hatay part relates to the fictional "Republic of Hatay" the tank was created in).

    Material Designers
    Opel/Genesis(Car Mechanic Simulator)

    Industrial Concerns
    IG Farben/G Farben can likely be kept the same as the company appears several times in Fiction. I.G. Farben is in fact the name of the company's founder, played by Dennis Hopper in the film Straight to Hell, who appears advertising his company. IG Farben supports German terror activities and research of uranium ores in Brazil after World War II in Alfred Hitchcock's film Notorious(1946). They had a similar role in Foyle's War, having hired SS forced Laborers incarcerated at Monowitz. They also invented and manufacture a product known as Imipolex G, which they invented in Gravity's Rainbow. They also appear in The Man in the High Castle, and buy Du Pont in the Kurt Vonnegut novel Hocus Pocus.

    Siemens/Siemens could also stay the same due to a nod in Escape from Tomorrow in which they secretly perform experiments on the people who visit Disneyland(Dingoland from iCarly in this Case).

    German Car Brands
    Mercedes Benz/Celeste-Benefactor(Grand Theft Auto)(Originally the Benz stan in was Benefactor. Here it's merged with Celeste to become Celeste-Benefactor).
    Volkswagen/Burgerfauhzeug(Grand Theft Auto)
    BMW/Ubermarcht(Grand Theft Auto)
    Bentley and/or Rolls Royce/Enus(Grand Theft Auto).
    Vauxhall/Maxwell(Grand Theft Auto online. Part British).
    Audi/Obey(Grand Theft Auto)
    Duesenburg/Trautenburg(Mafia)-Presumably like Duesenburg, Trautenburg became defunct.
    Gothaer Waggonfabrik/Zossen(CiM)

    Factor Tree


    Revitalize Germany Rocketry-What it sounds like. See above.

    The Kassen Secret: Based upon the novel: The Dark Frontier in which Scientists of the fictional nation of Ixania discover the Atomic Bomb, but are prevented from delivering it to the Nazis by American agents. Possibility of getting nukes earlier.



    Thule Society: Form the SS Paranormal Division-From Wolfenstein, headed by Kemmler.

    Allow Women to join the SS-A reference to Ilsa;She wolf of the SS, an Erotic about a Nazi camp run by a cruel dominatrix esque leader. This did not happen as the SS didn't allow women but doing so will get Ilsa Schlimm as a sadistic camp leader.

    Reach the Moon-Nazi Science allows establishment of Nazis on the Moon(shown in both Iron Sky and Robert A. Heinlein’s 1946 novel Rocket Ship Galileo. The Rocket Ship Galileo one is destroyed quickly after it is discovered while the Iron Sky one hides on the Dark Side, canonically it would be destroyed by brief President Selena Catherine Eton Meyer in the future using the USS John Blutarsky(in the original film the battleship was named after George W.Bush). A Doctor Richter is likely to be among the group working on Reaching the Moon as a character of that name appears in Iron Sky.

    The Coming Race-The Nazi's hunt down and kill the vril from The Coming Race in the Earth’s core(something which happened in real life though what they are looking for actually exists. They also obtain a mineral called Vril. This expedition is led by a Scientist named Dr.Baron Von Helsingard, who is even able to keep his severed head alive with technology. The expedition and Helsingard are enemies of Dr.Robo.

    Steal Jetpack technology-From the Rocketeer, the technology in question was created by Doc Savage originally but also studied by Howard Stark.

    Advanced Robotics-Courtesy of Strasse, Totenkopf and/or Helsingard.

    Create Superhumans-Various but one example is the superhumans from the comic series Uber. Nazi Superhumans tend to be a case of Quality over Quantity as they are fewer but stronger. Albrecht Krieger(Captain Nazi) from DC Comics is about on par with Superman and Captain Marvel, Mastersman from Marvel is about equal to the Invaders in power, and Stormfront from the Boys in both Comics and Movies was shown to be beaten down by three Superhumans. So Nazi Supermen are stronger than individual heroes but cold be defeated by teams.

    Reverse Extinction-Based on Dino D-Day, creates Nazi Dinosaurs with machine guns on them.

    Obtain the Ark of the Covenant-Raiders of the Lost Ark.

    Obtain the Holy Grail-Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. though in DC Comics, the Holy Grail was obtained by Japan and prevented Superheroes from invading it outright.

    Obtain the Tesseract-Based on Captain America: The First Avenger. Involves Invasion of Arendelle.

    Order 666-Aka create an army of Nazi Vampires from Hellsing. Headed by Vampire Alexander Vlado from Deutsche Soldaten.

    Werewolf Women of the SS-From the song not the Fake film from Grindhouse(that's a real movie in this Universe). Would have to have gone up the Factor Tree allowing women into the SS.

    Tsalal expedition-The Tsalal are a group of violent people who live in Antarctica, here in the Elder Things city from At the Mountains of Madness.

    R'yleh expedition-Based on the Nazis finding R'yleh in a Colder War.

    Haiti Expedition-From Nazis vs Zombies, an attempt to obtain Voodoo Zombies. In the film this ends in failure. These Zombies are the Romero type rather than the Voodoo Zombie type.

    Trioxin study-refers to the Nazi Zombie trope as the Nazis are studying a Zombie virus, which they lose control of in Call of Duty:Zombies and Overlord.

    Yucatan Pyramid Expedition- From Pathways to Darkness

    Find a Stargate-From the Stargate franchise, contact with aliens possible though may be hostile or friendly.

    Find Jewish technology-supertechnology hidden by a secret order of Jews in Wolfenstein: The New Order.

    Find Atlantis-exactly that.

    The Man in the High Castle- Chief Engineer Martin Heussman is looking into other universes, like the Stargate this is a high risk high reward scenario, whoever or whatever comes out from the other side may not be friendly.

    Aesir Sacrifice-From the Novel Thor vs Captain America(no relation to Marvel despite the name) the Nazis discover sacrificing large amounts of people to the Norse Pantheon will summon a version of them that are on the Nazi side. The Norse Pantheon are brainwashed and so finding a way to break them out is possible(Thor here was originally a Red haired bearded man bu the Nazis magically transformed him into an aryan, now resembling his Marvel Appearance). The norse Pantheon can also be repealed either by the still around greek Gods as God pantheons tend to hate each other, or by the appearance of Kratos from God of War or Wonder Woman.

    Plot against America-Kidnap famed Aviator Ted Scott's baby and force him to run for President and become a Fascist, if he rebels, kill him(The plot against America).

    Kidnap Catskill-Attempt to kidnap Winston Churchill from The Eagle has landed.

    The Kassen Secret- Ixanian scientists have invented the atom bomb and are trying to deliver it to the Nazis, the Allies are naturally trying to stop this(The Dark Frontier).

    Finding Shambhalla- Based on Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shambhalla, which involves entering the world of Anime.

    The Man with the Iron Heart- Strasse continuing to resist in a Heydritch role from the Man with the Iron Heart.


    The Lost Ark:



    Doppleganger-A plot goes underway to replace Hynkel with a Jewish lookalike(The Great Dictator).

    Trap the Von Trapps-Prevent or Allow the Von Trapp family singers from fleeing the country( The Sound of Music).

    Convert the Kit Kat Club-Turn the Kit Kat Club into a propaganda tool(Cabaret)

    Inglorious Basterds-An attempt on the life of the Fuhrer is made during the premiere of the Film Nation's Pride.

    Downfall-Hynkel has locked himself in a bunker with technology that allows him to see the future, he is going insane as he frequently complains about everything.

    Operation:Valykrie-An attempt to kill Hynkel headed by a German general with an uncanny resemblance to Tom Cruise.

    Alliance with Draka

    Alliance with Gellert Grindelwald-From Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts. Grindelwald is swedish and has a reign of terror that parallels Nazi Germany's(1933-1945). Allying with him could be justified by him being an Aryan wizard while betraying or attacking him could be justified as he is a threat to Kemmler's power.


    Wernher Von Braun/Dr.Josef Merkwurdgliebe(Dr.Strangelove)
    Werner Heisenberg/Baron Zemo(Marvel Comics)
    Heinz Guderian/Rudol Von Stroheim(Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
    W.Von Richthofen/Hans Von Hammer(DC Comics)
    Ernst Udet/Ernst Kessler(The Great Waldo Pepper),
    Otto Ciliax/Herr Otto Flick(Allo Allo!)
    Erich Von Manstein/General Erich Von Klinkerhoffen(Allo Allo!)
    Walther Wever/Colonel Romuska Palo UL Laputa(Castle in the Sky)
    Alfred Saalwachter/Kapitän zur See von Stolberg(The Enemy Below)
    Joseph Mengele/Dieter Vogel(The Debt)

    Political Advisors:
    Albert Speer/Martin Heussman(The Man in the High Castle)
    Hans Oster/Commander Schultz(The Great Dictator, inserted here due to the “Oppose Hitler” plans both were a part of).
    Joseph Goebbels/Joseph Garbistch(The Great Dictator)
    Rudolf Hess/General Blue(Dragonball)
    Fritz Todt/Arnold Ernst Toht(Raiders of the Lost Ark)
    Hjalmar Schacht/Col Hecht(Hitler -Dead or Alive)
    Walther Funk/Ernst Janning(Judgement at Nuremberg)
    Ernst Thalmann/-Hans Dieter Mundt(The Spy who came to Dinner)
    Kurt Schumacher/Kurt Haldweim(Based on Kurt Waldheim, In the Presence of Mine Enemies).
    Martin Bormann/Ernst Stravo Blofeld(James Bond)

    German Sub Kingdoms:
    Prussia/Meccania(Meccania, the Super State)
    Hannover/Perusalem(The Inca of Perusalem)
    Wurttemburg/Gran Fenwick(The Mouse that Roared)
    Mecklenburg/Kolechia(Papers, Please)
    Saxony/Gerolstein(La Grande-Duchesse de Gerolstein)
    Scheslwig/Holstein-Almaigne(The Alteration)
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    Ma Clique
  • Tetsu_Komai-Frank_Coghlan_Jr._in_Adventures_of_Captain_Marvel_(cropped).jpg

    Ma Bufang/ General Ma (Possibly Ma Komai after his actor) (West of Shanghai)

    As in the base game, Genera Ma would not switch out if the ideology changes. Though this may change if suggestions are given and accepted.
  • Notes:
    ITTL Dschingis Khan, another name for Genghis Khan in real life was another identity for the immortal Vandal Savage.
    -Kublai Khan as the story goes decreed a stately pleasure dome named Xanadu and in fact kept many artifacts as part of the ever shifting "Warehouse Program"(Warehouse 13) including the severed head of a zombie(The Zombie Survival Guide). He also sent his cousin Khotun Khan to Japan in a failed attempt at conquest(Ghost of Tsushima).
    -Mongolia was colonized by the British at some point until the Communist revolutionary Bhair Khan drove them out in 1920. Bhair Khan wielded an amulet that identified him as the descendant of Genghis Khan(Storm over Asia. the British never colonized Mongolia in real life but did in the film's world due to it being propaganda).
    -However, fairly recently Shiwan Khan had stepped up to challenge Bhair Khan. Shiwan claims to be the last living descendant of Genghis Khan. He had claimed to have discovered Kublai Khan's trasure that learned and claims Bhair Khan stole the amulet. Shiwan Khan is a dangerous foe who was trained by Shabmhallan monks in hypnosis and battles the vigilante the ShadowThe Shadow), who posesses similar abilities. Now the conflict between the two descendants of Genghis Khan threatens to spark a civil war which would likely not stop either of their ruthless ambitions

    Base game Mongolia has two named leaders and so two leaders are available.


    Bair Kham(Storm over Asia)(Communist)

    Shiwan Khan(The Shadow)(Fascist)